Drama 3
Drama 3
Drama 3
Oba dakumen mage hardhaya wasthuwa abhyatharaye amuthu kithiyak ati wenawa nangi! Mage ada
sandha kapataya wasi wasi wasi wasi hanika arenawa! Oba wena kenekun ha sarana yama ma hata
wawannata baha nangi!
Ayya..kimada me dukmusu bas pawasanne! Mage sama kesha nalikawakma, mage hardhaya wasthuwe
sama lab dab shabdayakama obage nama raw denwa ayya! Me balanna…she asks him to bend close to
her chest… Sundhara..sundhara..sundhara…ahenwada ayya?
Nangi! Anabhubawaniyayi nangi! Dan nam ma hata dhiwi thora wuwath kamak naha nangi!
Enters a villain with a cruel laughter hahahaha! thamusela hithuwadha..me Dhushmantha innakal
thamusekata sathuten paul kanna puluwan kiya? Ha? Ei sundharaya! lasthi weyan! Adha tamai tamun
sadhatama as piyaganne! He shoots sundhara
Sundhara falls down and thara screams the song dhushmantha ho kimado..is played thara mimes the
words with actions
Director: Cut cut cut! ayyo nangi! Mehemada miniha marunama andanne! Ha? Walahinna wage wenna
walahinna..have you seen one? Ha? Walahinna? No?
Thara: No no I have not seen one! Meka harima karadarayak ne ane! Man miniha marunama anadanna
danagann mata minihek innepai!
Dire : Hari hari nangi! I understand your concern eth acting kiyanne…
Socrates: me dhanwadhi lokayema thwath loku mayawak! Boruwak! You see..its a utopian illusion which
overlaps with the metamorphosis of life!
Dire: ayyo! Kauda me pissata athulata enna dunne! Meka karanda bane me pissoth ekka! Shik!
A noise/footsteps climbing a staircase can be heard
Cameraman : looking towards a stage exit enawa enawa enawa enawa!
Everybody starts to act with their signature movements of madness
A nurse walks in and gives a suspicious look
Socrates: hahaha..ada hari wassa neda..wassa itin honda…guli wela ethila welila pimburo wage hondata
nidaganda tamai..
Aaa..ayi? ada beheth wela biwwe na? wal katha kiyanne! Asahanakaraya! She walks away
They all become normal
Right.as I was saying…we have to get out of this lunatic asylum! Apwa methanin galawaganna
enawa..ape galawumkaraya! Ape janathwadhi shreshta manushiya uththamaya!
Thara: ow ow dan man methana ta awith awurudu 5yi..tama oya kiyana eka enawa..habata oya kiyana
hadhaya monawageda?
Sundhara: anduruthumani..sama awasara..shall I explain sir?
Socrates: ow Sundhara..mage kikaru golaya!
Sundhara: Mr. Sukhana siha uthumano..is very handsome! (he describes Socrates)
Dhushmantha: oi! Sukhana siha kiyanne mekage mallida? Thamuse mara yakekne oi!
Socrates: na na putha..api uthumano dakainna one..thama thulin!
Dhuhmantha: looks at his face from a pocket mirror e kiyanne..man tamai sukana siha?
Dire: mona magulakda oi me! Ude pandara awilla kunuharupa kiyanne! Yanwako gihilla banak
bawanawak karagena pattakata wela innawako! Awa methana!
Sundhara takes a bell and starts shaking it
All the pissas stop their work and assemble for the morning pooja
Sundhara goes around the stage while ringing the bell
Another pissa hands over a thaali to socrates and he starts the pooja
Thara wraps a shawl on her head, all the others prepare themselves. They start singing a bhajan while
looking at the far end of the audience
Samata dhiriya pana
Sathata suwaya gena
Siyalu isuru gena
Wadhimi sukhana raja
Umathu apiwa rakina
Lokuma umathu ugatha
Kisith nodhutu muniya
Ape sukhana raja
Sundhara and socrates starts to chant
Oooooo my gooodd….oooooo this…this…all mad…oooo..sukahana raja…please please come
come….oooowe are waiting for you!...konja….surukka wangaa….
Socrates starts to bless everyone after the bhajan..
He gently beats the heads of each pissa with a small branch
Sukhana siha uthmange phitayi..
At the end of this everybody starts to go back to their normal routine..
The doctor arrives with a nurse two new pissas a man and a woman also comes with them. The doctor
clears his throat, looks around and does an ayubowan to all the pissas. The pissas in turn goes to the
doctor, hugs and drags him to centre stage.
Doctor: so here we are! At the mercy of another day! Hm? Thawath kalakanni dwasak eh?
Cameraman: ada pulasthi rishituma apita monawada genawe??? Looking at the new pissas hane!!! Me
inne ramai sithai! Drags dushmantha me me me inne ape Ravana! Lassanai ne? dushmantha behaves like
a king
Thara: yako meke athule mahabahrathema innwane! Valmiki witarai adu!
Doctor : lamai…this is madhuwitha and savulani..these will be your new friends..me inne oya dennage
aluth yaluwo!
Cameraman: siri sakala sathama bodu bathiyen alali giya awasthawaka, ape me niwahana wetha pamini
oba dedena api adarayen sadarayen gaurawayen piligannwa! ko me socrates? Ashirwadha karanna ane
meyalata! Bless them!
Socrates comes with the pooja thaali, and starts to chant..he keeps a mottu and rings the bell.
Doctor: ehanan, socrates..meyalwa hondata balagannone hariya!
Socrates: I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know everything!
Dushmantha: e kiwwe?
Socrates: e kiwwe putha…bada uda tyala kehel gediya palala kawath ekai gilala kawath ekai kiyana
eka..therunada? sundhara quickly handovers a big banana to socrates, he peels it very proudly and starts
eating it. The others too takes a banana from somewhere and starts peeling and eating them.
Director: mama nan kanne hondata hapala..rasa ethakotane..
Sundhara: onama deyaka rasa hari sapekshai..sukhana siha uthumano kiyanne ehemai..
Doctor: hah! Okay..I will leave now..mata twa wada tyeanwa…nurse..hadissiyak nan katha karanna eh..
Nurse: hari sir.. they leave
Savulani waits until the doctors leave and takes a rope out of her bag. She ties it around madhuwitha’s
waist and drags him.
On on! Palayan! Eka tana inne natuwa! Madhuwitha starts to walk
Everybody starts to watch the scene in terror
Madhuwitha goes, opens the bag and takes a portable chair, unfolds it and waits at a side. Savulani sits.
Where is my food you idiot?
Madhuwitha opens the bag, takes a napkin and tucks it around her neck. And takes a lunch box opens the
lid and gives it to her. Madhuwitha takes a slice of sandwich bread, a butter and marmite. He applies
them on the slice and hands it over to savulani. She starts eating it. Amadhuwith sits near her legs.
Thara drags the director and cameraman to a side talks Do you see what I see?
Director: yes I see what you see!
Thara: what do you see?
cameraman: what do I see?
Thara: yes?
Director: I see everything except what you don’t see..
Thara: mona kunuharupayakda oi kiyanne?
Director: mehemai, sukahan siha uthumano kiyala tyena widihata..
Thara: ane me…magen mukuth ahagannatuwa idapan harida..ai yako..kohen giyath sukahan siha
sukahana siha..wena kehelmalak attema nadda?
Cameraman: wena kehel gana katha karanna api wena ewa dakal tyenna epai..
Savulani wipes her mouth and throws away the remaining pieces of bread onto the floor. Sundhara goes
and starts eating it greedily.
Dhushmantha: This is very unfair! This is discrimination, ill treatment..meka apahasayak! Mama danawa
nadu! Mehemada piriminta salakanne?
Savulani: dusts her hand and looks at him. ko?
Dhushmantha: kauda?
Savulani: pirimi?
Duhsmantha: Api okkoma pirimi tamai! Ai mu! This bugger! Muth ehemane!
Socrates: By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll
become a philosopher.
Dushmantha: e kiwwe?
Socrates: e kiwwe…minihek jiwithe windinne nan, mudda pitin pol gediya leli gahala, kana atha newi
anith wade karana eken pol katta thun parak karakila Nuwara wawata udin wisik karanna one kiyana eka.
Sundhara: after eating the leftover bread.. tawa nadda?
Madhuwitha takes a piece of brad from his own coat and gives it to sundhara
Meanwhile, the director, ca,eraman and thara goes near madhuwitha, they observe him.
Picking at madhuwithas hair me mu adu masekin ipaduna ekekda kohedo..
Dire: na na matakada ara kale giya..expire wechcha thriposha beduwa kiyala e kale..mu ewa kalada danne
na ne..
Cameraman: thriposha denne lamayata newei yako! Ammata!
Dire: aahh.itin amma kawada danna ne..neda
Thara: hm hm..mata nan hitennema me inne sukha asiha uthumano kiyala!
Dire: ha? Me mu? Me me me meka?
Thara: ow wenna bar inane! Maybe he came to spy on us! Api eyata wandinwada pudnawada kiyala
oththu balanna mehem awada danna ne..
Savulani: what are you doing there? be careful! He is very tricky! He will pounce when necessary! He can
Meanwhile sundhara, dushmantha and socrates comes near savulani
Socrates: oba thumi kauda?
Dushmantha: oba thumi kohe idanda awe?
Sundhara: Me oba thumige kauda?
Socrates: paule ki denek innawada?
Sundhara: surathal sattu ati karanwada oba tumi? Unge nam monawada?
Savulani: why do you ask?
Socrates: questions are what makes a man’s life worthwhile. I walked all over Greece! E kale man giyapu
nati thanak naha! Ahapu nati prashnayak na! habai ehema ahuwai kiyala man igena gatta dekuth na!
Savulani: ha ha.. ehema prashna ahanna baha!dannadda eka? Oya kauda prashna ahanna? Thamusela
ganata wadi hari! Me rate prashnath na..ahana prashna walata uttarath na! anyway! I am Savulani SA-
VU-LANI terunada? Now does that name mean anything to you?
Dushmantha: no..nothing makes sense anymore! Meka athule inne pisso saha pissio, un danne den deyak
kata padan karagena wena deyak balagena poddak foam wela dagalanna witarai! What sense are you
talking about? Ha?
Savulani: You are human beings none the less. ( she puts on hie glasses. ) As far as one can see. ( she
takes off her glasses. ) Of the same species as myself. ( she bursts into an enormous laugh. ) Of the same
species as Savulani!! Made in God's image!
Savulani: who is Sukana siha?
Sundhara: sukhana siha?
Savulani: thamusela hithuwa man sukhana siha kiyala..
Dushmantha: apo na! hehe..
Savulani: kauda u?
Thara:..meee..eya ape asalwasiyek.. a very good neighbour of ours hehe ow..me langamai inne..
Director: m..no we don’t know him..personally I wouldn’t even know him if I see him..
Savulani: so you were waiting for him! hari kamak na! eka amathaka karamu! Looking at Madhuwitha ei!
nagitapan kalakanniya! Yana yana tana nidi kiranwa! Hondai..mata dan yanna welawa hari man yanwa !
she starts moving with madhuwitha, he starts packing the bag quickly..
Cameraman: mu goluda?
Thara: muta sharira kruthya karanna puluwanda?
Dire: mu leda wennadda?
Savulani: mu golui..man issaraha golui! He doesn’t need a mouth when I am there! atta washayenma..mu
hadala tyenne bohoma podi awashywathawan tikak ekka..leda wena eka..mata adala na..ethakota toilet
yana eka? Ekath mata adala na! she laughs hysterically
Dire: can he dance?
Savulani: yes of course! he has the best moves! Kicks at him ei! natapan!! Ko! Dance you dumb idiot!
Madhuwitha makes some funny moves..
dire: shaaa! Maru ne! poddak Nawala dath madala gatta nan ape film Ekata ganna puluwan!
Madhuwitha increases his pace..and doesn’t stop.
Savulani: ei! nawattapan miniho! Ati! Madhuwitha doesn’t stop
Socrates: mata meka dakkam hithune…I cannot teach anybody anything..i can only make them think..
Dushmantha: e kiwwe?
Socrates: e kiwwe…samahara welwata oluwa kiyana eka tyenne ape belle paluwata..ehema olu..api athin
ambara, kada..lunu dama pala..putuwak uda taba..hodin pashchath bagayen wasen paridi..waadi wiya
yuthui..ewita..surya basnahirin paya nagenahirin basinu ati..
Sundhara: oba tumita habatama pissuda?
Savulani: na na
Dushamantha: ow ow
Socrates: na na
Sundhara: ow ow!
Dushmantha: na na
Savulani: NA!
Meanwhile, madhuwitha is exhausted with dancing. He sits on the floor.
Cameraman: hane..oyata mahansida? Hane muta hathi! Bomuda seethala wathira widuruwak!
Savulani: EI! mu widuru wala newei wathura bonne!
Cameraman: ehenan?
Savulani: mu wathura bona widiha…mata dala na! mata wadakuth na!
Madhuwitha slowly starts to mumble..he seems to be in a trance..
Thara: ei! menna mu kiyawanawa..hariyata mayn wela wage!
Dire: tawa tikak hayyen katha karanna barida muta?
Savulani: puluwan! She hits madhuwith on the back tawa hayyen katha karapan miniho! HAYYEN!
Madhuwitha breaks into a speech:
Angrily dahask dena dhasan penna kata Kanata kara sinasi kunuharupa kiyana me himidiri hawsyamaye,
oba sama siyalu dena mata dan appiriya weegena enawa..atta washayenma me arthika bankoloth bawayen
pirunu rate api nagi sitimin me hegamonyiya araksha karagatha yuthui, api eyata kade gos sini 250k kira
arakku samaga musu kara me prajachanchrawadi mewwa ekata maka ba wenna kiya nawatha bala kala
yuthui. Kauru Kohoma kiwwath soru mulata watunu gira pothakaya sorek wenu wina muniyek nowei. How
can I change my language to English when my enimity towards the aforementioned language is much
greater than my sheer passion to enhance my speaking skills and become a bilingual, we have to respect
this nationalistic perspective of ours because my foot and your foot are stupid foots and feets and what not,
mage adaraneeya kaputani, power play and personal propogandas go hand in hand, that is why I tell you
that dena deyak kala wena deyak balagena budyaganima is much better than prsahna kara amaruwe watima,
apita ape nayakaya igannuwe ehemai, let me tell you one thing, I learnt to unlearn things while dressing to
undress myself everyday bambuwa tamai mata tyenneth eka andumai eka maru karala man heluwen innada
eka natuwa man pare yanne kohomda, eka natuwa sokade wanala man kama hoyagannada? He goes around
thara and cameraman and runs around them while tying them with the rope, kiri kiri bole rali rali male me
lamaya kohendo rosa kalen genawe. Then he goes another round or two and unties them hu hu huuuuuuu!
Dil tho pagal hai kuch kuch hita hai, mujhe pagal hai, in a baila tune kaulu piyan path wahanna sandalu
thalawe, oba durai nethata ma sitina lawali thalawe, yanawa Kanawa enawa bonawa yankota enwa enakota
yanwa kanwa bonawa yanawa yanawa! Yang yang yang yang yang yang yang duwala yang kellawa aragena
panala yang! He goes to the edge of the stage stops and looks at the audience and says me mulleriyawa
manasika rohale wadhaka nawayak na! he jumps off the stage and starts to run, a few people follows him
around the audience, he comes near the edge of the stage and falls fainted.
Thara: while pointing at the audience hayyo what are you looking at?! Monawada balan inne, udau karanna
meyawa ussanna! Help them! Two people would carry him and put him to the stage.
Socrates: He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to