Q1 Philippine Politics and Governance 12 Module 7
Q1 Philippine Politics and Governance 12 Module 7
Q1 Philippine Politics and Governance 12 Module 7
and Governance
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
The Roles and Responsibilities of
the Philippine Senate and the
House of Representatives
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Philippine Politics
and Governance
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
The Roles and Responsibilities of
Philippine Senate and the House
of Representatives
Introductory Message
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independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
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What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
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the module.
Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the
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We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
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What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you learn the topic on the roles and responsibilities of Philippine Senate and the
House of Representatives. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the module you are now using.
1. differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the
House of Representatives.
This module focuses on the topic the Roles and Responsibilities of the
Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives which will be discussed for the
whole week.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on a separate sheet of
3. What is the term of office of a senator?
A. six years per term, maximum of two terms
B. six years per term, not eligible for re-election
C. six years per term, maximum of two successive terms
D. six years per term, maximum of two consecutive terms
5. Which of the following has the power to review declarations of martial law
and suspension of the writ of habeas corpus?
A. Congress C. Executive Department
B. Supreme Court D. National Bureau of Investigation
9. What conveys principles and sentiments of the members of the Senate or the
House of Representative?
A. Bill C. Resolution
B. Veto D. Referendum
10. Which of the following candidates is qualified to run as senator of the
A. Ricardo Amorsolo: registered voter, 25 years old
B. Marlito Pandan: 35 years old, natural born Filipino citizen
C. Jason Palapas: resident of the Philippines for one year, able to read and
D. John Nowitzki: naturalized Filipino (originally a French), 50 years old,
Harvard graduate.
11. Can the bill be enacted even without the signature of the President?
A. Yes, the bill is not necessary to be signed by the president.
B. No, because the Congress is the only department to enact the bill.
C. No, because the President is the sole authority to enact the bill into a
D. Yes, if the president may not act on the bill within thirty days of its
12. The following are the roles and functions of both the Senate and the House
of Representatives, EXCEPT:
A. They pass bills into the President to become laws.
B. They have the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war.
C. They introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on
D. They have the power to revoke the President’s proclamation of martial
law by a vote of at least a majority of all members of both chambers.
13. Which article of the 1987 Constitution talks about the legislative power of
the Philippine Congress?
A. Article III C. Article V
B. Article IV D. Article VI
14. Which of the following does not belong to the classification of powers of
A. People Powers C. Implied Powers
B. Special Powers D. Inherent Powers
Lesson The Roles and Responsibilities
Have you ever wondered what rules apply to these questions? Or have you
ever thought who creates these rules in the first place?
What’s In?
Activity 1: True or False. Read the following statements carefully. Write T if the
statement is true, and F if it is false. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
________1. The executive power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines.
________4. The Executive Department has the power to make laws and to alter or
amend them.
________5. Both the legislative and the executive play a key role for the economic
progress where the two works hand in hand to achieve the goals of a
better nation.
____1. ____4. ____7.
Write on the space provided below the full name of your congressmen,
representative in your province, or district.
___________________________________ __________________________________
___________________________________ __________________________________
What’s New
What is It
You have learned that under the principle of separation of powers, the three
branches of government exercise powers independent of each other. The legislative
branch creates the laws which the executive implements and which the judiciary
interprets. In this module, you will focus on the undertakings of the legislative
The table below shows the differences and similarities of the Senate and the
House of Representatives.
party-list system. The
party-list or sectorial
representatives are filled by
selection or election from
the labor, peasant, etc. and
other sectors as may be
provided by law, except the
religious sector. (Sec. 5.)
Unless otherwise provided
by law, the regular election
of the members of the
House of Representatives
shall be held on the second
Monday of May. (Sec. 8.)
II. Term of Office Term of office – it is six (6) Terms of office – it is three
years. It shall commence, (3) years, to begin also,
unless otherwise provided by unless otherwise provided
law, at noon on the 30th day of by law, at noon on the 30th
June next following their day next following their
election. (Sec. 4, Par. 1.) The election. (Sec. 7. Par. 1.)
Constitution has similar The house of
provisions limiting terms of representatives is intended
office with respect to the to be close to the people.
president and vice-president The shorter term of three
(Art. VII, 7.), and elective local (3) years is expected to
affairs. (Art. X, Sec.8.) The make the representatives
hour and date of more responsive and
commencement of the term of sensitive by with-holding a
office of the president and vice- new mandate.
president cannot be changed by
congress to diminish, preceding the day of
increase or alter. the election. (Sec.
Maximum terms – in line
with the state policy on Congress is not empowered
equal-access to to modify the above
opportunities for public qualifications.
service and against political Maximum terms – the
dynasties (see Art. II, Sec. provisions are the same as
26,), a Senator is those for Senators except
disqualified to serve for that the limit is for not
more than two (2) more than three (3)
consecutive terms. (Sec. 4, consecutive terms. (Sec. 7,
par. 2.) While theoretically par. 2.)
the people are the best
judge of whether an official
should be re-elected or not, Under the constitution, a
the constitution has opted representative cannot serve
to impose term limits to continuously for more than
guard against the weakness (9) years.
in our culture that tends to
perpetuate political Again, the purpose is to
dynasties. (Art. II, Sec. 26.) prevent the growth of
There is no shortage of political dynasties (Art. II,
highly talented and Sec. 26.), or wardlordism –
motivated men and women terms which in our country
to replace those who have have come to connote guns
long been in office. and goons and almost
absolute power – which in
At any rate, a Senator can the past made it impossible
still run for re-election after for service. After some re-
a break or interval. There is elections, the politician
no limit as to the number of managed to accumulate
years one can serve as much wealth and to set up
Senator. What is prohibited his own formidable
is to serve for more than two political machinery such
(2) successive terms. Nut a that in many places the
voluntary renunciation of people could not freely
the office by a Senator for choose their candidates
any length of time shall not because they were coerced
be considered as an into submission by
interruption in the “professional politicians”
continuity of his service for who had become powerful
the full term for which he on account of long tenure.
was elected. The term limits for elected
public officials will level the
playing field for candidates
especially for newcomers to
the political arena.
Philippines and the compilation amendments and serve on
and revision of existing codes committees.
and laws; election laws and
implementation of
constitutional provisions
on initiative and referendum on
legislative acts; recall of elective
officials; the role and rights of
2) Special Powers are powers which the constitution expressly directs or
authorizes congress to exercise like the power to choose who shall become
president in case two or more candidates have an equal highest number of
votes (Art. VII, Sec. 4, part. 4.)
4) Inherent Powers are the powers which are possessed and can be exercised
by every government because they exist as an attribute of sovereignty. In
other words, they are always deemed conferred by the people if not expressly
granted by them in the Constitution. These powers which are legislative in
nature are the power of taxation, power of eminent domain and police power.
The fall under the general legislative powers of Congress.
What’s More
How are laws created? What processes did they undergo before they became
laws? This section presents the basics on how a bill becomes a law. The Web site
of the Philippine Congress (http://www.congress.gov.ph/) presents the legislative
process. Here is a summary:
If the president approves the bill, the same is assigned an RA (Republic Act)
number and is then transmitted to the House where it originated. Afterward,
copies of the bill are reproduced and sent to the office of the Official Gazette for
publication and distribution to the implementing agencies. Finally, it will be
included in the annual compilation of Acts and Resolutions.
If the bill is vetoed, it is transmitted to the House where it originated
together with the message of the president citing the reason for the bill’s
disapproval. The Congress may decide to override the veto of the president. If two-
thirds of the members in each house vote to override the veto, then the bill
becomes a law.
If the President does not act on the bill within thirty (30) days from its
receipt, the same shall be considered approved. It is called a pocket veto. This is
implied from the fact that if the President does not communicate his veto of any bill
to the House where it is originated within 30 days after the date of receipt thereof,
the same shall become a law as if he had signed it. It means that the bill becomes
a law by reason of inaction or the President’s failure to act on the bill.
9 P A 2 W R
6 E
O 8
5 N T T T N
T 10
1 N E S
T 3 G S T W
7 N T O S .
1. It is composed of two legislative houses: the Senate and the House of
3. It refers to the primary function of Congress.
5. It provided Congress with general, specific, and implied legislative and non-
legislative powers in order that its constitutional mandate is performed
7. They are the powers which are possessed and can be exercised by every
government because they exist as an attribute of sovereignty.
9. They are powers which the Constitution expressly directs or authorizes
congress to exercise like the power to choose who shall become president in
case two or more candidates have an equal highest number of votes.
2. It pertains to the power to enact, modify or abolish the law.
4. It is the upper chamber of the Congress of the Philippines.
6. It is the lower chamber of the Congress of the Philippines.
8. It is a draft of a law presented to legislation for enactment, by the approval of
Congress and the President of the Republic.
10.These are the powers essential or necessary to the effective exercise of the
powers expressly granted.
What I Can Do
Guide Questions:
3. Given the pressing problems of the country at present, what do you think
are the qualities that a Senator or Representative should possess? Why?
Multiple Choice. Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
6. The following statements explain the differences between a Senator and a
Member of the House of Representatives, EXCEPT:
A. A Senator is trained to be the future leader of the country, whereas a
member of the House of Representatives is not.
B. Senator is elected at large by qualified voters, whereas a member of the
House of Representatives is elected in his district.
C. Although both are legislators, a senator is concerned with the national
interest of the people, while a member of the House of Representatives is
concerned only with the regional interest of the people.
D. A Senator introduces bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve
on committees, while a member of the House of Representatives is
responsible in all matters proposing amendments to the Constitution of
the Philippines.
7. Which part of the 1987 Constitution provides that “legislative power shall be
vested in the Congress of the Philippines, which shall consist of a Senate,
and a House of the Representatives except to the extent reserved to the
people by the provision on initiative and referendum”?
A. Article III, Section 1 C. Article V, Section 1
B. Article IV, Section 1 D. Article VI, Section 1
10. It is headed by the Speaker of the House and is often referred to as the
“Lower House”.
A. Supreme Court C. Department of Justice
B. House of Senate D. House of Representative
11. Which of the following best explains the phrase “shall be elected at large”
especially for those running for Senator?
A. They shall be elected only in their own province.
B. They shall be elected within the House of Senate.
C. They shall be elected by the people of the Philippines.
D. They shall be elected both in The House of Senate and House of
12. The following are the processes of making a bill into law, EXCEPT:
A. When the President approve the bill by signing it.
B. When the President may not act on the bill within thirty days of its
C. If the bill is vetoed by the President, there is no chance that it will
become a law.
D. If the bill is vetoed by the President, the Congress by 2/3 votes of each
house may override it and shall become a law.
13. The following are included in the Special Powers of Congress, EXCEPT:
A. Declare the existence of a state of war.
B. Confirm certain appointments by the President.
C. Power to conduct inquiry and investigation in aid of legislation.
D. Choose who shall become the President in case two or more candidates
have an equal and highest number of votes.
Additional Activity
“Rules and policies are important in the proper and orderly functioning of a society.
The legislature becomes important in this regard.” How about in your family? Who
creates rules? What are some of these rules? Do you think it is necessary to follow
these rules? Why?
Making The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
Connections articulates articulates attempts to does not
multiple connections articulate articulate any
connections between this connections connection to
between this learning between this other learning
learning experience and learning or experiences.
experience and content from experience and
content from other courses, content from
other courses, past learning other courses,
past learning, experiences, past learning
life experiences and/or future experiences, or
and/or future goals. personal goals,
goals. but the
connection is
vague and/or
What I Have Learned What I Can Do Additional Activity
Across: 1. Answer may vary 1. Answer may vary
1. Congress 2. Answer may vary
3. Legislate 3. Answer may vary
5. Constitution
7. Inherent Powers
9. Special Powers
2. Legislative Powers
4. Senate
6. House of Representatives 1. D
8. Bill 2. C
10. Implied Powers 3. A
4. A
5. C
What's In 6. D
7. B
Activity 1 8. D
1. F 9. D
2. F 10. D
3. F 11. C
4. F 12. C
5. T 13. C
14. B
Activity 2.1 15. B
1. D
What I Know 2. X
3. E
1. C
4. Q
2. C
5. P
3. D
6. I
4. B
7. S
5. A
8. N
6. C
9. B
7. D What’s New
10. H
8. B
9. C Senate:
Activity 2.2 A, B, D, J, K
10. B
1. Answers may vary
11. D
12. C House of Representative:
13. B F, G, I, L, M, N
14. A
15. B Both:
C, E, H, O
Answer Key
Pawilen, R. A. and Pawilen, Reidan M., Philippine Politics and Governance, Rex
Bookstore Inc., Manila: 2017
Reyno, Rhoda G., LAS Philippine Politics and Governance, DepEd Regional Office
No. 02 (Cagayan Valley), Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City,
Villanueva, Prince Aian G., DIWA Senior High School Series: Philippine Politics and
Governance e-Module, Diwa Learning Systems Inc., Makati City, Philippines: 2017
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Elpidio Quirino Ave., Poblacion District, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur