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ISSN 0101-2061 (Print)

ISSN 1678-457X (Online) Food Science and Technology

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/fst.13320

Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors in

Jashore region, Bangladesh
Md. Toufik HOSSEN1, Md. Jannatul FERDAUS1 , Md. Mohibul HASAN1, Nazia Nawshad LINA1,
Ashish Kumar DAS2, Shital Kumar BARMAN3 , Dipak Kumar PAUL4, Rajib Kanti ROY1,4*

Most people now have their meals outside their homes and are vulnerable to illness caused by food. Unsafe food preparation
and supply by vendors have made food safety a concern for public health. Jashore is a densely populated city, this study was
designed to evaluate food safety knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food vendors in Jashore region, Bangladesh.
A randomized descriptive cross-sectional study on food safety KAP was conducted among 200 food vendors. Where 96%
were male food vendors, 72.5% were smokers, and 63% were found to be overweight or obese. While 72.5% vendors had
good knowledge of food safety, only 33% and 0.5% had good food safety attitude and practice, respectively. Among the
socio-demographic factors investigated, only the level of education showed significant influence (p = 0.005 and 0.015) on
the food safety knowledge and practice of the vendors. While handling food, over 90% vendors did not use any personal
protective equipment, 4.5% had diarrhoea, 8.5% did not wash their hands after going to the toilet and 28.5% reused
previous leftover oils. The data suggest that the overall food safety knowledge of suppliers in the Jashore region is good
but their attitudes and practices need to be improved.
Keywords: street food; food safety; hygiene; food control; food borne illness.
Practical Application: Increasing the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors to reduce the
foodborne diseases.

1 Introduction
Street food (SF) and beverages are ready-to-eat food items Street food safety is a critical public health issue in the
prepared and sold by vendors in different public places especially third world and developing countries, including Bangladesh.
in streets and crowded bus or train stations in Bangladesh as (Khairuzzaman et al., 2014; Muinde & Kuria, 2005; Samapundo et al.,
well as other countries around the world (Food and Agriculture 2016). In those countries, street food is an important source of
Organization of the United Nations, 2013; Winarno & Alain, 1991). food for the urban dwellers and the concerns about street food
SF is an age-old practice and earning source of income in are the safety, nutritional value, vendor’s knowledge of food
several countries (Cortese et al., 2016). Worldwide increase of hygiene and the ineffectiveness of safety legislations (Hiamey
unemployment and poverty are the key factors behind people & Hiamey, 2018). In Bangladesh, street vendors are typically
tend to run street food businesses, because it requires minimal clustered in overcrowded areas including residential areas, near
experience and capital to set up (Addo-Tham et al., 2020; the workplaces, taxi ranks, railway stations and busy street
King et al., 2000). It plays a vital socio-economic role by providing pavements due to the hope of mass sales (Gamieldien & van
food and nutritional supports to the lower and middle-income Niekerk, 2017). People of all ages from different backgrounds
people at a reasonably low price and is valued for the unique taste consume these food items as these are inexpensive, convenient
of its food items (Khairuzzaman et al., 2014). It is a typical food and comparatively nutritious (Lues et al., 2006).
culture; due to the pricing of street food it is easily accessible to Foodborne diseases are a significant and growing public
everyone (Lucca & Torres, 2006). At the same time, due to their health problem in both developing and developed countries
current hectic lifestyle, people have to depend on street foods as (Bhattacharjya & Reang, 2014). Food items are contaminated
they are too busy to spend at home (Temeche et al., 2016). At the with microorganisms, can result in a foodborne disease outbreak
same time, street foods offer a pleasant diet for many consumers (Webb & Morancie, 2015). Several previous studies have indicated
and help low-income people’s livelihoods with contributions that a large proportion of street foods are contaminated with
to the economy. (Al Mamun et al., 2013; Anandhi et al., 2015; microorganisms and can cause diseases such as diarrhoea,
König et al., 2010). Around 2.5 billion people worldwide consume cholera, typhoid fever and food poisoning (Al Mamun et al.,
street foods per day (Fellows & Hilmi, 2011). 2013; Oguttu et al., 2014). Consumption of contaminated

Received 11 Apr., 2020

Accepted 19 May, 2020
1Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh
2Department of Agro Product Processing Technology, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh
3School of Science, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia
4Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: rk.roy_nft@just.edu.bd

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Hossen et al.

food and water causes the death of about 2 million people per related sociodemographic viewpoint, the current study could
year, most of whom are children (World Health Organization, help other similar studies to evaluate food safety challenges at
2014). In general, food items from the street food vendors are the national and global levels.
processed and distributed in unsafe conditions, with less access
This study was therefore investigated into the knowledge,
to safe water, sanitation or waste disposal facilities. There is
attitude and practice of food safety and hygiene among local
widespread recognition in developing countries that street
street vendors in the Jashore area and thus suggest appropriate
food vendors frequently cook and sell food under unhygienic
steps to reduce the threats of related foodborne diseases to
conditions (Sharma & Mazumdar, 2014). Additionally, they
improve public health at local and national levels.
are often uneducated and have little knowledge about the
safe handling of foods (Lues et al., 2006). Several studies
have reported that the street food items are an appropriate 2 Materials and methods
medium for coliforms and antimicrobial-resistant pathogens This randomized cross-sectional study was conducted to
despite their diversity and temporary nature (Ghosh et al., investigate the awareness, behaviours and activities of street
2007; Guven et al., 2010; Hanashiro et al., 2005; Harakeh et al., food vendors (SFVs) and evaluate sociodemographic factors that
2005). Consequently, foodborne infections and intoxications are associated with these food safety parameters in the Jashore
can occur from the intake of food products from the street, region of Bangladesh. Data were randomly collected from the
rendering the safety of street food a significant public health vendors (n = 200) through a structured questionnaire from
concern (Bryan, 1988; Ekanem, 1998; Rheinländer et al., 2008; April 2019 to September 2019. Due to its overpopulation and
Sharma & Mazumdar, 2014). a large number of street food vendors, the district was chosen
In south-east Asia, especially Bangladesh is particular for as a study area. The research was conducted in three zones;
its cheap and diversified street food items, vendors prepare rural, urban, and slum. The protocols adopted for carrying out
their food items manually and sell to the consumers at various each analysis are listed in more detail below. Figure 1 shows the
crowded places (Al Mamun et al., 2013; Samapundo et al., 2016). location of the studied area.
Due to rapid urbanization and its related social and systemic
changes, demands for street food in Bangladesh are growing 2.1 Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices questionnaire
day by day, despite the health problems associated with the
selling of various types of street food items. It has been shown During the field survey, data from the 200 street vendors
that there are approximately 130 forms of street food items were obtained via face-to-face questioning, which facilitated
are available in Bangladesh and about 2.5 million people eat to understand the realistic scenario of the current study.
street food every day (Food and Agriculture Organization The questionnaires were divided into two sections, one was the
of the United Nations, 2007). None of these food items have food safety KAP and another was the demographic information
any guarantee for their safe consumption. Also, interestingly, as previously described (Ngoc et al., 2011). The KAP’s part of
people do not consume these food items to satisfy their
appetite, instead consider them as nutritious and appealing
(Islam et al., 2017). Children who go to school eat these
unhealthy foods and get sick (Al Mamun et al., 2013). The low
level of awareness and vulnerability of current food laws and
regulations also lead to the adverse food safety situation in the
country (Atahar Ali, 2013). Only a few developing countries
have their national laws to regulate their food safety, where
developed world like EU (European Union) applies HACCP
principles or good safety practices through the skilled food
safety authority (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, 2003; Trafialek et al., 2018).
In Bangladesh, relatively few studies have been performed
on the awareness, attitudes and experience of vendors in food
safety (Khairuzzaman et al., 2014). Besides, some of the most
popular ready-to-eat food products sold on the streets in
Jashore are highly contaminated and do not meet the necessary
standards quality and safety levels (Hossain & Dey, 2019).
The current research focusing exclusively on the street food
vendors’ KAP was conducted in the Jashore region which is
one of the socioeconomically significant regions of Bangladesh
(Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2017) with numerous and wide
variety of street foods sold there as well. So, undertaking this
study will determine the present scenario of street food safety
in the studied region and may help the food safety authorities
to improve their food safety programs. Furthermore, from a Figure 1. The study area. Source: Maps of Bangladesh (2012).

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Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors

the questionnaire used to assess the food safety knowledge, 2.2 Statistical analysis method
attitudes and practices of the street food vendors was according
The results of the survey were collected in excel sheets
to the previously published procedure (Ansari-Lari et al., 2010). and analysed using statistical package for the social sciences
The questions were asked in the mother tongue “Bengali” and the (SPSS version 22.0) to identify the key factors and major
responses were translated into the English language. Subsequently, impediments of ensuring food safety by the street vendors.
data were triangulated to present an overall impression of the Descriptive statistics to summarize the variables of interest
food vendor’s healthy practice, as shown previously (Cortese et al., and determine correlations between were applied. Statistical
2016). The socio-demographic part of the questionnaire was significance at 95% confidence level was considered (P ≤ 0.05).
designed to collect data on food handlers’ age, gender, civil status, The age, experience, BMI (Body Mass Index) and score results
smoking status, education level, monthly income, residence were divided into different categories as follows. For descriptive
area and so on. The questionnaire on food safety knowledge analysis, cut-off points of age were <25, 25 to 50 and >50 years.
was intended to obtain information on the experience of food For respondents’ experience of vending the cut of points were
handlers’ awareness of food handling, personal hygiene, cross <5, 5 to 9, 10 to 15 and >15 years. The cut off points of BMI
contamination, cleaning equipment and, packaging materials of the food vendors were <17.5 Kg/m2 (Underweight), 17.5-
etc. It included 21 questions, each with two possible answers. 22.99 Kg/m2 (Normal weight), 23-27.99 Kg/m2 (Overweight)
To reduce the response bias, the multiple-choice answers included and >28 Kg/m2 (Obese) (World Health Organization, 2004).
“yes & no” options (yes = 1 & no = 0). The score range was 0 to 21. Descriptive analyses were conducted to calculate the means,
Part II included 21 questions related to food handlers’ attitudes standard deviations, maximum and minimum values, and KAP
scores based on different socio-demographic variables of the
toward food safety. Food handlers were asked to indicate their
respondents. The following performed a comparison of the level
level of agreement to the statements using a three-point rating
of scores according to the socio-demographic characteristics
scale (2 = strongly agree, 1 = agree and, 0 = disagree). The score
by chi-square test. Independent samples t-testing conducted
range was 0 to 42. The scores were converted to 100 points. Part a comparison of two community variables such as gender and
III of the questionnaire consisted of a list of 23 practices that smoking with awareness, attitude or practice. Comparison of
would indicate food handlers’ practice. A five points rating scale more than two groups such as age, area of residence and level
(2 = always, 1= sometimes, 0 = never) was used for respondents of education were conducted by employing one-way ANOVA.
to rate the level of impact of each practice. The score range was The normality of the data was first tested by using the explorer
between 0 to 46. Subsequently, the KAP scores were converted test. Instead, through the use of square root transformation of
to 100 points. The score <50 was considered as indicating a poor, data, the negatively skewed scores were converted to the form
scores 50 to 75 as a median (adequate), and scores >75 as a good of normal distribution. Figure 2 represents the flowchart of
food safety knowledge, attitude, and practice level, respectively. the methodology.

Figure 2. Methodological overview of the study.

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3. Results thirds (72.5%) of the respondents were smoker. Approximately,

an equal proportion of vendors were from rural (48%) and
3.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of food vendors in Jashore. urban (46%) regions respectively, whereas 6% vendors lived in
the slum areas. Based on the BMI assessment of health, we also
In Table 1 are shown the socio-demographic characteristics observed 52.5% and 10.5% respondents were overweight and
of street food vendors, which shows that most (96%) of the 200 obese, respectively.
respondents were male vendors and 91.5% married. Where we
found 70.5% (n=141) vendor’s age between 25 and 50 years. 3.2 Food safety knowledge of food vendors in Jashore
About 37.5% vendors had 5 to 9 years of vending experience,
while 8.5% had more than 20 years’ experience. Most of the The knowledge about the food safety in street food vendors
vendors (43%) monthly income were between 5,000 and is presented in Table 2. In order to preserve personal hygiene,
10,000 BDT ($58.98 to $117.97) while 7% vendors earned as 100% of the surveyed vendors strongly believed in hand
low as 5,000 BDT only (>$58.98). Disturbingly, more than two- washing before work, while 96% believed in hand washing
after work. 91.55% (n = 183) had the awareness that washing
hands could adequately reduce the risk of contamination, while
8.5% (n = 17) felt that washing hands could not effectively
Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of food vendors.
reduce the risk of contamination with food handling. 94%
Characteristics Frequency Percentage (%) (n = 188) knew that only water could not clean hand properly.
Gender Surprisingly, about one-fourth of the vendors did not know
Male 192 96 that personal protective equipment such as apron, mask,
Female 8 4 gloves, and caps are the parts of personal hygiene. A good
Age (year) number of vendors (73%) were aware of not touching their
<25 38 19 hair after washing hands. According to our study findings,
25 to 50 141 70.5 94.5% of vendors knew that proper cleaning and handling of
>50 21 10.5 instruments reduce the risk of food contamination, whereas
Vending experience (year) 91.5% (n = 183) were informed about cleaning equipment
<5 54 27 after work can reduce cross-contamination. Besides, 80.5%
5-9 75 37.5 (n=161) were aware that their long nails could contaminate
10-20 54 27 food. Moreover, 79.5% (n = 159) of vendors knew that reusing
>20 17 8.5 of oil is dangerous to health and less than half (48.5%) of the
Education level vendors had knowledge about paper/polythene packs are
Illiterate 55 27.5 unsafe for food packaging.
Primary (class 1-5) 94 47 The scores of food safety knowledge of vendors as an
Secondary (class 6-10) 44 22 act of their demographic characteristics are summarized
Higher (over 10) 7 3.5 in Table 3. Most of the food vendors (72.5%, 145/200) had
Monthly income (BDT) enough knowledge about food safety as they scored ≥75 and
<5000 14 7 only 7% (14/200) had insufficient knowledge scored <50.
5000-10000 86 43 According to this study, only street food vendors’ education
10001-15000 77 38.5 had a significant (p ≤ 0.01) influence on their knowledge of
>15000 23 11.5 food safety and no significant differences were observed with
Marital status respect to gender, age, year of experience, monthly income,
Single 16 8 civil status, residence area, smoking and BMI. 87.5% of the
Married 183 91.5 female and about 72% of male vendors belonged to a good
Widow 1 0.5 category of food safety knowledge. The highest 81.5% of the
Residence area vendors experienced 10 to 20 years of vending had a good
Rural 96 48 food safety knowledge, followed by 76.5% of the vendors
Urban 92 46 vending for >20 years were within the good category of food
Slum 12 6 safety knowledge.
Smoking status
Yes 145 72.5 3.3 Food safety attitudes of street food vendors in Jashore city
No 55 27.5
The food safety attitudes of the suppliers studied are
BMI (Kg/m2)
shown in Table 4. All food vendors agreed to food safety
Underweight (<17.5) 4 2
knowledge would benefit their personal lives, of which 60.5%
Normal weight (17.5 -22.99) 70 35
(n = 121) strongly agreed. Where 1% (2/200) did not agree
Overweight (23-27.99) 105 52.5 with safe food handling is an important part of their job
Obese (>28) 21 10.5 responsibility. All food vendors agreed with good personal
Total 200 hygiene and washing hand prior to food handling can reduce
Note: BMI = Body Mass Index, BDT = Bangladeshi Taka (1 USD = 84.83 BDT). food poisoning and foodborne illness. Moreover, 10.5% of

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Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors

Table 2. Assessment of the Food safety knowledge of food vendors.

Yes No Chi2-
Statement p- value
n (%) n (%) value
1. Washing hands regularly before work is one part of personal hygiene. 200 (100) 0 0.00 ----
2. Washing hands regularly after work is one part of personal hygiene. 192 (96) 8 (4) 0.00 353.71
3. Washing hands properly reduces risk of food contamination. 183(91.5) 17 (8.5) 0.00 304.57
4. Washing hands with only water can’t clean enough. 188 (94) 12 (6) 0.00 331.27
5. Wearing apron, mask, gloves, and caps is one part of personal hygiene. 150 (75) 50 (25) 0.00 156.37
6. Wearing mask is one part of personal hygiene. 151(75.5) 49 (24.5) 0.00 160.09
7. Wearing gloves is one part of personal hygiene. 159(79.5) 41 (20.5) 0.00 191.89
8. Wearing cap is one part of personal hygiene. 157(78.5) 43 (21.5) 0.00 183.37
9. Workers should avoid touching their hair after washing hands. 146 (73) 54 (27) 0.00 141.88
10. Eating and drinking in the workplace increase the risk of food contamination. 122 (61) 78 (39) 0.00 75.64
11. Proper cleaning and handling of instruments reduce the risk of food contamination. 189(94.5) 11 (5.5) 0.00 336.79
12. Worker cannot have long nails and make colouring it. 161(80.5) 39 (19.5) 0.00 202.93
13.Use gloves reduces the risk of transmitting infection to consumers. 148 (74) 52 (26) 0.00 149.92
14. Broken gloves need to be changed with new ones. 160 (80) 40 (20) 0.00 197.47
15. Cleaning equipment after work can reduce cross contamination. 183(91.5) 17 (8.5) 0.00 304.57
16. Using hot water to clean equipment still decrease risk of contamination. 151(75.5) 49 (24.5) 0.00 160.63
17. Separating dirty zone from clean zone can reduce cross contamination. 146 (73) 54 (27) 0.00 142.46
18. Contaminated foods always have some change in colour, odour or taste. 168 (84) 31 (16) 0.00 232.96
19. Reuse of oil is dangerous for health. 159(79.5) 41 (20.5) 0.00 197.29
20. Reheating cooked foods can contribute to food contamination. 104 (52) 96 (48) 0.00 32.44
21. Paper/polythene packs are unsafe for food packaging. 97 (48.5) 103(51.5) 0.00 23.41
Note: n = Number of vendors, p = Significance value.

food vendors denied producing safe food than made it tasty. hands always before processing of foods. 49 percent (n = 98) of
Only 8.5% of the food vendors dissented with not to touch vendors always washed their hands before touching unwrapped
food with wounded hands. In addition, 11% (n = 22) of food raw food, while 49.5 percent sometimes and the rest never washed
vendors disagreed with not rubbing hands on the face or hair their hands. About 50% respondents always washed their hands
while working. Unexpectedly, 6% (n =12) did not know that after touching unwrapped raw foods while 33.5% sometimes
foodborne illnesses can have deleterious health and economic did. Only 54% respondents kept their nails short and removed
effects on society. Almost one-fourth (n = 43) of the vendors all adornments before starting activities regularly. During the
had no idea that cooked food could be contaminated when observation, we found 58% food vendors washed their hands
stored together with raw food. Besides, we also found that after touching prepared food. 4.5% food handlers worked when
about 27% (n = 55) of food vendors disagreed with the safety they had diarrhoea, while 72.5% cleaned the work area before
of polythene and paper bags in food packaging. starting work. This study also found that a good number of
vendors (78.5%) washed their hands using soap or detergent
Table 5 summarizes the food safety attitudes of the vendors. after going to the toilet. Besides, over 90% vendors did not use
In male and female vendors, 33.3% and 25% belonged to the apron, mask, cap and gloves during work. Disappointingly,
good category of food safety attitude, respectively. Significant when they were coughing or sneezing, just 18% used a tissue.
differences (p ≤ 0.05) between food vendors in their food Just below half (48%) of the vendors washed and sanitized their
safety attitudes were observed by the area of residence and knife after chopping raw foods, where 59% used detergent to
BMI, while other factors did not show a significant impact clean their equipment. Moreover, 42.5% of food handlers never
on the vendor’s food safety attitudes. The duration of the rubbed their hands on their face and hair while working and
vending years was not significant (p = 0.322) with their attitude 28.5% always reused oil.
towards food safety. A majority (49%) of the food vendors
scored at a moderate attitude level of food safety whereas The food safety activity ratings of the vendors as a function
about one third (33%) scored at a good attitude level of food of their socio-demographic characteristics are summarized in
safety. In addition, range indicates that vendors individually Table 7. About 75% of male and female vendors belonged to the
achieved a minimum 30.95 and a maximum 100 food safety poor category of food safety practice. Interestingly we found that
attitude score. vendors below 25 years and over 50 years of age did not have
good hygiene practice while one vendor aged 25-50 years had
good practice status. We found their mean score was all about
3.4 Food safety practice of street food vendors in Jashore city
same and age was not significant to mean score of practice
Table 6 demonstrates the food safety practices of food (p = 0.558). According to the years of vending experience, there
vendors. 86% of the street food vendors reported washing their was only one vendor who had good food safety practice. We

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Table 3. Effect of gender, age, education level, residence area, smoking and BMI on the food safety knowledge of food vendors.
Number of respondents (%)
Characteristics Poor Medium Good p†- value Mean ± SD Range
(<50) (≥50 to <75) (≥ 75)
Male 14(7.3) 40(20.8) 138(71.9) 78.74 ± 14.91 42.86-100
0.57 0.727‡
Female 0 1(12.5) 7(87.5) 82.73 ± 6.70 71.43-90.48
Age (years)
<25 2(5.3) 11(28.9) 25(65.8) 75.56 ± 13.83 42.86-95.24
25 to 50 11(7.8) 26(18.4) 104(73.3) 0.66 79.39 ± 14.99 0.127¥ 42.86-100
>50 1(4.8) 4(19.0) 16(76.2) 81.63 ± 13.65 47.62-100
Vending experience (year)
<5 3(5.6) 13(24.1) 38(70) 77.77 ± 14.21 42.86-100
5-9 7(9.3) 18(24) 50(66.7) 77.26 ± 16.13 42.86-100
0.406 .190¥
10-20 4(7.4) 6(11.1) 44(81.5) 80.24 ± 13.85 42.86-100
>20 0(0.0) 4(23.5) 13(76.5) 85.43 ± 10.30 66.67-100
Education level
Illiterate 6(10.9) 14(25.5) 35(63.6) 75.84 ± 15.43 42.86-100
Primary 8 (8.5) 26(27.7) 60(63.8) 75.48 ± 14.87 42.86-100
0.005** 0.005*¥
Secondary 0 (0) 1 (2.3) 43 (97.7) 87.55 ± 7.83 57.14-100
Higher 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (100) 94.55 ± 5.78 85.71-100
Monthly income (BDT)
<5000 8(7.2) 3(21.4) 10(71.4) 79.25 ± 15.12 42.86-100
5000-10000 9(10.5) 18(20.9) 59(68.6) 77.68 ± 15.94 42.86-100
0.673 .846 ¥
10001-15000 3(3.9) 17(22.1) 57(74) 79.53 ± 13.94 42.86-100
>15000 1(4.3) 3(13) 19(82.6) 81.15 ± 12.22 47.62-100
Civil status
Single 1(6.2) 3(18.8) 12(75) 79.46 ± 14.72 47.62-100
Married 13(7.1) 37(20.2) 133(72.7) 0.414 78.89 ± 14.75 .816 42.86-100
Widow 0(0.0) 1(100) 0(0.0) 71.42 71.43
Residence area
Rural 6 (6.3) 17(17.7) 73(76) 80.00 ± 14.25 42.86-100
Urban 5 (5.4) 23 (25) 64 (69.6) 0.07 78.51 ± 14.52 0.316¥ 42.86-100
Slum 3 (25) 1 (8.3) 8 (66.7) 73.01 ± 18.75 42.86-90.48
Yes 10(6.5) 32(20.6) 113(72.9) 78.80 ± 14.41 42.86-100
0.85 0.683‡
No 4 (8.9) 9(20) 32 (71.1) 79.25 ± 15.76 42.86-100
Under weight 1(25) 0(0) 3(75) 75.00 ± 21.42 42.86-85.71
Normal weight 3 (4.3) 16(22.9) 51 (72.9) 80.06 ± 13.88 42.86-100
0.65 0.534¥
Over weight 8 (7.6) 20 (19) 77 (73.3) 79.04 ± 14.76 42.86-100
Obese 2 (9.5) 5 (23.8) 14 (66.7) 75.05 ± 16.00 42.86-95.24
Total 14(7) 41(20.5) 145(72.5) 78.90 ± 14.68 42.86-100
Note: SD = Standard deviation, p = Significance value, BMI = Body Mass Index; BDT = Bangladeshi Taka (1 USD = 84.83 BDT); †Significance values by Chi-square test; ¥Significance
values by one-way ANOVA; ‡Significance values by independent sample “t” test; *Tests significant at p ≤ 0.01.

found that 82.4% of the vendors had poor food hygiene practice practice. We found one married vendor had good practice and
despite having more than 20 years of experience. There was only there was only one widow who scored poor level of practice.
one primary educated vendor, who had good score on food Among the vendors living in the urban area, 80.4% of them
safety practice. Higher educated vendors had lowest poor food had poor hygiene practice while 1.1% had good hygiene score.
safety practice level and highest mean of food safety practice
In addition, 33.3% of slum area vendors had medium level of
score than that of illiterate, primary and secondary passed
food safety practice. Vendors who had smoking habit, 74.8% of
vendors. The degree of education had significance (p = 0.015)
on food safety practice of vendors. Vendors who earned more them had bad hygiene practice and 77.8% of non-smokers had
than 15,000 BDT, 78.3% (n = 18) of them had poor hygiene poor scores. Moreover, 90.5% of obese vendors had poor food
practice, where 1.3% of the vendors whose monthly income safety practice and only 1% of overweight vendors had good
was between 10,001 and 15,000 BDT had good food safety hygiene practice. Furthermore, the minimum and maximum

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Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors

Table 4. Assessment of Food safety attitude of food vendors.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree p- Chi2-
n (%) n (%) n (%) value value
1. Food safety knowledge will benefit to personal life. 121 (60.5) 79 (39.5) 00 0.00 8.82
2. Food safety knowledge will benefit to consumers. 103 (51.5) 97(48.5) 00 0.67 0.18
3. Safe food handling is an important part of your job responsibility. 71 (35.5) 127 (63.5) 2 (1) 0.00 117.6
4. Good personal hygiene can prevent foodborne illness. 82(41) 118(59) 00 0.00 6.48
5. Washing hands before handling food reduces risk of food poisoning. 99(49.5) 101(50.5) 00 0.01 97.09
6. Producing safe food is more important than tasty food. 76(38) 103(51.5) 21(10.5) 0.00 52.39
7. Nails are short and clean to reduce the risk of food contamination. 65(32.5) 129(64.5) 6(3) 0.00 113.53
8. Food should not be touched with wounded hands. 84(44) 95(47.5) 17(8.5) 0.00 55.87
9. Reuse of oil is harmful for health. 121(60.5) 59(29.5) 20(10) 0.00 77.83
10. Should not rub your hand on face, hair, etc. while working. 65(32.5) 113(56.5) 22(11) 0.00 62.17
11.Must need tissue or cloth when coughing or sneezing. 80(40) 113(56.5) 7(3.5) 0.00 88.27
12. Using mask is important in reducing risk of food contamination. 76(38) 115(57.5) 9(4.5) 0.00 86.23
13. Using cap is important in reducing risk of food contamination. 67(33.5) 117(58.5) 15(7.5) 0.00 79.57
14. Using apron is important in reducing risk of food contamination. 66(33) 112(56) 22(11) 0.00 60.76
15. Using gloves is important in reducing risk of food contamination. 60(30) 122(61) 18(9) 0.00 82.12
16. Protective clothing reduces the risk of food contamination. 68(34) 118(59) 14(7) 0.00 81.16
17. Foodborne illnesses can have deleterious health and economic effects on the society. 69(34.5) 119(59.5) 12(6) 0.00 85.99
18. Food hygiene training for workers is an important issue in reducing risk of food
78(39) 107(53.5) 15(7.5) 0.00 66.37
19. Well-cooked foods are free of contamination. 82(41) 88(44) 30(15) 0.00 30.52
20. Raw and cooked foods should be stored separately to reduce the risk of food
66(33) 91(45.5) 43(21.5) 0.00 17.29
21. Paper/polythene packs are unsafe for food packaging. 64(32) 81(40.5) 55(27.5) 0.07 5.23
Note: n = Number of vendors, p = Significance value.

practice score of food safety achieved by any individual vendor 4 Discussion

were 30.43 and 63.04 respectively. This present study provides the food safety KAP of the street
Figure 3 illustrates that there was a downward trend in food vendors in the Jashore region of Bangladesh. The mean
food safety awareness, attitude and practice score of food scores of knowledge and practice of the vendors were 78.90 ±
handlers. The average knowledge and attitude score were much 14.68 and 46.40 ± 7.06, respectively, showing Bangladeshi street
greater than that of practice. The KAP scores were converted food vendors’ good knowledge and poor food handling practice
to 100 points and the scores below 50% was accepted as poor, in terms of food safety.
scores within 50 to 75% as moderate and the scores 75 to 100% Many of the vendors in this sample were male (96%).
as good. So, our obtained score of knowledge (78.9 ± 14.68) and This contrasted with the results of similar studies in other countries
attitude (66.23 ± 16.04) were categorized as good and moderate like Brazil (Hanashiro et al., 2005); China (Ma et al., 2019); Nigeria
respectively, whereas, the practice scores (46.40 ± 7.06) lower (Omemu & Aderoju, 2008) and Zimbabwe (Gadaga et al., 2008)
than 50% was classified as poor. where female were 56.6%, 66%, 78%, and 81% respectively, but
was congruent to the findings reported by previous two studies
Table 8 indicates the correlation between the different socio-
conducted in India where males were 70% and 93.0% (Bhowmik
demographic variables and KAP scores. Knowledge of food safety
& Saha, 2012; Singh et al., 2017; Thakur & Singh, 2018).
had a positive correlation with the level of education (r =0.33)
This can be explained by the fact that the lower proportion of
and negative relation with smoking status (r = -0.01). We found women in Bangladesh are interested in food sales because they
Significant positive correlation within education level and engage more in the traditional household and maternal roles
monthly income and food safety knowledge (r = 0.14*, r = 0.16*, (Asaduzzaman et al., 2015). Approximately the same number of
r = 00.38**) and negative correlation of BMI (r = -0.08) with vendors were living in rural (48%) and urban (46%) areas, not
food safety attitude. Food safety practice had a positive relation according to a study in Mohali, India where more street vendors
with education level (r = 0.17*) and food safety knowledge (66%) lived in rural areas (Singh et al., 2017). The majority
(r = 0.16*) and attitude (r = 0.24**), whereas smoking had no of the vendors (70.5%) were into a broader age range; 25 to
relation with hygiene practice. However, BMI had a negative 50 years old. This was strikingly similar to studies in Ghana
relation with KAP score of vendors. Besides, vending experience (Monney et al., 2014) and India (Bhowmik & Saha, 2012), with
in terms of years had significant negative relation (r = -0.01*) around 70% each of their vendors were also within this age range.
with food safety practice. Therefore, as attitudes and practice are Parallel social conditions may have existed behind this same
positively correlated with knowledge, it can be anticipated that age range of vendors in those countries. But not in accordance
if knowledge level rises, attitude and practice will also improve. with the current study, a similar study conducted in Brazil

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Table 5. Effect of gender, age, education level, residence area, smoking and BMI on the food safety attitude of vendors.
Number of respondents (%)
Characteristics p†-value Mean ± SD p- value Range
Poor (<50) Medium (≥50 to <75) Good (≥ 75)
Male 34(17.7) 94(49) 64(33.3) 66.36 ± 16.20 30.95-100
0.82 0.573‡
Female 2(25) 4(50) 2(25) 63.09 ± 12.14 47.62-76.19
Age (years)
<25 8(21.1) 20(52.6) 10(26.3) 64.28 ± 16.08 30.95-92.86
25 to 50 25(17.7) 71(50.4) 45(31.9) 0.34 66.07 ± 15.87 0.315¥ 30.95-100
>50 3(14.3) 7(33.3) 11(52.4) 70.86 ± 17.03 38.10-100
Vending experience (year)
<5 12(22.2) 23(42.6) 19(35.2) 67.19 ± 16.78 30.95-97.62
5-9 12(16) 37(49.3) 26(34.7) 65.74 ± 15.62 30.95-92.86
0.710 0.322¥
10-20 11(20.4) 28(51.9) 15(27.8) 64.10 ± 16.13 30.95-100
>20 1(5.9) 10(58.8) 6(35.3) 72.12 ± 14.93 50.00-10
Education level
Illiterate 14(25.5) 22(40) 19(34.5) 65.19 ± 17.30 30.95-100
Primary 21(22.3) 48(51.1) 25(26.6) 64.00 ± 16.65 30.95-100
0.02* 0.055 ¥
Secondary 1(2.3) 25(56.8) 18(40.9) 71.21 ± 12.22 30.95-92.86
Higher 0(0) 3(42.9) 4(57.1) 73.12 ± 12.34 54.76-90.48
Monthly income (BDT)
<5000 4(28.6) 8(57.1) 2(14.3) 61.56 ± 19.89 30.95-97.62
5000-10000 18(20.9) 48(55.8) 20(23.3) 63.73 ± 15.39 30.95-90.48
0.066 0.090¥
10001-15000 11(14.3) 32(41.6)) 34(44.2) 69.35 ± 16.37 30.95-100
>15000 3(13) 10(43.5) 10(43.5) 68.01 ± 13.35 38.10-90.48
Civil status
Single 3(18.8) 7(43.8) 6(37.5) 66.81 ± 16.57 30.95-92.86
Married 33(18) 90(49.2) 60(32.8) 0.872 66.22 ± 16.08 0.908¥ 30.95-100
Widow 0(0.0) 1(100) 0(0.0) 59.52 59.52-59.52
Residence area
Rural 12(12.5) 51(53.1) 33(34.4) 68.62 ± 15.15 30.95-100
Urban 18(19.6) 42(45.7) 32(34.8) 0.02* 65.86 ± 16.08 0.001*¥ 30.95-92.86
Slum 6(50) 5(41.7) 1(8.3) 50.00 ± 14.06 30.95-76.19
Yes 26(16.8) 77(49.7) 52(33.5) 66.69 ± 16.03 30.95-100
0.70 0.454‡
No 10(22.2) 21(46.75) 14(31.1) 64.65 ± 16.16 30.95-92.86
Under weight 1(25) 1(25) 2(50) 71.42 ± 30.11 33.33-100
Normal weight 9(12.9) 33(47.1) 28(40) 68.97 ± 14.79 30.95-100
0.42 0.048*¥
Over weight 20(19) 53(50.5) 32(30.5) 65.82 ± 15.42 30.95-97.62
Obese 6(28.6) 11(52.4) 4(19) 58.16 ± 18.23 30.95-92.86
Total 36(18) 98(49) 66(33) 66.23 ± 16.04 30.95-100
Note: SD = Standard deviation, p = Significance value, BMI = Body Mass Index, BDT = Bangladeshi Taka (1 USD = 84.83 BDT); †Significance values by Chi-square test; ¥Significance
values by one-way ANOVA; ‡Significance values by independent sample “t” test; *Tests significant at ≤ 0.05.

reported that the majority of the vendors aged between 40 to 59 numbers of vendors have been identified with abnormally
years (Cortese et al., 2016). In the current report, about 72% of obese body weight according to health status measurement by
vendors were smokers, while the proportion of smokers among BMI. Overwhelmingly, 52.5% and about 10% of the vendors
ordinary Bangladeshis was only 36.3% (Nargis et al., 2015). In a respectively were overweight and obese. Where in Bangladeshi
related study in India, prevalence of smokers among street food people, 18.9% were overweight and 4.6% were obese (Biswas et al.,
vendors reported was 68.5% (Kapoor et al., 2019). Nicotine and 2017). This might be due to the physical inactivity noticed
other harmful heavy metals will accumulate on the open food among vendors while selling foods. They most frequently sit on
at the time of smoking by vendors, which can then present one position for a long time, regular intake of energy-dense fast
significant health risks to customers, such as coronary heart foods away from home can often lead to their exceptionally high
disease (Barnoya & Glantz, 2004). To our surprise, significant weight. A study in the UK reported that meal away from home

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Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors

Table 6. Assessment Food safety practice of street food vendors.

Always Sometimes Never p-
Statement Chi2 -value
n (%) n (%) n (%) value
1. Washing hands before processing food. 172(86) 28(14) ------- 0.00 103.68
2. Washing hands before touching unwrapped raw foods. 98(49) 99(49.5) 3(1.5) 0.00 91.21
3. Washing hands after touching unwrapped raw foods. 100(50) 67(33.5) 33(16.5) 0.00 33.67
4. Using soaps/detergents to wash hands. 139(69.5) 60(30) 1(0.5) 0.00 143.83
5. Keeping your nails short and remove all adornments
108(54) 83(41.5) 9(4.5) 0.00 79.51
before starting activities.
6. Washing hands after touching prepared foods. 116(58) 72(36) 12(6) 0.00 81.76
7. Handling foods at work while having diarrhoea. 9(4.5) 40(20) 151(75.5) 0.00 167.23
8. Cleaning the work area before starting work. 145(72.5) 45(22.5) 10(5) 0.00 147.25
9. Washing hands after going to toilet. 157(78.5) 26(13) 17(8.5) 0.00 184.21
10. Using apron at work daily. 12(6) 11(5.5) 177(88.5) 0.00 273.91
11. Using mask at work daily. 6(3) 11(5.5) 183(91.5) 0.00 304.69
12. Using cap at work daily. 5(2.5) 7(3.5) 188(94) 0.00 331.27
13. Using gloves at work daily. 6(3) 5(2.5) 189(94.5) 0.00 336.73
14. Washing hands before using gloves. 5(2.5) 7(3.5) 188(94) 0.00 331.27
15. Washing and sanitizing the working clothes. 22(11) 67(33.5) 111(55.5) 0.00 59.41
16. Using a tissue/cloth when coughing or sneezing. 36(18) 104(52) 59(29.5) 0.00 36.07
17. Washing and sanitizing the knife after chopping raw
96(48) 100(50) 4(2) 0.00 88.48
chicken or meat or other raw food.
18. Using detergent to clean equipment. 118(59) 73(36.5) 9(4.5) 0.00 90.01
19. Eating or drinking in the workplace. 28(14) 124(62) 48(24) 0.00 76.96
20. Using jewelleries and wearing watch while working. 13(6.5) 73(36.5) 114(57) 0.00 77.41
21. Rubbing hands on face, hair, etc. while working. 26(13) 89(44.5) 85(42.5) 0.00 37.33
22. Smoking in workplace. 8(4) 69(34.5) 123(61.5) 0.00 99.31
23. Reusing of oil. 57(28.5) 66(33) 77(38.5) 0.222 3.01
Note: n = Number of vendors, p = Significance value.

is higher in fat and lower in fibre, which increases consumer’s This belief is in line with another study in the United Kingdom,
BMI (Rennie et al., 2005). where 97% of respondents thought it was necessary to produce
healthy food than tasty food (Worsfold et al., 2004).
The mean ± SD of knowledge score was 78.90 ± 14.68,
which was comparably higher than street vendors surveyed in This study found significant variances in the food safety
Malaysia (Toh & Birchenough, 2000) and Turkey (Baş et al., attitude of vendors according to their educational levels and
2006). We found that vendor’s education has a major positive vending locations. In slum areas, vendors had the worst food safety
impact on their existing awareness about food hygiene, hence, scores compared to those of urban and rural areas. The current
vendors with a higher education status were found to have higher study found that the majority of the vendors were less educated,
knowledge on food safety than those less qualified. A comparable maybe like other developing countries where educated individuals
research in Kuching Town, Malaysia, also noted the vital role of seek jobs in the capital city (Addo-Tham et al., 2020). However,
education level in awareness of food safety (Rahman et al., 2016). with the increase in education level of the vendors, their food
On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the safety attitude improved. In Malaysia, there was also found
street food vendors’ level of awareness about food safety with a significant effect of education level on food safety attitudes
regards to their gender and age in Jashore city. These findings of food handlers (Toh & Birchenough, 2000). Education has
are supported by previous studies in Malaysia (Muyanja et al., been stated to play a key role in growing the awareness of food
2011) and Haiti (Samapundo et al., 2015). A research conducted safety of food handlers and thereby improving their attitudes
in Canada found that age had a major effect on the awareness to food safety and hygiene (World Health Organization, 2015).
of food safety of food handlers (McIntyre et al., 2013). In our As previously mentioned, a relatively more significant proportion
research, the age of food vending experience was not significantly of vendors were overweight and obese. Interestingly, with the
linked to the vendor’s awareness of food safety. However, this decrease of BMI level, food safety attitude of vendors significantly
study found an acceptable knowledge level on food safety among improved in this study.
the vendors studied.
Furthermore, the self-reported hygiene practice showed
99% of food vendors claimed that proper handling of foods that about 90% of the vendors in the present study did not
is an essential aspect of their job responsibilities. Where they all use any personal protective equipment as well as safety
knew good personal hygiene would avoid customer’s foodborne procedures. The poor socio-economic condition with lacking
illness. Just a small proportion of the vendors (10.5%) felt it was proper food safety knowledge among the street food vendors
more important to prepare tasty food than to make healthy food. is one of the potential reasons of their lower use of personal

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protective equipment (Gadaga et al., 2014). These findings were 40% and 54% food vendor used personal hygiene (Muinde
quite similar to the findings in Kenya (87.7%) and contrast & Kuria, 2005; Muyanja et al., 2011; Pincemail et al., 2012;
with the studies undertaken in Haiti and Uganda, where Samapundo et al., 2016).

Table 7. Effect of gender, age, education level, residence area, smoking and BMI on the food safety practice of food vendors.
Number of respondents (%)
p†- p-
Characteristics Poor Medium Good Mean ± SD Range
value value
(<50) (≥50 to <75) (≥ 75)
Male 145(75.5) 46(24) 1(0.5) 46.32 ± 7.00 30.43-63.04
0.97 0.423‡
Female 6(75) 2(25) 0(0) 48.36 ± 8.75 34.78-60.87
Age (years)
<25 26(68.4) 12(31.6) 0(0) 47.34 ± 7.95 34.78-63.04
25 to 50 108(76.6) 31(22.7) 1(0.7) 0.73 46.30 ± 6.87 0.558 ¥
>50 17 (81) 4(19) 0(0.0) 45.34 ± 6.78 32.61-56.52
Vending experience (year)
<5 39(72.2) 15(27.8) 0(0.0) 46.29 ± 7.30 30.43-63.04
5-9 54(72) 20(26.7) 1(1.3) 46.85 ± 7.74 30.43-63.04
0.71 0.694
10-20 44(81.5) 10(18.5) 0(0.0) 45.55 ± 6.04 32.61-60.87
>20 14(82.4) 3(17.6) 0(0.0) 47.44 ± 6.34 34.78-58.70
Education level
Illiterate 42(76.4) 13(23.6) 0(0.0) 45.47 ± 7.33 56.52-60.87
Primary 72(76.6) 21(22.3) 1(1.1) 45.80 ± 7.36 0.015 * 56.52-63.04
Secondary 34(77.3) 10(22.7) 0(0.0) 47.67 ± 5.41 56.52-63.04
Higher 3(42.9) 4(57.1) 0(0.0) 53.60 ± 5.94 56.52-63.04
Monthly income (BDT)
<5000 11(78.6) 3(21.4) 0(0.0) 45.18 ± 6.55 36.96-58.70
5000-10000 60(69.8) 26(30.2) 0(0.0) 46.55 ± 7.748 30.43-63.04
0.565 0.917¥
10001-15000 62(80.5) 14(18.2) 1(1.3) 46.34 ± 6.55 30.43-63.04
>15000 18(78.3) 5(21.7) 0(0.0) 46.74 ± 6.66 34.78-60.87
Civil status
Single 13(81.2) 3(18.8) 0(0.0) 45.38 ± 6.86 34.78-58.70
Married 137(74.9) 45(24.6) 1(0.5) 0.951 46.53 ± 7.09 0.485¥ 30.43-63.04
Widow 1(100) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 39.1304 39.13
Residence area
Rural 69(71.9) 27(28.1) 0(0.0) 46.67 ± 7.43 30.43-63.04
Urban 74(80.4) 17(18.5) 1(1.1) 0.40 46.02 ± 6.77 30.43-63.04
Slum 8(66.7) 4(33.3) 0(0) 47.10 ± 6.57 36.96-58.70
Yes 116(74.8) 39(25.2) 0(0) 46.47 ± 6.86 30.43-63.04
0.14 0.798‡
No 35(77.8) 9(20) 1(2.2) 46.16 ± 7.79 30.43-60.87
Under weight 2(50) 0(0) 0(0) 49.45 ± 4.11 43.48-52.17
Normal weight 51(72.9) 19(27.1) 0(0) 46.74 ± 7.64 30.43-63.04
0.52 0.524 ¥
Over weight 79(75.2) 25(23.8) 1(1) 46.41 ± 7.00 30.43-60.87
Obese 19(90.5) 2(9.5) 0(0) 44.61 ± 5.65 34.78-58.70
Total 151(75.5) 48(24) 1(0.5) 46.40 ± 7.06 30.43-63.04
Note: SD = Standard deviation, p = Significance value, BMI = Body Mass Index; BDT = Bangladeshi Taka (1 USD = 84.83 BDT); †Significance values by Chi-square test; ¥Significance
values by one-way ANOVA; ‡Significance values by independent sample “t” test; *Tests Significant at ≤0.05.

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Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors

Table 8. The correlation between different socio-demographic variables and KAP score of food safety vendors.
Age 1b
SM 0.12b 1b
EL -.06b -.07b 1b
MI .23b .04b .16b 1b
VEXP .56b** .08b -.02b .20b** 1b
BMI 0.01b -.14b -.00b -.05b -.09b 1b
FSK .117b -.01b .33b** .06b .13b -.08b** 1a
FSA 0.1b .06b .14b* .16b* .02b -.08b* .38a** 1a
FSP -.07b .00b .17b* .03b -.01b* -.01b* .16a* .24a ** 1a
Note: SM = Smoking, EL = Education level, MI = Monthly Income, VEXP = Vending Experience, BMI = Body mass index, FSK = Food safety knowledge, FSA = Food safety attitude,
FSP = Food safety practice; aPearson linear correlation; bSpearman correlation; *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Ghana reported that knowledge was not closely associated to

hygiene practice which indicated that existing socio-cultural
context might have a greater impact on food hygiene practices
(Rheinländer et al., 2008).
From our observation, as food vendors have enough
safety knowledge, they need to be encouraged in related food
hygiene and safety practices. It was found that socio-economic
conditions of food vendors have a significant influence on their
food safety behaviour and hygienic practices, of which level of
education was an important factor influencing their reaction
towards food safety. So, education will make the system better
Figure 3. Food safety percent KAP score (mean ± SD). counter towards the promotion of food hygiene. Nevertheless,
vendors themselves should follow the food safety precautions
Unfortunately, the proportion of vendors belonging to good at the time of food preparation, preservation, and serving food
food safety practice level was negligible, 0.5%. Around three- to the consumers.
fourths of food vendors were poorly trained when it came to In order to increase the current level of food safety and
food hygiene. Corresponding with our outcomes, a similar study hygiene practice Government should impose safety policy on
conducted on the street food vendors in Vietnam revealed that vendors and provide them proper training on food safety and
vendors had poor food handling practices and operated foods hygiene (Liu et al., 2014). Establishment of safety tools such
under highly unhygienic conditions (Ngoc & Thanh, 2015). as risk assessment, HACCP, FSO (Food Safety Objective) is
However, this was slightly incongruous with earlier studies in
also an effective step towards improving food safety practices
Malaysia (Rahman et al., 2016) and Nigeria (Bamidele et al., 2015)
(Trafialek et al., 2018).
where respondents had above 15% of good hygiene practice.
Also, the length of the selling training was not directly related
to their knowledge of food safety practices. We found that only 5 Conclusion
the degree of education had a positive effect on their general The study demonstrated that the level of food hygiene
practice of hygiene. On the contrary, a comparable study in knowledge was satisfactory in food vendors of the studied area.
Ghana reported that the food safety practice was not associated Although the food vendors had adequate food safety knowledge
with the safety knowledge and education level of the vendors and attitudes, they had a poor understanding of safe food
(Addo-Tham et al., 2020). We found that monthly income wasn’t handling, which was reflected in their largely inadequate facilities
significant to their food safety and hygiene practice. But, another and unhygienic practices during the vending of the foods. Most
related study in Ethiopia showed that the increase of monthly street food vendors interviewed in this study had low educational
income raised the level of food safety practice (Adane et al., 2018). levels, which significantly contributed to their poor food safety
In the present analysis, each food safety parameter (KAPs) practices. The government should take necessary steps and
was positively associated with each other; the level of practice impose suitable food hygiene rules and regulations to increase
increased with an increased level of knowledge and attitude. good food handling practices. This investigation provides data
Many earlier studies found that the level of awareness, attitude necessary for the development of policies and standards that
and food safety training were significantly related to the street will help to ensure the safety of street foods. Initiatives like the
food vendors’ hygienic practices (Afolaranmi et al., 2015; arrangement of training programs on standard food safety and
Rahman et al., 2016; Tessema et al., 2014). In comparison, studies hygiene practice for street food vendors can improve the overall
in Nigeria found that the attitude of food hygiene practices in safety of street foods and also reduce related public health risks
vendors was not important (Otu, 2014), and another study in among the consumers.

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Hossen et al.

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