Sher M.chudary
Sher M.chudary
Sher M.chudary
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Research questions
1. Whether there is a significant difference in the development of
economic, social and academic honesty traits in the students of
Public, Private and Madrassah school systems?
2. Whether there is a significant difference in the development of
cultural and religious tolerance traits in the students of Public,
Private and Madrassah school systems?
3. Whether there is a significant difference in the development of
violence against society, domestic violence, and violence in war
situation traits in the students of Public, Private and Madrassah
school systems?
4. Whether there is a significant difference in the development of
blind and constructive patriotism traits in the students of Public,
Private and Madrassah school systems?
5. Whether there is a significant difference in the development of
respect for elder, respect for younger and respect for norms traits
in the students of Public, Private and Madrassah school systems ?
Present study was conducted by using survey method and
comprised of four schools each from Public and Private sector and five
Madrassahs, all from urban area of district Lahore. These schools were
selected on the basis of their size, location and popularity in the
community while Madrassahs were selected as representatives of major
religious sects. Through this process a total of 355 students were selected
as a sample. Detail is given below.
Ahmed, Shoukat and Aboidullah
Table 1
Gender wise Distribution of Sample (N= 355)
Gender Private Public Madrassah Total
Male 61 56 55 172
Female 70 75 38 183
An instrument was developed to measure the social and moral
traits. Items were drawn from the international literature and studies on
this topic. Researchers selected five moral and social traits likewise
honesty, respect for others, tolerance, violence and patriotism. Honesty
trait which is a significant aspect of morality was confirmed from the
studies of Blankenship and Whitley (2000); Keith-Spiegel, Tabachnick,
Whitley and Washburn (1998); Mustaine and Tewksbury (2005). Positive
social character traits lead to good relationships with others so respect for
others was confirmed from the research study of Andrews (1976) while
violence was confirmed from the studies of Buss, and Perry (1992);
Grogan (1991) Henton, Cate, Koval, Lloyd, and Christopher, (1983).
Patriotism is a survival of society and was validated from the studies of
Morris and Cogan (2001); Langton and Jennings (1969);
Rosenberg (1985); Schatz, Staub and Lavine (1999). Tolerance terms is
used in social, cultural and religious contexts to describe special attitudes
which are "tolerant" and this trait was validated on the basis of special
study of Rehman (2004) about tolerance.
To ensure validity of the instrument, construct validity was
estimated by factor analysis. The honesty factor explained 35.2%, of the
variance Respect for others 28.4%, Tolerance 40.1%, violence 43.2% and
patriotism 25.5%. The percentage of variance explained was not so good,
this may be due to less no. of item in scales. Honesty trait was further
divided into three subscales economic, social and academic honesty. Two
items for economic honesty, three items for social honesty and one item
for academic honesty were developed. The internal consistency of
Educational Systems and Traits 65
honesty scale was 0.60. Respect for others trait was further divided into
three subscales respect for elder, respect for younger and respect for
norms. Four items for respect for elders, two items for respect for
younger and two items for respect for norms were developed. The
internal consistency of honesty scale was 0.57. Likewise tolerance trait
was categorized into two subscales, i.e. cultural and religious tolerance.
Six items for cultural tolerance and six items for religious tolerance were
designed. The internal consistency of the tolerance scale was 0.71.
Similarly violence trait was sorted out into three subscales, violence
against society, domestic violence and violence in war situation. Four
items for violence against society, one item for domestic violence and
four items for violence in war situation were constructed. The internal
consistency of the tolerance scale was 0.59. Patriotism has an impact on
schools and they demand to raise a sense of national identity and to teach
the students to love their country (Morris & Cogan, 2001). Though, it is
remarkable that some researchers point out that in promoting loyalty,
schools meet with limited success (Langton & Jennings, 1969;
Rosenberg, 1985). In the same way patriotism trait was divided into two
main categories, blind patriotism and constructive patriotism. Four items
for blind patriotism and two items for constructive patriotism were
constructed. The internal consistency of the tolerance scale was 0.72.
The results are presented in five sections. In the first section, three
types of honesty i.e. economic honesty, social honesty and academic
honesty are presented. In the second section the two types of tolerance
i.e., cultural tolerance and social tolerance are discussed. In the third
66 Ahmed, Shoukat and Aboidullah
Table 2
Means and standard deviations and one-way Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to examine the effects of different school systems on honesty
Honesty Public School Private School Madrassah ANOVA
M SD M SD M SD F(2,350) p
Economic 4.14 .85 3.96 1.0 4.45 .78 7.66 .001
Social 3.82 .86 3.71 .86 4.13 .71 7.11 .001
Academic 2.92 1.5 3.34 1.4 3.65 1.10 7.46 .001
Table 3
Means and standard deviations and one-way Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to examine the effects of different school systems on tolerance
M SD M SD M SD F(2,350) p
Table 4
Means and standard deviations and one-way Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to examine the effects of different school systems on Violence
Table 5
Means and standard deviations and one-way Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to examine the effects of different school systems on Patriotism
Public School Private School Madrassah ANOVA
M SD M SD M SD F(2,350) p
Table 6
Means and standard deviations and one-way Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to examine the effects of different school systems on respect for
others traitsq
Respect Public School Private School Madrassah ANOVA
for other M SD M SD M SD F(2,350) p
Elder 4.18 0.77 4.09 0.82 4.41 0.61 5.05 .00
Younger 3.70 1.04 3.54 0.92 3.68 0.79 1.14 0.32
Norms 3.44 .95 3.54 0.82 3.94 0.92 8.77 0.00
Table 7
Demographic information from the respondents of three systems of
Public School Private School Madrassah
(n=131) (n=131) (n=93)
f % f % f %
Father 127 96.9 128 97.7 93 73.1
Mother 124 94.7 128 97.7 93 65.5
Family size
1- 5 25 19.1 72 54.5 15 16.1
>5 106 80.9 60 45.5 78 83.9
Economic Status
Very good 57 43.5 59 44.7 43 46.2
Good 69 52.7 62 47.0 46 49.5
Poor 4 3.1 10 7.6 4 4.3
Very poor 0 0 1 0.8 0 0
Table 8
Source of Islamic Values
Public School Private School Madrassah
(n=131) (n=131) (n=93)
f % f % f %
Islamic Values
Grandmother/father 21 16.0 28 21.7 7 7.5
Father 14 10.7 27 20.7 8 8.6
Mother 35 26.7 41 31.3 4 4.3
Teacher 61 46.6 33 25.3 74 78.5
T.V Role 95 72.5 75 56.8 52 55.9
70 Ahmed, Shoukat and Aboidullah
Madrassah system is developing economic honesty in students
more than Private and Public schools, but the scores on this honesty trait
of Public and Private schools were found to be the same. Students of
different school systems have different perceptions about moral and
social aspects of life. It is the fact that different school systems have
different educational context. Their content, teaching methodologies,
evaluation system, and physical facilities are entirely different from one
another. Because three school systems attract different classes of society
in general. People join the school system according to their financial
position. Results showed that level of social honesty of Madrassah
students was high as compared with Public and Private schools. On the
other hand there is no difference in the Public and Private school systems
in the social honesty trait. In the third type of honesty which is academic
honesty, Public schools showed low scores as compared with Madrassah
and Private School system. There is no difference in Private and
Madrassah school system. Inadequate and untrained teachers may be the
cause of this, whereas Ayyaz (2004) says that Madrassahs provide the
opportunity to strengthen ones children's faith.
There was no significant difference among three systems of education
on cultural tolerance trait but the level of religious tolerance of
Madrassah was low as compared to other two systems. This may be
because of the reason as Rehman (2004) considers that Madrassah
students are indoctrinated religiously, and books taught in these
institutions are based on sectarianism.
There was significant difference in Violence against society among
three systems. Level of violence against society of Private School system
was higher than the other two while the level of violence against society
of Public school system was higher than Madrassah school system. It
may be because of the fact that the students of Private school system
belong to the well off class of the society which knows their rights very
well and they raise their voice against injustice and inequality. Level of
Educational Systems and Traits 71
Akbar, A. S. (2002). Ibn Khaldun Understands of Civilizations and the
Dilemmas of Islam and the West Today. The Middle East Journal
56 (1), 20-45.
Anzar, U. (2003). Islamic Education: A Brief History of Madrassahs with
Comments on Curricula and Current Pedagogical Practices.
Ahmed, Shoukat and Aboidullah