Smart Income Protect - Flier
Smart Income Protect - Flier
Smart Income Protect - Flier
SBI Life - Smart Income Protect is an Individual, Non-Linked Participating Life Insurance Savings Product designed to provide the
life cover and regular cash inflow at the time you need. It is a participating traditional plan where you continue to pay your regular
premiums over a period of 5, 7 or 15 years. Thereafter your payout period starts, where you get guaranteed (Conditions apply*)
regular annual payouts over a period of 15 years, meeting your various financial obligations.
• Plan that provides Insurance Cover and Regular Income.
• Choose your policy term from 5 years, 7 years or 15 years.
• Premium payment term will be same as policy term chosen by you.
• Vested Reversionary bonuses plus Terminal bonus, if any, will be paid as lump sum at the end of the policy term, at maturity.
• Guaranteed annual payouts of 11% of Basic Sum Assured/Paid up Sum Assured on maturity
• Alternatively, you have an option to receive maturity benefit in a lump sum. The maturity benefit in this case would be guaranteedsum
assured at maturitywhich is 110% of basic sum assured plus vested reversionarybonuses plus terminal bonus, if any.
• Customize your coverage through a wide range of rider benefits: SBI Life - Accidental Death Benefit Rider (UIN 111B015V03),
SBI Life - Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Benefit Rider (UIN 111B016V03), SBI Life - Preferred Term Rider (UIN
*Provided, at Maturity if the policy is in-force or Paid-up.