X RES2 - HUMSS - GROUP 6 Chapter 1 Draft
X RES2 - HUMSS - GROUP 6 Chapter 1 Draft
X RES2 - HUMSS - GROUP 6 Chapter 1 Draft
The influence of astrology in general when it comes personality traits have been
commonly studied in the field of psychology. In today’s generation, astrology is one of the most
widespread and visible forms of psychic reading. (Kempton, 2020) The rise of an astrology app
called "Co-Star", and so- called spiritual products like crystals and herbs prove that exceptional
acceptance is seen in the belief system. In result to this, the psychic reading services grew 2%
between the year 2011 to the year 2016. It claims that “more than half of young adults in the U.S.
believe astrology is a science” according to the data from the National Science Foundation study
It is evident that astrology guides and provides people’s perceptions into their own
characteristics. Acquaintance with star signs could constitute an important factor in perceptions
about personality traits (Eysenck & Nias, 1982). On the first one hand, some people use astrology
to create assumptions about future occurrences and people’s personalities which can lead to
prejudice or misjudgment that may affect one’s perception towards a person. In China, where
Western Astrology is prevalent, job posts often list the astrological signs an employer favors the
most. While sometimes they leave signs viewed as inferior. Particularly, the prejudice toward
Virgos are pronounced; some Chinese companies consider them to be spoiled and excessively
uptight. A survey found that 4.3 percent of college graduates looking for a job in China had
undergone some form of discrimination depending on their signs. (Blum, 2020) On the other
hand, some are just reading it for entertainment purposes only such as sharing memes and posts
sign to the personality of an individual (Saklofske, Ivan William Kelly, & McKerracher, 1982)
with a set of personalities and also to predetermine one's personality of people born under a
certain astrological sign. Specific traits regarding these signs assume that people born in any of
the twelve 12 astrological signs were inborn with the sign’s corresponding personality traits.
However, the researchers have encountered situations where the personality of an individual does
With that, the researchers want to determine if astrology is related to the personality with
peers of the Grade 11 Students of St. Bridget School. This research was conducted to determine
whether or not astrology has an influence on an individual's personality when they are with their
peers. In addition to that, the research may also help the readers to prevent the misguided beliefs
and information that may affect their daily lives and perception to other people.
The study took place in St. Bridget School, an exclusive all-girls’ school in Quezon City.
In which the primary target of this research is the Grade 11 Students of the academic school year
2020-2021, this research may also benefit the people around the students such as peers, the
Astrology is observable that it has always been a topic of discussion through social media
and even in casual conversations. The researchers have found interest in this topic since it is also
evident in their daily living since they were born in the time of Generation Z. Astrology is a
widely used topic that is well known and is something that catches the interest of people in
generations Millennial to Generation Z. With this, the researchers have also decided to show their
interest in astrology and also their curiosity of how related a person’s astrological sign is to their
Given the fact that it is widely used by today’s generation, you can it might be observed
that people often do such practices associated with astrology such as comparing and contrasting
their astrological sign to one another, researching about the given characteristics of their given
astrological signs, and making astrology their topic of discussion. Despite the fact that some
research papers have not yet fully addressed the comparison of a student’s astrological sign to
their personalities when they are with their peers, to contribute to this gap, the researchers aim to
study the relation of the students’ given astrological sun signs to their personality whenever they
are around their peers, having the Grade 11 students in St. Bridget School as their variable.
In their daily lives, people do not prefer not knowing what is going to happen while they
continue what they are doing with their career, love life, or in their social life. It is by nature that
people seek guidance in the most convenient way for them to find it, no matter what the reason
may be. To some, this is where astrology and horoscopes come in. Astrology and Horoscopes
define their personalities through celestial bodies on the date that we were born. Astrologers
believe that the positions of the celestial bodies on the day that we were born are related to us
people here on earth. They also believe that they can predict what happens next in their life.
(Patel, 2018). Hence the objective of Tthis research is will help in to determineing whether
astrology and horoscopes are actually related to us humans especially to our personalities.
Statement of the Problem
The study examines the relationship between astrology and personality with peers of the
Grade 11 Students in St. Bridget School, Quezon City. The study is to be conducted during the
2. What is the personality of the Grade 11 Students when they are with their peers?
when they are with their peers and their astrological sign?
This research was conducted to determine whether the astrological sign has a significant
relationship with the personalities of the Grade 11 Students when they are with their peers. The
research will focus on the astrological sign based on the birth (sun sign) of the respondents,
therefore the results will only cover how the respondents’ personality are affected by their
corresponding astrological sign. It will also focus on what is the personality of the Grade 11
Students when they are with their peers. This study will be conducted at St. Bridget School in
Quezon City during the academic year 2020-2021. The research will have 59 senior high school
students as their respondents that are divided into three strands, specifically ABM, HUMSS and
STEM. All the respondents were enrolled as grade 11 at this time of study. Due to the study
being performed in a specific school, a shift in location and group of respondents may change the
final results of the study.
Students. The research will benefit students because the research aims to determine if there is a
relationship between an individual's personality towards their peers and to their astrological sign.
This is beneficial for the students because the findings might help them to understand more of
Psychologists. The study discusses personality of an individual towards their peers, this may help
the psychological field to further widen their knowledge and understanding about personality.
Also, this research may help the field acquire the knowledge needed to provide new development
techniques or tactics regarding an individual's personality and their relationship with their peers.
Peers. Since the research focuses on determining if there is a relationship between the
corresponding astrological sign of an individual and their personality towards their peers, this
research is indeed applicable and beneficial to peers. The results of the study may help them to
communicate better and to understand their peers better. With that, this may also strengthen their
Millennials - Generation Z. The said generations will benefit from the said study because we
have observed that they are very interested in Astrology. Since our study focuses on the
relationship of Astrology and the personality of an individual towards their peers, this may catch
the attention of Millennials and Gen Z and could widen their knowledge about Astrology.
Academe. The result of this study may serve as a basis for further studies regarding Astrology
and personalities of adolescents. This research can also help researchers to gain knowledge about
The following terms are defined to help the readers understand the context of each term in this
Astrology - Astrology claims to explain typical characteristics of people born at certain times of'
the year, and how people who are born at different times differ from each other ( MacGregor,
Sun Sign - This Planet represents the self, one's personality and ego, the spirit and what it is that
- The sun sign is determined through the day and month of birth (Angel, 2015) Peers
- A group of people of approximately the same age who have similar interests, background, or
Personality - Personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account for consistent
patterns of feelings, thinking, and behaving (Pervin, Cervone & John, 2005)