Savage Worlds - Heroic Hordes - The Celestial Legions
Savage Worlds - Heroic Hordes - The Celestial Legions
Savage Worlds - Heroic Hordes - The Celestial Legions
A Note on How We Create Characters
At Misfit Studios, we believe the rules should serve the character concept in-
stead of the other way around. As such, the characters herein ignore the usual lim-
itation on not being able to purchase the Power Points Edge. Enabling super hero
(and villain) characters to continue to develop, expand, and grow their powers is an
essential element of the genre. Inhibiting the ability of characters to do so is not
something our products supports. So, we encourage Gamemasters to follow the
example of characters appearing in our products by allowing players to purchase this
Edge with its usual restrictions applied. (Or without the restrictions if your game is
better for it.)
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pin-
nacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all asso-
ciated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the
quality, viability, or suitability for the purpose of this product.
Table of Contents
1. New Traits 4
New Hindrances 4
2. Powers 5
Generic Modifiers 5
New and Expanded Powers 6
The Gaothoem 16
Gaothoem, Native Form 16
4. Sample Characters 24
Celestial Legionnaire 24
Quiton-Pol 29
Legionnaire Droog 29
Dreek-Tal 33
Marauder 34
Dedic 39
Nadilian Archetype 39
1. New Traits
We are introducing some new character, above and beyond any po-
Traits for your use, as well as for the tential fly-by-the-cuff adjustments
content presented here. that may be appropriate to any trap-
pings. This could be as simple as the
character stinking especially bad
2. Powers
N ew and
possible. The character’s faster than
light speed depends on how many
points are spent, as indicated on the
accompanying table. If using the
hyperspace option for traveling in-
terstellar distances (see the Science
Fiction Companion), the table instead
indicates how many days of travel
Using the Celestial Legions in your
are required within hyperspace. Ei-
game requires introducing a new
ther way, Gamemasters may require a
power, as well as some new modifiers
Knowledge (Astrogation) skill roll to
for existing powers.
properly plot a course to the intend-
ed destination (see the Science Fiction
Faster than Light Travel Companion for more details.)
Cost Varies Combat is not possible while trav-
Trappings: Space warping, hy- eling faster than light because move-
per-travel, FTL flight ment occurs faster than sensory in-
formation can travel. Without this
The hero can travel faster than information, there is no way to target
light (FTL), making movement be- an attack even if the attack is itself fast
tween solar systems and even galax- enough to strike a target moving at
ies in a (somewhat) reasonable time such speeds.
Faster than Light Table ● Area Effect (+2/+4): For 2 points,
Negation affects an area the size
of a Medium Burst Template.
Points FTL Speed Time
For 4 points the hero may use ei-
Speed of
1 2d6 days ther a Medium or a Large Burst
2 x Speed
2 1d8 days
of Light ● Maintain (+2): Traits remain ne-
4 x Speed gated for as long as the hero main-
3 1d4 days
of Light tains their concentration (impos-
10 x Speed ing –1 to all other actions.)
4 Instant
of Light
● Permanent (+20): Trait steps lost
to this power are permanently
Heightened Senses Expanded negated. The ramifications of al-
lowing this are severe, so Game-
The following new senses are avail-
masters should be careful about
able to the Heightened Senses power.
permitting this modifier. It is also
● Cosmic: The character has a keen a good idea to offer the chance for
sense that can detect the pres- this outcome to be undone as part
ence, potency, and flow of cosmic of a story arc.
energy. This sense has a range of
● Range (+2/+4): Traits can be ne-
12/24/48, imposing Notice roll
gated from targets at a range of
modifiers of 0/–2/–4.
12/24/48 for 2 points or 24/48/96 for
● Directional Sense: The character 4 points.
has an internal sense of where true
● Uncontrolled (–2): The character
north is. Furthermore, they can re-
automatically negates the indicat-
trace their steps without fail, even
ed Trait with physical contact; the
when other senses are absent.
hero is powerless to stop it from
The following new modifiers are happening.
available to the Heightened Senses
3. The Celestial
An ancient race of energy beings, permanently upset the balance of pow-
the Gaothoem were one of three spe- er in its favor. The latter developed a
cies to dominate the Universal Core technology that allowed them to punch
many millions of years ago following through reality into another dimension,
an impressive span of technologi- creating a wormhole that would in-
cal and social evolution. During this stantly gate them anywhere. The inten-
era, all three civilizations expand- tion was to enable them to discover and
ed their holdings, colonizing new colonize new, inhabited worlds faster
worlds slowly due to the restrictions than its two great rivals, the Conclave
of sub-light speed technology. They and Zettex Assemblage. Unfortunately
increased the breadth of their under- for the universe, no one considered this
standing of the universe exponential- other dimension already served a func-
ly during this period, bumping heads tion, in this case as a prison for an evil
with each other in wars that lasted that predated history.
thousands (if not millions) of years
Unleashed by the wormhole ex-
due to limitations inherent to such
periment, these Fell Hordes (as the
relatively slow travel between stars.
ancient darkness came to be known)
The balance of power was rarely set about destroying everything in
stable for more than a few dozen mil- their path with impossible ease and a
lennia, with one civilization or another total lack of discrimination or mercy.
eventually—inevitably—growing too Pushed to the brink of extinction, the
big for its current dominion or becom- mighty Titonathor were left with no
ing too greedy after viewing its neigh- recourse but to call upon the Gaotho-
bors’ power and territories with envy. em Conclave and insect-like Zettex
Existing under constant threat, even for aid. Recognizing the danger to
from their current and ever-changing themselves, the three intergalactic
allies, each race swept aside smaller powers were able to create a unit-
civilizations in their quest for suprem- ed force strong enough to drive the
acy, spurring on a spike in technolog- Darkness back beyond the edge of the
ical advancement unlike the universe known universe, but not before entire
had previously seen. sectors of space were devastated and
rendered uninhabitable.
Eventually, the Gaothoem Con-
clave’s rival, the ultimately more pow- Left weakened by the evil they’d
erful Titonathor Empire, sought to unleashed in their territory, the Titon-
athor Empire was vulnerable enough they had forged so long ago, but their
for the Conclave to swoop in and as- tempers abided long enough for an
sume control over many planetary exchange of information revealing
systems once the war ended. Expect- someone or something else entirely
edly, this led to many border skir- was to blame. All evidence pointed to
mishes—and eventually to war. The a new power at work in the universe,
Zettex officially retained a position of and it was very selective and efficient
neutrality during these conflicts while in its methods.
covertly playing all sides against each
But even that conclusion was a
other to their own benefit. When this
mistake. The Gaothoem and the Em-
duplicity was uncovered, and the ex-
pire soon learned the perpetrator was
tent it played in keeping the war go-
not a new power at all, but rather an
ing learned, both the Gaothoem and
old one returned for vengeance. So
Titonathor turned on the Zettex.
began the Dread War.
Considering the Conclave and Em-
The ‘new’ enemy was, in fact,
pire had pressed each other so severe-
the Zettex returned from their exile
ly at the Zettex’s secret urgings, both
and near-extinction. Armed with a
struck back with unprecedented fury,
seemingly innumerable fleet of ships
nearly wiping out their foe in their
equipped with weapons far beyond
combined wrath. The resulting purge
anything either the Conclave or Em-
had a nightmarishly high death toll
pire could muster, the Zettex had
that finally purchased complete and
also undergone a radical biological
utter peace for the next several thou-
evolution mirroring their exponential
sand millennia. With the betrayers re-
leap forward in technology. Unable
moved, the remaining peoples of the
to match their foe’s arsenal and num-
Universal Core knew an unprecedent-
bers, both races suffered horrible loss-
ed level of interracial cooperation.
es each time they faced the vengeful
And yet, even a golden age such Zettex in battle. Another alliance was
as this could not last forever. Follow- formed against the shared foe, yet
ing nearly four million years of peace, even their combined militaries barely
both the Titonathor and Gaothoem slowed the aggressors.
began to suffer mysterious troubles.
The Dread War whittled down both
It began with instances of losing surviving universal powers to mere
contact with a few scattered, fringe fractions of their former size and pop-
colonies, but this soon elevated to ulations, with the Gaothoem Conclave
entire worlds being scoured clean taking the brunt of the attacks and
without a sign of ever having been only retaining about one-tenth their
inhabited. Each race rushed to fault previous territories. This was when a
the other, forgetting the costly peace terrible decision was arrived at. Opt-
ing for survival at any cost, the Con- siles concealed as flotsam, detritus,
clave’s ruling council secretly struck a and other obstacles of space took ad-
deal with their enemy. In exchange for vantage of the diversion. The weap-
betraying the Titonathor, the Gaotho- ons assailed every known remaining
em would be left alone to govern their planet, stronghold, outpost, and colo-
few remaining star systems in peace ny belonging to the ally the Gaotho-
and without further casualties. em had deceived in exchange for their
own security. Each missile had been
Utilizing their secret alliance with
refitted to carry a gift from the Zettex:
the Gaothoem, the Zettex maintained
a gene-tailored, highly contagious
a pretense of retreat and weakening
plague that proved to be 100% termi-
battle lines to build the Titonathor’s
nal to the Titonathor, yet it left every
confidence. Finally, at the Gaotho-
other life form unharmed.
em’s suggestion and with their con-
fidence overshadowing all caution, Victims died horribly as their flesh
the Empire sent the remainder of its rotted from within, but not before the
fleet after what their believed-allies disease maliciously enhanced the sen-
claimed was a vital weak spot in the sitivity of the victim’s nerves a hun-
Zettex battle lines. Tragically, it was a dred-fold to drive them mad during
ruse set to lure the Empire’s fleet into their slow passing. Within days of the
an empty region of space and away Night of Lances, the plague had con-
from the worlds they should have sumed almost all the Empire’s popu-
been protecting. lation. What few Titanathor survivors
remained were forced to flee to the
In a single moment, millions of
four corners of the universe and away
Gaothoem ship-sized Lance-class mis-
from the plague. The Dread War was
Penance of the
finally over.
True to their word, the Zettex left
the Gaothoem to rebuild their re- Laid low by the guilt of their be-
maining systems while the victors trayal, the abased Conclave watched
moved to populate the massive void the remaining Titonathor flee for
left by the Titonathor’s near exter- their lives into space’s vastness. The
mination. Although the Zettex could Gaothoem had considered them-
have easily pressed on to take what selves noble and selfless—the most
little remained of the Conclave, they enlightened of the Universal Core’s
found the “mercy” of letting the no- races—even if the Titonath Empire,
ble Gaothoem live on to suffer the Fell Hordes, and now the Zettex De-
shame and guilt of their base betrayal mesne all possessed superior technol-
far too inviting a revenge to ignore. ogy. This race of sentient energy had
Even though they had survived, ev- hoped they had grown beyond such
ery Gaothoem knew they had lost the treachery, but the Gaothoem could
war, and their nobility and honor had fool themselves no longer—true en-
been annihilated as certainly as had lightenment had never actually been
the Titonathor Empire. theirs to claim.
With the Dread War behind them, The Gaothoem grieved for their
the Universal Core’s remaining rac- lost honor as all Conclave space came
es tried to move on, but things were to a halt while its citizens collective-
now far different than ever before. ly succumbed to a civilization-wide
The Zettex clamped down on space depression. In less than a decade fol-
travel, erecting a tyrannical body pol- lowing their betrayal, these majestic
itic that lorded over the conquered beings were dying in massive num-
systems. Eventually, a Grand Chan- bers—simply “winking out” of exis-
cellor would rise to assume control tence for lack of a desire to carry on.
of the Zettex Authority Council that, Once more, the Gaothoem were on
from then on, would act as advisors the verge of passing beyond the pale
and rule in name only. The Zettex of history, and they likely would have
Demesne had unequivocally become were it not for the insight of a single
the power in the universe, and anyone one of their kind.
who dared defy their authority felt
A Gaothoem fleet admiral and
the savage fury of their unconquer-
Dread War veteran, TebenQui
able battle fleet.
stepped forward to rally the spirits
The Universal Core had finally and willpower of a small group of sci-
been tamed and cowed. entific and religious leaders. Teben-
Qui convinced these foremost special-
ists there was only one way for their ing Gaothoem disappeared beneath the
race to both redeem their lost honor planet’s surface without returning, leav-
and save themselves from extinction: ing nothing but dead cities behind. It
attain a state of true spiritual and seemed ultimate victory belonged to the
physical enlightenment. Hoping such Zettex Demesne, now by far the largest
evolution would allow them to defeat power in the known universe.
the evil they had helped elevate, this
Over the span of roughly seven
Gaothoem select channeled their de-
million years, the relatively few re-
pression, guilt, and hatred into their
maining Gaothoem slowly worked
new cause with the hope of one day
to hollow concentric layers into Gao
erasing their sins with deeds of equal
Tho, all the way to the planet’s molten
(if not higher) morality, compassion,
core. They then lined these cavernous
and justice.
layers with superconductive materi-
TebenQui’s idea quickly and co- als. Although the process drained the
vertly spread throughout what little world of its natural resources, the im-
remained of Conclave territory, the mense endeavor served its purpose.
Zettex Demesne having already an- Deep within Gao Tho’s bottommost
nexed all the planets emptied by the layer, at the planet’s drained and
ongoing Gaothoem suicides. As the hollowed heart, was constructed the
fleet admiral had hoped, the survi- project’s culmination: a great and
vors clung to the idea like a lifeline, enigmatic device.
driving them to vacate their remain-
As the surviving trillions of
ing planets as the Gaothoem race con-
Gaothoem packed themselves into
verged on Gao Tho, their world of or-
their world’s hidden layers, moving
igin. There, the council of spiritualists
their race’s incomparably long plan of
and scientists had gathered to fulfill
penance into its final stage, the Zettex
TebenQui’s vision for the future.
felt a dark shiver run through their
The Zettex moved ever deeper into hive consciousness. Something was
Conclave space, claiming abandoned about to happen, and the Conclave
world after abandoned world, won- wanted their corruptors to know it.
dering when they would finally en- The last step of their course set, the
counter resistance. They penetrated as Gaothoem finally turned on their
far as Gao Tho’s moons, upon which planetary machine.
they placed observation stations, and
Once activated, the device fed
still there had been no reprisals for
upon the energies acquired from the
their intrusions.
removal of Gao Tho’s fiery heart and
Perplexed but content with their used it to draw the essence of the
bloodless conquest, the insectoids settled Gaothoem filling the layers above
in and watched as most of the remain- into the superconductive materials
surrounding them. In a single mo- into the void surrounding Gao Tho,
ment, these being of energy became as yet none returned. Unmanned probes
one—a shared consciousness of many likewise went missing without ever
voices, infusing their entire planet transmitting back data after entering
with their united essence. They had the area of destruction. Admittedly
transformed their world into a living outmatched, even if they were not sure
repository of their now singular will. by what, the Demesne declared this
entire Dead Zone off limits, erected
The energy backlash from this pro-
patrols, and created a massive sensor
cess slashed outwards like the ripples
net to ensure the quarantine’s integri-
from an incalculable stone dropped in
ty, a policy that remains to this day.
a cosmic pond, tearing apart Gao Tho’s
moons before continuing on through But what happened with the
the nearest occupied systems. When Gaothoem’s big plan for redemption,
this phenomenon finally reached you ask?
its utmost extent, nothing remained
Gao Tho was transformed into a gi-
around Gao Tho for nearly one-quar-
ant battery of sorts, designed to house
ter of a light year except the debris of
not only the unified life force of its
hundreds of Zettex-annexed planets.
former inhabitants, but also their col-
Terrified by the sheer immensity of lected minds, personalities, and wills.
force required to strike such a blow, The process of uniting the life force of
the Demesne sent a full battle fleet trillions of energy beings in this man-
The Collective Consciousness of Gao Tho
The unified world-consciousness of Gao Tho does not think as a single mind,
as one would generally couch such a concept. Instead, it operates as a collected in-
stinct that seeks out justice by mentally scanning the universe for subjects likely to be
appropriate for transmergence. It will then use its empathy to try and convince the
newly transmerged being to take on the cause of cosmic justice.
Essentially, Gao Tho is a living planet that will react to anyone invading its space,
including a transmerged essence that approaches uninvited. It will first respond to
such intrusions with a warning by instilling intruders with an overwhelming sense of
dread and panic. Any unwanted parties who continue onward will then be attacked
with absolute ruthlessness, as the Gao Tho’s instincts include a sense of self-preser-
vation driven by a need to see its goal of redemption completed.
Super Powers
● Attack, Ranged 5 (34): Range Solar System, Damage 6d10, RoF 1, Area Effect
(LBT), Enhanced Damage, Heavy Weapon, Increased Range (Solar System.)
● Force Control (50): Strength d12+12, Area Effect (MBT), Force Field, Heavy
Weapons, Increased Range (Solar System.) (Cosmic energy.)
ner is what created the ripple that left own kind, allowing the two to work
the Dead Zone in its wake. Despite all together as the host draws upon the
the destruction this event wrought, it alien’s energy to perform wondrous
allowed the Gaothoem to achieve their deeds. The Gaothoem planetary con-
ultimate goal of enlightenment. sciousness does this by telepathically
scouring space for beings capable of
This new existence allowed a pro-
handling such power and the capacity
cess now known as transmergence to
to use it to better the cause of life and
become possible. Transmergence is a
justice. When an appropriate host is
state of being by which the Gaothoem
found, a single Gaothoem life essence
collective infuses another sentient life
is shot into space at speeds unlike
form with the essence of one of their
anything orthodox physics can yet ex-
plain, and then transmergence occurs cable path the Great Betrayal had set
(whether the host wants it or not.) them upon and become villains, or
hid so they could wallow in solitary
A host who accepts their fate
despair. Regardless of their reasons
reaps great benefits from transmer-
or disposition, whenever and wherev-
gence. Not only may the host tele-
er encountered, Gaothoem that have
pathically communicate with the
not taken part in the planetary con-
Gaothoem riding within, but they
sciousness of the Celestial Legions are
can also draw upon the latter’s cos-
treated with all the fear and awe one
mically attuned life force to access
would expect when facing the walk-
astounding abilities.
ing dead or a living myth.
Although the powers bestowed
by transmergence may sometimes
vary from one host to the next (why is The Gaothoem
not known but allows for a degree of Dead Zone
character customization), some abili- The act of transmergence created
ties always manifest. These universal a region devoid of planets for near-
powers include cosmic energy ma- ly half a light year around Gao Tho,
nipulation and space flight, enhanced the Gaothoem home planet. Now, the
physical attributes, and the ability area is filled with nothing but detri-
to survive in hostile environments, tus—the remains of the systems de-
including the cold vacuum of outer stroyed by the massive energy ripple
space. The Gaothoem works with the released by the planet’s transforma-
host to learn how to use their new tal- tion. For centuries after the event, no
ents to pursue the cause of righteous- one pieced together what happened,
ness and life as a Celestial Legion- but the rise of the Celestial Legions
naire. Unfortunately, a madness born has finally provided the answer.
of the inability to cope with their fate
The Zettex Demesne has declared
awaits any host who refuses to accept
the area entirely off-limits after los-
the Gaothoem’s gift because, so far as
ing the initial fleet sent to investigate
anyone knows, there is no way to rid
the disaster, and so patrols, sensors
someone of a transmerged life essence
stations, and killer satellites now sur-
short of killing the physical body.
round it (no small feat or expendi-
It is vital to note that not all Gaotho- ture considering the cordon’s size.)
em answered TebenQui’s call. Many Nobody except the Zettex are sure
had already filtered out through the if the Demesne is more interested in
universe to seek their own path of re- keeping the curious out or containing
demption while others accepted their whatever it is that dwells in the sec-
lot and either winked out of existence, tor’s sole remaining planetary body,
decided to continue down the despi- but the effect remains the same.
Pirates, smugglers, rebels, and the universe, seeking a new meaning
other scum and riffraff often use the for their existence.
Dead Zone’s fringe to hide their ships,
In their native form, the Gaotho-
using unavoidable holes and system
em’s subconscious will maintains
failures in the cordon to slip in and
their energy life force in a cohesive,
out undetected. Although the debris
immortal state. Should the being ever
can provide a tempting hideout, the
lose its desire to live, it will simply
risk of capture and fear of what may
“wink out” of existence by intuitive-
reside deeper in the region means
ly dissipating its energy into its sur-
only the bravest or most foolhardy
roundings. In effect, its will to live lit-
dare do so. Treasure seekers are also
erally sustains a Gaothoem.
common enough because the belief
that something of value must have The Gaothoem’s energy form ap-
survived the destruction of all those pears as a nascent faint blue to violet
planets is strong and prolific—and light that stretches between 5 and 6 feet
perhaps they are right. high, and half that in width. Lacking
a physical form, Gaothoem fly about
And yet, nobody who has passed
and interact with their environment
into the Dead Zone beyond maxi-
using a limited form of telekinesis.
mum sensor range has ever returned
(so far as anyone knows.) Not even Gaothoem,
the relatively few Gaothoem who Native Form
did not share their home world’s fate
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts
will venture into the region for fear of
d8, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d4
what may be found within.
Skills: Knowledge (Select Four Lan-
The Gaothoem guages) d4, Knowledge (Select
One Science) d12
One of the triumvirate of races to
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
have once dominated the Universal
Core, the Gaothoem are sentient be- Hindrances: Alien Form (Cosmic
ings formed entirely of living, pro- Energy), Sense Signature (Minor,
tonic energy. Their history was one of Cosmic Energy; +4), Weakness
nobility, honor, and the driving desire (Major, Magnetism)
to explore and attain new heights of Edges: Arcane Background (Super
scientific achievement, but it came to Powers)
a tragic end with the betrayal of their
allies, the Titonathor. For most of the Super Powers
race, that dishonorable act would ● Ageless (1)
lead to transmergence, but for others
● Altered Form (3): Cosmic-Energy
it meant a nomadic life of wandering
● Doesn’t Breathe (1) Every host ends up with a large burn
scar on their body following transmer-
● Doesn’t Eat (1)
gence (usually across the chest, if the
● Doesn’t Sleep (1) host has one), a result of so much living
energy entering and then fusing with
● Flight (8): Pace 6, Climb +6
their physical form. This mark always
● Heightened Senses (1): Radius appears the same, somewhat like a
Normal Vision merging of three inward-pointing trian-
gles centered by a starburst—the point
● Immune to Poison/Disease (1)
of entry. Several of the first hosts came
● Intangibility (3): Permanent. (En- to form a loose organization of interga-
ergy form.) lactic agents who took it upon them-
selves to police the universe (whether
● Telekinesis (27): Strength d10, In-
it wanted it or not) on behalf of Gao
creased Range (Universe.)
Tho’s collective consciousness. As-
suming the mantle of Celestial Legion-
The Celestial naires, these transmerged individuals
Legions took the burn mark of their initiation
as their symbol, a banner that is now
When the Gaothoem transformed recognized as the Celestial Legions’
their world into a battery to house herald across the universe.
their collected consciousnesses and
life force, a new power entered the
fight for universal good and righ-
teousness. To make restitution for
past sins, the planetary conscious-
ness ejects Gaothoem essences into
the ether of space so they may find
a host and join with it, creating an
entity of wondrous power and noble
calling that shall bring all their abili-
ties to bear in the name of justice and
When a Gaothoem bonds with a mortal host, it loses its Flight and Telekinesis
powers because it can no longer fly or move objects with is energy form. It is now
essentially trapped within its host, unable to manipulate its environment. It becomes
a formless mind contained within someone else’s body.
Initially, the Legions existed only its ability to empathically transmit to
in the loosest sense of the word: the the Legionnaires and better commu-
hosts began calling upon each other nicate its collective motives and goals.
for aid when needed, but they had
Today, the Celestial Legions are
no leadership or structure beyond
highly organized with a rigid com-
such rudiments and the ambiguously
mand structure that works to ensure
empathic urgings of Gao Tho’s living
members operate as efficiently as pos-
consciousness. Some tragedies involv-
sible. Codes of conduct are in place,
ing miscommunication or an inability
and senior Legionnaires now seek out
to agree upon a hierarchy and/or an
newly transmerged hosts (with the
appropriate course of action in dire
help of Gao Tho’s expansive empathic
situations made it evident that things
reach) to convince them to sign on and,
had to change, though. The Legions
should they enlist, explain the rules
had to move beyond their infancy into
and guide such rookies in the use and
maturity, or they would never achieve
responsibilities of their powers.
their goal of universal justice. As the
centuries moved on, the Celestial Le- After a brief mentorship, a new
gions became more formal and better Legionnaire is assigned a sector of
organized, to the point where the plan- space to patrol and protect (typically
et-mind of Gao Tho was able to refine their home system, but not always),
and they are given a means to com- tions agree with or even enjoy the
municate with their superiors. Of Legions’ protection and oversight,
course, membership is not required of though. Many planets and galactic
a new host, but the Legionnaires have governments downright abhor inter-
become somewhat caught up in their ference in what they consider domes-
self-imposed status as galactic police tic affairs, but they accept the Legions’
and champions for good. This has led intervention because they really have
to most hosts who do not wish to play little choice when it comes to dis-
along being shunned and left out in agreeing with individuals who, quite
the cold when problems arise. often, can literally go head to head
with their best warships and come out
Much of the Universal Core has on top. Unable to openly oppose the
sagely accepted the Celestial Legions Legions, most dissident civilizations
as an unofficially official law enforce- instead choose to make life as diffi-
ment agency that looks after them on cult as possible for the Legionnaires
a sector-wide scale. Acceptance does by politely being uncooperative and
not necessarily mean these civiliza- difficult whenever possible.
Leadership: Council
Not all interstellar communities behavior, beyond the need to protect
are so willing to accept the Legions’ life, granting the individual Legion-
influence and intervention, however. naire incredible discretion when it
Some of the more powerful factions in comes to such matters.
the universe—the Zettex Demesne, es-
Upon activating their cosmic pow-
pecially—resist the Celestial Legions
ers, a Celestial Legionnaire’s body
at every turn. Most such resistors are
manifests a costume that is unique and
not as morally questionable as the De-
suited to their nature rather than all
mesne, either—some are downright
wearing an identical uniform. Despite
reasonable and enlightened, but do
this individuality, however, all such
not agree with how the Legions con-
manifested costumes incorporate the
ducts themselves. Instead, many of
Legions’ symbol upon it somewhere
these dissenting factions believe the
and will portray a dark star field that
Celestial Legionnaires represent the
twinkles and otherwise reacts to the
corrupting influence of power, even
individual Legionnaire’s moods.
when that power is supposedly be-
nevolent in nature. Such civilizations The cosmic energies harnessed and
do not believe the Legions have a projected by all Celestial Legionnaires
right to meddle in their affairs, so they uses the transmerged Gaothoem as its
resist the presence of Legionnaires in focal point, thus rendering the energy
their territory as best they are able. in the same light blue to violet range
as the latter’s native energy form. The
Whether seen as noble heroes, tire-
commonly shared powers are provid-
some blowhards, or intrusive outsid-
ed in the Celestial Legionnaire Tem-
ers, the grand presence the Celestial
plate entry (pg @@.) However, the
Legions commands on the cosmic
host’s nature and subconscious cause
stage cannot be denied.
any remaining powers to be suited to
them as an individual, thus allowing
The Legionnaires
the player to tailor their character be-
A Legionnaire should protect their yond what is outlined in the template.
assigned section of space and main-
tain the peace. Some take a more ac-
Legionnaire Selection
tive role than others, overthrowing
tyrannical governments and hunting Gao Tho’s search for appropri-
evil no matter where it hides, while ate hosts is extensive and delves into
others choose to be more reactionary the subconscious as well as the con-
and believe the best route is to not scious mind. Not all subjects of trans-
interfere in local politics and similar mergence immediately agree to the
events except when absolutely nec- path their alien hitchhiker has laid
essary. There is no set code for such out for them, but an empathic scan
beforehand means the selection pro-
cess rarely fails to hit the mark, even ensure its power isn’t used for evil or
if a difficult period of learning and selfish ends before a new transmer-
stumbling is required before the host gence occurs.
accepts his lot. Nevertheless, this pro-
cess is not without error. The Transmergence
Just as some hosts had already cho-
sen a life of heroism before becoming Whether freshly ejected from the
Legionnaires, a few have also outright planetary consciousness or jumping
refused to join the Gaothoem’s cru- from a dying Legionnaire into a new
sade, opting instead for a normal life. host, the process of Gaothoem essence
This traps the alien essence until the transmergence remains the same: ex-
host dies, after which there is a chance plosive.
it can jump into a nearby sentient with- As the essence enters the host,
in roughly fifty feet, so long as the es- the merging drains the latter’s body,
sence is in good health. However, this reducing their Strength and Vigor
is done without the benefit of Gao each by 1d4 die types for 1d6 rounds,
Tho’s empathic selection scan because, incapacitating them if this would re-
once initially ejected from the collec- duce either below d4. What’s more,
tive consciousness, the essence is no transmergence releases a blast of ex-
longer directly connected to the world plosive energy around the host that
mind. As such, the ejected Gaothoem leaves both the essence and its new
cannot return home on its own. If no home unharmed but may damage
suitable host is nearby, or if the essence the surrounding area. The host is at
is too weak, the Gaothoem will invol- the center of a Large Burst Template
untarily disperse and die. explosion inflicting 6d6 damage to ev-
When they know death is upon erything but the character.
them, Legionnaires seek a (hopefully)
worthy new host to be near for when Transmerged
the moment comes. Unfortunately, Gaothoem Essence
this has occasionally resulted in un-
worthy (or even villainous) beings The following represents a “typ-
undergoing the secondary transmer- ical” Gaothoem transmerged with a
gence and then abusing their power, host, although specific examples will
usually driving the Gaothoem es- certainly vary.
sence mad in the process. The alter- Attributes: Agility as host, Smarts d8,
native of dissipation and death does, Spirit d6, Strength as host, Vigor d4
however, leave the Legionnaire little
Skills: Knowledge (Select Four Lan-
choice unless the alien essence is no-
guages) d4, Knowledge (Select
ble enough to give up its own life to
One Science) d12
Pace: as host; Parry: as host; It is possible for self-aware con-
Toughness: 4 structs to undergo transmergence.
In such instances, the Gaothoem life
Hindrances: Alien Form (Cosmic En-
essence finds purchase in the mecha-
ergy Symbiote), Sense Signature
nisms, flow of power throughout the
(Minor, Cosmic Energy; +4)
body, and the like. Transmergence
Edges: Arcane Background (Super cannot occur, however, with the un-
Powers) dead, a mindless construct or com-
puter, an unaware object, or the like.
Super Powers
● Ageless (1) Edges
elestial Legionnaire
C ● Doesn’t Breathe (1)
Template ● Faster than Light Travel (1): Speed
The following modifications are of Light.
the result of transmergence with a ● Flight (8): 4 x Pace, Climb 0.
Gaothoem life essence. Each union
is unique, meaning the same essence ● Force Control (7): Strength d10,
joining with a new host will impart 24”, Force Field. (Cosmic energy.)
the following, possibly also along ● Heightened Senses (2): Direction-
with additional abilities that were al Sense, Eagle Eyes.
not necessarily possessed by any pre-
● Regeneration (2): Level 1, rolls to
vious hosts (although such abilities
heal every day.
need not make themselves known
right away.) This allows the player an ● Resistance (1): Air. +4 to resist ef-
excuse to tailor their character’s pow- fects and Toughness. (Space.)
ers beyond the basic Legionnaire con-
● Resistance (1): Cold. +4 to resist
cept, making each somewhat different
effects and Toughness. (Space.)
from other Legionnaires.
● Resistance (1): Fire/Heat. +4 to re- Non-Legionnaire’s may interact
sist effects and Toughness. (Space.) with the Celestial Legions as allies who
have aided (and been aided by) the for-
● Resistance (1): Radiation. +4 to re- mer in the past, creating a relationship
sist effects and Toughness. (Space.) of understanding and mutual assis-
● Sidekick (5): Transmerged tance. The heroes may be called upon
Gaothoem. to help the Legions fight this or that
intergalactic threat, or perhaps to act as
● Speak Languages (1) guides when an enemy of the Legions
goes to ground on the player character’s
● Super Attribute (2): Agility +1.
home turf. It is up to the Gamemaster to
● Super Attribute (2): Strength +1. determine whether or not they want the
heroes to feel like they are small fish in
● Super Attribute (2): Vigor +1.
an incredibly big pond based on how
● Telepathy (1): Limited to trans- the Legions and its agents are presented
merged Gaothoem. and interacted with.
4. Sample Characters
Celestial Legionnaire Knowledge (Metahumans) Roll
Modifier Example
None The Celestial Legionnaire is human.
The Celestial Legionnaire of Earth is actually just one of many Celestial
–2 The Celestial Legionnaire is young and inexperienced.
The Celestial Legionnaire’s transmergence-bonded Gaothoem is named
As befitting his
self-image as a knight
in shining armor, Bri-
an’s Legionnaire garb
has manifested as a
stylized, futuristic suit
resembling science-fiction
plate mail, although no actual addi-
tional protection is provided. Most of
the armor’s “plates” are covered in the
cosmic starfield pattern brought on
by transmergence, and the Legions’
symbol rests squarely upon his chest.
Brian is generally uncertain of
himself, and it makes him somewhat
introverted. He is often overcome by
his impatience and inquisitiveness,
two character flaws that have landed
Whoa! I’ve seen some unusual
him in a great deal of trouble in both
aliens in my day, mate, but none
his guises. On a more positive note,
quite so … interesting … as you!
Brian is cheerful and bright, result-
ing in charm he is unaware of. In a beneath its normal standards, but the
crisis, his true nature shines through: Gaothoem is learning that Brian has
courageous, cool-headed and reli- a knack for inspired problem solving,
able, and compassionate to a fault. and possesses subdued courage and
confidence that shines through in the
Powers & Abilities worst of circumstances.
Following his bonding with Qui-
ton-Pol, Brian gained the powers of Enemies
a Celestial Legionnaire. This allows The Celestial Legionnaire has
him to fly, including moving and made a mortal enemy of the renegade
surviving in outer space, and he can Legionnaire, Marauder, and some
channel cosmic energy into powerful other villains whose activities span
blasts or to create constructs that are beyond Earth. He has run afoul of the
effectively solid energy. He is also Zettex several times and, due to his
able to communicate with other Le- bond with Quiton-Pol, recognizes the
gionnaires over great distances and great threat to interstellar civilization
can speak and understand any lan- they represent.
guage (a fact he often has difficulty
concealing within the boundaries of Background
his secret identity.) While studying to become an elec-
trical engineer in his native England,
Allies Brian and some friends decided to take
The Celestial Legionnaire has a break by renting a cottage in a coun-
made some friends among other su- try village for a weekend. After an eve-
per-heroes and even intergalactic or- ning of drinking at the local pub, Bri-
ganizations and governments during an’s friends thought it would be funny
his time in the Legions. He sometimes to leave their inebriated buddy to walk
cooperates with heroes against global back to the cottage, several miles away
or cosmic threats and may be a proba- in the countryside. While stagger-
tionary or auxiliary member of a hero ing down the dirt lanes amongst the
group in the game’s setting, if appro- fields and hills, Brian was knocked off
priate. He counts his mentor and fel- his feet by a nearby fiery impact. Too
low Legionnaire, Droog, amongst his drunk to process the risks of doing so,
closest friends and allies. he decided to investigate.
purple woman seemingly dressed in him during their training sessions.
stars. Daring to approach and help
Still, Brian shows great promise
if he could, Brian was too late—the
as a Celestial Legionnaire and, with a
woman died even as he was lowering
little maturity and experience, Droog
himself into the smoldering hole.
believes the young human may shape
What the drunken youth would up to be one of the Legions’ greatest
soon learn was the woman had been a members (although there’s no way
Celestial Legionnaire and now, her life he’d let Brian know that.)
having expired, the Gaothoem essence
she carried escaped her mortal re- Team-Up Ideas
mains and looked about for the nearest The following may give Game-
available host. Faster than Brian’s eyes masters ideas on how to incorporate
could follow, the alien left the corpse Legionnaire Saunders into their game.
and fled into his own body, the re-
Against the Alien Hordes
sulting transmergence erupting in the
field’s second explosion of the night. The Celestial Legionnaire arrives
upon Earth in a very public, fiery
While his suddenly-sober mind
manner, crashing into the ground in
tried wrapping itself around what
a busy, public location. It will be obvi-
had happened, a dark figure plum-
ous he’s been in a horrible fight—his
meted from the sky. The woman’s
Legionnaire’s armor will be cracked
killer had arrived and, seeing that her
and leaking cosmic energy—but
Gaothoem companion had already
worse yet is his warning that whoever
passed on to another, prepared to kill
gave him such a thrashing is on their
the stunned human. Only the timely
way to Earth.
arrival of Legionnaire Droog man-
aged to save Brian from his diaboli- Brian’s opponent was the van-
cal attacker, Marauder. Together, the guard of a fleet of spaceships belong-
neophyte and veteran Legionnaires ing to a dangerous alien race (or group
managed to drive the rogue off. thereof) who have decided Earth, and
its metahuman occupants are too dan-
Brian now leads a double life as
gerous to be allowed to live or have
a struggling student and space-far-
targeted the planet for conquest, ter-
ing super-hero under Droog’s spo-
raforming, or any number of other
radic tutelage. He still has much to
reasons. Whatever their objectives
learn and, more often than not, lets
may be, it can ultimately be summed
his enthusiasm and awe get the bet-
up in one word: invasion.
ter of him. The new recruit often al-
lows himself to be distracted by the Along with Earth’s many other
oddities of his new duties, a fact that heroes (and possibly even super-vil-
Droog is still trying to hammer out of lains), the player characters will need
to gather their might to repel an over- he is forced to call upon the nearest
whelming force with its sights set help—the remaining player charac-
upon wiping out or enslaving all hu- ters—to go with him and lend a hand.
man life on the planet. Whether the problem turns out to be
their quarry having backup, the Le-
A Legionnaire is Born gionnaires being captured by pirates
By altering Celestial Legionnaire’s docked at the space station, uncover-
origins a bit, the former’s predecessor ing a plot designed to instigate an in-
and Marauder arrive on Earth to con- tergalactic war, or something else en-
tinue their fight instead of the female tirely, it will take the player characters
Legionnaire dying right away. The and all three Celestial Legionnaires to
player characters arrive to lend a hand set things right.
in dealing with the two unknown com-
batants when the Legionnaire is slain, New Kid on the Block
passing on her Gaothoem essence to If one of the player characters is
Brian. This allows the characters to going to play a new Legionnaire,
witness a new Legionnaire’s “birth” Brian can take the new recruit under
and the arrival of Droog, opening an his figurative wing and mentor the
opportunity for the heroes to partic- hero in the ways of the Legions. The
ipate in cosmic-level adventures by Celestial Legionnaire can be used as
befriending Brian when he is taking a means for the Gamemaster to open
his first baby steps with his powers. the players’ eyes to the setting’s wid-
er world (or, more accurately, to the
Review Time worlds beyond this one) by serving as
Legionnaire Saunders and one of tour guide to the universe.
the player characters, who is also a Ce-
lestial Legionnaire, are approached by Stolen Power
Droog and informed they’ll be under- Someone or something has stolen
going a performance review to ascer- the Celestial Legionnaire’s power (in
tain how far both have come in the use essence, reversing the transmergence
of their powers. To do so, they are giv- process by removing Quiton-Pol.) He
en coordinates in a (relatively) near- has just enough power to crash land
by solar system and sent to capture a on the heroes’ doorstep before what
powerful, intergalactic fugitive hiding little remained to him gives out. Brian
upon a notoriously dangerous aster- will be very weak, and passing in and
oid. This massive rock has been trans- out of consciousness, but will eventu-
formed into a space station frequented ally be able to hint at a deadly enemy
by the dregs of space-faring society. who captured him and then stole his
powers. It seems Brian is just the lat-
Unfortunately, the two get in more
est Legionnaire to be victimized by
trouble than Droog expected and
this foe, but he is the only one to have Super Powers
survived and escaped. ● Ageless (1)
It will be up to the player charac- ● Doesn’t Breathe (1)
ters to put the clues together to find
● Doesn’t Eat (1)
out who this opponent is and some-
how get into space to locate and stop ● Doesn’t Sleep (1)
them. The latter will be no simple feat ● Heightened Senses (1): Radius
considering the villain has already Normal Vision
stolen the powers from a dozen or so
Celestial Legionnaires, possibly using ● Immune to Poison/Disease (1)
the energy to increase their own abili- ● Telepathy (1): Limited to host.
ties (whatever they may be.)
● Faster than Light Travel (1): Speed Age: Unknown
of Light.
Height: 7 feet, 4 in.
● Flight (14): Pace 96 (240 mph),
Weight: 418 lbs
Climb +2.
Native Language: Unknown
● Force Control (13): Strength d12+2,
24”, Force Field. (Cosmic energy.) Occupation: Peacekeeper and Legion-
naire trainer
● Heightened Senses (2): Direction-
al Sense, Eagle Eyes. Base: None
● Regeneration (2): Level 1, rolls to You think that’s the sort of speed
heal every day. that will prevent a time-space sin-
● Resistance (1): Air. +4 to resist ef- gularity from collapsing, destroy-
fects and Toughness. (Space.) ing a solar system as it goes? I don’t
think so. Pick up the pace!
● Resistance (1): Cold. +4 to resist
effects and Toughness. (Space.) Appearance
● Resistance (1): Fire/Heat. +4 to re- He is a hulking being of blue,
sist effects and Toughness. (Space.) translucent flesh wrapped around
some manner of a skeletal structure
● Resistance (1): Radiation. +4 to re-
comprised of what appears to be met-
sist effects and Toughness. (Space.)
al balls of varying size and composi-
● Sidekick (5): Dreek-Tal. tion. Legionnaire Droog’s race is un-
known and, so far as anyone is aware,
● Speak Languages (1)
he is unique in this universe.
● Super Attribute (2): Agility +1.
● Super Attribute (6): Strength +3.
Normally quiet, when Droog
● Super Attribute (4): Vigor +2. speaks it is with purpose and deter-
mined intent, his voice sounding both
● Telepathy (1): Limited to Dreek-
booming and hollow as though pro-
jected from a distance. He is extreme-
● Telepathy (2): Limited to Celestial ly calm and slow to anger but will act
Legionnaires, Broadcast. (Legion with exacting precision and direction
Speak.) when the time comes, even if called
upon to unleash the most brutish of
● Toughness +2 (2): Dense.
force at his disposal.
Real Name: Droog
Powers & Abilities
Aliases: None
Droog possesses the powers stan-
Threat Level: Delta-E dard to a Celestial Legionnaire, as
well as naturally exceptional strength. Allies
These abilities allow him to fly, in- During his time in the Legions,
cluding moving and surviving in out- Droog has helped countless individ-
er space, and he can channel cosmic uals and entire civilizations, earning
energy into powerful blasts or create him many favors and friends. He is
constructs that are effectively solid also a favorite amongst his peers,
energy. He is also able to commu- especially because he has helped
nicate with other Legionnaires over so many learn what it means to be
great distances and can speak and un- a Celestial Legionnaire. Since work-
derstand any language. ing with Legionnaire Saunders of
Earth, Droog has also come to count
many of the planet’s heroes as his
friends and allies.
Droog is known across
several galaxies as a pow-
erful force for good. This
has earned him a reputa-
tion that makes him a tar-
get for every jumped-up
intergalactic thug looking
to make a name for himself.
the presence of Dreek-Tal and is clear- will serve as their primary contact. (If
ly tied to something that happened the heroes can’t get there under their
to Droog long ago. The feeling is mu- own power, the Legions will send
tual—amongst the Zettex, Droog is transportation.)
known as “Brood Killer” because the Upon arriving, it will quickly be-
Legionnaire will go so far as to de- come obvious the whole planet is one
stroy Zettex egg clutches in his efforts immense marketplace. Its surround-
to wipe out any Zettex he encounters. ing space is filled with countless mer-
chant vessels of all sorts and sizes, not
to mention the opposing flotillas that
Of an unknown alien species,
are now staring down the barrels of
even Droog’s transmerged Gaothoem
their opponent’s guns, just waiting
essence has not been able to worm
for talks to degrade and war to be de-
Droog’s origins out of this enigmat-
clared. During the negotiations, the
ic Legionnaire. He (as he has indeed
heroes will be kept planetside, ensur-
identified his gender as male) has
ing no one supporting either faction
been a Celestial Legionnaire for over
will stir up trouble that will send the
five centuries, much of which has
galaxy into war. The Legionnaires on-
been acting as a wandering taskmas-
site will be too busy keeping the fleets
ter reigning in over-zealous new re-
in orbit from firing on each other (and
cruits, a self-imposed duty for which
any “suspicious” merchant vessels
he is much respected by his fellows.
caught between them) to do much
Team-Up Ideas else themselves.
School is in Session
Best used at the start of a new
game, one of the player characters is a Attributes: Agility as host,
freshly created Celestial Legionnaire, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
and Droog has been sent to play the Strength as host, Vigor d4
role of taskmaster and mentor. As this
Skills: Knowledge (Biology) d12,
training goes on, the other characters
will witness their friend’s growth as Knowledge (Droog’s Native
an adept Legionnaire and hero, also Tongue) d6, Knowledge (English)
getting caught up in the dangers a d6, Knowledge (Universal Com-
member of the Celestial Legions must mon) d6, Knowledge (Select 3
confront, even as a neophyte. other languages used by aliens in
your game) d6 each, Repair d8
This provides opportunities for the
Gamemaster to introduce the player Pace: as host; Parry: as host;
characters to what the setting has to Toughness: 4
offer beyond the reach of Earth while
providing a guide (Droog) to help the Hindrances: Alien Form (Cosmic En-
heroes (if necessary) until the Game- ergy Symbiote), Sense Signature
master feels they are okay to stand on (Minor, Cosmic Energy; +4)
their own two feet.
Edges: Arcane Background (Super
Bushwhacked Powers)
● Heightened Senses (2): Direction-
Marauder al Sense, Eagle Eyes.
Veteran ● Regeneration (5): Level 2, rolls to
Attributes: Agility d6/d8, heal every hour. Recovery.
Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10/ ● Resistance (1): Air. +4 to resist ef-
d12+1, Vigor d8/d10 fects and Toughness. (Space.)
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, ● Resistance (1): Cold. +4 to resist
Knowledge (Battle) d6, Knowl- effects and Toughness. (Space.)
edge (Metahumans) d6, Notice
d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, ● Resistance (1): Fire/Heat. +4 to re-
Stealth d6 sist effects and Toughness. (Space.)
Marauder Knowledge (Metahumans) Roll
Modifier Example
None Marauder despises the Celestial Legions and has vowed to destroy them.
–1 Marauder once ruled a planet as a tyrant.
–2 Marauder is a former Celestial Legionnaire.
–4 Marauder’s bonded Gaothoem essence is insane.
Enemies reviled or hated so much as is Ma-
This former brother is the Celes- rauder. Aside from the Legions, there
tial Legions’ most wanted criminal. are countless worlds and intergalactic
Although other traitors to their cause organizations Marauder has wronged
and transmergence exist, none are as who would like little more than to see
him dead or brought to justice.
Background ing him to the point where justice
Theofen’s great desire to see so- was no longer a concern. Only control
cial injustices righted drove him to and power mattered to the Celestial
enlist with the Nadilian spacefaring Legionnaire, and so he stripped the
lawkeepers upon reaching the age of world and its inhabitants of all it had
maturity. Soon after, he was select- to serve his wants and desires.
ed to join the Celestial Legions. He After hearing troubling rumors that
showed great promise, but no one could no longer easily be dismissed,
could have foreseen the transmer- and long concerned over their peer’s
gence process planting the seeds of disappearance, some of Theofen’s
insanity in the Gaothoem essence to fellow Legionnaires went looking for
which he had bonded. him. They were horrified by what the
Dedik, the essence bound to Nadilian had done to Idalkal and its
Theofen, became increasingly para- people. An epic battle ensued, where-
noid about conspiracies within the in Theofen gave a surprisingly good
Legions, and this belief soon began to (if bloody) account of himself. Despite
affect the host, to the point where the being heavily wounded, the renegade
Nadilian saw enemies everywhere he was able to flee into the void of space,
looked. The only solution Legionnaire but not before killing half his foes and
Theofen could think of was to place devastating the planet with a dooms-
himself at the top, where he would day weapon he’d hidden in his conti-
have the power both to administer nent-spanning palace.
proper justice and to fight the many Now calling himself Maraud-
entities who doubtlessly plotted his er—and thoroughly corrupt and so-
death. ciopathic due to his own malevolent
Even lost to his insanity, the Na- actions and Dedik’s increasing in-
dilian’s intentions remained noble, sanity—Theofen has since traveled
and justice was ever foremost in his the universe in a ceaseless quest for
mind until the incident at Idalkal. ultimate power. More than once, this
Thinking he had to start somewhere, fallen Legionnaire has carved out a
Theofen visited the planet of pacifists kingdom here or there, but each time
and was disgusted by what he saw as someone has cast him down, be it
complacency—a lack of will to aid the the Celestial Legions, the conquered
universe in becoming a place of stabil- people he stomped beneath his will,
ity and righteousness. Things would or wandering heroes. And yet his
change under his rule. thirst for power has not lessened, but
grown—Marauder will not stop until
Over the next four centuries, the universe bends a knee to his com-
Theofen ruled Idalkal with an iron mand and all those who would do
fist, his power and insanity corrupt-
him harm are slain (a rather long list the heroes finally catch up to Maraud-
considering his insane paranoia.) er, will they learn that he has indeed
been hiding to make it easier for him
Caper Ideas to stalk his prey, or is it because some-
The following may give Game- thing else has been killing the Legion-
masters ideas on how to incorporate naires and it turns out this traitor has
Marauder into their game. reason to believe he is next?
rescue after the trap has been sprung?
Will they arrive in time or perhaps too Nadilian Archetype
late, leaving them only able to avenge This archetype represents the ba-
the Legionnaire’s death? sic Nadilian species characteristics.
Worlds of Creativity