Origin of Life
Origin of Life
Origin of Life
BIGHIS 1 - (4FYE1)
Agustin, Khaizcer
Gegante, Romar
Jaro, Matthew Davenn
Nabor, Alex Joseph
Pusung, Rijay
Ramirez, Vincent
Topic: The Origin of Life
Eukaryotes are usually bigger, more mobile, have more DNA contained in a
nucleus, and have organelles or primitive organs.
Oxygen is highly reactive and combustible. Too much oxygen and life on Earth
becomes dangerous; too little and we wouldn’t be here.
How Did Life Begin and Changes
How Did Life Begin and Change?
Scientists have many questions about how life first appeared, but they have developed much
evidence that billions of years passed between the appearance of the first single-celled
organisms and the appearance of complex multicelled organisms like humans. As we continue
this lesson, we will look further into the changes in living things that ended with the appearance
of humans
A diversity of chemical elements, energy – but not too much and not too little –and water,
which provides a better medium for chemical reactions than solids or gases.
Rocky planets have a diversity of chemical elements, access to energy, and sources of water.
They meet all the Goldilocks Conditions for the appearance of life.
Deep sea vents represent cracks in the Earth’s crust. A diversity of chemical elements can pass
from the Earth’s core into the oceans at these points, as can lots of energy. All of the Goldilocks
Conditions can be met in these small patches on the ocean’s floor.
Life in All Its Forms
Life in All Its Forms
Our ideas about the number of species on the Earth have changed pretty
dramatically over time. Three hundred years ago, Carl Linnaeus estimated that
there were 4,000 species. Today, some scientists estimate there are as many as
8.7 million species, and this doesn’t even include bacteria!
Carl Linnaeus tried to count and organize the number of living species on Earth,
and he came up with the number 4,000. In 1900, scientists estimated that half a
million species existed. Today, many scientists believe that number is close to
8.7 million.
This is a hands-on activity. Scientists cordon off a small area, cover it with nets,
and begin counting. They generally expect to find thousands of species in a few
square yards of area
Life emerged in the oceans between
3.5 and 4 billion years ago.
Scientific research
Details about the
gives a general idea
origin of life are still
of what needed to
happen to bring unclear.
about life.
Life is a regime that actively extracts matter
and energy from the environment for its own
maintenance and reproduction.