Elkem Poster 2
Elkem Poster 2
Elkem Poster 2
Graphite form according to ISO 945-1:2008 Common metallurgical defects in ductile iron and their potential causes
Equivalent graphite forms according to ASTM A247-10 in brackets; ASTM form IV is exploded graphite (See in defects on the right side) Compacted Graphite Exploded Graphite Chunky Graphite Spiky Graphite Irregular Graphite
Form I (VII) Form II (V) Form III (IV) Form IV (III) Form V (II) Form VI (I) Low residual Mg and / or rare
XX Excess rare earth additions, especially when charge
XX XXVery small amounts of lead High holding temperature
Random flake graphite Degenerated flake graphite Compacted graphite Acicular graphite Degenerated nodular Nodular graphite earth from poor nodularisation materials low in trace elements are used which have not been neutralised Long holding time which can
in a uniform distribution graphite practice, high temperatures or High carbon equivalent irons
XX by rare earths result in spiky result in dead iron
long holding time Over-nucleated or over-inoculated irons
XX graphite. This has a catastrophic Poor inoculation or excessive
Flake Graphite
Slag Inclusions Graphite Flotation on Casting Surface Nodule Alignment Carbides
3 (25 – 50 mm) 4 (12 – 25 mm) 5 (6 – 12 mm) 6 (3 – 6 mm) 7 (1.5 – 3 mm) 8 (less than 1.5 mm)
Nodule density
Inadequate slag control from:
XX High carbon equivalent
XX Excess S build-up in moulding
XX Low carbon equivalent
XX ow carbon equivalent
Nodule density will vary with the - Running system Excess pouring temperature
XX sand. This causes reversion Under inoculation causing
XX Excess Mg and / or rare earth
solidification rate and section size, - Lack of slag traps or filter Slow cooling rate in thicker
XX to flake as the Mg in the iron growth of large dendrites XXCarbide promoting elements
however the following actions Turbulent mould filling
XX sections reacts with S with nodules aligned between such as Mn, Cr, V, Mo
might increase nodule number: Excess addition of slag forming
XX Insufficient inoculation
XX dendrite arms XX Insufficient inoculation
materials High pouring temperature
XX XX Insufficient nucleation or
Avoid superheating and
Low pouring temperature
XX inoculation
excessive hold times
Improve base iron response to
The use of Topseed® conditioner Powerful combinations such as
inoculation (preconditioning)
50 nodules / mm2 100 nodules / mm2 200 nodules / mm2 400 nodules / mm2 850 nodules / mm2 will convert slag into an easily re- Lamet® nodulariser and Reseed® /
Avoid excessive Mg
movable form and help to prevent Ultraseed® inoculants provide the
Improve inoculation or reduce
slag being carried into the mould. greatest barriers to carbides.
fade time
The following actions can Shrinkage Gas
improve the nodularity:
0.010 – 0.015 %
Optimise Mg content
or inoculant
10 % nodularity 30 % nodularity 55 % nodularity 85 % nodularity 95 % nodularity Improve inoculation
The nodule density and nodularity are measured by Elkem AS in accordance with ASTM E2567-13 A. The graphite form and size diagrams are taken from the international standard EN ISO 945-1:2008
by kind permission of the British Standards Institution, London W4 4AL. Photographs of the graphite structures are reproduced by kind permission of Elkem Technology, Kristiansand, Norway.
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