Building A Passive Robot For Active Learning
Building A Passive Robot For Active Learning
Building A Passive Robot For Active Learning
Justine Walker
Physics Department, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA
(Dated: May 5, 2017)
We found that creating a passive walking robot out of plastic Tinkertoys is possible. This toy
is able to walk down a slope without a motor, simply by the force of gravity. To understand this
system, we videotaped multiple runs of the walker taking multiple steps down an incline. Then we
used motion tracking and video-editing software to measure the length in time and distance of each
step. By plotting these measurements against the Cornell group that inspired this project’s average
measurements, we discovered that the differences in the mass distribution for a wooden and plastic
Tinkertoy walker change the behavior of the system. We found that the time step was faster in our
system (0.34 ± 0.04 s compared to 0.47 s) and the step distance was longer in our system (1.8 ± 0.3
cm compared to 1.3 cm). The percent difference between our group and the Cornell group for both
of these values was 32%. These constrained double pendulum systems are extremely sensitive to the
building parameters and the initial conditions. Because of this, this system is hard to accurately
predict using simplified models.
and got where the pluses denote after the jump conditions have
been applied and the minuses denote the moment before
they have been applied [12]. These jump conditions and
1 equations were then applied to an Objective-C code, as
L= `(−2g((m+M ) cos(α1 (t))+m cos(α1 (t)+α2 (t)))
2 shown in the Appendix.
+ `α1 0 (t)2 (2m cos(α2 (t)) + 2m + M ) In Mariano Garcia’s 1998 Thesis, they expanded the
α2 (t) equations of motion and jump conditions into three di-
+ 4m`α1 0 (t)α2 0 (t) cos2 ( ) + m`α2 0 (t)2 ) [12]. (7) mensions [4]. These mathematics are much more com-
2 plicated and sensitive than those that we investigated
From there we used the Euler-Lagrange equations to in the two-dimensional model. The theoretical model of
solve for the equations of motion. The first equation was a three-dimensional walker is shown in Figure 2. The
most important part about this three-dimensional model
is that in the Cornell group’s paper “An uncontrolled
1 walking toy,” they mention that the simplified theoreti-
θ̈ = (g((β + 1) sin(γ − θ)
`(β cos2 (φ) − β − 1) cal model does not predict the actual motion of the Tin-
− β cos(φ) sin(φ + γ − θ))β`φ̇2 sin(φ) kertoy model [2].
0.7 sured the length in time and distance of each step. From
this we were able to compare the behavior of our walker
to the Cornell group’s wooden walker. The percent dif-
0.5 ference we calculated between our group and the Cornell
)s( emiT petS
group’s step times and distances was 32% for both val-
ues. We discovered that though the designs were similar,
the small differences led to noticeable changes in system
There are many reasons that our model toy behaved
differently from the Cornell group’s toy. One reason is
0.0 that mass distribution due to the differences in materials
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
effected the mobility of certain parts of the toy. Also, we
Run Number used less slightly less mass on the feet balances than the
Cornell group (due to material variances), so the bal-
FIG. 5. Time length of steps versus the run number. The ance differences likely caused the robot to walk differ-
red dot on this graph represents the amount of time it took ently. Lastly, we also did not put brass strips on the feet
the Cornell group’s walker to take a step, while the blue dots of our walker and used a wooden slope instead of a metal
represent our data runs, which consist of separate times that one. The inability to stand in any configuration like the
the walker moved down the slope (varying from 1-3 steps per Cornell’s walker may have been integral to the walker
run). The error bars come from our estimated error in mea- stably walking down the hill, but it is unclear.
surements. Our average step time was 0.34 ± 0.04 s, while
the Cornell group’s step time was 0.47 s [2]. This graph al-
Throughout our research, we have learned that from
lows us to visualize the difference between these two walkers’ simulation to physical reality, a passive walking robot
behaviors. is extremely sensitive to initial conditions and param-
eters. Without a specific combination of these things,
the walker lacks stability and will either fall over or get
stuck in a position. We’ve also come to our own real-
ization that for this kind of system approximations and
3.0 simplifications do not accurately predict or describe the
system. The more complex the model is, the closer it
)mc( ecnatsiD petS
gets to showing accurate predictions.
There are many components of this project that we
0.0 were unable to complete because of the time restrictions
of Junior IS. To expand upon the motion analyzed in this
0 2 4 6 8
Run Number
report, we would like to further analyze the motion of
the walker. First, we would expand to looking at the hip
FIG. 6. Distance of each step down the slope versus the run and wobble motion of the walker. To do this, we would
number. The red dot on this graph represents the distance of need to contact the Cornell group to see if they have
the Cornell group’s walker step, while the blue dots represent any motion tracking data or side film from their passive
our data runs, which consist of separate times that the walker walker that we could compare my videos to. Since that
moved down the slope (varying from 1-3 steps per run). The material was not readily available during this research
error bars come from our estimated error in measurements. period we were only able to look at step time and size.
This plot has fewer points than Figure 5 because some of the We would also like to expand this project more into
walker shots were too angled to get a proper measurement.
its education research side. We would acquire multiple
Our average step distance was 1.8 ± 0.3 cm, while the Cornell
group’s step time was 1.3 cm [2]. sets of the Tinkertoy parts that we use for our walker,
we would mark the necessary angles for placements, and
time how long it takes for people of multiple age ranges to
complete building it. From this we should be able to tell
whether this is an efficient base to create an outreach or
science day workshop out of it. If we can not modify it to
allow for building to be used in outreach, we could create
We created a passive walking robot out of plastic Tin- a fun interactive science day stop where kids can partic-
kertoys, thus creating a physical representation of our ipate in the “Walker Challenge.” This challenge would
computational simple walker model. Then, we filmed the use our current walker, which can only take a few steps,
walker moving down the slope multiple times and mea- and kids would compete to see who could get the walker
to take the most amount of steps down the slope. This VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
would be a great way to capture kid’s attention during
science day and could be placed somewhere that would
redirect traffic as needed.
This work will be extended into a Senior IS project
as well. We started this research project as a simple
two-dimensional simulation, expanded it into a three- I would like to thank Dr. John F. Lindner, Dr. Cody
dimensional Tinkertoy model, and will take it to a full- Leary, and the Wooster Physics Department for helping
scale dancer moving under the force of various gravities. me with my experiment and providing the supplies nec-
Our hope is that this two year project will overall supply essary for this investigation. Additional thanks to my fel-
the scientific community with a greater understanding of low Junior I.S. classmates and my favorite K-Pop bands
the efficiency of different movements and the connection for keeping my spirit high through the rough patches we
between physics and dance. all experienced the past few weeks.
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