Application of: Directive 2014/90/EU of 23 July 2014 on marine equipment (MED). This Certificate is
issued by DNV GL SE based on the notification of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of
This is to certify:
That the Rudder angle indicator
Issued to
Marine Data Systems Ltd.
Newport, IW, United Kingdom
Further details of the equipment and conditions for certification are given overleaf.
Approval Engineer:
Christine Mydlak-Roeder
Jörg Rebel Notified Body
No.: 0098 Head of Notified Body
A U.S. Coast Guard approval number will be assigned to the equipment when the production module has been completed and will appear on the
production module certificate (module D, E or F), as allowed by the “Agreement between the European Community and the United States of
America on Mutual Recognition of Certificates of Conformity for Marine Equipment”, signed February 27th, 2004, and amended by Decision No
1/2018 dated February 18th, 2019.
The mark of conformity may only be affixed to the above type approved equipment and a Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity issued when
the production-surveillance module (D, E or F) of Annex B of the MED is fully complied with and controlled by a written inspection agreement
with a Notified Body. The product liability rests with the manufacturer or his representative in accordance with Directive 2014/90/EU.
This certificate is valid for equipment, which is conform to the approved type. The manufacturer shall inform DNV GL SE of any changes to the
approved equipment. This certificate remains valid unless suspended, withdrawn, recalled or cancelled.
Should the specified regulations or standards be amended during the validity of this certificate, the product is to be re-approved before being
placed on board a vessel to which the amended regulations or standards apply.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise stated in the applicable contract with the holder of this document, or following from mandatory law, the
liability of DNV GL AS, its parent companies and subsidiaries as well as their officers, directors and employees (“DNV GL”) arising from or in
connection with the services rendered for the purpose of the issuance of this document or reliance thereon, whether in contract or in tort
(including negligence), shall be limited to direct losses and under any circumstance be limited to 300,000 USD.
Form code: MED 201.DEU Revision: 2020-01 Page 1 of 3
© DNV GL 2014. DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS.
Job Id: 344.1-008071-1
Certificate No: MEDB00003ZK
Product description
The rudder angle indicator systems exist of following equipment:
The rudder angle indicators may be used with other rudder angle transmitters to be type-tested
according to ISO 20673 (2007) and IEC 61162-1 (2016).
The rate-of-turn indicators MD67ROT and MD77ROT/MD77ROT120 are identical with MD67RDI and
MD77RDI, respectively except an upside-down scale and mounting and may be used with rate-of-turn
sensors to be type-tested according to ISO 20672 (2007) and IEC 61162-1 (2016).
Marking of product
According to IEC 60945, Sect.4.9:
The product to be marked with following information, where practicable:
Identification of the manufacturer,
Equipment type number or model identification under which it was type tested,
Serial number of the unit,
Compass safe distance.
Alternatively, the marking may be presented on a display at equipment start-up, and in case of fixed
equipment compass safe distance may be given in the equipment manual.