SCP Foundation SCP-7089 1
SCP Foundation SCP-7089 1
SCP Foundation SCP-7089 1
observed that when enraged, its luminescent eyes tend to glow more intensely
than prior.
The entity exhibits elongated limbs, a slender body, and sharp claws and teeth,
which appear to be made of pure ice. Its teeth resemble those of a saber-toothed
cat and have the ability to instantly freeze any object upon contact by anomalous
These fangs are aproximately 23 x 5 centimeters in height, while its skull has been
measured to be 53 centimeters long.
SCP-7089 also possesses a large, fluffy tail with black and blue stripes, measuring
approximately 2-3 meters in length.
SCP-7089 expresses the ability to communicate telepathically, with its voice
described as deep and aggravated by numerous D-Class personnel.
At the moment, it is unclear if SCP-7089 is originating from an alternate timeline or
universe, since no other records of its existence are known. It is also unknown if
SCP-7089 comes from the future or a different timeline than ours.
Engaging in conversations that enrage SCP-7089 can result in drastic temperature
drops exceeding -200°C. In such instances, the subject's mind is destroyed and
subsequently frozen. If not, the subject suffers from extreme low temperature
changes within their body as well as several appearances of SCP-7089 dominated
SCP-7089-A during nightmares, night-terrors and daily paranoia.
Said subject is later found deceased after an estimate of two weeks. More
information is provided later in this article about these incidents.
During a containment breach incident, although its been observed that the
creature does not seek to escape its containment, SCP-7089 demonstrated the
ability to grow in size, reaching heights of up to 20 meters.
It also exhibited the emergence of horns and spikes composed of the same
material as its teeth.
Analysis of SCP-7089's fur has shown normal characteristics, although carbon
dating indicates an age of approximately 300 years.
Surprisingly, no internal organs or biological systems have been found within SCP-
7089, suggesting that it is deceased but possesses anomalous qualities, rendering
it animate.
Addendum 7089-0: Initial Containment Event
Date: 21/12/1991
Location: [REDACTED]
Description: SCP-7089 was found docile in the woods of ███, ██████. No
intervention was needed as the object appeared to collaborate with MTF
personnel accordingly. 2/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
Ongoing investigation has recently updated that two human beings were found
completely made out of ice in a small cabin 23 kilometers ahead of where SCP-
7089 was found.
Said cabin resembles and dates in arquitectural design to one made typically
during the 18th century. Carbon tests also confirm the age of the shack, although
several tracts of ice were found all over the place at first sight.
The ice was later extracted from the site and tested in Site-19 where the object is
currently located at.
No other information is known about SCP-7089's origin, though recent research
suggests that it harbors a strong animosity towards humanity and is speculated to
take action during a major global war to annihilate any human survivors.
SCP-7089 has displayed no interest in other SCP subjects.
Addendum 7089-1: Experiment Log 7089-A1521
Date: 02/04/1993
Location: Room-168-19, Site 19
Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]
- EXP. LOG 1
[Subject]: Are you sure its.. safe in there..?
[Scientist-01]: Ehh… just get to it.
[Scientist-01]: It's none of my business.
[Subject]: Alright, umm..
The sound of the door opening and closing is heard in the recording, as well
as several whispers from the scientists
[Subject]: I can barely move in this suit..
[Scientist-01]: It is supposed to protect you from radiation and extreme low
[Scientist-02]: Please sit in the table already and engage a conversation
with the object.
The sound of the chair moving and the subject's plastic suit squirming
around, followed by several seconds of silence..
[Subject]: …….
[Subject]: Um.. how am i supposed to talk with it..?
[Scientist-02]: We are the ones supposed to ask the questions here. Just
start a conversation with it. It is very talkative.
[Subject]: Hello..?
[Subject]: ……
[Subject]: Eh.. it does not seem to-
[SCP-7089]: Greetings.
The object suddently lights its eyes out, looking directly at the subject.. its
body remains as stiff as a dead body while looking at it 3/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
[SCP-7089]: Humans' critical thought and empathy are not a blessing, but a
[SCP-7089]: A flaw.
Scientists notice a sarcastic tone in its voice, writting down their marvelous
[SCP-7089]: Even the Doctor said it.. the only cure to its disease, is in fact…
[Subject]: Who is that.. Doctor you are talking about..?
[Subject]: I do not know who that is..
One of the scientists is heard spitting their breverage out..
[SCP-7089]: ……..
[SCP-7089]: I bet the people listening behind that glass know who i'm
refering to…
[SCP-7089]: …..
[SCP-7089]: Whatever the case…
[SCP-7089]: God has accepted that humanity, in itself, is a disease..
[SCP-7089]: I am destined to annihilate any surviving human individual
when said event comes, ensuring a proper extinction of the human race.
SCP-7089 moves its head to the left, appearing to remember something in a
melancholic way.. then moves right back at the subject
[SCP-7089]: That is why.. i am here.
[SCP-7089]: Why are.. YOU, human.. here..? in this prison?
[Subject]: I.. I killed someone..
[SCP-7089]: Ah yes.. humanity's insufferable hatred against eachother..
[Subject]: No! It wasn't that way..
SCP-7089 laughs, rotating its skull 360º degrees.. then locking it up in place
again with a bone-knuckling sound..
[Subject]: I..I..
[Subject]: I killed my best friend…
[SCP-7089]: ….?
[SCP-7089]: So, you killed your best friend out of anger?
[Subject]: …..
[Subject]: N.. No.. not exactly..
[Subject]: He raped my daughter.. so i killed him with my bare hands…
[Subject]: I.. I had to.. I didn't want him to rot in a prison..
[Subject]: I wanted to strangle and bump his head in the floor of the street
[SCP-7089]: ……
[SCP-7089]: Of course..
[SCP-7089]: That is only natural…
[SCP-7089]: Let's see how good of a person you are..[Subject].. shall we..?
The beast creeps closer to the human, having its large teeth-filled skull 5/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
This would later be rendered useless, as the person's body would continue to drop
its temperature significantly after a few days.
After aproximately two weeks of the starting incident, the host would be found
dead with its body being at an average temperature of -10 / -15 degrees.
Further analysis indicates that the subject was frozen to death, having its brain
turned into ice of anomalous properties.
This ice, upon researched, was later confirmed to be more than [REDACTED] years
old, although its properties remain to be the same of current ice.
These instances would later aid our Biological Research Institutes in dating
several newly discovered Bacteria of primitive appearance upon first glance.
Note: Subsequent experiments involving other D-Class personnel who had not
previously angered SCP-7089 did not result in the manifestation of SCP-7089-A or
the associated psychological effects.
This suggests a direct correlation between the psychological disturbances and
previous encounters with SCP-7089, rendering SCP-7089-A to be a memetic
It is apparent that the ice found in the subject's brain is similiar to the one
extracted from the cabin in incident 7089-0.
[Room-168-19 Log 13920130-7089-26 Found]
- 13920130-7089-26
Alarms constantly beeping, the sound of people yelling and screaming for
their lives, as death creeps closer.
Gunshots are fired, footsteps are heard, and suddently the door closes
leaving those sounds slightly muffled with the walls.
The person who entered the room, walks towards a few chairs.. and
collapses to the ground.
Slight sobbing and crying is heard..while the alarms keep singing their song
of doom.
Nobody else seems to be left outside of the corridor, as the constant yelling
is silenced..
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: …
[SCP-7089]: ….
[SCP-7089]: It's you.
The human sees the creatures' eyes light up in the darkness.. as if pure evil
was standing right next to him, stalking its victim..
Its soulless eyes, glowing in the dark give him a feeling of uneasiness.. as if
death was about to strike him down any moment.. 8/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
[Subject]: But..
[Subject]: In the end, this is as bad as a prison for us, isn't it..?
[Subject]: Maybe even worse..
[SCP-7089]: ….
[SCP-7089]: Yes…
[SCP-7089]: There are.. fates.. worse than death.
The two of them stay in silence for a few seconds, while the human keeps
[???]: Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-9, Epsilon-11, Zeta-9 has entered the
facility.. all remaining personnel are to procceed with standart evacuation
protocols until an MTF squad reaches your destination..
[Subject]: I.. I won't make it alive..
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: I'm.. dead already..
[Subject]: I-I…
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: It's.. it's so cold…
He backs off a little, his breath slowing down as his body starts to stutter..
[Subject]: Could you please.. back off?
[Subject]: You're so cold..
[SCP-7089]: …..
The creature moves and sits at the other end of the room, its tail wagging
from side to side as the undead odor and coldness stops.. Its eyes now
start staring at him from the darkness.
He continues sobbing and crying for his life.. getting his body altogether to
stay warm and calm himself as the gunshots get closer..
[SCP-7089]: …
[SCP-7089]: I am not who to speak, but..
[SCP-7089]: Don't you have things to live for anymore..?
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: N.. N-No..
[Subject]: The only thing i really cared about was my daughter…
[Subject]: Its been years since i last saw her.. eh.. maybe 5..?
[Subject]: I-I'm already dead anyways.. I won't be able to do much with just
one hand..
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: Once they find me, t.. they will..
[Subject]: ….
[Subject]: It'll be over..
[Subject]: I will never make it out alive.. they don't let anyone out.. Not after
seeing all these things..
[SCP-7089]: …..
[SCP-7089]: Hm… 10/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
you out. An image of the room suddently appears in your vision, having two
luminous dot-like eyes starting at you from the darkness.
[SCP-7089]: You might want to search in that little cabin a bit more.
[SCP-7089]: I have no need to hide my origins, scientists.
[SCP-7089]: Those incidents… are just part of my self-defense system.
[SCP-7089]: I apologice for the events that happened.
[SCP-7089]: ….
Its eyes start glowing more intensely.. having its voice switch from a calmed
deep voice, to a slightly agressive and angry one..
[SCP-7089]: What i do not apologice.. is killing those who are infected and
brainwashed to the point of not caring about other beings.
[SCP-7089]: All of you should be grateful.
[SCP-7089]: They… DESERVED it.
[SCP-7089]: ….
[SCP-7089]: Soon the extinction of humanity will come.
[SCP-7089]: It is only a matter of time, before they destroy eachother.
[SCP-7089]: …..
[SCP-7089]: Follow me.
SCP-7089 suddently starts moving again, gaining fast enough speed to
break the door. The human follows it through the corridors filled with blood
and internal organs. Dangerous anomalies, lurking in the shadows.. killing
anything who crosses their path. SCP-7089 guides its ally through the
corridors, trying to protect it from any danger… which is surprising,
considering its hate towards humanity. Before reaching the exit, they
encounter several dead bodies.. along with various guards who died
defending their positions so others could save their lives.
Incident Report #7089-1592
- 13920176-7089-27
About Re-Containment:
In the aftermath of the alarming containment breach at Site-19, the actions of
SCP-7089 were captured by the surveillance cameras within the main facility. The
entity was observed mercilessly slaughtering individuals, exhibiting a disturbing
method of biting and slicing their flesh as if it were mere paper, while subjecting
them to a freezing effect.
Tragically, a terrifying scene awaited Foundation personnel, with the discovery of
46 lifeless bodies frozen in a macabre tableau of dissection.
SCP-7089 was found to grow almost 5 times its normal size, growing horns and
spikes — no description of the footage will be provided, as they were later found
full of human guts and blood. 12/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
The whole scene, as well as several corridors were found fully covered in ice
qualities similiar to SCP-7089 related events.
After deployment of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9, SCP-7089 was properly
contained and forced to enter its docile state, retracting its spikes and growing
back to its original size.
The other 9 SCP subjects were also re-contained in the timestamp of 27 minutes…
although casualties were much higher than expected.
An estimate of 70% of the site's personnel was properly evacuated, not counting
D-Class personnel.
Taken measures upon the incident:
Upon revision of the incident, research personnel decided that SCP-7089's Object
Classification is to be revised.
Further prison transactions are to be dispatched in the need of more test subjects.
With the containment breach brought under control, the diligent efforts of
Foundation personnel shifted focus towards a thorough examination of SCP-
7089's containment logs, leading them to initiate a search for the whereabouts of
After several weeks, the subject was found in Carson City, Nevada where decisive
action was taken to terminate the individual due to their knowledge of classified
Foundation information.
Foundation officials conducted a thorough interrogation of D-███'s family
members, who did apparently not know any of the subject's secret information. As
a gesture of goodwill, the SCP Foundation's personnel holding 04 security
clearance extended sincere apologies and offered a financial restitution to the
family, as long as they attempt to forget the incident.
Scientists decided to resume and further investigate SCP-7089's real origin,
thanks to the found recording.. resulting in another exploration of its origin site in
Addendum 7089-0.
Addendum 7089-4: Origin Site Discoveries
- Addendum 7089-4
Upon1investigation, a hatch to a basement was encountered in the floor of the
cabin , and the following scenario was discovered:
The basement of the cabin, much like the rest of the structure, was covered in a
layer of ice, and after a defrosting process, the following was seen and noted by
Numerous tables and chairs, alongside aged kitchen utensils, notably rusty kitchen
knives bearing discernible vestiges of sanguine fluid, congruent in carbon dating
to the temporal origin of the cabin itself. 13/14
22/5/23, 15:54 SCP Foundation: SCP-7089
At first glance, there were chunks of ice that release radioactive energy, several
torture devices as well as stuffed animal skins such as wolves, deer, and other
common forest creatures. After investigating further and the defrosting process
was complete, skinned animals such as cats and dogs were found, as well as
glimpses of human skin and bones.
A DNA blood analysis later confirmed that the torture devices were used on both
humans and animals found in the basement.
The source of the ice was traced back to the basement, leading to speculation
that SCP-7089 may have been one of the animals that perished there.
The exact process by which SCP-7089 transformed from a normal animal into its
current anomalous state remains unknown.
Following these discoveries, an interview with SCP-7089 took place further
confirming these events, without much2information being revealed as it is known to
trigger the object's self-defense state. . SCP-7089 is commonly nicknamed
"Frostbite" by MTF personnel for its peculiar way of body disposal.
1. Cabin discovered near SCP-7089's original appearance in 1991.
2. Events from logs explained in Addendums 7089-1, 7089-2, 7089-3.
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