General Instruction Manual: Environmental Protection Department (Epd) Hazardous Materials Communication Program (Hazcom)
General Instruction Manual: Environmental Protection Department (Epd) Hazardous Materials Communication Program (Hazcom)
General Instruction Manual: Environmental Protection Department (Epd) Hazardous Materials Communication Program (Hazcom)
06/23/2002 NEW
ASJ 1 OF 8
This instruction includes the minimum requirements to implement the HAZCOM Program, assigns
responsibilities and establishes measures for safe handling practices and procedures for hazardous materials at
all company facilities. It contains information on the following:
The purpose of this General Instruction is to provide compliance requirements for the Hazardous Materials
Communication (HAZCOM) Program. The program provides hazardous materials information and
guidance on how to handle chemicals safely to minimize incidents and reduce risks to people, production,
equipment and the environment.
"The Company is committed to prevention of accidents to minimize loss of life or bodily injury to its
employees and damage to its physical assets. In fulfilling this commitment, which is essential to and
equally important as production objectives, the Company will take every reasonable measure to provide
and maintain a safe and healthful work environment for its employees and protect the public against
foreseeable hazards resulting from operations.” (POLICY: INT-4)
“The Company will assure that its operations do not create undue risks to the environment or public
health, and will conduct its operations with full concern for the protection of the land, air and water from
harmful pollution .” (POLICY: INT-5)
Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will support and assist management to achieve the objective
established by this policy.
3.1 Hazardous Material – Any purchased or produced material or chemical which is a physical or
health hazard. Biohazards are excluded.
3.2 Health Hazard – Any material or chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence based
on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or
chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees.
3.3 Physical Hazard – Any material or chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it
is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer,
unstable (reactive) or water reactive.
3.4 Biohazard – A biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to a person or his
3.5 CHB – Chemical Hazard Bulletin. An internal company document (available in both English &
Arabic) developed by EPD to provide a standardized one-page summary of a material’s hazard
ratings: health hazards, fire & reactivity, handling, storage & disposal and first aid information for
use in the handling of hazardous materials.
3.6 CRA – Chemical Risk Assessment. A comprehensive assessment of the handling and use of
hazardous materials at Saudi Aramco facilities. The CRA will cover identification of hazardous
materials, risk characterization, storage conditions, compatibility, methods of transfer & handling,
control measures and use of personal protective equipment.
3.7 Labeling (HAZCOM Label) – Unlike Manufacturer and Transportation Labels, HAZCOM Labels
are developed only for materials used in Saudi Aramco, and provide basic hazard information taken
from the CHB. The labels are placed on containers where this additional warning information is
3.8 Container – A container is anything that holds hazardous chemical except pipes and piping
3.9 MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet. A document furnished by the chemical manufacturer or the
distributor containing chemical and physical properties of the material, potential hazards, protective
measures, personal protective equipment and storage requirements, and first aid procedures. The
MSDS gives the basic hazard information for the chemical which is then used in the development
of a CHB.
3.10 Six Elements of HAZCOM – The six elements of HAZCOM are the CRA, CHB, Labeling, Written
Program, Training of Employees, and Program Audit.
3.11 Program Audit – Following the full implementation of the HAZCOM Program at a facility, EPD
will perform a “Program Audit” to verify that all HAZCOM elements are in place and meet
3.12 Training (CHAT) – Chemical Hazards Awareness Training (CHAT) is a one-day training session
for employees who work with hazardous materials. The training covers the basic elements of
HAZCOM, along with detailed information on CHBs, MSDSs and Personal Protective Equipment
3.13 Written Program – Covers the elements of HAZCOM specific to each particular Saudi Aramco
facility detailing the areas of responsibilities within the facility and the HAZCOM Program
implementation requirements.
To meet the requirements of Article 130 of the Saudi Labor and Workmen Law the responsibilities
under each element of HAZCOM are detailed in the following sections.
4.1.1 Proponent Facility / Organization: Shall post the relevant CHBs, or MSDSs if CHBs are
not available, in the areas where the particular materials are stored and where the materials
are used. Proponent shall ensure that employees who handle the hazardous material are
fully instructed on safe handling procedure as per the CHB or MSDS.
4.1.2 Environmental Protection Department: Shall develop CHBs for all hazardous materials
used at the proponent facility and supply the CHBs to the proponent facility. (Appendix I,
example of CHBs)
4.1.3 Materials Supply Organization: Shall ensure that suppliers of all hazardous materials
provide Saudi Aramco with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for their products both
for storehouse and direct purchase materials. Hard or electronic copies of such material
safety data sheets and any other relevant hazard information shall be transmitted to
Environmental Protection Department for Hazard Rating prior to purchase.
4.2 Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA)
4.2.2 Environmental Protection Department: Shall conduct the CRA for the proponent and
provide a written report to the proponent covering all the relevant hazardous materials at
the facility. This process will be repeated on a periodic basis as determined by EPD.
Medical (SAMSO) facilities will be covered by SAMSO/PMSD/ECS.
4.2.3 Proponent Department will nominate individual(s) with appropriate qualification and
experience as recommended by Environmental Protection Department to participate in the
CRA survey and assist the CRA team in conducting their field activities.
4.3.2 Environmental Protection Department: Shall develop the HAZCOM labels as per EPD
guidelines for the proponent and supply an electronic copy to Materials Supply for printing
of the labels.
4.3.3 The Materials Supply Organization: Shall arrange printing and maintain the stock of the
printed HAZCOM Labels as developed by EPD. Also Materials Supply shall affix the
labels to the appropriate non-transient stock containers.
4.4.2 Environmental Protection Department: Shall audit the proponent following full
implementation of HAZCOM Program to assure that all elements of HAZCOM have been
properly completed. Any shortcomings will be addressed to the proponent, and followed-
up until completion. EPD will re-audit the proponent on a periodic basis as part of the
Occupational Health Hazard Assessment (OHHA) Program.
4.5 Training (CHAT)
4.5.1 Proponent Department shall ensure that all employees who are working with hazardous
materials are fully trained by attending CHAT training. All employees who are trained on
HAZCOM will receive training every three years to ensure that they stay abreast of current
information on hazardous chemicals used at their respective facilities.
4.5.2 Proponent Facility / Organization: Shall provide the training facility, schedule the
employees and supply the required Personal Protective Equipment and demonstration
items for the classroom. The proponent will also provide qualified participants to attend
the “Train-the-Trainer” HAZCOM sessions, and make those trainers available to conduct
the employee training sessions after being certified by EPD staff.
4.5.3 Environmental Protection Department: Shall provide training materials including the
posters, overheads, videos, and student handbooks for the training classes. EPD will also
provide a “Train-the-Trainer” class for selected facility trainers to become the trainers for
their facilities.
4.5.4 EPD shall provide assistance to the proponent facility / organization in conducting CHAT
training as required basis. EPD will monitor the CHAT training and ensure that the training
classes are conducted as per HAZCOM Program requirements and consistent throughout
the company.
4.6.2 Environmental Protection Department: Shall provide the proponent with a generic outline
or template for the development of the Written HAZCOM Program, provide technical
assistance to the proponent, and review the final version for concurrence.
The HAZCOM Program provides a comprehensive system for the communication of chemical hazards
to facility management and employees throughout Saudi Aramco. Such objective is achieved through
the interconnected use of employee training or CHAT, along with CHBs, MSDSs and HAZCOM Labels
to provide employees with the information needed to be informed on how to work with hazardous
materials in a safe manner. The hazardous materials are identified through the CRA process and
detailed in the site Written HAZCOM Program. Details for the practices are provided in the following
5.1 The CHBs shall be provided for all Saudi Aramco Hazardous Materials, and include Hazard
Ratings for the areas of Health, Flammability, and Reactivity. MSDSs will be available for any
materials that do not have a CHB.
5.2 The CRA shall include a complete chemical inventory, identification of chemical products,
inspection of storage and usage conditions, methods of transfer & handling, risk characterization,
and control measures necessary to minimize risks and potential adverse effects on employees and
5.3 The HAZCOM Labels shall be provided for all Saudi Aramco Hazardous Materials including
process chemicals, products, test substances and hazardous waste streams and other hazardous
materials leaving the proponent facility. The HAZCOM labels shall include the hazard ratings from
the related CHB, along with precautionary statements on health, fire and reactivity, the related CHB
number, required PPE and first aid procedures.
5.4 For each hazardous chemical, the proponent shall ensure that their process equipment and associated
piping are prominently stenciled or labeled with the commonly understood identifying name, color
and number consistent with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES-B-067). Fixed bulk
chemical storage tanks shall have an enlarged HAZCOM label posted near by the storage tank.
5.5 The Program Audit shall cover each element of the HAZCOM Program and will require field
verification of the functionality of each element.
5.6 The CHAT training shall be provided to employees who work with hazardous materials, and cover
the basic concepts of chemical hazards and of the HAZCOM Program with specific emphasis on the
contents of the CHB, MSDS, proper labeling, and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
5.7 The Written Program will describe all six elements of the HAZCOM Program, and will designate by
name or title the personnel in the facility who will be responsible for each aspect.
FIRST AID: Remove to fresh air. Get medical aid immediately (Call 110). USE SHOWER AND
EYEWASH. Lift eyelids and flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes.
Wash skin thoroughly with water, removing contaminated clothing and shoes.
For further information call Industrial Hygiene: 872-2623 (DH), 678-4902 (RT), 572-3553 (ABQ), or 427-2217 (JID).
Hazard Ratings: 0=Insignificant, 1=Slight, 2=Moderate, 3=High, 4=Extreme 9-30-2001