M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Mathematics
SECTION – A ( 10 X 1= 10)
Answer All Questions:
Choose the correct answer:-
1. Let S be a sample space and A an event in S than the value of P(S) is equal to ________.
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) - (d)
2. If event A and B are independent then P(AB)=_______.
(a) 0 (b) P(A)+P(B) (c) P(A)x P(B) (d) 1
p q p q
(c) p, q (d) p, q
p q p q
9. The ratio of two chi-square distribution is ______ distribution.
0 for
x x0
11. a) Obtain the distribution function for f ( x ) for 0 x 2.
2 for x2
b) State and prove Bayes theorem.
12. a) Test whether X and Y are independent random variables given that
4 xy , 0 x 1;0 y 1
f ( x)
0 otherwise
b) State and prove The Chebyshev inequality.
13. a) Derive the Poisson distribution from the Binomial distribution.
b) Find the characteristic function of two-point distribution and also deduce its mean and variance.
14. a) Prove all the central moment of odd degrees are zero.
b) State and prove Bernoulli’s law of large number.
15. a) If T is an unbiased estimator of then show that T2 is an biased estimator for 2 .
b) Derive the density function of Chi-square distribution.
SECTION – C ( 3 X 10 = 30)
Answer any Three Questions:
16. If {A n } n = 1,2,3,…(X,Y) be a non-decreasing sequence of events and let A be their alternative then prove
1 t for t 1
t .
0 for t 1
19. State and prove De-Moivre Laplace theorem.
20. State and prove Rao-Cramer inequality.
2. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue with words chosen from the box below:
Sujaya: How many spoons of sugar will you have in your tea, Prema?
Prema: ……….. a spoon should do, Suji, I don’t like my tea too sweet.
Sujaya: You used to take ………. Sugar than that. Since when have you been
Prema: It’s been quite some time now. In fact, I don’t even have tea……….. of the time.
Sujaya: Good for you. I’ve also been trying not to drink ……. tea. Perhaps I should cut down on
sugar too.
3. Fill in the blanks in one of the following exchanges each with appropriate expression chosen from
the pairs of words in brackets:
a) (i) Leela is bringing a rice dish for the Residents’ Association lunch. You can get ……
(any/either) curry you like.
(ii) I’ll make my potato curry. I’ll also get bananas or oranges. …….(both/either) of them is
good after a meal.
b) (i) I know ………… (every/each) grandmother loves her grandchildren, but I think ours is very
(ii) That’s true. She has a way of relating to ……… (either/each) one of us though we’re so
different from one another.
c) ……… (none/neither) of the vegetables in the market were fresh. So I didn’t get any.
4. Mother: How do you find Shishu Vihar, Vidya? Is Shankar happy there?
Vidya: Yes, I think it’s a good school. The teachers treat the little ones……….. . In fact, they look
after them ………. they were their own children.
Mother: I’m so glad you’re happy with the school. You’ve brought him up …………
Vidya: I’m a little worried though. Shankar sometimes acts ………. , fighting and crying for no
reason. It’s not like him at all.
Mother : Give him some time to settle down, Vidya. You can’t expect him to be ……… the other
children. He is ………….. you were when you were a child – always happy to be on your own.
b) (i) ………………………………..
(ii) That will make a great difference to this concrete jungle, won’t it?
e) (i) What does your uncle plan to do with his provident fund money?
(ii) ………………………………………………
10. Write a dialogue between Ravi and the Principal who were discussing about the Student’s Union
Sukant: That may be true, Vineet, but I’m ………….. If we can carry it off. I ……….. whether we
have that kind of talent.
Vineet: The play is very funny. It’s about Raj who pretends he is a stranger in his own house. The
play will ………….. be a big hit.
Sukant: You are not getting my point, Vineet. I………….. if any one of us can keep a straight face
while playing the role.
Vineet: Don’t worry, Sukant, I’ll be Raj. I’m …………. I can be dead serious if I want to.
Know certain sure doubt confident
a) (i) I wonder when we’ll get to see Ravi. Amulya said he’s very eager to meet us.
(ii) …………………….
b) (i) I did’t buy any fruit today. They’re all so expensive.
(ii) …………………………………………..
c) (i) So, how long do you think we’ll take to reach Tirupati?
(ii) ………………………………………………..
e) (i) Rajiv looks so tired these days. I wonder if anything’s wrong with him.
(ii) …………………………….
14. Fill in the blanks in the lines below with can/could/may/might
a) Possibly, the monsoon …………. weaken if strong winds blow away the clouds.
b) I guess we…………. look forward to greater cooperation between the two countries.
c) That sounds dangerous, doesn’t it? Soon, we…………… have hurricanes from the
d) Doesn’t that a great way of empowering rural women? It………… help them to set up their own
e) That ………… well be great step forward in the development of solar energy in the country.
15. Write a dialogue between Mr David and Ms lyer who are talking with pride about a student.