Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Introduction to Insurance
Chapter Summary:
Topics Covered:
Evolution of insurance
How insurance works
Risk management techniques
Insurance as a tool for managing risk
Role of insurance in society
Asset: anything that confers some benefit and has an economic value to its owner.
Risk: It is an uncertain of possibility of loss or damage. Only uncertain risks are
covered by insurance.
Insurance: may be defined as sharing of the losses of a few who are unfortunate to
suffer such losses, amongst those exposed to similar uncertain events / situations.
History of Insurance:
The idea of insurance took birth thousands of years ago, yet the business of
insurance as we know it today, goes back to just two or three centuries.
The earliest kind of risk covered through insurance was:Losses due to misadventures
at sea
The forerunner to other kinds of insurance :Marine Insurance
The origin of insurance business as practiced today, is traced to:The Lloyd�s
Coffee House in London
The first life insurance company in IndiaThe Oriental Life Insurance Co. Ltd
(set up as an English Company)
The first non-life insurerThe Triton Insurance Co. Ltd.
The first Indian insurance companyThe Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd., formed
in 1870 in Mumbai
When was life insurance nationalised in India1st September 1956 when LIC was formed
When was non-life insurance nationalised in India1972 with General Insurance
Business Nationalisation Act (GIBNA)
When was Malhotra Committee set up In 1993 and it submitted its Report in 1994
When was IRDAI set upIn April 2000 with the passing of IRDA Act 1999
The oldest insurance company which still existsNational Insurance Company Limited
(Founded in 1906)
Important Legislations:
The Insurance Act, 1938 � the first comprehensive legislation to regulate the
conduct of insurance companies in India.
Life Insurance Act, 1956 to nationalise life insurance business in India
General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act (GIBNA), 1972
IRDA Act, 1999
Insurance Act, 2015
Insurance Act, 2015 defines an Indian Insurance company as a company in which the
aggregate holdings of equity shares by foreign investors, including portfolio
investors, do not exceed forty-nine percent of the paid up equity capital and which
is Indian owned and controlled.
Out of 29 non-life insurance companies, there are six public sector insurers, which
include two specialised insurers namely Agriculture Insurance Company Ltd for all
kind of agriculture insurance like crop Insurance, plant and yield insurance and
Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India for Credit Insurance.
There are five (5) private sector insurers registered to underwrite policies
exclusively in Health, Personal Accident and Travel insurance segments. These are:�
Persons exposed to the same risk come together and agree that if anyone of them
suffers a loss the others will share the same.
Example: if one farmer�s cow dies due to accident or sickness, all the farmers in
the village contribute to share the loss and help the farmer financially to
purchase another cow.
Different type of risks can be identified and a sufficiently large group of similar
risks can be formed. A fund can be created out of contributions by the members of
this group.
Burden of risk refers to the costs, losses and disabilities one has to bear as a
result of being exposed to a given loss situation / event.
Risk Burdens
Primary Burden of Risk Secondary Burden of Risk
Consists of losses that are actually suffered by households and business units as a
result of pure risk events. Consists of costs and strains that at one has to bear
merely from the fact that one is exposed to a loss situation.Even if the event does
not happen, these burdens have still to be borne.
Risk avoidance
Risk control
Risk retention
Risk financing
Risk transfer
Insurance vs. Assurance:
Terms used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the two:
Insurance refers to protection against an event that might happen whereas assurance
refers to protection against an event that will happen.
Insurance provides cover against a risk while assurance covers an event that is
definite e.g. death, which is certain, only the time of occurrence is not certain.
The term assurance is used generally in life insurance.
The funds (premium) collected by the insurance companies are invested in ventures
which would benefit the society at large which helps the economy.
Insurance removes fear, worry, and anxiety about the future and thus encourages
free investment of capital in businesses.
Indian insurers operate in more than 30 countries. These operations earn foreign
Which among the following is the regulator for the insurance industry in India
Bank FD
Equity Shares
Real Estate
Which among the following scenarios warrants insurance?
Risk transfer through risk pooling is called _____________.
The measures to reduce chances of occurrence of risk are known as _____________.
Risk retention
Loss prevention
Risk transfer
Risk avoidance
By transferring risk to insurer, it becomes possible:
Which of the following statements is true?
Bad luck
Insurance deductible is an example of ___________.
Risk mitigation
Risk avoidance
Risk transfer
Risk retention
Cost of risk is determined by ________________.
Probability only
Impact only
Probability and impact
Timing of risk
How does insurance help in easing access to credit?