Article in International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology · February 2019
22 8,762
3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sarah Faris Amer on 26 February 2019.
Abstract- In the modern world and fast development of the internet, the connection among people is being very significant
than ever, people are looking for new methods to do advance communication between them without any issue, real-time
communication is one of this ways. WebRTC (Web real-time communication) is a futuristic technology that makes real-time
communication capabilities in audio, video and data transmission possible in real time communication through web browsers
by using JavaScript APIs (Application Programming Interface) without the plug-in. In this paper, we proposed a web peer to
peer real time communication system that allows users to communicate with high-speed data transmission over the
communication channel using WebRTC technology, HTML5 and use Node.js server address. The result shows that the system
is stable, fully functional, safe and can use in a practical network to transmit and receive multimedia data in real time between
WebRTC application (usually written using HTML5, The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
CSS, and JavaScript) is interacted with several web WebRTC API allows JavaScript application to take the
browser by the WebRTC API (Application Programming benefit of the real-time capabilities of an uncommon
Interface), which allow proper use and management of the browser’s. The real-time browser function as shown in
Real-time browser function, as shown in Figure (2). Using Figure (2), which was implemented at the browser center,
fundamentally WebSocket technology, signals can be provides the necessary function for setting the video, audio,
exchanged between online participants [6, 8]. and data channel required. Three basic concepts that been
The WebRTC web application interacts with relied upon in the design of the API (Application
browsers that use both standers application of API and Programming Interface): MediaStream, PeerConnection,
WebRTC application, proactively (e.g. inquiry browser DataChannel [10].
competency) and an interactive way (e.g. receiving a 1. MediaStream
cross-browser notification) way [4, 3]. MediaStream represents media streaming from a local
Real-time imaging communication (Like a video, and media device like a microphone, webcam [11][4]. The web
audio call) among two browsers includes direct media application must request user access to make and utilize a
streaming among the two browsers, within the media path local stream through “GetUserMedia ()” function.
parley and create an instance of multifaceted interaction 2. PeerConnection
through the following entities [9]: RTC PeerConnection reads the output data from
The caller and caller browser are using JavaScript MediaStream and creates the connection between two
application (using JavaScript API). users. To create the peer-to-peer connection, the STUN and
The JavaScript application for caller and TURN protocols are used by ICE (Interactive Connectivity
application provider ( typically a web server) Establishment) structure as its core of NAT (Network
The JavaScript application for called and caller Address Translator) where these protocols are provided by
browser (through the application browser Google [10].
JavaScript API). 3. DataChannel
The RTCDataChannel API is a bi-directional data
channel between two peers provides the possibility of
exchanging random data among them. Each
RTCDataChannel provides the following [12]:
Reliable or unreliable transport of messages.
In-order or out-order transport of messages.
D. How to Use WebRTC:
The four procedure of setting up WebRTC is
illustrated in figure (3) [13].
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 127