VOCAB LIST Employment
VOCAB LIST Employment
VOCAB LIST Employment
employee, employer
job satisfaction
to take, to get a job / post e.g. He got a post as a lecturer / He took a job in MacDonalds
post, position, job
occupation e.g. What’s his occupation?
to earn one's living I spent three years earning my living as a barista in Starbucks
What do you do for a living?
to run a firm / business / company
a zero -hours job, a part-time job, a temporary job, a full-time job
worker, staff, manager, office worker, white-collar worker, skilled worker, unskilled worker
manual labour
application form
apprentice, trainee
CV (curriculum vitae)
job interview
to apply for a job
training, training course, on-the-job training, in-service training
vacancy, job opening
salary, wages
to get a rise, to get a raise, to get a bonus
to work in shifts
to work overtime
to work 24/7
wage cut, wage freeze
wage demand, wage claim
to go on strike, to strike
ETP Vocabulary Sheet 2 Employment & Unemployment
Describe your ideal job. You should say: what this job is, whether you would need any qualifications,
whether it would be easy to find work, and say why you would enjoy this job in particular.
Max: I’ve always loved watching wildlife programmes on TV and often thought how much I’d enjoy
working with animals … perhaps in a safari park … something like that … you’d probably need a
degree to have any chance of being called for an interview and whether there are many full-time
jobs I don’t know … I’m sure a lot of parks rely on voluntary work so it might not be easy … and it
probably wouldn’t be well-paid either but money isn’t everything … I’d get so much job
satisfaction … I can’t imagine it being the kind of job where you get stuck in a rut … and I think I’d be
good at it as well … I’d love to work with animals I enjoy manual work and I’m a good team player …
so even though the working conditions might not be the best I think that would be my ideal job …
Examiner: If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority: young people
or older people with more experience?
Anna: Things are so different these days … a few years ago older employees would often take early
retirement or go onto part-time contracts and there were always opportunities for younger people
but now jobs are so scarce … I think younger people need to be given the chance whenever possible.
Examiner: What are some of the important things you should find out before accepting a job?
Ali: Well … you’d need to know about your area of responsibility … and your salary of course and
then there are things like holiday entitlement … maternity or paternity leave … if you’re thinking of
having children … and what the situation is regarding sick leave … that kind of thing …
Examiner: What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone
Julie: Well … unfortunately being an employee at the moment is very stressful … people have
very heavy workloads … they’re always under pressure to meet deadlines … running your own
business isn’t easy … but I do think it would be far more satisfying …