Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Assignment 1
Submitted to:
Ms. Zainab Dar
Submitted by:
Ayesha Zulfiqar
Faez Fayaz siddiqui
Maria Riaz
Saira Yousaf
Sumayyah Rafiq
Due Date:
4 April, 2007
Tobacco Industry:
Structure of Industry:
In Pakistan the industry consists of farmers who grow tobacco, firms that
convert the raw materials into finished goods (Cigarettes), exporters and
importers of tobacco and its products. Smuggling of tobacco products to and
from neighboring countries is also quite common.
The major firms involved in the manufacture of finished goods and exports
include Pakistan Tobacco Company, Lakson Tobacco Company, Souvenir
Tobacco Company, Saleem Cigarette Industry, Universal Tobacco Company,
Imperial Cigarette Industry, Khyber Tobacco Company, International Cigarette
Industry, Walton Tobacco Company and Sarhad Cigarette Industry. Of these
firms Pakistan Tobacco Company is the market leader with lakson Tobacco
Company in second place.
Number of buyers:
In the local market, Twenty-nine percent of men and 3.4% of women smoke
cigarettes regularly, concluded the National Health Survey, while the Pakistan
Society of Cancer Prevention says 37% of men and 4% of women over 15
years of age are smokers. According to Pakistan Pediatric Association, 1,000 to
1,200 children between the ages of 6 and 16 years take up smoking every day.
Cigarette consumption in Pakistan is five times higher than in India with 620
cigarettes per adult per annum against 119 for India¹. This shows that the
market for tobacco industry is very immense locally. Chewing tobacco is in
demand in the villages.
Along side this; various countries are also acting as buyers for the tobacco
industry. The export details are available in the appendix2
Product differentiation:
There are no entry conditions as such but when a company enters the industry,
it has to abide by all the rules and regulations of government. This is very
costly especially in terms of advertising. The firms have to inform the
consumers about the potential health hazards related to tobacco products. This
implies that in order to enter as a manufacturer, heavy investment is required.
The tobacco board also manages the demand and supply in the industry.
According to legal requirements, the tobacco manufacturing and exporting
companies are required to inform their tobacco requirements by the 21st of
October to the Pakistan Tobacco Board. After discussions between the Board
and other stakeholders like buyers, growers, dealers, etc. and taking into
account factors like crop size, prices, domestic usage and exports, these
figures are finalized.
In this way the growers get a rough estimate of how much they should grow.
This creates a balance between demand and supply. The Pakistan Tobacco
Board, in collaboration with tobacco companies, holds meetings in the tobacco
growing areas to inform the growers about the requirements of tobacco
The industry has a negative image among its consumers and the general
public. This is due to the various health hazards associated with tobacco
consumption. People are also blaming the government for its support for the
industry. Smoking is the cause of lung cancer in 90% of the cases. Its users
get addicted to it.
Although the companies can not change the nature of their product, they are
trying to build a socially responsible image in the eyes of the consumers. PTC
is currently engaged in various programs such as afforestation, Mobile doctors
program, Youth smoking prevention, learning resource centers. The laskson
group has set up Lakson medical center (Sahiwal hospital) and a Medical
complex in Sawabi NWFP.
The government fixes the lowest price that firms can pay to growers. There is
a restriction that price for the current year can not be lower than that paid in
the preceding year. The tobacco board has specified the criteria for fixing
To further improve the quality of tobacco in Pakistan the PTB imported two
numbers of modern Tobacco Bulk Curing Barns from Greece. PTB, in
collaboration with the growers and manufacturers is examining facilities of
fabrication of cheaper versions of such barns locally which can be operated on
C.N.G. or other alternate and cost-effective energy sources.
64.96 2.44 15.10 0.29 24.86 107.65
50.96 1.17 9.65 0.58 23.38 85.74
59.61 1.94 9.38 0.95 20.70 92.58
51.31 1.42 10.83 2.15 22.55 88.26
50.29 0.69 10.98 1.60 22.63 86.19
2004-2005 65.78 0.86 9.91 1.64 *22.63 100.82
Appendix 2