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The theoretical framework for this study on the gender identity in regards of the problem solving of the
Problem solving theory and practice suggest that the first element of the theory of problem solving is to
know the meaning of the term problem. This thinking is more important in solving problems than
theoretical framework uses the definition of problem knowledge and that it is possible to teach thinking
in presented by Stephen Krulik and Jesse Rudnick (1980) situations where little or no knowledge of the
problem in Problem Solving: A Handbook for Teachers. A Such an assumption has led problem solving
problem is “a situation, quantitative or otherwise, that advocates to champion content-less heuristics as
the confronts an individual or group of Individuals, that primary element of problem solving while
relegating requires resolution, and for which the individual sees the knowledge base and the transfer or
application of no apparent or obvious means or path to obtaining a conceptual front desk worker is the
Gender differences theory. The study seeks to understand the relationship between gender identities
and solving the problem of the front desk workers.
R. Tong
Feminist theory encompasses a range of ideas, reflecting the diversity of women worldwide. Feminism
counters traditional philosophy with new ways of addressing issues affecting humanity, calling for the
replacement of the presiding patriarchal order with a system that emphasizes equal rights, justice, and
fairness. Liberal feminists cite women’s oppression as rooted in social, political, and legal constraints.
Radical libertarian feminists hold that the patriarchal system that oppresses women must be completely
eliminated and that women should be free to exercise total sexual and reproductive freedom. Radical
cultural feminists urge women to extricate themselves from the institution of compulsory
heterosexuality. Marxist–socialist feminists claim it is impossible for anyone, especially women, to
achieve true freedom in a class-based society. Multicultural feminists explain how the idea of ‘sameness’
could counterintuitively be used as an instrument of oppression rather than liberation. Postmodern
feminists challenge Western dualistic thinking. Global feminists stress the universal interests of women
worldwide. Ecofeminists focus on the connection among humans to the nonhuman world. Feminist
theory has impacted virtually all structures, systems, and disciplines, challenging traditional ontological
and epistemological assumptions about human nature as well as ‘maleness’ and ‘femaleness.’ Modern
feminism, which began 200 years ago, has evolved in three waves. The first wave dealt with suffrage; the
second centered on equal access; and the current wave is focusing on global equality.
Problem solving theory and practice suggest that the first element of the theory of problem solving is
to know the meaning of the term problem. This thinking is more important in solving problems than
theoretical framework uses the definition of problem knowledge and that it is possible to teach
thinking in presented by Stephen Krulik and Jesse Rudnick (1980) situations where little or no
knowledge of the problem in Problem Solving: A Handbook for Teachers. A Such an assumption has
led problem solving problem is “a situation, quantitative or otherwise, that advocates to champion
content-less heuristics as the confronts an individual or group of individuals, that primary element of
problem solving while relegating requires resolution, and for which the individual sees the knowledge
base and the transfer or application of no apparent or obvious means or path to obtaining a
conceptual thinking.
According to Ferber M. (2009) This is the first book to examine the central tenets of economics from
a feminist point of view. In these original essays, the authors suggest that the discipline of economics
could be improved by freeing itself from masculine biases. Beyond Economic Man raises questions
about the discipline not because economics is too objective but because it is not objective enough.
The contributors—nine economists, a sociologist, and a philosopher—discuss the extent to which
gender has influenced both the range of subjects economists have studied and the way in which
scholars have conducted their studies. They investigate, for example, how masculine concerns
underlie economists’ concentration on market as opposed to household activities and their emphasis
on individual choice to the exclusion of social constraints on choice. This focus on masculine interests,
the contributors contend, has biased the definition and boundaries of the discipline, its central
assumptions, and its preferred rhetoric and methods. However, the aim of this book is not to reject
current economic practices, but to broaden them, permitting a fuller understanding of economic
phenomena. These essays examine current economic practices in the light of a feminist
understanding of gender differences as socially constructed rather than based on essential male and
female characteristics. The authors use this concept of gender, along with feminist readings of
rhetoric and the history of science, as well as postmodernist theory and personal experience as
economists, to analyze the boundaries, assumptions, and methods of neoclassical, socialist, and
institutionalist economics.
The main objective of this study is to analyze the gender identity and to know how the front desk
workers solves Their problem using Their different ability on to it. To obtain this objective the
following questions must be answered:
1.) How can organizations support the problem-solving abilities of front office personnel irrespective
of their gender identity?
2.) What is the impact of gender identity on the problem-solving ability of front office personnel?
3.) Is there a significant relationship between Gender Identity and Problem solving ability of a front
desk worker?
There is no significant relationship between the teaching competence and pedagogical content
knowledge of science teachers.