P-QRS-T Localization in ECG Using Deep Learning
P-QRS-T Localization in ECG Using Deep Learning
P-QRS-T Localization in ECG Using Deep Learning
Abstract— This paper describes a work using the capabilities QRS-wave, and the T-wave, embedded in a cardiac complex.
of deep neural networks to predict key wave locations in Past attempts have included manually designed features from
a cardiac complex on an electrocardiogram (ECG) as part the cardiac complexes to each type of diagnoses. Managing
of a challenge introduced by Physionet, a provider of ECG
collections, on detecting critical waveforms that contain essen- multiple versions of manually defined features would not
tial information in cardiology. The key waves include P-wave, be cost effective in practice. A reliable DL method would
QRS-wave, and T-wave. Recent attempts to extract hierarchical generate its own features leading to one capable and easy-
features of cardiac complexes have been reported in literature, to-maintain system.
but finding the accurate position of critical cardiac waves has The task of locating three major waves in cardiac com-
been a challenge in the ECG signal processing research. This
study investigates multiple architectures and learning rates of plexes is one of the primary challenges introduced by Phys-
the deep neural networks and adopts a four-step procedure ioNet [3], a provider of collections of recorded physiologic
to find the best one that can predict the wave locations. A signals. PhysioNet produces a comprehensive dataset, called
remarkable rate of 96.2% of accuracy in the localization task QTDB [3], detecting waveforms in the ECG . For each
has been achieved. This study consists of four parts to produce interval of P-wave, QRS-wave, and T-wave in this dataset, a
output predictions; obtaining the cardiac complexes from QT
Databse (QTDB) ; introduce multiple architectures, including point has been marked. Since the QTDB is an aggregation of
fully-connected networks, LeNet-style ConvNet with dropout, some other datasets, in a few cases, the beginning and end
LeNet-style ConvNet without dropout and train these networks; of the wave are marked, thus establishing two points for one
use an unseen test set to calculate the accuracy of the system interval. Therefore, three points are given, and each point
with different tolerance in each wave interval; compare all these represents a location in a wave interval.
architectures together to analyze the most suitable architecture
for this task.
In recent years, with increasing computational power,
several machine learning methodologies have been used
for diagnosing heart diseases by classifying different heart
conditions and abnormalities [1], [2]. These approaches are
the classifiers for heart conditions, and they do not locate
the related wave for the associated symptoms. Finding the
location of major waves, regardless of their morphology,
can augment the possibility of even more accurate medical
diagnoses in automated ECG diagnostic systems, leading to
practical, high-throughput, cost effective population-based
screening. This paper presents the investigation of a par-
ticular branch of machine learning, the deep learning (DL)
methods, which are applied to extracting features necessary
for detecting position of ECG key waves. The DL methods Fig. 1. One instance of a cardiac complex extracted from QTDB.
are attractive since they are capable of learning features on
their own by observing a large amount of instances. The aim Recorded physiological signals are sampled at 250Hz, and
of this research work is to apply DL on ECG reads, to both the QTDB includes 105 fifteen-minutes of two-channel ECG
detect and locate the major waves, namely, the P-wave, the recording, chosen to include a broad variety of QRS and
ST-T morphologies. An automated system has annotated the
This research was supported by Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation
waveforms and experts made corrections when the automated
1 Hedayat Abrishami, Chia Han and Xuefu Zhou are with the Department system failed to perform annotation [3]. This dataset allows
of EECS, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, OH researchers to perform on the entire ECG signal or beat to
45220, USA abrishht@mail.uc.edu han@ucmail.uc.edu beat analysis. Fig. I shows an extracted cardiac complex from
2 Matthew Campbell is with the Division of Cardiology QTDB padded to 300 data points sampled at 250Hz (1.2
at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA second(s)) and 3 marks indicating the location of P-wave,
campbellm5@email.chop.edu QRS-wave, and T-wave. In this work, the ECG beat to beat
3 Richard Czosek is with the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229,USA within every cardiac complex is analyzed and our focus is
Richard.czosek@cchmc.org not on extracting cardiac complexes but only on finding the
if every location of the waves predicted randomly, then of delineating, and localization of key waves augments the
the average accuracy would be 150 data points. Therefore, possibility of making impact to future research in cardi-
accuracy percentage can be obtained by Eq.3: ology. By combining the vital information of waveforms
150 − RM SECost with other methods in recognizing symptoms, more accurate
Accuracy = (3) heart related diseases can be diagnosed and high-throughput,
automated ECG diagnostic systems can be developed to serve
The best result for the test set in terms of percentage is
the need of large population screening for disease prevention.
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