DocuShare User Defined Workflows - EN
DocuShare User Defined Workflows - EN
DocuShare User Defined Workflows - EN
Users scan or upload documents Documents are automatically Documents added to Rejected Once approved, documents are
to a Review folder with a pre-set routed to the project team for folder generate a notification to published and made available to
content rule. input and then to the team the project team. the public.
manager for approval.
Xerox ® DocuShare ® Content Management Platform
User-friendly routing slips also offer USE CONTENT RULES FOR PROCESS
significant flexibility, and give registered A U T O M AT I O N
users full control over the review and
Content rules go beyond basic document
approval process, enabling them to:
routing capabilities, enabling users to easily
• Specify the recipient action required (review, define advanced, document-centric
approve, or acknowledge). workflows. Each content rule includes three
components: event triggers (similar to those
• Indicate whether the document should go to used in notifications), content filters
the entire group simultaneously or one (conditions that must be true for the rule
person at a time in a specific sequence. action to activate), and the action itself.
Unlike review and approval, which requires a
• Provide action instructions in the routing
person to take action on a document in order
email for each recipient.
to change its state in the workflow, content
• Stipulate who must respond to the request: rules can automatically change document
one person, a majority of recipients, or properties or a document state without any
all recipients. human intervention. For instance, content
rules can mark certain folders as complete or
• Specify whether, when, and how to escalate ready for review, and then move the folder
the routing if the required number of into a workspace or collection for the next
participants do not respond by a specific date. stage in the workflow.
Any registered user can quickly create a
• Define a single routing step that consists of These capabilities make content rules ideal routing slip, indicating the action that
one action, such as sending a document to for loan applications and similar processes recipients should take: approve or
users for approval, or several sequential steps where the content’s description, format, or disapprove the document, review and
that automate a more elaborate location must be automatically modified. make changes to the document, or
document process. Users can create a rule that marks a folder as acknowledge receipt of the document.
“loan application complete, loan pending Specifying the routing order is equally
The document routing option is well suited underwriting review” as soon as the signed simple, choosing from one of four
for a multitude of business processes, from disclosure statements arrive in the collection. options: in order, at the same time–
basic document review and approval by a That same rule can also copy the folder into single reply, at the same time–all reply,
single person, to multi-step processes the underwriter’s workspace, upon which the and at the same time–majority reply.
involving a large team and numerous underwriter receives an email indicating the
approval levels, editing cycles, and application is ready for review. Document
information gathering phases. A typical routing or notifications alone can’t do this.
employee evaluation process is a good However, both notifications and document
example of what can be implemented using routing can be initiated under the control of
only the routing capabilities of DocuShare: a content rule (or triggered by a change
• Each participant in the process receives a made through content rules).
routing slip for the evaluation document Xerox ® DocuShare helps knowledge workers
along with a cover email outlining the simplify and streamline their personal and
handling requirements and due date (all office work experience, and helps enterprises
based on settings in the routing slip) optimize and automate key business
• During the first stage, peer commentary processes.
from a majority of coworkers is solicited