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College Faridabad

D.A.V Centenary

Practical File

PC Software
(Subject Code –105)
Branch/Year – Bachelor of Computer Application / I-Year
Session: Aug-Dec 2023

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Maya Verma Name: Ajay Thakur

Roll No: 123116698

S.No. Experiment / Topic Date Signature /
1. Windows Operating System

2. MS Word

3. MS Excel
4. MS Power Point
Experiment No → 1
Windows Operating System

The operating system window is the extension of the disk operating system. It is the most
popular and simplest operating system; it can be used by any person who can read and understand
basic English, as it does not require any special training.

However, the Windows Operating System requires DOS to run the various application programs
initially. Because of this reason, DOS should be installed into the memory and then window can
be executed.

Elements of Windows OS
Following are the significant element of Windows Operating System (WOS) −

• Graphical User Interface

• Icons (pictures, documents, application, program icons, etc.)
• Taskbar
• Start button
• Windows explorer
• Mouse button
• Hardware compatibility
• Software compatibility
• Help, etc.
Once you are logged in a window computer system, you will get dozens of applications,
so you can choose an option of your requirement.

Many of the options have shortcut icon readily available on your computer screen; however, in
some computers, you may not find any such option on the screen; in such a case, you can take the
help of menu button (as shown in the image given below) −
Start Menu Options
The following table lists down the options that appear after clicking on the Start menu −

Option & Description

1. All programs

It displays all those programs, which are installed in your system.

2. Document

It displays a list of folders used by the user.

3. Recent file
It displays the recently used file.
4. My picture
It displays a list of pictures.
5. My music
It displays a list of music/song, etc.
6. My computer
It displays the drives of computer where user keeps his/her work, file, folder, song,
video, picture, e-book, etc.
7. Control panel
It displays all the installed computer programs (software).
8. Printer
It displays the installed printers (if printer is installed in the system, user can take
print easily).
9. Help (support)
It helps users to know how to do a particular task.
10. Search
It helps a user to find a file in computer.
11. Run
It helps to start an application program or execute a DOS command.
12. Setting
It has different options that help to manage different settings of the computer,
software as well as hardware.
13. Log Off
It helps a user to log off the currently logged in user of the system.
14. Sleep
It makes the system non-functional; however, puts the ongoing work and settings in
memory and also keeps drawing small amount of power.
15. Hibernation
Hibernation puts the open documents and programs on hard disk and then turns off
your computer; in comparison to ‗sleep‘, it uses very low power.
16. Restart
Its function is to shut down and again start (log on) computer; it is done normally to
refresh computer especially when computer is hanged.
17. Shut down
It simply shuts down the system.

Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin is a trash location where deleted files remain stored. Once you delete any sort
of file, it gets stored (automatically) into recycle bin; therefore, if you mistakenly deleted
some important file, don‘t panic, go to recycle bin and restore it. However, ifyou
deleted file from recycle bin as well, then it is very difficult to restore that permanently
deleted file.
Windows operating system ships with some handy applications known as Windows
accessories. Calculator, Notepad, Paint, Explorer, WordPad are some of the most
frequently used accessories.


Windows Calculator is a calculating application included in all the versions of Windows. It can
be used to perform simple calculation, scientific calculation and Programming calculation.

• Choose Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Calculator to start Calculator application,
• Alternately you can open Run dialog box (Start >> Run) dialog box then type calc and hit
• From View menu choose the required type of calculator – Standard, Scientific,
Programmer, Statistical
• Edit >> Copy and Paste commands can be used to input the numbers into calculator or
paste the result to other applications

Calculator was first included with Windows 1.0 as a simple arithmetic calculator. In Windows 3.0,
a Scientific mode was added, which included exponents and roots, logarithms, factorial- based
functions, trigonometry (supports radian, degree and gradians angles), base conversions (2, 8, 10,
16), logic operations, Statistic functions such as single variable statistics and linearregression.


Paint (formerly Paintbrush for Windows) is a simple graphics painting program that has
been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. It is often referred to as MS Paint or
Microsoft Paint. The program opens and saves files as Windows bitmap (24-bit, 256 color, 16
color, and monochrome) .BMP, JPEG, GIF. Paintbrush supports GIF without animation or
transparency. Since Windows 98 Paint supports GIF with transparency. It also supports PNG
(without alpha channel), and TIFF (without multiple page support).

The program can be in color mode or two-color black-and-white, but there is no

grayscale mode. For its simplicity, it rapidly became one of the most used applications in
the early versions of Windows—introducing many to painting on a computer for the first
time—and still has strong associations with the immediate usability of the old Windows


Notepad is a common text-only (plain text) editor. The resulting files—typically saved with the
.txt extension—have no format tags or styles, making the program suitable for editing system
files that are to be used in a DOS environment.

Notepad supports both left-to-right and right-to-left based languages, and one can alternate
between these viewing formats by using the right or left Ctrl+Shift keys to go to right-to-left format
or left-to-right format, respectively.

Microsoft WordPad is a free rich text editor included with Microsoft Windows 95 and the
later. Earlier to Windows 95 there used to be an application called Write for the same task.
Although capable of doing much more than Notepad, WordPad is not as advanced as Microsoft

WordPad can format and print text, but lacks intermediate features such as a spell checker,
thesaurus, and support for tables. As such, it is suitable for writing letters or short pieces, but
underpowered for work that relies heavily on graphics or typesetting.

Control Panel
The Control Panel is a section of Microsoft Windows that enables a user to change various
computer hardware and software features. Settings for the mouse, display, sound, network,
and keyboard represent just a few examples of what may be modified in the Control Panel.
Below the Control Panel appeared in Windows.
MS-WORD is the part of the bigger package called MS-OFFICE. We can do much more than
word processing.

What is word processing?

Word processing is a software package that enables you to create, print and save document for
future retrial and reference creating a document involves typing by using a keyboard and saving
it editing a document a document involves correcting the spelling mistakes if any deleting or
moving words sentence or paragraph.

Advantages of word processing:

Word processor over a conventional type writer is that a word processor enables you to may change
to a document without retyping the entire document.

Features of word processing:

1. Text is typing into the computer which allows alteration to be made easily
2. Word and sentence can be inserted or deleted.
3. Paragraph or text can be copy/move throughout the documents.
4. Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired.
5. Spelling can be checked and modify through the spell check facility.
6. Multiple documents/files can be merged.
7. Multiple copies of letters can be generated with different address through the male merger

Some commands of a word processing package:

1. Soft Word.
2. WordStar.
3. WordPerfect.
4. Microsoft word.
5. Footer.
6. Header.
Important components of the screen:

1. Title bar: - The title bar displayed the name of the currently active word document like other
windows applications.
2. Toolbar: - Word has a number of tool bar that help you perform task faster and with great
easy two of the most commonly toolbar are the formatting toolbar and the standard toolbar.
3. Ruler bar:- the ruler bar allows you to format the vertical alignment of text in a document.
4. Status bar:- The status bar displays information about the currently activate document. This
includes the page no. that you are working.
5. Scroll bar:- This bar helps scroll the content or body of document.
6. Work space:- The work space is the document windows where you enter/type the text of
your document.
7. Main menu:- The word main menu is displayed at the top if the screen.
Saving New Document

Once you are done with typing in your new Word document, it is time to save your document to
avoid losing work you have done on a Word document. Following are the steps to save an edited
Word document −

Step 1 − Click the File tab and select the Save As option.

Step 2 − Select a folder where you will like to save the document, Enter the file name which you
want to give to your document and Select the Save Asoption, by default it is the
.docx format.
Step 3 − Finally, click on the Save button and your document will be saved with the entered name
in the selected folder.

Saving New Changes

There may be an instance when you open an existing document and edit it partially or completely,
or an instance where you may like to save the changes in between editing of the document. If you
want to save this document with the same name, then you can use either of the following simple
options −

• Just press the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.

• Optionally you can click on the floppy icon available at the top left corner and just above
the File tab. This option will also help you save the changes.

• You can also use the third method to save the changes, which is the Save option
available just above the Save As option as shown in the above screenshot.
If your document is new and it was never saved so far, then with either of the three options, Word
will display a dialogue box to let you select a folder, and enter the document name as explained
in case of saving new document.

View Buttons

The group of five buttons located to the left of the Zoom control, near the bottom of the screen,
lets you switch through the Word's various document views.

• Print Layout view: This displays pages exactly as they will appear when printed.

• Full Screen Reading view: This gives a full screen view of the document.

• Web Layout view: This shows how a document appears when viewed by a Web
browser, such as Internet Explorer.

• Outline view: This lets you work with outlines established using Word‘s standard
heading styles.

• Draft view: This formats text as it appears on the printed page with a few exceptions.
For example, headers and footers aren't shown. Most people prefer this mode.
MS Excel

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool for you to use for numeric computations and analysis Excel
can also function as a simple database but that is another class. Today we will look at how to get
starting with Excel and show you around the neighborhood sort of speak.

Starting MS-Excel 2007

• To start Microsoft Excel:

• Click once on the Start button on the bottom left corner of the screen.
• Click on All Programs.
• Move the cursor to the new menu on the right and then click on Microsoft Office 2007.
• Move the cursor to the next menu that opens and click Microsoft Office excel 2007.
• A blank document will appear on the screen.

Main screen of a Microsoft Excel 2007 Document

This is a workbook. A workbook is a collection of worksheets (spreadsheets) and macros.
By default, Excel creates 3 worksheets in a new workbook. The worksheets are designated at the
bottom part of the window where you see the file folder-like tabs. The tabs are named
Sheet1,Sheet2 and Sheet3. If you click on Sheet2, you will be in Sheet2 and not Sheet1 so you
need to be aware of which worksheet you are in.

Office Fluent user interface

In Excel 2007, the new Office Fluent user interface replaces the traditional menus and
toolbars from previous versions of Excel with a single mechanism designed to help users find the
right features more efficiently.

The interface contains three main components:

• Office Button
• Quick Access Toolbar
• Ribbon
Open a New Workbook

Sometimes you have to create a new workbook.

1. Click on the Office Button
2. Click on New
You are now able to open recently used or new workbooks from this panel. You can also open up
templates that are available with Excel or ones that you create. If you click on Blank
Workbook, Excel will create a new workbook for you.

What are Columns, Rows, and Cells?

• Columns are the vertical markers in the worksheet and are denoted by the alphabet i.e. A,
B, C.
• The rows are the horizontal markers in the worksheet and are denoted by numbers i.e. 1,
2, 3.
• Cells are the single box that you get where the column and row intersect i.e. A1, B3, and
You will often need to know the cell reference. The cell reference is the cell‘s name and you can
find that by looking at the toolbar. This means that the cell that is selected is named C28.

Selecting a cell
1. We are going to select C28. Look for the C column.
2. Look for the Row number 28.
3. You may use your finger to follow the column C down to where row 28 is.
4. Once you have located it, click on it.
5. Look at the toolbar; the cell reference box should say C28. If it does not, try again.
6. After you have done this, click on a different cell and note the cell reference box.

Selecting a group of cells A4 to D10

1. Click on the first cell A4
2. Click and Hold the mouse button down. Drag the cursor down to D10.
3. Let go of the mouse button.
4. If you did it correctly, you should see a Highlighted box around those cells. If not, try again.
Please see the picture on the next page.
Basic data entry, fill handle

From the example, we have numeric (year, numbers) and text (months) entered as data in our
worksheet. Let us practice by re-creating the example on our own.

Method 1

1. Click on cell A2 to select it.

2. Type in 1981 and hit Enter. Notice by hitting Enter, we automatically move down to the
next row. (we can also do the same by hitting the down arrow)
3. Click on cell B1 to select it.
4. Type in January and hit Tab. By hitting Tab (or right arrow), we move to the next
We can continue to doing this to enter the data from 1981 to 1992 and so on, but Excel provides
us with a tool to complete sequences.

Method 2:

1. Click on cell A2 to select it.

2. Type in 1981 and hit Enter.
3. Type in 1982, and then select both cells A2 and A3.
4. Move your mouse cursor over the fill handle (small black box on the bottom right of the,
active cell) so that the cursor turns into a cross.
5. Click and drag the fill handle down to the cell desired.
Copy, Cut, Paste

You can Copy, Cut and Paste anything into your worksheet. You can copy from one worksheet
to another worksheet in another book. Let‘s concentrate on the basics. We are going to copy cells
D4 to H9.

Cut/Copy and Paste to the same worksheet

1. Using the same worksheet, select cells A4 to D10.

2. Use CTRL-c to copy and CTRL-x to cut the selected cells.
3. Click on cell E29. It should be blank
4. Use CTRL-v to paste the data.

You can also use the toolbar shortcuts for cut/copy/paste as the functionality is the same.

Insert & delete columns, rows, and cells

Have you ever entered all of your data and realized that you are missing an entry in the middle of
the worksheet? If yes and you did not know how to add columns or rows, it would be really difficult
to fix. Well, there is an easier method.
You can insert columns, rows, or cells in any spot on your worksheet.

Using the sort feature

We want to insert a new row for Anne Frank‘s contact information between John Doe 1. And Fred
Johnson but this time we will create her record in line 5.

1. Select cells A1 to G5
2. Go to the Data tab, then click on Sort
3. In the sort option window, use the pull down boxes to select the sort criteria. In this case
we want to sort by Last Name, ascending order A-Z, then click on OK.

Delete columns and rows

We all make mistakes. It is very easy to remove a column or rows.

1. Select the column or row that you want to delete.
2. Point at the highlighted column name or row name and right click.
3. A pop-up menu should appear
4. Select Delete
5. The column or row should be gone.
Inserting & deleting new worksheets

There will be many times when you need to add a whole worksheet rather than columns or rows.

Insert a worksheet

1. Right Click on the tabs where the name of the worksheets are.
2. Click on Insert
3. Select what kind of insert you want from the window.
4. To move the worksheet, click and hold the left mouse button on the worksheet tab. Drag
the tab to where you want it to be placed. Note: you can only move the worksheet tabs to
the left or right.

Delete a worksheet

1. Click on the tab of the worksheet that you want to delete.

2. Right Click on the same tab of the worksheet
3. Click on Delete


Printing your worksheets out to a printer would be a nice thing to know how to do. If the
information that you have on the worksheet fits on an 8.5‖x11‖ paper, you have no trouble printing
your worksheet out. The problem arises when you have a larger worksheet. You may have noticed
that your worksheet has dashed lines running down and across it; this is your print area.

The presentation software is used for creation of the slides and to display the information
in form of presentation software are easy to use and provide an alternative to other older types of
visual aids like hand drawn slides, black board, posters, hand outs or overhead transparency. A
presentation software provide tool like editor that allows insertion and formatting of text and
methods for inserting and manipulating graphics images along with sound and visual effects.

Features of MS-Power point:

1. Design.
2. Flexibility.
3. Animation.
4. Presentation.
5. Effects.
6. Multimedia.
7. Integration.
Presentation terminology:
1. Audience hangouts.
2. Free hand drawing.
3. Object.
4. Outline.
5. Placeholder.
6. Slides.
7. Speaker‘s notes.

Starting the MS-Power point:

1. Using the start menu.
(a) Click on start button.
(b) Click at programs.
(c) Click on MS-Office sub menu.
2. By using shortcuts.
User can use these facilities if the icon of the software has been created and it put on
3. By using Microsoft office bar.
4. Menu bar and menu.
5. Screen of MS-Power point.

Screen of MS Power Point:

1. Title bar: The title bar displayed the name of the currently active word document like other
windows applications.
2. Toolbar: Word has a number of tool bar that help you perform task faster and with great
easy two of the most commonly toolbar are the formatting toolbar and the standard toolbar.
3. Ruler bar: The ruler bar allows you to format the vertical alignment of text in adocument.
4. Status bar: The status bar displays information about the currently activate document.
This includes the page no. that you are working.
5. Scroll bar: This bar helps scroll the content or body of document.
6. Work space: The work space is the document windows where you enter/type the text of
your document.
7. Main bar: The word main menu is displayed at the top if the screen.

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