s3 ch2
s3 ch2
s3 ch2
3. Which of the following statements about the cell theory is/are correct?
(1) All cells come from pre-existing cells.
(2) The development of the cell theory depends on the invention of microscope.
(3) All organisms are made up of two or more cells.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only
8. When a water molecule moves from the cell sap of a mesophyll cell to the outside, it might
meet the following structures during its journey:
(1) cell wall (2) cytoplasm (3) chloroplast (4) cell membrane (5) tonoplast
The order in which it would meet these structures would be
A. (2), (3), (4), (5), (1).
B. (3), (5), (4), (2), (1).
C. (5), (4), (3), (2), (1).
D. (5), (2), (3), (4), (1).
9. The diameter of the field of view of a microscope was measured and found to be 0.2 mm.
When certain animal cells were observed under the microscope, it was estimated that 4 cells
lying edge-to-edge would occupy the diameter. The average diameter of each of these cells was
A. 0.02 mm.
B. 0.05 mm.
C. 0.5 mm.
D. 0.8 mm.
10. Using the same microscope as in the above question, certain other cells were found to be
0.04 mm in length. The number of these cells that would have to put end-to-end to make a row
of cells 1 cm long would be
A. 2000.
B. 500.
C. 250.
D. 200.
11. The diagram below shows a plant cell. Which structures are selectively permeable?
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 5 only
C. 2, 3 and 5 only
D. 1, 2, 4 and 5 only
13. Some cells were observed under a microscope at different magnifications. If the diagram of the
microscope was not adjusted during the observation, which of the following images would be the
14. Student observed some cells under a microscope at different magnifications. The image changed
from (1) to (2).
(1) (2)
Which of the following sequences of steps results in this change?
(1) rotate the coarse adjustment knob
(2) rotate the fine adjustment knob
(3) adjust the diaphragm
(4) rotate the nosepiece
(5) move the slide to the left
(6) move the slide to the right
A (1) → (3) → (4) → (5)
B (3) → (5) → (6) → (4)
C (4) → (6) → (1) → (2)
D (5) → (4) → (2) → (3)
15. A student observed a living animal under a microscope. The animal was observed to move from
right to left and was going to move out of view. If the student wished to bring the animal back to the
centre of view, he should:
A. Shift the microscope slide slightly to the right.
B. Shift the microscope slide slightly to the left.
C. Rotate the coarse adjustment knob
D. Change the eyepiece to a higher magnification
16. Whenever you want to magnify an object you have viewed under low power, first of all, you should
A. Change the slide which is suitable for further magnification
B. Turn the high power objective in position
C. Re-adjust the illumination for magnification
D. Move the object for magnification to the centre of view
17. When you observe the onion epidermal cells under the light microscope, adding iodine solution will
probably make the
A. The cell membranes more clear
B. The nuclei well-stained
C. The cell wall well-defined
D. The cytoplasm more diffused
18. Which of the following cannot be observed under a light microscope?
A. Amoeba
B. bacteria
C. chloroplasts
D. viruses
19. Which of the following correctly states the example of tissues and its corresponding cells?
Tissues Corresponding cells
A. leaf epidermis mesophyll cells
B. blood lymphocytes
C. xylem guard cells
D. cornea rod cells
20. The diagram below shows some cells from a plant epidermis.
22. A sample of organic compound was tested. It was proved that the sample contains carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. Which of the following is most likely the compound?
A phospholipid
B cellulose
C protein
D nucleic acid
23. Which of the following protects plant cells from mechanical damages?
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D vacuole
24. Green plant cells make their own food because they have
A a nucleus.
B mitochondria.
C vacuoles.
D chloroplasts.
27. Which of the following is/are the function(s) of the cell membrane?
(1) controlling the movement of materials into and out of the cells
(2) enclosing the cytoplasm
(3) supporting the cells
A (1) only B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only D (1), (2) and (3)
28. Which of the following is the image of the letter 'G' observed under the microscope?
(1) cytoplasm.
(2) nucleus.
(3) mitochondria.
A (1) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
31. Which of the following images is seen if the word ‘pod’ is viewed under a microscope?
A boq
B doq
C pod
D qob
32. The following diagram shows the technique in lowering the cover slip to cover the specimen.
Why must the edge of the cover slip touch the stain before it is lowered?
A To make sure the stain spread out evenly.
B To protect the specimen from breaking into pieces.
C To keep the temporary mount tidy for observation under a microscope.
D To avoid the formation of air bubbles under the cover slip.
33. Comparing with unicellular organisms, what advantage do multicellular organisms have?
A Multicellular organisms do not need special system for gas exchange.
B Multicellular organisms do not need special system for support.
C Multicellular organisms do not need special system for locomotion.
D Multicellular organisms can have specialized cells for specific functions.
34. Which of the following is a correct example of the levels of human body organization?
A epidermis --> skin --> respiratory system
B bone --> skull --> circulatory system
C muscle --> ovary --> endocrine system
D nerve --> brain --> nervous system
37. A tissue is
A. a group of cells work together to carry out a unique function
B. a group of organs work together to carry out a unique function
C. a group of systems work together to perform a life
D. group of organisms work together to form an ecological unit