Tech Sheet Series C
Tech Sheet Series C
Tech Sheet Series C
Operating Benefits
Reliable metering performance. Our guided check valves,
with their state-of-the-art seat and ball designs, provide
precise seating, and excellent priming and suction lift
characteristics. Our timing circuit is highly reliable and, by
design, virtually unaffected by temperature, EMI and other
electrical disturbances.
Rated “hot” for continuous duty. Series C pumps
continue to meet their specifications for pressure and
capacity even during extended use. That’s because of
our high quality solenoid and special enclosure that
effectively dissipates heat.
High viscosity capability. A straight flow path and ample
clearance between the diaphragm and head enable standard
PULSAtron pumps to handle viscous chemicals up to a
viscosity of 1000 CPS.
Leak-free, sealless, liquid end. Our diaphragms are
of superior construction—PTFE-faced, bonded to a
composite of Hypalon and fabric layers, and reinforced with
a metal insert for optimum flexibility and durability.
For additional information about PULSAtron’s full-featured Series MP & Series E PLUS,
refer to Technical Sheet No. EMP-027 & EMP-021, about the mid-range Series E, Series D &
Series A PLUS refer to Technical Sheet No. EMP-022, EMP-023 & EMP-025. For informa- technology
tion about the economical Series C PLUS refer to Technical Sheet No. EMP-026 & EMP-024.
PULSAtron Series C Specifications
Series C - Four model selections. Digit 1 and 2 (LC) signify product class, digit 3 and 4 signify pressure flow. For full model
selection information refer to Price Schedule.
KOPkit ®
Available for every model, the
KOPkit provides an econo-
mically priced package of
parts required for routine
maintenance. The kit
typically contains new
valve cartridges with
Series C Dimensions (inches)
o-rings, head, diaphragm,
Shipping secondary o-ring seal, head
Model No. A B C D E Weight screws and washers.
LC02 5.0 9.6 9.5 6.5 8.2 10 For further KOPkit information, refer
LC03 5.0 9.9 9.5 6.5 8.5 10 to Technical Sheet No. GB-045.
LCC4 5.0 9.9 9.5 6.5 8.5 10
LC04 5.0 9.9 9.5 6.5 8.5 10
LC54 5.0 9.9 9.5 6.5 8.5 10
NOTE: Inches X 2.54 = cm