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Pop Culture 04 Worksheet 3 Roluna

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Shane Xavier Palma Roluna

bshm601/ Philippine Popular Culture

04 Worksheet 3

 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within has the
distinction of being the first computer-  The film received flak for its expensive
animated feature film to achieve production costs, which were reportedly
something approaching photorealism $137 million. Despite the film's technical
with a cast of non-cartoony human accomplishments, just $85 million was
characters. made at the box office, making it a
commercial failure. Due to these losses
in revenue, the movie's production firm,
 The impact the movie has had on the Square Pictures, was forced to close its
animation business is a plus. It opened doors.
the door for subsequent films to
investigate the potential of CGI  Some critics have suggested that a
animation and motivated other directors tighter, more focused plot with better-
to push the limits of what was developed characters could have
conceivable with the technology. Last improved the movie's reception with
but not least, the movie's association viewers as far as what could have been
with the well-known Final Fantasy improved in it. Some people also
franchise served to both broaden the believed that the film's attempts to push
franchise's appeal outside of the world of the boundaries of CGI animation may
video games and attract new fans. have come at the expense of the plot
and that a more balanced approach
between technical achievement and
storytelling could have led to a more
successful film..
 Even though Final Fantasy: The Spirits  If Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within were
Within was released almost twenty years to be released today, growing
ago, it could still benefit from current competition in the entertainment market
trends if it were to be redone or updated is one of the many concerns that could
for a contemporary audience. The jeopardize its success. It can be
ongoing popularity of science fiction and challenging for any one piece of material
fantasy literature, which is still very to stand out because there are so many
popular among audiences today, is one movies, TV series, and other forms of
trend that the movie may take use of. media competing for audiences'
Additionally, since audiences are attention. Additionally, because other
becoming more concerned with films have since pushed the limits of the
environmental issues and the possible medium, the movie's emphasis on
effects of technological advancement, photorealistic character design and
the movie's emphasis on the risks of ground-breaking CGI animation might
technology and humanity's relationship not be as impressive to viewers today.
with the environment may strike a chord
with viewers.  Rivals might also use new platforms and
 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within has the technologies to expand their reach and
chance of using its themes of humanity offer distinctive viewing experiences. For
and sacrifice to tell a more compelling instance, some films are currently only
story that is emotionally compelling. The available through streaming platforms,
film could draw viewers who are looking which may enable them to reach a larger
for movies that combine both technical audience than through more
accomplishments and compelling conventional theater releases. The
storytelling by emphasizing character photorealistic settings of Final Fantasy:
development and generating more The Spirits Within could be matched by
relatable and well-rounded protagonists. immersive experiences made with the
The film might also touch on current help of virtual and augmented reality
problems that interest modern technologies.
audiences, like the moral ramifications of
AI and the influence of technology on

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