RMP Regular Modified Polyester
RMP Regular Modified Polyester
RMP Regular Modified Polyester
This most widely used prepainted steel sheet is covered with polyester paint material
that is baked on to its surface.
Polyester prepainted steel sheet is used for exterior panels and interior design purposes that do not
require excessive processing.
Prepainted steel sheet is coated or baked with paint containing polyester resin.
Most widely used. Generally displays superior workability, durability, and weather resistance.
Used for a variety of purposes; offered in a wide array of colors and degrees of polish.
RESISTANCE Standard Durable Extra Durable Most Durable
Primer Coating
Chromate Coating
Zinc Coating
Zinc Coating
Chromate Coating
1 During transportation
At the process of transportation, pls. attach the rubber pad on the skid to avoid the block ing problem.
And pls, cover the coil to protect from rain or snow that might cause from white rust.
3 Using
If some part of surface is contaminated, pls. wash it away with a solvent.
And if any peel-off, you should follow the instruction that we would give.
5 Application use
All forming, cutting, transportation storage, and installation of the roofing sheets or panels should be carried out in
accordance with good standards of practice, and in particular any storage of the product at a building site should not
exceed one month, during which time the product should be kept dry and away from sources of wet or moisture.
Forming, fabricating and all processing should be carried out in such a way that does not cause cracks or scratches in
the coatings.
6 Beware moisture
They should be protected from moisture which can cause white rust or rust.