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Finance Service Level Agreement

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Finance Department SLA

A) Date and version history

Version Date
Finance Service Level Agreement Version 0.1 3 August 2010
First draft of the agreement prior to pilot
Finance Service Level Agreement Version 0.2 24 August 2010
Comments from the BSB
Finance Service Level Agreement Version 0.3 16 September 2010

B) Parties Involved and Lead Officers

Service Provider Lead Officer

Finance team, Central Services, Bar Council Brian Buck, Chief

Service Users Lead Officer

All staff members at the Bar Standards Board Mandie Lavin, BSB

C) Overview of the agreement

How this agreement will meet the businesses needs

The Bar Standards Board requires Financial services to support the day to day business and
in delivering the objectives set out in the business plan. All finance related services such as
payroll, banking, purchase/sales ledger, financial and management accounts will be
provided and supported by the Finance Department.

D) Requirements

What is required by the service user

• Strategic financial planning, management account and budgeting advice (which
includes submitting requests for additional funding to the Finance and Audit
• Staff remuneration services (payroll processing, pensions administration etc)
• Cash management (petty cash, banking, credit cards etc)
• Income collection (invoicing, credit control etc)
• Payment processing (purchase ledger, staff expenses, lay reps fees/expenses,
raising cheques for compensation payments etc)
• Management accounts (monthly accounts, quarterly balance sheet, cash-flow etc)
• Annual accounts (statement preparation, audit arrangement, filing etc)
• Organise Annual Travel Insurance Policy
• Managing tax requirements and obligations (eg payroll, VAT etc)
• Amendments to the Finance Manual communicated to all BSB staff

What is required by the service provider

• Compliance with Finance Manual and policy procedures
• Reasonable notice for service requests (see section H below)
• Accurate and timely information provided (eg relating to invoice requests and
accruals) and co-operation with finance enquiries, particularly for year-end deadlines
E) Length of agreement and review date

Length of Agreement Review Date

This SLA will be reviewed annually 31 August 2011
There will be a 3 month review of the additional arrangements in 3 month review to be
the SLA, carried out by the service provider and the service users carried out in January

F) Specifications

Level of Service Target

Process payroll payments on a timely basis Pay on 25th of month or
before if falling on
Reimburse staff / provide season ticket loans promptly Pay within 5 working
days of receiving
required info
Lay committee members fees and expenses / compensation Pay within 10 working
payments days of receiving
required info
Provide monthly management accounts Distribute to heads of
departments within 5
working days of month
Raise invoices to debtors as soon as possible and chase up Raise invoices within 5
overdue debts working days of request
Contact debtors, within
5 working days, for
amounts once over 30
calendar days old
Manage an efficient purchase ledger Distribute invoices to
budget holders within 2
working days of receipt.
Pay due invoices in a
timely manner
Produce audited Annual Accounts (external auditors arranged by End of May (2011)
finance department)

The Finance department will always aim to provide financial 1 – 4 working days
information and advice to BSB staff within 4 working days. If
queries cannot be answered within this timescale, the finance
department will respond within 1 working day to say when the
information can be provided.

G) Quality

Level of Service Target

An overview of the provision of advice, which will note both good Report from the BSB will
examples as well as areas where there may be concerns, will be presented to the
reported to the quarterly SLA meetings. quarterly SLA meeting
H) Timing

Requests for service Time frame

Standard accountancy processes require 5 working days notice 5 working days notice
Where urgent requests for payments are stated in full, the finance
department will carry these out as soon as possible

I) Availability of Service

When can you contact us Hours

You can contact us during normal office hours 9.00am – 17.00pm
Monday to Friday

J) Performance monitoring and reporting

Measures Reported to
Payments received direct to employees on time Individual users
Monthly management accounts Heads of Departments
and Director
The measures detailed in F) G) and H) will be monitored through Will be presented by
overview reports that detail the quality and timeliness of advice; both the Finance
the reports will note both good examples as well as areas where Department and the
there may be concern. BSB to the Quarterly
SLA Meetings

K) Dispute resolution

First Steps Responsibility

The Chief Accountant and the Service Users should initially Chief Accountant/
attempt to resolve any disputes as to whether the SLA has been Service users
adhered to (targets and requirements met/not met). This may
include reviewing the content of the SLA. Where issues around
prioritisation occur, these must be raised with the Directors

Second Steps Responsibility

If the issues cannot be resolved locally, then they should be Director of Central
raised with either of the Directors. Non-compliance with the SLA Services, BSB Director
should be discussed with the reasons why targets or
requirements cannot, or have not, been met. Resolution or
remedial action should be investigated and then agreed by both

Third Steps Responsibility

The Directors can refer SLA issues to the Chairs Committee if the Chair of the Chairs
prioritisation of services or independence of the regulatory Committee
functions are, or may become, compromised. The Committee
may decide that the BSB should explore other avenues, possibly
external sources, for service provision.
L) Signatures

Name and Job Title Signature and Date

Brian Buck 16 September 2010
Chief Accountant (pp Rob Miller)
Oliver Delany
Director - Central Services
Mandie Lavin
Director - BSB

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