TOURBiNE CrashCourseStudyGuide
TOURBiNE CrashCourseStudyGuide
TOURBiNE CrashCourseStudyGuide
Diversifying tourism offers in peripheral destinations with
heritage-based products and services, stakeholder-skills
alliances to internationalize locally operating micro-
ACRONYM ................................................................................................................ 0
TITLE.......................................................................................................................... 0
CROSS-BORDER PARTNERSHIP ................................................................................ 0
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 1
SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 3
TRAINING COMPONENTS ........................................................................................ 4
Admission ............................................................................................................. 6
Duration ................................................................................................................. 6
Official Language .................................................................................................. 6
Objectives .............................................................................................................. 6
4 Modules .............................................................................................................. 6
TRAINING OUTCOMES ............................................................................................. 7
Tutoring Schemes .................................................................................................. 8
e-Support ............................................................................................................... 8
Assessment............................................................................................................ 8
Assistance ............................................................................................................. 8
LEARNING OUTCOMES ............................................................................................ 9
3.1 MODULE 1 “HERITAGE INTERPRETATION” ................................................. 9
3.2 MODULE 2: “SIGNIFICANCE ASSESSMENT” ............................................. 10
3.3 MODULE 3 “EXPERIENCE DESIGN” ........................................................... 10
3.4 MODULE 4 “EXPERIENCE DELIVERY” ........................................................ 10
3.5 ONSITE TEACHING AND LEARNING ......................................................... 10
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The 4th Industrial Revolution has required Greece, Jordan, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
the workforce to adapt and learn new skills Egypt and Tunisia in order to: a) mitigate
in a fast-moving technological pace. skills gaps in education/training caused by
However, it was the lock down of the rapids shifts in technology and society; b)
economy in 2020 that ignited remote promote transversal key competences and
working and new types of productivity and rewind the tourism service design; d) assist
innovation, demonstrating that only those employers recruit and retain talents. Το
adepts at lifelong and self-directed boost innovation and connect teaching and
learning, and learning from the experience learning practice to the world of work, the
of others will be at advantage. Partnership is launching an industry-related
and praxis-validated SKILLS
To assist NEET communities (young people
INFRASTRUCTURE for low-carbon i-tourism
not in employment, education and training)
apply the technology-intense-experience
along with transversal skills and an Youth empowerment is ensured through
entrepreneurial mindset, TOURBiNE novel qualifications/competences and the
investigates the future of work in the tourism industry-related OPEN DIGITAL BADGE
sector as per the 2021-2017 EU Education certification, acquired in non-formal and
Area and Digital Strategy and the 11 informal settings and the direct
European Youth Goals 2019-2027 and participation in 32 OER, Training, Teaching,
suggests strategies to link training with Crash Courses and Digital Skilling Tools and
portfolios of demonstrable evidence of the design and delivery of 6 i-tourism
transversal skills, micro-credentials, and services: the Experience-Based Tourism
validation methods in the community of Route; 6 Heritage Games; the Community-
practice. based Tourism App presented to industry
players at the World Tourism and Travel
TOURBiNE establishes long lasting
Fair ITB Berlin 2024.
partnerships in Turkey, Netherlands,
TOOLKIT The TOURBiNE New training is
Virtual Desk and Knowledge required to innovate and manage
Toolkit designs is an i-Cloud novel products and services that
working area moves local today are not connected to real needs
stakeholders from desk computing to and demands of users of cultural products
cloud computing by providing a Virtual and services worldwide. Authentic stories have a
Desk to organize content, ideas and service stronger impact on the consumer. TOURBiNE
prototypes. The Virtual Desk enables utilizes the Vimeo Media Channel as an
convenient, on-demand network access to a amplifier to encourage the acquisition of new
shared pool of configurable computing skills, supporting at the same time parties
resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, involved to provide for feedback about
applications, and services) that can be activities, outputs, qualities of deliverables and
rapidly provisioned and released with impact of results in the territory all across the
minimal management effort or service Project life. The TOURBiNE Vimeo Channel is an
provider interaction. effective tool to transfer parties involved the
particular knowledge that can be transformed in
a new service or product. The Vimeo Media
Channel is thus linked to new services to be
2. COURSE 2 implemented in the Project Area and Social
A hybrid learning Media.
methodology enables
tourism professionals to 5 ONSITE
manage information, exchange
data, visualize trends and connect to TEACHING AND
social media tools providing full transparency in LEARNING
Project development and achievements. TOURBiNE aims to
The e-Course offers 4 Modules to advance heritage tourism by delivering
participants 1. Heritage Tourism Industry; 2. high quality experiences at heritage
Heritage Tourism Planning; 3. Leisure Time places and communicating cultural values:
Management; 4. Heritage Tourism from natural monuments and ecosystems to sites
Marketing. Activity 4.2 is directly and collections, from the arts to traditions and
interconnected with the 4 Transnational handicrafts. It is needed to demonstrate how the
Study Visits. values of tangible-intangible, movable-
immovable and spiritual heritage assets can
3 POCKET LIBRARY become catalysts for regeneration and
The Pocket Library is development by being revealed and
cognitive-driven multi- communicated. Therefore, the TOURBiNE the
mediathek, which facilitates Crash Course in Heritage Interpretation offers
domain specific knowledge onsite training via:
acquisition and transfer in vocational • 4 Study Visits in Konya, Turkey; Chios,
learner settings. The Pocket Library is Greece; Berlin, Germany and
the collection of media material produced Alexandria, Egypt
across the Project Life. It works as an • 4 onsite lectures in Konya, Turkey; Chios,
indicator of trends, problems, solutions, Greece; Berlin, Germany and
deviations, new potential services and Alexandria, Egypt
products since media materials can be
generated and uploaded in almost real- • 4 evaluation workshops in in Konya,
time using the local ICT access points Turkey; Chios, Greece; Berlin, Germany
provided by the project. and Alexandria, Egypt
Admission 4 Modules
The Crash Course develops a 4 Modules are included in the Course: M1
multidisciplinary, participatory knowledge “Interpretation Basics” will deliver the concept of
platform fully capable to adapt to multicultural interpretation, tools and procedures to create
environments and attract a wide range of simple interpretive products. M2 “Significance
different learner groups without restrictions to
professional background, sex and age Assessment” is a methodological approach
stereotypes. based on criteria for the assessment of cultural
The Pool of Learners consists of a minimum of 60 heritage resources from natural and man-made
attendees who will be given access to the environment, accompanied by tourism modifiers,
Platform and implement the e-Course’s which guarantee the appropriateness of the
according to the timetable. At the beginning of resources to enter the tourism market. M3
every week Course Participants may
“Experience Design” will deliver skills for
acessdocuments regarding the basic study
materials and the weekly tests. planning interpretive products and services and
M4 “Experience Delivery” will act as a guide to
Duration help students compose their examination thesis
The Crash Course is starting on August as well as revise the newly acquired
29, 2023 and completes on September 19, multidisciplinary knowledge. The modules will be
2023. All sessions will be recorded and made accompanied by a short description containing
accessible to the learners. It stays open for 20 information about scope and fruitful use of their
weeks. 4 Study Visits and Evaluation Workshops contents.
are linked to the Crash Course (Konya, Chios,
Berlin, Alexandria).
Official Language
The Training language is (English and
therefore, the Platform, the reading material,
the tests and anything written in forums, via e-
mail etc. will be in English.
to facilitate NEET communities
comfortably access open educational resources
and networks in the geographical area covered
by TOURBiNE and beyond, and thus enhance
training and labor market options and learner
satisfaction, a new educational vision is required
along with praxis validated tool to optimize
understanding and assist the presentation of
information in a manner that encourages learner
activities, ensuring permanent results TOURBiNE
acknowledges that not only businesses and
stakeholders directly involved in tourism
influence the quality of visitor experience at
heritage places. Cultural heritage authorities
and operators, businesses involved in material
cultural heritage, souvenirs and handicrafts;
businesses involved in cultural heritage
communication; museums and sites involving
interpretation and high tech to produce learning
experiences etc. may complete, enhance or even
destroy the place experience.
creative, collaborative and constantly evolving
learning space to promote innovation and
technological environment, but also in an • BASIC STUDY MATERIAL, which they have
educational one as well. to complete until the end of each week. In
addition, they can download the
COMMUNITY-BASED APP each week Course Participants have to
complete and send back to the tutors (LP)
The Community-based Tourism a small test
App shall exemplify a new cultural • EXERCISES help learners to better
communication pattern needed at understand the Study Material.
destination level to reconfigure • GAME PLAN which is mandatory to
storytelling and directly engaging visitors. If complete it, after the completion of the
Gamification Course
a story is compelling, it increases interest and
curiosity and encourages integration which in
turn supports the cognitive approach.
The Crash Course is hosted the MIRO
Storytelling reconditioned in a digital language Platform, at:
specific to cultural goods, helps to decode the
symbolism behind with which the artists hide /
reality and bring with them emotion, and the The process of implementation is based
emotion helps the audience to navigate within in the use of MIRO e-Learning platform that can
the own wealth of ideas to search for and guarantee easy access to the study material as
well as all necessary communication procedures
rebuild the meaning of experiences at places
(learner-to-learner, learner-to-teacher).
with cultural significance. The awareness of
having understood, strongly influences audience
satisfaction, strengthening the attention in all Assessment
future processing, releasing new energies for
learning. Information, the raw material of a TOURBiNE offers a triple mechanism to
narrative structure, comes from the specific study assess participant skills and prepare them to
of the work of specialists, but it cannot build an become expert professionals in the sector of
experience per se. Narrations on the contrary tourism management: Weekly auto-corrective
derive from a creative approach to that comprehension tests in digital environments, in
and the Game Plan are the prerequisite for the
information, and are articulated in an artistic overall success. The 2 assessment steps are
language according to the advanced ways and designed in didactical progression, offering the
consolidated in the public. In this vein, each possibility to repeat steps in case of failure.
Partner delivers the app content, suitable to fit
in the mobile application (APP), which includes:
the gamified story telling part of the APP using Assistance
5 place attractions in each destination so that 30 For issues related to the e-learning
attractions in the Project Area build the process and content, please contact the tutors.
prototype of the SKILLS SET envisaged, with 60 You will find the necessary contact information in
the topics at the MIRO Platform.
trainees committed to the process. PP2 (SEALS)
For technical issues related to the use of the
will deliver the technical application (APP) platform, please contact the site administrator.
incorporating the 5 heritage games in Turkey, The technical contact info is on every page of the
Greece, Jordan, Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina platform.
and Tunisia. For any other issue, please use the
“Contact Info” found on every page of the
Tutoring Schemes
At the beginning of every week, Course
Participants download documents
regarding the:
TOURBiNE creates a framework for
professional up-to-date heritage management A. Domain specific
conjugating heritage knowledge with tourism
planning, using a cognitive "interpretive
knowledge acquisition
approach" and didactic tools deriving from (learn)
instructional design familiar with brain
architecture. The Training connects knowledge B. Domain specific skill
and learners’ needs with tools, methods and
policies of the TOURBiNE will add value to
development (execute)
heritage interpretation practices from a set of
basic skills into a multidisciplinary process such
C. Domain specific
as Interpretive Planning (IP), aiming to create expertise (implement)
tools and methods to create industry related
product and services resulting into greater
protection and consumer satisfaction.
Participants learn how to identify, signify, 3.1 MODULE 1
valorize and manage natural and cultural “HERITAGE
resources, by defining heritage values and INTERPRETATION”
formulating an area’s heritage typology
MODULE 1 “Heritage
especially designed for culture and tourism uses,
in order for them to safely enter the global Interpretation” involves consequently much
market. Tourism as a place-based activity more than mere transmission of knowledge
and facts: it is a system for decoding messages
generates destination identity at different
of diverse complexity and a high degree of
scales, defining places as the great imperative.
TOURBiNE teaches how-to create a non- ambiguity. It employs codes accessible to
exchangeable image for given heritage visitors, enabling them to connect with heritage
presented to them in virtual and in situ
resources/places able to attract diverse
environments by experiencing and
understanding through their senses and cognitive
• Planning interpretive products and services
abilities. By providing visitors with relevance
for different audiences in recreational
Heritage Interpretation makes them a part of
the experience. M1 teaches heritage
• Developing heritage typologies on the basis interpretation as a main communication medium
of distinctive and visit-worthy features in recreational and leisure settings. M2 exploits
• Creating sustainable tourism uses in the different ways of communicating as a means
heritage environments (natural and man- to bridge the spatiotemporal distance between
made) visitors and resources.
• Signifying and Marketing Heritage Learners are offered a methodology to
Resources for cultural consumption and classify a place’s assets to heritage classes in
tourism order to further select distinctive and visit-worthy
• Evaluation Methodologies features and to produce a place’s identity.
• Interpretive Plans and Applications Learners familiarize with the Significance
Assessment Process, a methodological approach
All 4 MODULEs are designed to deliver 3 based on criteria for the assessment of cultural
main outcomes following a hierarchical heritage resources from natural and man-made
progression in the respective scientific field: environment, accompanied by tourism modifiers,
which guarantee the appropriateness of the
resources to enter the tourism market.
3.2 MODULE 2: other consumption settings. The main learning
task is to realize that leisure time has always a
“SIGNIFICANCE restricted, non- refundable time budget and is
ASSESSMENT” very much exposed to external risks. Direct
accessibility to resources is therefore crucial for
MODULE 2 deals with the the success of a given product. Learners acquire
significance of heritage items, objects, how develop and implement successful leisure
collections and places, introducing participant to time products and services exploiting
the genius loci, a place’s identity and spirit. opportunities offered in the recreational and
Significance of assets is a crucial issue, as it build leisure settings.
the travel motivation in tourism, and the basis for
the sustainability for heritage. Significance
places heritage into its proper value and its
broader cultural and social context and
emphasizes the importance of interpretation in
the understanding and valuation of heritage. M2 3.4 MODULE 4
demonstrates that heritage tourism may offer
even small communities’ economic growth and
employment diversification, improve the DELIVERY”
residents’ income, enabling young people to
stay in their local communities. Learners acquire MODULE 4 aims to undertake a review
knowledge about how to signify, plan and of what is an experience. M4 follows the
manage tourism attractions and how to develop definition of the philosopher John Dewey in his
experience-based tourism products and services, seminal work “Art as an experience”, published
whereas the understanding of tourism in 1933 in New York. Dewy’s definition: sounds:
accessibility is of crucial importance for the “experience is the result, the sign, and the
overall success. reward of that interaction of organism and
environment which, when it is carried to the full,
is a transformation of interaction into
3.3 MODULE 3 participation and communication”.
Consequently, if an experience is not
“EXPERIENCE transformative, then is not an experience; this is
DESIGN” the leading principle for the design of the games
in Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Bosnia-Herzegovina
MODULE 3 and Tunisia. Trainees will learn how to design
delivers higher interpretive their games by playing games.
skills for planning holistic
interpretive products and services
with specific market value. It exploits 3.5 ONSITE
consumer and visitor experience
opportunities provided by given resources
in given cultural consumption contexts, and caters LEARNING
for experience diversity. Learners acquire that
visitors come to attractions for very different and
sometimes conflicting reasons and learn how to TOURBiNE aims to advance
provide opportunities for a range of visitor heritage tourism by delivering high quality
experiences as an important part of sustaining experiences at heritage places and
the attraction’s quality. By providing a diversity communicating cultural values: from natural
of settings, learners accomplish a double task: monuments and ecosystems to sites and
firstly the offer visitors to select products and collections, from the arts to traditions and
services close to their visitation motives and handicrafts. It is needed to demonstrate how the
secondly a diversity of experiences helps to values of tangible-intangible, movable-
avoid the conflicts that often occur among visitors immovable and spiritual heritage assets can
who expect various outcomes from their visits. become catalysts for regeneration and
M3 deals also with the concept of development by being revealed and
leisure time, as a post-fordist good and its communicated. Therefore TOURBiNE Intensive
economic value in cultural heritage tourism and Training Course offers onsite training via:
• 4 Study Visits in Lagopesole, Italy; Race- • 4 evaluation workshops in Lagopesole,
Fram, Slovenia. Berlin, Germany and Italy; Race-Fram, Slovenia. Berlin,
Trabzon, Turkey Germany and Trabzon, Turkey
• 4 onsite lectures in Lagopesole, Italy;
Race-Fram, Slovenia. Berlin, Germany
and Trabzon, Turkey
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