CST8288 Lab1 5
CST8288 Lab1 5
CST8288 Lab1 5
JavaFX is a Java library used to build Rich Internet Applications. The applications
written using this library can run consistently across multiple platforms.
Check week 2 lecture materials for more details.
Your Task
You are to complete the Counter class) All the instructions are inside of the skeleton
code.). Provide a UML class diagram of the initial application after you have complete
updating/fixing/documenting the provided code… Visio works well for class
diagrams required by this lab.
After you complete the class and run the project, you should see
the following (make sure you have the same sizing, coloring, font
etc.) :
General Steps:
1- Create a new java project
2- Create a package as per source code “counter.java”
CST8288-W22 OOP with Design Patterns
Lab 1: JavaFX and MVC and UML
3- Right click on the project, select Build Path → Add Libraries... → User Library,
select JavaFX and select Finish (check prelab for more details).
4- Complete the Counter class.
5- Debug, document, correct coding conventions for the counter class
6- Run your project.
7- Document your class using UML (UML Class Diagram)
You will need to submit on Brightspace 1 zip file containing the files below:
1. Submit one zip file of your projects 1 and 2.
1 zip file of your project (make sure you include your source code)
1 UML class diagram for the class (PDF format, use Visio)
Other Requirements
Coding Conventions
• A submitted Java program (code and comments) should follow the conventions
described in the document “Google Java Style Guide”. The document can be
found at: https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html
• There is another style convention you should take a look at. It is called “Java
Code Conventions” and it is still use at some companies. The document can be
found at:
Additional Conventions
• A submitted Java class program must contain, class doc comments, method doc
comments, field doc comments, and implementation comments. Include header
style comments (course, professor etc.) as part of the class documentation.