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A Comparative Study of Vascular Injection Fluids

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Journal of Anatomy

J. Anat. (2016) 229, pp582--590 doi: 10.1111/joa.12504

A comparative study of vascular injection fluids in

fresh-frozen and embalmed human cadaver forearms
D. E. Doomernik,1 R. R. Kruse,2 M. M. P. J. Reijnen,3 T. L. Kozicz1 and J. G. M. Kooloos1
Department of Anatomy, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Department of Surgery, Isala Clinics, Zwolle, the Netherlands
Department of Surgery, Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, the Netherlands

Over the years, various vascular injection products have been developed to facilitate anatomical dissections.
This study aimed to compare the most commonly used vascular injection products in fresh-frozen and formalin-
embalmed cadaver specimens. An overview of the properties, advantages and limitations of each substance was
given, and a comparison of vascular infusion procedures in both preservation methods was made. A literature
search was performed in order to identify the most commonly used vascular injection products. Acrylic paint,
latex, gelatin, silicone, Araldite F and Batson’s No. 17 were selected for the study. One fresh-frozen and one
embalmed cadaver forearm were infused with each injection product according to a uniform protocol. The
curing time, skin- and subcutaneous tissue penetration, degree of filling of the arterial tree, extravasations,
consistency of the injected vessels during dissection, and the costs of each injection fluid were noted. There
was a large variation between the injection fluids in processing- and curing time, colour intensity, flexibility,
fragility, elasticity, strength, toxicity and costs. All fluids were suitable for infusion. The penetration of injection
fluid into the skin and subcutaneous tissue was significantly better in fresh-frozen specimens (P = 0.002 and P =
0.009, respectively), with significantly smaller branches casted (P = 0.004). Vascular infusion of fresh-frozen
cadaver specimens results in a significantly better filled coloured arterial tree, enabling more detail to be
achieved and smaller branches casted. The biomechanical properties of fresh-frozen soft tissues are less affected
compared with formalin fixation. All the injection fluids studied are suitable for vascular infusion, but their
different properties ensure that certain products and procedures are more suitable for specific study purposes.
Key words: acrylic resin; blood vessels; cadaver; epoxy resin; gelatine; latex; silicone; vascular anatomy; vascular
infusion; vascular injection fluids.
developing structures dates back to the 15th century, when
Leonardo daVinci (1452–1519) made wax casts and glass
Anatomical dissections have been extensively used for many models of the chambers of the heart to study the blood cir-
years and have made a major contribution to the knowl- culation (Hodde & Nowell, 1980). Jan Swammerdam (1637–
edge of vascular anatomy. The first study in which the term 1680) is usually regarded as the inventor, but he replicated
‘arteries’ was used to describe pulsating blood vessels dates daVinci’s method by injecting melted wax, mixed with fats
back to 340 BC (Herophilos). In 1628, William Harvey (1578– and stained with cinnabar, into arteries and veins to study
1657) introduced the idea of a blood circulation, which was capillaries of the lung (Whitten, 1928; Hodde & Nowell,
confirmed by Marcello Malpihgi (1628–1694) and Antonie 1980; Paweletz, 2001).
van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) with the discovery of capil- Over the past decades, many different vascular injection
laries in 1661 and 1668, respectively (Paweletz, 2001). products have been utilised to facilitate dissection of blood
The use of injection products to study the vascular pat- vessels. Jean Riolan (1580–1657) introduced coloured dyes
tern of normal and pathological organs, tissues and to demonstrate the branched pattern of the vascular system
(Paweletz, 2001). In addition, Voigt (1809–1890) used gela-
tin as an injection medium and Grossner (1901) added
Indian ink as a pigment to enhance the contrast of gelatin
D. E. Doomernik, Department of Anatomy, Radboud University
Medical Center, Internal postal code 109, Postbox 9101, 6500 HB (Hodde & Nowell, 1980). With the introduction of
Nijmegen, the Netherlands. T: +31 (24) 3613341; E: Denise. roentgenography (1895), contrast media, such as chalk,
Doomernik@radboudumc.nl mercury, barium sulphate and lead oxide, were added to a
Accepted for publication 10 May 2016 suspending medium such as gelatin, oil or latex (Bergeron
Article published online 22 June 2016 et al. 2006). Other substances, such as metal, celloidin,

© 2016 Anatomical Society

Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al. 583

rubber, silicone, plastoid, resins and polyurethane elastomer this study could facilitate other researchers in selecting a
(PU4ii), have been more recently developed as vascular suitable injection fluid and preservation method for a
injection products (Whitten, 1928; Bergeron et al. 2006; particular study purpose.
Meyer et al. 2007).
A lot of information can be found on vascular injection
products for anatomic dissections, such as Spalteholz clear- Materials and methods
ing and maceration or corrosion casting in embalmed,
fresh and fresh-frozen human and animal cadaver speci- Design
mens. However, there is little uniformity concerning the An anatomical cadaver study was performed at the Department of
use of vascular injection products and infusion techniques. Anatomy of the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc),
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no studies have Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The cadaver specimens were obtained
been published that compare more than two different according to the Dutch Body Donation Program for Science and
vascular injection products using a uniform protocol. In Education (Wet op de lijkbezorging, 1991). Body donations of
humans aged 60 years and older with a valid handwritten testa-
addition, no studies were found in which the results of
ment were accepted in the study.
vascular injections and the preservation method were
The present study was designed as a pivotal study in Cadaver specimens
preparation of cadaver studies on the collateral circulation
Six fresh-frozen and six embalmed intact cadaver forearms with no
of the lower limb using vascular infusion techniques. The
signs of trauma, vascular pathology or (surgical) scars were included
aim of the study was twofold. Firstly, it was wanted to
for analysis with an average age of 81 years (range 65–93 years).
assess the differences between embalmed and fresh-frozen Four embalmed and one fresh-frozen cadaver specimens were
cadaver specimens, in order to visualise blood vessels up to excluded and replaced because of excessive leakage of injection
1 mm in diameter. Second, it was aimed to find the most fluid, distal branching of the brachial artery (BA), or absence of an
suitable vascular injection product for vascular infusion and intact palmar arch. Cadaver characteristics, such as age, sex, cause
dissection. To answer these questions, the literature was of death and storage time were noted (Table 1).

reviewed to find the most commonly used vascular injection

products. In a uniform design, the six most commonly used Embalmment
vascular injection fluids were compared in fresh-frozen and The cadaver specimens were embalmed within 72 h after death
formalin-embalmed cadaver specimens. In this study, the through the right femoral artery (or vein, in any case of arterioscle-
rosis). For embalming, a mixture consisting of 25 mL phenol, 330 g
properties of the casting products have been summarized,
sodium chloride, 300 g chloral hydrate 98% crystallised, 1 L formalin
that is the degree of filling of the arterial tree, venous
37%, 500 mL ethanol 100%, 300 mL pure glycerol with a specific
return, extravasations, colour intensity, flexibility, fragility, gravity of 1.26, warm tap-water up to a total volume of 5 L and 5 L
elasticity, strength, advantages and limitations of the cold tap-water was prepared, according to local protocol. The 10 L
selected vascular injection fluids were given. The results of embalming fluid was infused in 1.5–2.0 h at a constant gradient of

Table 1 Cadaver specimen characteristics.

Number Group Side Infusion fluid Age Sex Cause of death Storage

1 Embalmed Left Acrylic paint 79 Female Unknown 7 years, 10 months

2 Embalmed Left Latex 88 Male Unknown 6 years, 10 months
3 Embalmed Left Gelatin 65 Male Cerebro-vascular accident 3 years, 6 months
4 Embalmed Right Silicone 93 Female Pneumonia 1 year, 10 months
5 Embalmed Right Araldite F 68 Female Metastatic disease of pancreas carcinoma 14 years
6 Embalmed Left Batson’s No. 17 87 Female Gasto-intestinal bleeding 1 year, 10 months
7 Fresh-frozen Right Acrylic paint 81 Male Respiratory insufficiency 6 months
8 Fresh-frozen Right Gelatin 85 Female Cardiac failure 2 years, 10 months
9 Fresh-frozen Right Latex 78 Male Metastatic disease of pulmonary cancer 10 months
10 Fresh-frozen Right Silicone 78 Female Euthanasia 2 years, 2 months
11 Fresh-frozen Left Araldite F 91 Male Cardiac failure 6 months
12 Fresh-frozen Left Batson’s No. 17 78 Male Alzheimer’s disease 1 year, 1 month
13 Embalmed Right – 79 Female Unknown 7 years, 10 months
14 Embalmed Right – 86 Female Unknown 6 years, 10 months
15 Embalmed Right – ? Unknown Unknown > 15 years
16 Embalmed Right – 88 Male Exhaustion 2 years, 6 months
17 Fresh-frozen Right – 79 Male Cerebro-vascular accident 2 years, 9 months

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584 Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al.

2.0 m water column (19.6 kPa) and stored at room temperature for Table 2 Composition of the selected vascular injection products.
24 h. After 24 h, 210 mL embalming fluid was injected intramuscu-
larly in both upper- and lower extremities. The embalmed speci- Composition
mens were stored for at least 6 months in a 5% formalin solution at Category Selected item of injection fluid Amount
room temperature. Before use, the 5% formalin was rinsed out
with cold tap-water and the cadaver specimens were stored in a Dye Acrylic paint1 Acrylic paint 100 mL
2.5–3% formalin solution at room temperature. Water 100 mL
Gelatin Gelatin powder2 Gelatin powder 10 g (10%)
Freeze Water 100 mL
The fresh-frozen cadaver specimens were frozen within 72 h after Acrylic paint1 5 mL
death at 40 °C for at least 1 day and stored at 20 °C. Before use, Latex Liquid latex3 Latex 100 mL
the cadaver specimens were thawed at room temperature for at Water 7.5 mL
least 24 h. Pigment4 7.5 g
Silicone Silicone5 Polymer PR-10 95 mL
Cross-linker CR-20 5 mL
Selection of the injection fluids Catalyst CT-32 3 mL
Pigment4 1g
A literature search was performed to identify the most commonly Epoxy Araldite6 Araldite F 20 mL
used vascular injection fluids. Reports on the application of vascular resin Dilutioner DY 026 SP 60 mL
injection fluids in human cadaver or animal studies, published Hardener HY 2967 45 mL
between 1 January 1939 and 1 November 2013, in the PubMed, Pigment4 1.2 g
MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were selected. The fol- Acrylic Batson’s No. 177 Monomer Base 100 mL
lowing MeSH terms were used: blood vessels, injections, cadaver, resin solution A
human, corrosion casting, latex, gelatin, silicone, resin, acrylic resin, Catalyst 12 mL
epoxy resin, silicone elastomers, colouring agents, elastomers, poly- Promoter 12 drops
urethane and ink. Other non-MeSH terms, such as vascular injec- Pigment 3%
tion, vascular infusion, vascular casts, injection replica, corrosion
cast, latex, gelatin, silicone, Araldite, Batson’s, Technovit, Mercox, 1
Gallery, ADVEO Belgium NV, Deinze, Belgium.
methylmethacrylate, acrylic paint, Indian ink, dyes and PU4ii, were 2
Boom B.V., Meppel, the Netherlands.
also used. These terms were applied in various combinations in 3
Wilsor Kunstharsen, Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands.
addition to the use of the ‘related articles’ and ‘citing articles’ func- 4
VOF Verfmolen de Kat, Zaandam, the Netherlands.
tion. Articles were selected on the basis of title and abstract. Full- 5
Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI, USA.
text articles were studied with restriction of language of publica- 6
Huntsman Corporation, The Woodlands, TX, USA.
tion (English). Non peer-reviewed reports or articles of which no full 7
Polysciences Inc., Warrington, PA, USA.
text electronic or paper version was available in the university
library were excluded. No manual cross-referencing was performed.
excluded and replaced. The arterial system was irrigated with 500
mL hand-warm (37 °C) tap-water and 10 mL soap solution (Biotexâ;
Composition of the injection fluids Unilever, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) for removing blood clots
(Lametschwandtner et al. 1984; Sanan et al. 1999; Alvernia et al.
Six categories of injection fluids were identified for vascular infu-
2010), lowering surface tension (Van der Zwan & Hillen, 1990) and
sion, that is dye, gelatin, latex, silicone, epoxy resins and acrylic
increasing flexibility of the specimen (personal communication from
resins. From each category, one injection fluid was selected,
W.J.A. van Wolferen). The irrigation time was noted with a maxi-
depending upon the availability, the possibility of shipping the pro-
mum of 90 min and the process was repeated after 24 h (Sanan
duct to the Netherlands, the ability to order small quantities and
et al. 1999).
the price per quantity. The selected injection fluids and their com-
positions are summarised in Table 2. Irrigation was performed with an infusion system, which is
schematically represented in Fig. 1 (Whitten, 1928; Hanstede & Ger-
rits, 1982; Van der Zwan & Hillen, 1990). The pressure required for
Vascular infusion protocol infusion was obtained from a compressed air line and regulated
with a reducer (A). The pressure on the manometer of the reducer
Cannulation of the radial (RA) and ulnar arteries (UA) (A) resembled the pressure (P) in a 1000 mL glass bottle (B, off-label)
The BA was identified and dissected up to the branch of the RA and was kept at a constant gradient of 2 m water column (19.6 kPa;
and the division in the UA and interosseous artery. Each vessel was Hodde & Nowell, 1980).
isolated 1–1.5 cm from the surrounding tissue and cannulated with
curved blunt needles (Van Straten Medical B.V., Nieuwegein, the Coloured injection of the arterial system
Netherlands). The needles were inserted 2–3 cm into the vessels and
The apparatus in Fig. 1 was used for coloured injection of the arte-
secured with 2-0 silk sutures to prevent dislocation and leakage.
rial system of the cadaver forearms. A constant pressure of 2 m ‘in-
fusion fluid’ column, that is the pressure needed for the infusion
Irrigation of the arterial system fluid to reach the top of a 2 m column, was used to ensure a rela-
The patency of the palmar arch was tested manually by flushing 60 tive constant and comparable flow for each infusion fluid. The infu-
mL hand-warm (37 °C) tap-water through the UA until backflow sion was started in the UA and continued until backflow from the
from the RA occurred. In case of lack of patency the specimen was RA occurred. Following this, the cannula in the RA was closed and

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Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al. 585

leakage of the infusion fluid from other vessels was prevented by low viscosity, however, no quantitative viscosity measurements
placing vessel clamps. Infusion was stopped by closing the UA when were performed. Preparation of the silicone, Araldite and Batson’s
the fluid level in the bottle (C) no longer decreased and reached a No. 17 mixtures (Table 2) was performed in a fumigation hood,
stable state for at least 5 min. The infusion time was noted with a because of the toxic vapours. All experimenters wore protective
maximum of 90 min. The specimens were cured at room tempera- clothes and gloves. In cases of silicone, Araldite and Batson’s No. 17
ture (20 °C) for at least 24 h and the curing process was evaluated infusion, additional respiratory filters were used.
daily for up to 1 week.
For gelatin infusion, the infusion system was slightly modified. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the arterial
The glass bottle (C) was placed in a warm water bath ( 50 °C), the system
connecting tube between (C) and (D) was isolated with aluminium
Dissection was performed after complete curing of the infusion
foil, and the cadaver specimens were placed in a sink with warm
fluid using a uniform protocol. The skin and subcutaneous tissue
tap-water ( 50 °C). The gelatin mixture was heated above 60 °C
were removed and assessed for penetration of the injection fluid
and continuously measured with a thermometer to prevent early
under a stereomicroscope with 40 9 magnification (Wild M650;
solidification of the gelatin mixture (< 50 °C).
Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany). All coloured vessels were
For each infusion, 200 mL mixture was prepared and the process- counted and the diameters of the smallest vessels were measured
ing time was recorded. All injection products were liquids and of with a digital calliper (Mahr, 16ES, resolution 0.01 mm; Hanstede &
Gerrits, 1986). Then, each compartment of the forearm and hand
were dissected, with special attention paid to the degree of filling
of the arterial tree, venous return, extravasations and the consis-
tency of the injected vessels during dissection, that is colour inten-
sity, flexibility, fragility, elasticity, strength. The definitions of these
properties that were used are summarised in Table 3. Additional
notes about the advantages and limitations of each technique were

Data analysis
Data were noted and analysed using SPSS© for Windows© version
20.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). A Mann–Whitney U-test of signifi-
cance was used to compare the penetration of the injection fluids
and the vessels size in fresh-frozen and embalmed cadaver speci-
mens. For all tests, P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) was used to
assess the correlation between vessel diameter measurements of
individual raters. A value of r ≥ 0.70 was considered acceptable.

Fig. 1 Infusion system for irrigation and coloured injection of the

arterial system. The pressure needed for infusion is obtained from a
compressed air line and regulated with a reducer (A). The pressure on Literature search
the manometer of the reducer (A) resembles the pressure (P; SI- unit
kPa) in a 1000 mL glass bottle (B, off-label). The glass bottle (C) con-
A total of 1011 articles was found using the search strategy
tains the irrigation or coloured injection fluid, and (D) resembles the outlined, 738 articles were available in full text format and
cannula in the UA. divided into six categories of injection products for vascular

Table 3 Definitions.

Item Range Definition

Colour intensity Bright (++) to dull ( ) A substance is bright when it is clearly visible in the large and smaller vessels
Flexibility Flexible (++) to stiff ( ) A substance is flexible when it is easy to manipulate and behaves
like the surrounding tissues during manipulation
Fragility Brittle (++) to solid ( ) A substance is brittle when damaged by minimal tissue manipulation
Elasticity Elastic (++) to rigid ( ) A substance is elastic when it recoils in its original shape after manipulation
Strength Solid (++) to soft ( ) A substance is solid when it is resistant to changes in volume and shape
Toxicity Toxic (++) to harmless ( ) A substance is toxic when specific precautions must be taken, such as
working in a fumigation hood, or protective cloths and respiratory
filters must be worn

This table supports the interpretation of the results presented in Table 6.

© 2016 Anatomical Society

586 Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al.

infusion, that is dye, gelatin, latex, silicone, epoxy resins enhanced injection and filling of small peripheral vessels by
and acrylic resins (Table 4). up to 0.35 mm in embalmed and 0.04 mm in fresh-frozen
cadavers. Acrylic paint does not cure at room temperature,
which complicates dissection through leakage into the sur-
Fresh-frozen vs. embalmed specimens
rounding tissues when vessel walls are damaged (Fig. 2B;
Water irrigation of the embalmed group to wash out blood Tables 3 and 6).
clots was completed in 5–15 min. The fresh-frozen speci-
mens were irrigated in < 2 min. The infusion time of the Gelatin
injection products in the embalmed specimens varied Gelatin is a water-soluble, commonly available and cheap
between 20 and 90 min, compared to between 7 and 11 product, with a temperature-dependent viscosity. Fluid
min in the fresh-frozen group. The penetration of the injec- gelatin at a temperature of 60 °C enhanced complete filling
tion products into the vessels of the skin and subcutaneous of the arterial tree up to 0.03 mm in embalmed and < 0.01
tissue was significantly better in fresh-frozen specimens (P mm in fresh-frozen cadavers. The gelatin dissolved due to
= 0.002 and P = 0.009, respectively; Fig. 2A). In addition, sig- formalin preservation in the embalmed cadavers and due
nificantly smaller coloured vessels were seen in the fresh- to water vaporisation in the fresh-frozen cadavers. This was
frozen group compared with the embalmed group (P = mainly seen in the distal vessels, where it lost its colour
0.004; Table 5). A strong correlation of r = 0.946 was seen intensity during dissection (Tables 3 and 6).
between the measurements of individual raters.

Evaluation of the injection products
Latex is a cheap, water-soluble, flexible and elastic product.
Acrylic paint The latex used in this study had a relatively high viscosity
Acrylic paint is a water-soluble, commonly available and and had to be diluted with tap-water before infusion. This
cheap product, with a high viscosity and high colour inten- dilution caused longer curing times at room temperature
sity. Dilution with tap-water lowered the viscosity and (Fig. 2C; Tables 3 and 6).

The silicone used in this study is a very expensive and toxic
Table 4 Results of systematic literature search.
product, however, this does not apply to all silicone. Sili-
Total number Full text Excluded
cone resulted in a minimal colour intensity, because the pig-
Category of articles articles articles ment did not completely dissolve. However, no micro
embolisms were observed under microscopic evaluation of
Dye1 84 64 20 the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and complete filling of
Gelatin2 64 59 5 the arterial tree was observed in both the embalmed and
Latex3 219 193 26 fresh-frozen groups (Tables 3 and 6).
Silicone4 50 41 9
Epoxy resins5 16 15 1
Acrylic resins6 564 352 212
Other7 14 14 0 Araldite is a strong, but fragile epoxy resin, because it
Total 1011 738 273 lacks elasticity. In smaller structures (< 1 mm) in particu-
lar, minimal manipulation can easily cause structures to
Includes that is (Indian) ink, methylene blue, acrylic paint and break down. Araldite F has a high viscosity with a ‘syr-
other non-specified dyes. upy’ texture, which makes it hard to measure and apply
Includes gelatin mixtures of varying concentrations (3–25%) in smaller amounts. Dilution using a dilutioner is an
with and without the addition of dyes and contrast media.
essential element in lowering the viscosity of the resin
Includes that is Ward’s Natural Science coloured latex, Thiel’s
to facilitate infusion. An exothermic reaction was seen
DGM 85, Type AL 1337 Dunlop, Mouldtex, Plasti Dip, neoprene
and other non-specified coloured latex. after adding the Hardener HY 2967 to the Araldite F/
Includes 3110 RTV and 3481 RTV silicone rubber (Dow Corning), Dilutioner DY 026 SP mixture, which resulted in melting
MV-130 Microfil and other non-specified silicone. of a plastic stirrer and a three-way valve. No macroscopic
Includes Araldite F, Araldite CY223, Araldite CY221 and other damage to the cadaver specimens and vessel walls was
non-specified epoxy resins. observed due to this thermal reaction (Fig. 2D; Tables 3
Includes Mercox, Technovit, Batson’s No. 17, MMA and other
and 6).
non-specified acrylic resins.
Includes PU4ii, polyurethane foam, PMC-780, polyester resin,
platogen G, vicrylic resin, tensol cement No. 70, latex resin and Batson’s No. 17
other non-specified materials. Waxes were excluded from the Batson’s No. 17 is a strong, colour-intense, but fragile
search. and relatively expensive, acrylic resin. The lack of

© 2016 Anatomical Society

Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al. 587



Fig. 2 Coloured injection of fresh-frozen

cadaver specimens. (A) Penetration of
coloured injection fluid in the subcutaneous
tissue. (B) Extravasations of acrylic paint. (C)
Latex infusion. (D) Silicone infusion with less
colour-intense parts caused by non-dissolving
pigment. (E) Araldite infusion.

Table 5 Number and smallest diameter of the coloured vessels in skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Skin Subcutaneous tissue Smallest diameter

Embalmed (n) Fresh-frozen (n) Embalmed (n) Fresh-frozen (n) Embalmed (mm) Fresh-Frozen (mm)

Acrylic paint 80 155 0 89 0.35 0.04

Gelatin 50 346 17 266 0.16 < 0.01
Latex 1 349 19 202 0.1 0.03
Silicone 12 183 9 106 0.22 < 0.01
Araldite F 111 523 124 298 0.03 < 0.01
Batson’s No. 17 22 22 37 1319 0.08 < 0.01
Mean ( SD) 46.0  42.8 1217.2  222.3 34.3  45.6 380.0  467.5 0.16  0.13 0.018  0.014
P-value 0.002 0.009 0.004

elasticity complicates dissection of smaller vessels, because Discussion

it easily breaks. Its toxicity complicates infusion, as a
large fumigation hood or an additional room with spe- This is the first study in which six different vascular injection
cial ventilation and respiratory masks are required. An fluids have been compared in a uniform design in both
exothermic reaction during polymerisation was described fresh-frozen and embalmed cadaver specimens. The results
by the producer, however, no thermal reaction was have shown that all injection fluids are suitable for vascular
observed during preparation, infusion and dissection infusion, and indicate that fresh-frozen cadavers provide a
(Tables 3 and 6). significant advantage. All fluids had their own specific

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588 Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al.

Table 6 Summary of the properties of the different vascular injection fluids.

Processing Hardening
time (min, time (h, Filling of the Venous Colour Costs3
20 °C) 20 °C) arterial tree return Extravasations1 intensity2 Flexibility2 Fragility2 Elasticity2 Strength2 Toxicity2 (100 mL)

Acrylic Unlimited –4 Partial No Multiple ++ ++ n.a.4 € 0.14

Gelatine Unlimited > <1 Complete No Single +/ + +/ + +/ € 0.30
60 °C
Latex Unlimited 48–72 Partial No Several ++ ++ ++ +/ +/ € 1.66
Silicone < 60 24–48 Complete No No +/ +/ + + + ++ € 117.09
Araldite F 45 4–6 Complete No No + ++ ++ ++ € 5.40
Batson’s 30–45 3–4 Complete No Single ++ ++ ++ ++ € 27.35
No. 17

n.a., not assessable.

Extravasations were only seen in embalmed specimens.
The definitions of these items are summarized in Table 4.
Price per 100 mL, excluding taxes and shipping costs.
Acrylic paint was the only injection fluid that did not cure.

characteristics, as was also found by Peng et al. (2009), who In the current study, acrylic paint was the only injection
compared three vascular injection products (red latex perfu- fluid that did not cure, so that the acrylic paint leaked into
sion, ink for diaphanisation and histology, and gelatin–lead the surrounding tissues in the case of damaged vessel walls
oxide for radiography) to reveal the blood supply of the during dissection. In contrast, Maga et al. (2013) reported
brachial plexus and its main branches in fresh cadavers. no hardening or leakage problems with acrylic paint emul-
They concluded that each injection method has specific sion (Liqutiex R; Binney and Smith, Crayola LLC, Northamp-
characteristics, making them more or less suitable in the ton County, PA, USA) in brains, stored in a 10%
study of the extrinsic- and intrinsic blood supplies to the formaldehyde solution for 2 weeks, followed by sectioning
nerve. in slices of 1–4 mm. In addition, Hupkens et al. (2010, 2013)
There are several possible explanations for the significant described a way to harden acrylic paint by leaving the limb
advantage of fresh-frozen over embalmed cadaver speci- in dry air for 1 day, followed by freezing for the next 2 days
mens for vascular infusion. It is known that formalin fixa- and thawing it for 1 or 2 days.
tion changes the biomechanical properties of soft tissue by Latex was used by more than 200 authors in various con-
cross-linking the proteoglycan monomers (denaturalisation centrations. For example, El-Barrany et al. (1999) reached
of proteins), which results in blood clotting and stiff-, rigid-, vessel diameters of 0.6 mm in preserved cadavers with an
brittle- and ‘difficult-to-handle’ tissues (Viidik & Lewin, unspecified latex solution, and Zenn & Heitmann (2003)
1966; Chapman et al. 1990). In the formalin-embalmed reached vessel diameters of 1.1 mm in fresh cadavers with a
group, rigid tissues and solid blood clots, irrigation prob- low viscosity mixture of undiluted 66% latex and 7%
lems (no backflow and leakage), longer infusion times, little ammonium hydroxide, this cured in 24 h at room tempera-
stained small vessels and extravasations were encountered. ture. In contrast, this study reached penetration into vessels
These problems were probably related to both the formalin of < 0.1 mm in both embalmed and fresh-frozen cadavers,
itself and formalin fixation. The stiffness of soft tissue and using a high-viscosity 33% latex and < 1% ammonium
the high vascular resistance due to formalin fixation influ- hydroxide mixture, diluted with water, with a polymerisa-
enced the distal filling of the arterial tree. Furthermore, the tion time of 48–72 h. This long polymerisation time is unfa-
formation of blood clots by formalin itself might have vourable for fresh-frozen cadaver specimens, because of
caused obstruction or distal emboli, which resulted in the accelerated decay of the specimens at room tempera-
incomplete filling. In the fresh-frozen group, none of these ture. Therefore, a low-viscosity latex with short polymerisa-
problems occurred, despite the freezing, and, thus, tion times would be favourable if the fresh cadaver
explained the significantly better stained and more intri- specimens are required for scientific research or educational
cately filled arterial tree. However, embalmed cadavers also purposes. In addition, a limitation of the available literature
offer some benefits over fresh-frozen cadavers, such as lim- is that all studies report the use of latex as an injection fluid
ited exposure to pathogens, durability and long preserva- to answer a specific research question on vascular anatomy,
tion time, which enable long-term dissection (Eisma et al. but do not report the technical aspects and specific charac-
2011). teristics of the latex used (Tables 3 and 6). This study is the

© 2016 Anatomical Society

Vascular injection fluids, D. E. Doomernik et al. 589

first that reports the technical aspects of a specific latex, overview of properties of the different infusion fluids with
therefore it is recommended that researchers always test a factors, such as adhesion to vessel wall, deformation of the
specific latex in a pilot experiment, as there are so many cast, shrinkage and viscosity, which were not included in
types of latex with varying properties available. this report.
To the authors’ knowledge, the silicone PR-10 polymer
(Dow Corning, Midland, MI, USA) is used only for plastina-
tion of cadaver specimens (Baker, 1999) and not for vascular
infusion. Therefore, the authors performed a pilot study In conclusion, all the injection fluids studied are suitable for
(unpublished results) in which different concentrations of vascular infusion in both fresh-frozen and embalmed cada-
polymer, cross-linker and catalyst were combined. The com- ver specimens. Vascular infusion of fresh-frozen cadaver
bination of 95 mL Polymer PR-10, 5 mL Cross-linker CR-20, 3 specimens resulted in a significantly better stained and
mL catalyst CT-32 and 1 g was found to be the most accept- detailed coloured arterial tree, because the biomechanical
able combination. However, the optimal mixture for vascu- properties of soft tissues were less affected compared with
lar infusion has yet to be determined. Another widely-used the formalin-fixated tissues. However, fresh-frozen cadaver
silicone for vascular infusion of cadaver specimens supplied specimens decay faster, therefore, the use of embalmed
by Dow Corning is the RTV 3110 silicone (Sanan et al. 1999). cadavers or embalming of fresh-frozen cadavers are valu-
Unfortunately, the RTV 3110 silicone could not be shipped able alternatives when long-term dissection is required.
to the Netherlands in small amounts, which rendered it too The selection of a suitable vascular infusion fluid should
expensive for inclusion in the study. depend on the specific study purpose. Latex is preferable
Araldite was found to penetrate into vessels < 0.01 mm. when flexibility and elasticity are required for dissection.
Similar results were observed by Van der Zwan & Hillen Gelatin is an alternative, but its use is limited by the process-
(1990), who used Araldite F to study cerebral vascularisation ing temperature of 60 °C. Silicone offers elasticity and
in dogs. Approximately 90% of the arterioles with a diame- strength, however, less expensive alternatives are desirable
ter of 15 lm were filled with a smallest vessel diameter of and available. When a strong polymer is required, Araldite
5–10 lm. In contrast to the current results, venous return of or Batson’s No. 17 present the best options.
Araldite was observed (Van der Zwan & Hillen, 1990). Poly-
merisation is an exothermic reaction, which could theoreti-
cally cause damage to vessel walls and surrounding tissues.
However, consistent with the literature studied, no macro- The authors would like to thank Marjan Doom and colleagues from
scopic soft tissue damage was observed (Hanstede & Gerrits, the Department of Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
1982; Van der Zwan & Hillen, 1990). Ghent University, Belgium for their helpful advice regarding the
study protocol. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank B.C.J.
This study shows that all six vascular injection products
van den Bosch, resident at Radboudumc Nijmegen, the Nether-
are suitable to facilitate dissection. However, the study is
lands, for his help in collecting data.
limited by the small number of cadaver specimens in each
group, especially in the description of properties, limitations
and advantages of the different injection fluids. In addition, Author contributions
whilst describing the product properties, no data were col- Study conception and design: Doomernik, Kruse, Reijnen,
lected if a product struggled to harden or cure in a moist Kooloos. Acquisition of data: Doomernik and Kruse. Analy-
environment, or when the product had been in contact sis and interpretation of data: Doomernik, Kruse, Kooloos.
with the flushing tap-water. Further sample selection bias Drafting of the manuscript: Doomernik. Critical revision of
was found in the individual variability of the cadaver speci- the manuscript: Doomernik, Kruse, Reijnen, Kozicz, Koo-
mens, who differed in age, duration of formalin fixation or loos. Approval of the article: Doomernik, Kruse, Reijnen,
freezing, diameter of blood vessels and vascular resistance. Kozicz, Kooloos.
Despite cadaver variability, a strong correlation of r = 0.946
was observed between the measurements of individual
raters, which supports the accuracy of the measurements. In Conflicts of interests
addition, some equivalent substitutes of injection fluids not None.
previously described in literature were used, which makes it
difficult to compare with other studies.
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© 2016 Anatomical Society

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