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Societal Paper: Nutrition

Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric

Gastrointestinal Disorders: Position Paper of the
ESPGHAN Special Interest Group on Gut
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Microbiota and Modifications

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Hania Szajewska, MD, †Roberto Berni Canani, MD, ‡Magnus Domellöf, MD, †Alfredo Guarino, MD,
Iva Hojsak, MD, ||Flavia Indrio, MD, †Andrea Lo Vecchio, MD, ¶Walter A. Mihatsch, MD,
Alexis Mosca, MD, **Rok Orel, MD, ††Silvia Salvatore, MD, ‡‡Raanan Shamir, MD,
Chris H. P. van den Akker, MD, §§Johannes B. van Goudoever, MD, ||||Yvan Vandenplas, MD, and
Zvi Weizman, MD, on behalf of the ESPGHAN Special Interest Group on Gut
Microbiota and Modifications


Background: Probiotics, defined as live microorganisms that, when adminis- What Is Known
tered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host, are widely used
despite uncertainty regarding their efficacy and discordant recommendations • Probiotics are increasingly being used in the pediat-
about their use. The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatol- ric population.
ogy and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Special Interest Group on Gut Microbiota and • Uncertainty remains about how to appropriately use
Modifications provides updated recommendations for the use of probiotics for probiotics.
the management of selected pediatric gastrointestinal disorders. • The effects of probiotics are considered to be strain
Methods: All systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses, as well as subse- specific.
quently published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (until December
2021), that compared the use of probiotics in all delivery vehicles and formu-
What Is New
lations, at any dose, with no probiotic (ie, placebo or no treatment), were eli-
gible for inclusion. The recommendations were formulated only if at least 2
RCTs on a similar well-defined probiotic strain were available. The modified
• Indications for the use of probiotics for selected gas-
Delphi process was used to establish consensus on the recommendations.
trointestinal disorders in children covered in earlier
Results: Recommendations for the use of specific probiotic strains were
documents are updated.
made for the management of acute gastroenteritis, prevention of antibiotic-
• Indications not covered in earlier documents are
associated diarrhea, nosocomial diarrhea and necrotizing enterocolitis,
management of Helicobacter pylori infection, and management of func-
• The recommendations formulated are meant to
tional abdominal pain disorders and infant colic.
be broadly applicable and should be viewed as the
Conclusions: Despite evidence to support the use of specific probiotics in
preferred management. However, they are not the
some clinical situations, further studies confirming the effect(s) and defin-
only approach and depend on individual clinical
ing the type, dose, and timing of probiotics are still often required. The use
of probiotics with no documented health benefits should be discouraged.

Key Words: children, infants, microbiota, microbiome

(JPGN 2022;76: 232–247)

Received May 26, 2022; accepted September 30, 2022. sity Children’s Hospital Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, the ††Depart-
From the *Department of Paediatrics, The Medical University of Warsaw, ment of Pediatrics, “F. Del Ponte” Hospital, University of Insubria,
Warsaw, Poland, the †Department of Translational Medical Science - Varese, Italy, the ‡‡Institute for Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver
Section of Paediatrics. University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Diseases, Schneider Children’s Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medi-
the ‡Department of Clinical Sciences, Pediatrics, Umeå University, cine, Tel Aviv University, Israel, the §§Amsterdam UMC, University of
Umeå, Sweden, the §Children’s Hospital Zagreb, University of Zagreb Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Emma Children’s Hos-
School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, University J.J. Strossmayer School pital, Paediatrics - Neonatology, Amsterdam Reproduction & Devel-
of Medicine Osijek, Osijek, Croatia, the ||Department of Medical and opment, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the ||||KidZ Health Castle, UZ
Surgical Science Pediatric Section, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy, Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, and the ¶¶Faculty
the ¶Ulm University, Ulm, Germany, the #Department of Pediatric Gas- of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
troenterology and Nutrition, Hopital Robert Debré, Assistance Publique Address correspondence to Hania Szajewska, MD, Department of Paediat-
Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France, the **Department of Gastroenterology, rics, The Medical University of Warsaw, Żwirki I Wigury 63A 02-091
Hepatology and Nutrition, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Univer- Warsaw, Poland (e-mail: hszajewska@wum.edu.pl).

232 JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023

JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Prevention of Nosocomial Diarrhea

• HCPs may recommend L rhamnosus GG (at least 109

Acute Gastroenteritis CFU/day) for the duration of the hospital stay for
the prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in children
• Healthcare professionals (HCPs) may recommend (certainty of evidence: moderate; grade of recom-
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (L rhamnosus) GG [at a
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mendation: weak).
dose of ≥1010 CFU/day, for 5–7 days] for the man- • HCPs should not recommend L reuteri DSM 17938
agement of acute gastroenteritis in children, since for the prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in chil-
there is evidence of reduced duration of diarrhea, dren due to the lack of efficacy (certainty of evi-
length of hospitalization, and stool output (certainty dence: high; grade of recommendation: strong).
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of evidence: low; grade of recommendation: weak).

• HCPs may recommend Saccharomyces (S) boulardii*
Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis
(at a dose of 250–750 mg/day, for 5–7 days) for the
management of acute gastroenteritis in children,
since there is evidence of reduced duration of diar- • For reducing the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in
rhea (certainty of evidence: low; grade of recom- preterm infants, provided all safety issues are met,
mendation: weak). HCPs may recommend L rhamnosus GG (at a dose
• HCPs may recommend Limosilactobacillus reuteri (L ranging from 1 × 109 CFU to 6 × 109 CFU) (certainty
reuteri) DSM 17938 (at daily doses 1 × 108 to 4 × 108 of evidence: low; grade of recommendation: weak)
CFU, for 5 days) for the management of acute gas- or the combination of Bifidobacterium (B) infantis
troenteritis in children, since there is evidence of BB-02, B lactis BB-12, and Streptococcus thermophilus
reduced duration of diarrhea (certainty of evidence: TH-4 at 3.0 to 3.5 × 108 CFU (of each strain) (cer-
very low; grade of recommendation: weak). tainty of evidence: low; grade of recommendation:
• HCPs may recommend the combination of L rham- weak).
nosus 19070-2 and L reuteri DSM 12246 (at a dose • Due to insufficient evidence, no recommendation
of 2 × 1010 CFU for each strain, for 5 days) for the can be made for or against L reuteri DSM 17938 or
management of acute gastroenteritis in children, the combination of B bifidum NCDO 1453 & Lac-
since there is evidence of reduced duration of diar- tobacillus acidophilus NCDO 1748 (certainty of evi-
rhea (certainty of evidence: very low; grade of rec- dence: for both, very low to moderate).
ommendation: weak). • Due to the lack of efficacy, HCPs may not recom-
• HCPs should not recommend the combination mend B breve BBG-001 (certainty of evidence: low
of Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and L rhamnosus to moderate; grade of recommendation: weak) or S
R0011 for the management of acute gastroenteritis boulardii (certainty of evidence: very low to moder-
due to the lack of efficacy (certainty of evidence: ate; grade of recommendation: weak).
moderate; grade of recommendation: strong).
• HCPs may not recommend Bacillus clausii strains Helicobacter pylori Infection
O/C, SIN, N/R, and T for the management of acute
gastroenteritis in children due to the lack of efficacy • In children with H pylori infection, HCPs may rec-
(certainty of evidence: very low; grade of recom- ommend, along with H pylori therapy, S boulardii*
mendation: weak). for increasing the eradication rates and decreas-
ing gastrointestinal adverse effects (certainty of
Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea evidence: very low; grade of recommendation:
• If the use of probiotics for preventing antibiotic-
associated diarrhea (AAD) is considered because Inflammatory Bowel Disease
of the existence of risk factors such as class of
antibiotic(s), duration of antibiotic treatment, age, • No recommendation can be made for or against the
need for hospitalization, comorbidities, or previous use of probiotics studied so far in the management
episodes of AAD, HCPs may recommend high doses of children with ulcerative colitis due to insufficient
(≥5 billion CFU/day) of S boulardii* or L rhamnosus evidence.
GG started simultaneously with antibiotic treatment • No recommendation can be made for or against
to prevent AAD in outpatients and hospitalized chil- the use of probiotics studied so far in the treatment
dren (certainty of evidence: moderate; grade of rec- of children with Crohn disease due to insufficient
ommendation: strong). evidence.

Disclaimer: ESPGHAN is not responsible for the practices of physicians and Copyright © 2022 by European Society for European Society for
provides guidelines and position papers as indicators of best practice only. Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition and North
Diagnosis and treatment are at the discretion of physicians.
American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita- Nutrition.
tions appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are provided DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003633
in the HTML text of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jpgn.org).

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Szajewska et al JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023

Members of the ESPGHAN Working Group on Probiot-

Infant Colic ics and Prebiotics working within the ESPGHAN Special Interest
Group on Gut Microbiota and Modifications: R. Berni Canani, A.
• HCPs may recommend L reuteri DSM 17938 (108 CFU/ Guarino, E. C. Dinleyci, M. Domellöf, F. Indrio, I. Hojsak, P. Guti-
day for at least 21 days) for the management of infant ierez, S. Kolacek, W. A. Mihatsch, A. Mosca, R. Orel, S. Salvatore,
colic in breastfed infants (certainty of evidence: moder- R. Shamir, H. Szajewska, Y. Vandenplas, C. H. P. van den Akker, J.
ate; grade of recommendation: weak). B. van Goudoever, Z. Weizman.
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• No recommendation can be made for or against the

use of L reuteri DSM 17938 in formula-fed infants INTRODUCTION
due to insufficient evidence. In previous years, the European Society for Paediatric Gas-
• HCPs may recommend B lactis BB-12 (108 CFU/day, troenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Working
for 21–28 days) for the management of infant colic Group (WG) on Probiotics and Prebiotics (since 2019 working
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in breastfed infants (certainty of evidence: moder- within the ESPGHAN Special Interest Group on Gut Microbiota
ate; grade of recommendation: weak). & Modifications) published several clinical guidelines on the use of
• No recommendation can be made for or against the probiotics for preventing or treating selected gastrointestinal disor-
use of any of the probiotics studied so far for pre- ders in children (1–4). Only some conditions were covered, and new
venting infant colic due to insufficient evidence. evidence has become available. Thus, the purpose of this document
is to provide updated practical recommendations for the use of pro-
Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders biotics for the management of selected pediatric gastrointestinal
disorders in a single document. Indications covered in earlier docu-
• HCPs may recommend L reuteri DSM 17938 (at a ments were updated. Indications not covered in earlier documents
dose of 108 CFU to 2 × 108 CFU/day) for pain inten- were included. The recommendations formulated are meant to be
sity reduction in children with functional abdomi- broadly applicable and should be viewed as the preferred manage-
nal pain disorders (certainty of evidence: moderate; ment (only in the context of probiotics). However, they are not the
grade of recommendation: weak). only approach and depend on individual clinical scenarios.
• HCPs may recommend L rhamnosus GG (at a dose of
109 CFU to 3 × 109 CFU twice daily) for the reduction
of pain frequency and intensity in children with irri- METHODS
table bowel syndrome (certainty of evidence: mod- The methods used for the development of this document are
erate; grade of recommendation: weak). described in Table S1, Supplemental Digital Content, http://links.
lww.com/MPG/C954. In brief, all systematic reviews and/or meta-
analyses, as well as subsequently published randomized controlled
Functional Constipation
trials (RCTs) (until December 2021) that compared the use of pro-
biotics in all delivery vehicles and formulations, at any dose, with
• HCPs may not recommend the use of probiotics as no probiotic (ie, placebo or no treatment), were eligible for inclusion.
a single or adjuvant therapy for treatment of func- One exception was that studies evaluating probiotic-supplemented
tional constipation in children due to the lack of formulas were not included. For diseases recently evaluated by ESP-
efficacy (certainty of evidence: moderate; grade of GHAN and for recommendations formulated in previously published
recommendation: weak). ESPGHAN/Working Group/Committee on Nutrition guidelines or
position papers, subsequently published systematic reviews and/or
Celiac Disease meta-analyses and peer reviewed RCTs were considered for inclusion.
The WG followed the internationally accepted definition of
• No recommendation can be made for or against the probiotics stated as “live microorganisms that, when administered
use of probiotics in children with celiac disease due in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” (5). Non-
to insufficient evidence. viable microorganisms, that is, those not meeting the definition of a
probiotic (5), were not considered.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth The WG followed the approach developed earlier (6) and did
not provide a recommendation on the use of probiotics in general.
• No recommendation can be made for or against the Instead, the WG is reporting evidence and recommendations related
use of probiotics in the treatment or prevention of to specific individual probiotic strains or their combinations. The
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth due to insuf- recommendations were formulated only if at least 2 RCTs that used
ficient evidence. a given probiotic were available.
The WG acknowledged that the genus of Lactobacillus has
Pancreatitis been recently reclassified into 25 genera, which include 23 novel
genera (7). For example, the new name for Lactobacillus rham-
• As no randomized controlled trial on the use of pro- nosus is Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus. However, the abbreviations
biotics for pancreatitis in children was identified, no of microorganisms remained the same (ie, L rhamnosus). Species
recommendation can be made for or against the use names and strain designations did not change (7). Throughout the
of probiotics for the management of pancreatitis. manuscript, the strain names were used as in the original publica-
tions. However, when formulating the recommendation, the new
*Note: In many of the trials, the strain designation of strain names were used.
S boulardii was not available. However, if available, or The WG acknowledges that safety of probiotics is an impor-
assessed retrospectively, most used was that recently tant issue. However, the WG abstained from evaluating the safety
designated as S boulardii CNCM I-745. of probiotics, as this issue was recently thoroughly systematically
reviewed elsewhere (for review, see reference (8)).

234 www.jpgn.org
JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

The prefinal draft of this document was submitted for public lasting ≥48 hours (2 RCTs, n = 1770, RR 1.00, 95% CI: 0.91–
consultation on April 30, 2022, via the ESPGHAN website. ESP- 1.09) or duration of diarrhea (6 RCTs, n = 3058, MD 8.64 hours,
GHAN members and all interested parties were invited to submit 95% CI: −29.4 to 12.1 hours longer). Based on a criterion of 5
written comments within 16 days. Members of the WG assessed or more RCTs reporting the primary outcomes, 3 strains were
and discussed all comments. If found to be relevant, the comments evaluated. Several subgroup analyses were performed, includ-
were taken into consideration and, potentially, guided revisions to ing those based on individual probiotic strains. The risk of diar-
the manuscript. rhea lasting ≥48 hours was reduced by L rhamnosus GG only (6
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RCTs, n = 1557, RR 0.79, 95% CI: 0.65–0.97, substantial het-

Treatment of Acute Gastroenteritis erogeneity X2 = 15.06, I2 = 67%). The duration of diarrhea was
Until 2019, many, if not all, professional societies and groups reduced by L rhamnosus GG (14 RCTs, n = 3344, MD −22.5,
of experts advocated use of probiotics with documented efficacy 95% CI: −32.7 to −12.3), S boulardii (11 RCTs, n = 1617, MD
for the management of acute gastroenteritis (6,9–11). Currently, the −24.6 hours, 95% CI: −35.3 to −13.9), and L reuteri (6 RCTs,
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recommendations differ, possibly reflecting negative (null) studies n = 433, MD −22.8 hours, 95% CI: −31.95 to −13.7). Except
questioning the efficacy of some strains with previous positive rec- for the latter strain, there was substantial statistical heterogene-
ommendations (12,13). ity. Note that specific strain numbers or designations were not
In 2020, the ESPGHAN Working Group on Probiotics and always used in the analysis, so that different strains of the same
Prebiotics identified (search date: September 2019) 16 systematic species may have been analyzed together; an approach which
reviews and meta-analyses published since 2010, which included we do not advise.
more than 150 RCTs (1). The WG made weak (also known as con- A 2021 Bayesian network meta-analysis aimed at identifying
ditional) recommendations for (in descending order in terms of the the most effective probiotic strains for the treatment of acute gastro-
number of trials evaluating any given strain): Saccharomyces (S) enteritis (20). Its conclusion partially differed from the ESPGHAN
boulardii (low to very low certainty of evidence); L rhamnosus GG WG recommendations, as the authors included several probiotic
(very low certainty of evidence); Lactobacillus reuteri (currently strains based on a single RCT, which is different from the method-
known as Limosilactobacillus reuteri, hereafter L reuteri) DSM ology applied in the present position paper.
17938 (low to very low certainty of evidence); and L rhamnosus Two other meta-analyses focused on probiotics and synbiot-
19070-2 & L reuteri DSM 12246 (very low certainty of evidence). ics used in children living in developed countries (18) or on pro-
The WG made a strong recommendation against Lactobacillus biotics used in dehydrated children (19). As the results were not
helveticus R0052 & L rhamnosus R0011 (moderate certainty of reported based on a single probiotic strain (or their combination),
evidence) and a weak (conditional) recommendation against Bacil- data from these analyses were not interpretable for the purposes of
lus clausii strains O/C, SIN, N/R, and T (very low certainty of this document.
evidence). In addition, 4 other studies were published in the last 2 years
In contrast, also in 2020, the American Gastroenterology reporting the results of pre-planned analyses of the North American
Association (AGA), based on the evaluation of 89 trials, made pediatric RCTs whose original results were already included in an
a conditional recommendation against the use of probiotics in earlier meta-analysis and ESPGHAN document. These studies may
children from North America with acute infectious gastroen- add information about the timing of probiotic administration (21),
teritis (moderate quality of evidence) (14). The rationale for the the etiology-dependent efficacy (22), and barriers to implementa-
negative AGA recommendation was that most of the studies were tion of probiotics (23). However, as most of these studies merged
performed outside of North America. Moreover, 2 large, high- data on different populations (with different settings, enrollment
quality null trials, performed in Canada and the United States, criteria, and outcomes) and different probiotic formulations (ie, L
questioned the efficacy of probiotics, or more specifically the rhamnosus GG and L rhamnosus R0011 & L. helveticus R0052),
probiotic strains evaluated in these studies, for the management they were not included in single-strain evaluation, but were con-
of children with acute gastroenteritis (12,15). The AGA attrib- sidered during the methodological process of recommendation
uted the divergence in evidence of efficacy to differences in host building.
genetics, diet, sanitation, and endemic enteropathogens between Several new RCTs were identified in the current search. In
North America and the other global regions and therefore did addition to the strains identified in our earlier document (1), the
not consider the results of RCTs conducted outside of North strains evaluated include L plantarum LRCC5310 (n = 18) (24);
America applicable to the scope of the AGA. Schnadower et al Bifidobacterium (B) lactis Bi-07, L rhamnosus HN001, and L aci-
(16) recently reported the results of a secondary pre-planned dophilus NCFM (n = 194) (25).
analysis demonstrating that the lack of probiotics’ impact on Below only strains for which recommendations were formu-
diarrheal outcomes was independent of child’s age, weight, and lated are summarized.
probiotic dose. However, it is possible that also other factors
such as rotavirus vaccination might have affected the reported L rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103)
differences in efficacy. A single-strain meta-analysis focusing exclusively on L
Since 2019, 4 meta-analyses focusing on the use of probiot- rhamnosus GG and including 19 RCTs was identified (26). As
ics for the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea have been pub- this review did not include any new RCT compared to previous
lished (17–20). meta-analyses, the results were substantially in line with previ-
In 2020, an updated Cochrane review (17) included 82 ous evidence and demonstrated that children receiving L rham-
RCTs (n = 12,127 participants), mainly in children (n = 11,526). nosus GG had a 1-day reduction in the duration of diarrhea (15
Overall, probiotics, as a general group, reduced the risk of diar- RCTs, n = 3721, MD −24 hours, 95% CI: −37 to −12). In addi-
rhea lasting ≥48 hours [36 RCTs, n = 6053, relative risk (RR) tion, the risk of diarrhea lasting more than 3 days (OR 0.5, 95%
0.64, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.52–0.79] and reduced the CI: 0.4–0.8) or 4 days (OR 0.6, 95% CI: 0.4–0.8) was reduced.
mean duration of diarrhea [56 RCTs, n = 9138, mean difference For hospitalized children, the administration of L rhamnosus
(MD) −21.3 hours, 95% CI: −26.9 to −15.7]. However, based GG was related to a significant reduction in the length of hos-
on the analysis of trials with low risk of bias, the reviewers pitalization for rotavirus infection (2 RCTs, n = 115, MD −21
concluded that probiotics have no effect on the risk of diarrhea hours, 95% CI: −27 to −15) or any cause of diarrhea (6 RCT, n

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Szajewska et al JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023

= 1823, MD −39 hours, 95% CI −72 to −6). The strongest effect first episode of semisolid stool [−23.5 hours, MD −8 hours (−32 to
of L rhamnosus GG on the duration of diarrhea (12 RCTs, n = −16), P = 0.0001] and the faster normalization of stool consistency.
2949, MD −23 hours, 95% CI: −36 to −9) and stool output (6 In the second trial, 200 children were allocated to 2 equal
RCTs, n = 2262, MD −1.1, 95% CI −2 to −0.3) was demon- groups receiving S boulardii (250–500 mg daily, for 5 days) in addi-
strated for doses higher than 1010 CFU/day. Overall, the included tion to ORS or ORS only. Outcome was assessed in terms of dura-
studies had a low quality and showed high heterogeneity. How- tion of diarrhea and improvement in the number of stools per day
ever, according to the authors, the differences in methodological on the fifth day of presentation. Improvement was higher in the S
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quality could not explain the statistically significant heterogene- boulardii group compared with the control group [92/100 (92%) vs
ity. A subgroup analysis according to the geographical setting of 71/100 (71%), respectively] (29). Two other reports were compara-
the clinical trials demonstrated a higher efficacy of L rhamnosus tive studies between S boulardii and Lactobacillus sporogenes or a
GG in RCTs performed in European [5 RCTs, n = 744, MD −32 multispecies probiotic product in children with acute gastroenteri-
hours (−49 to −15)] and Asian countries [6 RCTs, n = 1740, MD tis. Despite both studies showing superior efficacy of S boulardii in
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−24 hours (−47 to −1.8)] compared to other continents provid- regard to frequency and duration of diarrhea, they were not consid-
ing a possible explanation for the differences between the ESP- ered because no placebo arm was included (30,31).
GHAN WG and AGA recommendations. In addition, a recent network meta-analysis identified S bou-
lardii as the most effective probiotic strain in reducing the duration
of diarrhea compared to placebo, based on moderate evidence (20).
• HCPs may recommend Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
(L rhamnosus) GG ATCC 53103 [at a dose of ≥1010
CFU/day, for 5–7 days] for the management of acute • HCPs may recommend S boulardii* (at a dose of
gastroenteritis in children, since there is evidence of 250–750 mg/day, for 5–7 days) for the management
reduced duration of diarrhea, length of hospitaliza- of acute gastroenteritis in children, since there is evi-
tion, and stool output. dence of reduced duration of diarrhea.
• Certainty of evidence: Low. • Certainty of evidence: Low.
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. • Grade of recommendation: Weak.

*Note: In many trials, the strain designation of S boular-
dii was not available. However, if available, or assessed
Of note, as a result of voting, the certainty of evidence for L retrospectively, the strain most used was the strain
rhamnosus differs from that reported in our earlier document (1), recently classified as S boulardii CNCM I-745.
changing from very low certainty of evidence to low certainty of
evidence. Factors supporting the previous rating of a very low cer-
tainty of evidence included a high level of heterogeneity (98%), L reuteri DSM 17938
which was not justified by the different settings and dates of publica-
No new evidence became available after the formulation of
tion, and moderate-to-high risk of bias for most studies supporting
the last recommendation. A previous meta-analysis (32) of 4 RCTs
the positive recommendation. Moreover, 5 studies enrolling more
(n = 347) showed that the administration of L reuteri DSM 17938
than half of the entire treated population (954/1866 patients receiv-
compared with placebo reduced the duration of diarrhea by 0.87
ing L rhamnosus GG) did not demonstrate efficacy on the duration
days (95% CI: −1.4 to −0.3) and increased the cure rate on day
of diarrhea outcome. Finally, there was serious inconsistency (even
2 (3 RCTs, n = 256, RR 4.5, 95% CI: 2–10). In addition, chil-
in high-income settings), with the largest and most recent RCT not
dren hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis and receiving L reuteri
supporting previous evidence. On the other hand, a subgroup meta-
DSM 17938 showed a shorter length of stay (3 RCTs, n = 284,
analysis based on geographical location showed a higher efficacy of
MD −0.5 day, 95% CI: −1.0 to 0.0). A 2020 post hoc analysis sug-
L rhamnosus GG in clinical trials performed in European countries
gested a possible role for fecal metabolomics and calprotectin in
(5 RCTs) and the demonstration of a dose-response gradient. The
the response to L reuteri DSM 17938 in children with acute gas-
latter factors, which prevailed, were in favor of the change to a low
troenteritis who did or did not respond to the treatment with L
certainty of evidence.
reuteri DSM 17938 (33). However, this study did not provide new
S boulardii evidence about the efficacy or safety of such treatment and was
excluded from our analysis.
A 2020 ESPGHAN document (1) and a 2020 meta-analysis
(27) based on 29 RCTs provided low- to very low-quality evidence
that S boulardii reduced the duration of diarrhea (23 RCTs, n =
3450, MD −1.06 day, 95% CI: −1.32 to −0.79; high heterogeneity); • HCPs may recommend Limosilactobacillus reuteri (L
reduced duration of hospitalization (8 RCTs, n = 999, MD −0.85 reuteri) DSM 17938 (at daily doses 1 × 108 to 4 × 108
day, 95% CI: −1.35 to −0.34; high heterogeneity), and risk of diar- CFU, for 5 days) for the management of acute gas-
rhea on day 2 to day 7. troenteritis in children, since there is evidence of
Since these publications, 2 new RCTs examining effects of reduced duration of diarrhea.
S boulardii versus placebo or only oral rehydration solution (ORS) • Certainty of evidence: Very low.
have been published. In the study by Mourey et al (28), 100 chil- • Grade of recommendation: Weak.
dren aged 3 to 36 months with acute diarrhea were randomly allo-
cated to the S boulardii CNCM I-3799 group (at a daily dose of 5
billion CFU twice daily) or to the placebo group for 5 days. The
time to recovery from diarrhea was significantly shorter in the pro- Combination of L rhamnosus 19070-2 and
biotic group compared with the placebo group (66 ± 12 hours vs L reuteri DSM 12246
95 ± 18 hours, respectively, P = 0.0001). Faster remission in the In 2020, the WG formulated a weak recommendation on use
probiotic group was also demonstrated by a shorter time before the of the combination of L rhamnosus 19070-2 and L reuteri DSM

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JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

12246, based on the findings from only 2 RCTs with a very limited use of probiotics for preventing AAD was considered because of
number of subjects (n = 112). No additional studies were identified. the existence of risk factors such as class of antibiotic(s), duration
of antibiotic treatment, age, need for hospitalization, comorbidi-
ties, or previous episodes of AAD, the WG recommended using L
• HCPs may recommend the combination of L rham- rhamnosus GG (moderate quality of evidence, strong recommenda-
nosus 19070-2 and L reuteri DSM 12246 (at a dose of tion) or S boulardii (moderate quality of evidence, strong recom-
2 × 1010 CFU for each strain, for 5 days) for the man- mendation). Other strains or combinations of strains were tested,
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agement of acute gastroenteritis in children, since but sufficient evidence was still lacking. If the use of probiotics for
there is evidence of reduced duration of diarrhea. preventing Clostridioide difficile-associated diarrhea was consid-
• Certainty of evidence: Very low. ered, the ESPGHAN WG suggested using S boulardii (low quality
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. of evidence, conditional recommendation).
In contrast, the AGA (2020) did not formulate any recom-
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mendations on the use of probiotics for preventing AAD. However,

the AGA conditionally recommended (based on low quality of
Combination of L helveticus R0052 and evidence) certain probiotics for the prevention of C difficile infec-
L rhamnosus R0011 tion in children receiving antibiotic treatment. These included S
boulardii; or the 2-strain combination of L acidophilus CL1285 &
The analysis of 4 RCTs (n = 1133) performed for the previous
L casei LBC80R; or the 3-strain combination of L acidophilus, L
ESPGHAN WG recommendations version of this document demon-
delbruekii subsp. bulgaricus, and B bifidum; or the 4-strain combi-
strated that, compared with placebo or no intervention, the adminis-
nation of L acidophilus, L delbruekii subsp. bulgaricus, B bifidum,
tration of the combination of L helveticus R0052 and L rhamnosus
and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus (14). No strain
R0011 had no significant effect on the duration of diarrhea (MD
specification was given for the 3-strain and 4-strain combinations,
−0.15 day, 95% CI: −0.7 to 0.4), with substantial heterogeneity (I2 =
which may contribute to confusion for implementation of these
67%). The duration of hospitalization was not reported in any of the
trials. The pooled results of 2 RCTs (n = 950) showed no significant
Since November 2016 (the date of the last search made
difference between groups in the need for hospitalization in outpa-
by the 2016 ESPGHAN WG), evidence has consistently shown
tients (RR 1.5, 95% CI: 0.9–2.55, no heterogeneity I2 = 0%).
that most of the tested probiotics significantly reduce the risk of
AAD, including a 2019 Cochrane review (35). The latter identi-
fied 33 RCTs involving 6352 participants. The probiotics assessed
• HCPs should not recommend the combination of L hel- included Bacillus spp, Bifidobacterium spp, Clostridium butyri-
veticus R0052 and L rhamnosus R0011 for the manage- cum, Lactobacilli spp, Lactococcus spp, Leuconostoc cremoris,
ment of acute gastroenteritis due to the lack of efficacy. Saccharomyces spp, or Streptococcus spp, alone or in combination.
• Certainty of evidence: Moderate. At evaluation after 5 days to 12 weeks from enrollment, a statis-
• Grade of recommendation: Strong. tically significant reduction in the incidence of AAD was found
in the probiotic groups compared with the control groups (8% vs
19%, respectively, RR 0.45, 95% CI: 0.36–0.56), with a number
needed to treat (NNT) of 9 (95% CI: 7–13). In the high dose studies
Bacillus clausii Strains O/C, SIN, N/R, and T (≥5 billion CFU per day), the incidence of AAD was reduced in the
In 2020, the WG provided a weak recommendation against the probiotic groups compared with the control groups (13% vs 23%,
use of Bacillus clausii stains intrinsically resistant to chloramphenicol respectively, RR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.4–0.7, NNT 6, 95% CI: 5–9).
(O/C), novobiocin and rifampicin (N/R), tetracycline (T), or neomycin Single-strain meta-analyses found that, compared with
and streptomycin (SIN) for the management of acute gastroenteritis in placebo or no intervention, probiotics such as S boulardii (27) or
children, due to the lack of consistent and methodologically rigorous L rhamnosus GG (36), typically administered simultaneously or
evidence in the pediatric age group. No other RCTs were published in early following initiation of antibiotic therapy, reduced the risk of
the last 2 years to justify a change in this recommendation. A recent in AAD. A 2021 systematic review of 33 RCTs confirmed the evi-
vitro study demonstrated that a commercially available mix of B clausii dence-based efficacy of S boulardii CNCM I-745 or L rhamnosus
strains may be able to counteract the rotavirus-induced mucosal barrier GG in preventing AAD in outpatients and hospitalized children
damage and inhibit the production of reactive oxygen species and pro- (37). However, in a scoping review performed to inform develop-
inflammatory cytokines, providing a protective effect against enterocyte ment of a core outcome set, substantial heterogeneity in the defini-
apoptosis (34). This evidence might encourage the development of fur- tion, duration, and severity of diarrhea as well as in outcomes was
ther large and rigorous RCTs to investigate the efficacy of using this noted (38).
strain in children with acute gastroenteritis living in European countries.

• If the use of probiotics for preventing AAD is con-

• HCPs may not recommend B clausii strains O/C, SIN, sidered because of the existence of risk factors such
N/R, and T for the management of acute gastroen- as class of antibiotic(s), duration of antibiotic treat-
teritis in children due to the lack of efficacy. ment, age, need for hospitalization, comorbidities,
• Certainty of evidence: Very low. or previous episodes of AAD, HCPs may recommend
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. high doses (≥5 billion CFU per day) of S boulardii*
or L rhamnosus GG started simultaneously with anti-
biotic treatment to prevent AAD in outpatients and
hospitalized children.
Prevention of AAD • Certainty of evidence: Moderate.
The use of probiotics for preventing AAD was earlier
addressed by the ESPGHAN WG on Probiotics (2). In 2016, if the

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• Grade of recommendation: strong. • HCPs should not recommend L reuteri DSM 17938
for the prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in chil-
*Note: In many of the trials, the strain designation of
dren due to the lack of efficacy.
S boulardii was not available. However, if available,
• Certainty of evidence: High.
or assessed retrospectively, the most used strain was
• Grade of recommendation: Strong.
the strain recently designated as S boulardii CNCM
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Prevention of NEC
Prevention of Nosocomial Diarrhea In 2020, both ESPGHAN (4) and AGA (14) published their
Gastrointestinal infections account for the majority of hos- recommendations on the use of probiotics for preventing NEC.
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pital-acquired or healthcare-associated infections that occur more While both were based on pair-wise systematic reviews and net-
than 48 hours after the admission of children to the hospital or work meta-analyses, their conclusions differed.
within 48 hours after discharge. Up to one-third of inpatient chil- The 2020 ESPGHAN recommendations were largely based
dren may present with an episode of nosocomial diarrhea. on the systematic review and strain-specific network meta-analysis
In 2018, the WG provided recommendations about the use by van den Akker et al (41). ESPGHAN formulated conditional
of probiotics in the prevention of nosocomial diarrhea, based on a recommendations for L rhamnosus GG ATCC 53103 (low certainty
systematic review and meta-analysis of 8 RCTs (search date: Janu- of evidence) and the combination of B infantis BB-02, B lactis
ary 2017) (3). The quality of the included studied varied, but none BB-12, and Str thermophilus TH-4 (low certainty of evidence).
of the included studies had a low risk of bias. Overall, the admin- No recommendation for or against was formulated with regard to
istration of probiotics was not associated with a significant reduc- either L reuteri DSM 17938 (very low certainty of evidence) or
tion in the risk of nosocomial diarrhea of any etiology, nosocomial the combination of B bifidum NCDO 1453 & L acidophilus NCDO
rotaviral diarrhea, or stool shedding. However, a strain-specific 1748 (very low certainty of evidence). Conditional recommenda-
analysis supported the use of selected probiotics for the duration tions were formulated against B breve BBG-001 and S boulardii
of the hospital stay. CNCM I-745.
The 2020 AGA recommendations (14) were based on the
L rhamnosus GG systematic review and network meta-analysis by Morgan et al
According to a 2011 meta-analysis, the administration of L (42), although the analyses were not strain-specific, but merely
rhamnosus GG during hospitalization may reduce the risk of noso- species-specific or even grouped by genus only. This approach thus
comial diarrhea (2 RCTs n = 823, RR 0.4, 95% CI: 0.2–0.6, NNT differed considerably from ESPGHAN’s previous position paper,
12, 95% CI: 8–21) and symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis (3 which resulted in different recommendations. From evidence grad-
RCTs, n = 1043, RR 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3–0.9) (39). No other RCTs ing collected by AGA, the combinations of any Lactobacillus spp
using L rhamnosus GG as a single strain were published in recent and any Bifidobacterium spp in general seemed most effective and
years. were graded as high certainty of evidence. This was followed by
A 2016 RCT identified in the 2018 systematic review and a recommendation on the use of a B lactis species with moder-
meta-analysis demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence ate certainty of evidence. Another recommendation with moderate
of nosocomial diarrhea in children receiving a mixture of L rham- certainty of evidence was for usage of L reuteri species (strains
nosus GG, vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, B12), vitamin C and zinc com- DSM 17938 and ATCC 55730 were analyzed together). The posi-
pared to placebo (4% vs 24%, respectively, odds ratio OR, 0.14, tive recommendation by AGA (despite a severe risk of bias) may
95% CI: 0.03–0.69; P = 0.007) (40). However, the use of such a also be due to their inclusion of 2 very small studies (n < 60), in
mixture does not allow one to estimate the direct effect of L rham- which a dramatically high baseline incidence of NEC was seen in
nosus GG, so it was excluded from analysis in the 2018 review. A the placebo groups (25% and 37% in infants weighing on average
new RCT investigating the efficacy and tolerability of L rhamnosus 1350 g at birth) (43,44). Also with moderate certainty of evidence
GG for the prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in children was con- is AGA’s recommendation on any L rhamnosus species (ATCC
ducted in France between 2019 and 2020, but the results are not yet 53103, ATCC A07FA, and LCR 35 strains were analyzed together),
available (NCT04628819). whereas ESPGHAN’s recommendation was strain specific on the
“GG” strain (ATCC 53103) only.
The baseline incidence of NEC differed, sometimes con-
• HCPs may recommend L rhamnosus GG (at least 109 siderably, in various trials. There is no standardized universally
CFU/day) for the duration of the hospital stay for the accepted mathematical approach to take all these heterogeneities
prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in children. into consideration. In addition, the application of network meta-
• Certainty of evidence: Moderate. analysis techniques and inclusion criteria for meta-analyses such
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. as language restrictions may differ. These aspects, together with
ESPGHAN’s approach of being strictly strain-specific, resulted in
discrepancies between the 2020 recommendations of ESPGHAN
(4) and AGA (14) on the use of probiotics for preventing NEC with
regard to the recommended probiotic strains. Until more evidence
L reuteri DSM 17938 is available, HCPs will have to decide which recommendations to
No new studies have been published after the publication of follow, based on geographical considerations and evaluation of the
the previously identified 2018 meta-analysis that included 2 RCTs available data.
(n = 290) with a low risk of bias and demonstrating no effect of L For this document, all published systematic reviews and/or
reuteri DSM 17938 in the prevention of overall nosocomial diar- meta-analyses, as well as subsequently published RCTs that studied
rhea (RR 1.11, 95% CI: 0.68–1.81) or rotavirus-induced diarrhea the use of probiotics in preterm infants, were considered if they
infection (RR 1.14, 95% CI: 0.52–2.52). were not considered in the 2020 ESPGHAN recommendation (4).

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JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

In addition, ClinicalTrials.gov was searched for important ongoing

trials. Due to insufficient evidence, no recommendation can
Whereas recently published systematic reviews (45–48) do be made for or against
not alter the 2020 ESPGHAN recommendations, they are discussed • L reuteri DSM 17938 (certainty of evidence: very
below. A 2020 Cochrane review provided an excellent overview low) or
(45). However, the authors did not perform strain-specific analyses • Combination of B bifidum NCDO 1453 and L aci-
(only at the genus level) and did not recommend any specific prod- dophilus NCDO 1748 (certainty of evidence: very
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uct. The authors also recognized funnel plot asymmetry suggesting low to moderate)
publication bias. Given the low to moderate level of certainty about
Due to the lack of efficacy, HCPs may not recommend:
the effect of probiotics on the risk of NEC, the need for further,
large, high-quality trials was regarded as necessary. • B breve BBG-001 (certainty of evidence: low to mod-
A 2021 network meta-analyses by Beghetti et al (46) also erate; grade of recommendation: weak)
• S boulardii (certainty of evidence: very low to mod-
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did not strictly adhere to a species-specific approach. Overall, L

acidophilus, B lactis BB-12 or B94, L reuteri DSM 17938/ATCC erate; grade of recommendation: weak).
55730, and multispecies products were found to reduce all stages
of NEC. Subgroup analyses focused on feeding type (exclusively
human milk vs formula feeding or a mixture) were also performed,
based on 13 studied probiotic categories. For B lactis Bb-12/B94,
H pylori Infection
there was a relatively large discrepancy in effect size, so that the Unsatisfactory H pylori eradication rates and therapy-asso-
beneficial effect of these strains on NEC reduction was larger in ciated side effects remain a problem. Several systematic reviews
exclusively human milk fed infants than in those who received pre- and network meta-analyses, focusing mainly on adults, have
term formula. shown that probiotic supplementation improves eradication rates
A 2021 network meta-analysis by Chi et al (47) included and/or reduces side effects of H pylori treatment (53,54). Accord-
analyses across different probiotics at the genus level and also ing to the 2017 ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN guidelines on the man-
synbiotics. Their conclusion was that prebiotics in combination agement of H pylori in children and adolescents (55), the routine
with Lactobacillus spp and Bifidobacterium spp were most effica- addition of either single or combination probiotics to eradication
cious in reducing NEC incidence, morbidity or mortality. Lacto- therapy to reduce side effects and/or improve eradication rates is
bacilli spp plus prebiotics performed the best, although it must be currently not recommended. This contrasts with the recommenda-
noted however that only 377 infants were randomized in the 2 tri- tions in adults (56).
als investigating this combination. Regarding probiotic treatment For this document, 4 systematic reviews with meta-analyses,
only, the most efficacious treatment regarding NEC was the com- some additionally with network meta-analyses, were identified
bination of bifidobacterial spp plus streptococci spp, which are in (30,57–59). However, 1 review focused on Asian children only
fact the studies investigating B infantis BB-02, B lactis BB-12, (58). Except for S boulardii, the review included data on strains
and Str thermophilus TH-4, also recommended in the ESPGHAN which were not well identified; thus, only data on S boulardii were
position paper. considered. Two reviews focused on S boulardii in adults and chil-
A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis by Gao et al dren (30,59), thus, only pediatric data were considered. One review
(48) focused on S boulardii only. Based on the evidence from 10 focused on Lactobacillus-supplemented triple therapy for H pylori
RCTs (n = 1264), of which 7 were conducted in China, S bou- infection (60). However, none of the probiotics was evaluated in
lardii was recommended for NEC prevention in preterm infants. more than 1 trial, thus, none met our inclusion criteria.
However, due to the risk of contamination, the European Medicine Overall, probiotics (as a group) and specific probiotics have
Agency amended the product information with a contraindication been shown to be effective in increasing the H pylori eradication
to the use of S boulardii in patients (not specifically neonates) who rate [however, it was still below the desired level (≥90%) of suc-
are critically ill, immunocompromised, or in those who have a cen- cess] and in reducing gastrointestinal adverse effects associated
tral venous catheter (49). with H pylori infection therapies. Most of the strains (single or in
Three new RCTs were identified. The first RCT found no combinations) were studied in single trials only. With few excep-
effect of L reuteri DSM 17938 compared with placebo on NEC tions, no strain specifications were given. Several of the studies
stage >2 (7/68 vs 6/66, respectively, P = 0.74) (50). The 2 other were published in local (mainly Chinese) journals and were only
studies, on new single and multispecies probiotics, were underpow- identified through one of the meta-analyses performed by the Chi-
ered with regard to NEC and in addition did not find significant nese authors (57). S boulardii was the only well-identified probiotic
effects (51,52). which was included in more than 2 RCTs.
Overall, the 2020 ESPGHAN recommendations (4) are still For the complete list of probiotics (in alphabetical order)
valid. which were included in the reviews, and for a summary of results of
the included systematic reviews, please see Table S2, Supplemental
Digital Content, http://links.lww.com/MPG/C954. The remainder
of this section is dedicated to studies providing information about
For reducing the risk of NEC in preterm infants, pro- use of S boulardii in patients with H pylori infection for eradication
vided all safety issues are met, HCPs may recommend: and decreasing therapy-related adverse effects.
• L rhamnosus GG ATCC53103 (at a dose ranging
from 1 × 109 CFU to 6 × 109 CFU) (certainty of evi- S boulardii
dence: low; grade of recommendation: weak) or Two systematic reviews with meta-analyses focused on S
• Combination of B infantis BB-02, B lactis BB-12, boulardii for eradication of H pylori infection (30,59). The first
and Str thermophilus TH-4 at 3.0 to 3.5 × 108 CFU review (59) identified 11 RCTs (n = 2190), among them 2 RCTs
(of each strain) (certainty of evidence: low; grade of were undertaken exclusively in children (n = 330; age range:
recommendation: weak). 3–18 years) (61,62). The second review (30) identified 18 RCTs
(n = 3592), among them 3 RCTs in children, including 1 trial not

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included in the earlier review as it was published subsequently (63). combined with steroids for induction and 5-aminosalicylic acid
In children, compared with placebo or no intervention, S boular- (5-ASA) for maintenance therapy or placebo (N = 15), with
dii given along with standard triple therapy significantly reduced placebo combined with similar medical therapy. In the probiotic
the risk of overall H pylori therapy-related adverse effects and group compared with the placebo group, the rate of remission
increased eradication rate (3 RCTs, n = 372, RR 1.14, 95% CI: was significantly higher [13 (92.8%) vs 4 (26.7%), respectively,
1.03–1.25) (30). While in both analyses, the addition of probiot- P < 0.001], and fewer patients relapsed during 1 year of follow-
ics to standard triple therapy significantly increased the eradication up [3 (21.4%) vs 11 (73.3%), respectively, P = 0.014, RR 0.32,
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rate, it was still below the desired level (≥90%) of success. 95% CI: 0.025–0.773; NNT = 2]. At 6 months, 12 months, or
In the 2017 meta-analysis, Feng et al (57) found that, com- at time of relapse, endoscopic and histological scores were sig-
pared with placebo or no intervention, S boulardii given along nificantly lower in the probiotic group than in placebo group (P
with triple therapy significantly reduced the risk of overall H pylori < 0.05). There were no biochemical or clinical adverse events
therapy-related adverse effects (3 RCTs, n = 366, RR 0.37, 95% CI: related to the probiotic therapy.
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0.24–0.60, I2 = 0%), particularly of diarrhea (4 RCTs, n = 576, RR A 2012 trial by Oliva et al (67) randomized 40 children with
0.50, 95% CI: 0.36–0.68, I2 = 0, and bloating (2 RCTs, n = 300, RR mild to moderate distal ulcerative colitis to receive an enema con-
0.40, 95% CI: 0.22–0.72, I2 = 0), but had no effect on abdominal taining 1010 CFU of L reuteri ATCC 55730 or placebo for 8 weeks,
pain (2 RCTs, n = 322, RR 0.62, 95% CI: 0.26–1.46, I2 = 67%) and in addition to oral mesalazine. Thirty-one patients completed the
nausea and vomiting (3 RCTs, n = 382, RR 0.81, 95% CI: 0.64– trial. The Mayo score (including clinical and endoscopic features)
1.02, I2 = 0%) (57). decreased significantly in the L reuteri group (3.2 ± 1.3 vs 8.6 ± 0.8,
Similarly, Zhou et al (30) reported that S boulardii reduced P < 0.01) compared with the placebo group (7.1 ± 1.1 vs 8.7 ± 0.7,
the incidence of total side effects (RR 0.47, 95% CI: 0.36–0.61; NS). Furthermore, the histological score significantly decreased
low quality evidence), especially diarrhea (RR 0.33, 95% CI: only in the L reuteri group (0.6 ± 0.5 vs 4.5 ± 0.6, P < 0.01) (pla-
0.23–0.47; low quality evidence) and constipation (RR 0.37, 95% cebo: 2.9 ± 0.8 vs 4.6 ± 0.6, NS). At the post-trial evaluation of
CI: 0.23–0.57; moderate quality evidence). Reduced risk of overall cytokine mucosal expression levels, interleukin (IL)-10 was signifi-
H pylori therapy-related adverse effects, particularly diarrhea and cantly increased (P < 0.01), whereas IL-1b, tumor necrosis factor
nausea, were also reported by Szajewska et al (59). However, in alpha, and IL-8 were significantly decreased (P < 0.01) only in the
both meta-analyses, children and adults were evaluated jointly. Two L reuteri group.
2017 network meta-analyses of trials in children concluded that S Another 2020 Cochrane review (65) focused on probiot-
boulardii significantly reduced bloating (P score = 0.76) (57,58). ics for maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis. This review
found no difference between probiotics versus placebo, probiotics
versus 5-ASA, and probiotics + 5-ASA versus ASA alone. Data
• In children with H pylori infection, HCPs may rec- were limited, particularly for pediatric patients. Only 1 trial (68)
ommend, along with H pylori therapy, S boulardii* for intended to include children (>13 years); however, the overall mean
increasing the eradication rates and decreasing ther- age was 43.9 ± 14.8 years; thus, it is unclear whether children were
apy-related gastrointestinal adverse effects. recruited.
• Certainty of evidence: Very low. In addition to the 2 Cochrane reviews, other systematic
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. reviews were identified. One of them focused on the aforemen-
tioned mixture of 8 probiotic strains (69); however, it excluded
*Note: In many trials, the strain designation of S pediatric trials. A 2019 review by Astó et al (70) did not include
boulardii was not available. However, if available, or any new studies compared with the Cochrane review. Other
assessed retrospectively, the strain most used was the meta-analyses (71,72) only addressed ill-defined Chinese pro-
strain recently classified as S boulardii CNCM I-745. biotic preparations, precluding them from evaluation in this
According to our methodology, at least 2 RCTs are needed
to formulate a recommendation. Thus, no recommendation for the
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases use of probiotics in the treatment of children with ulcerative colitis
For this document, 2 systematic reviews and meta-analyses was formulated. This differs from the European Crohn’s and Colitis
were included (64,65) which evaluated the combination of probiot- Organization (ECCO) and ESPGHAN guidelines (73,74) accord-
ics (L paracasei, L plantarum, L acidophilus, L delbrueckii subsp. ing to which the use of the eight strain probiotic combination (L
bulgaricus, B longum, B breve, B infantis, Streptococcus salivarius paracasei subsp. paracasei DSM 24733, L plantarum DSM 24730,
subsp. thermophilus) (66) or L reuteri ATCC 55730 (67). L acidophilus DSM 24735, L delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus DSM
24734, B longum subsp. longum DSM 24736, B breve DSM 24732,
Ulcerative Colitis B longum subsp. infantis DSM 24737, and S salivarius subsp. ther-
A 2020 Cochrane review focusing on the effects of pro- mophilus DSM 24731) or Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 or L reuteri
biotics for induction of remission concluded that low-certainty ATCC 55730 combined with drug therapy may be considered for
evidence suggests that probiotics may induce clinical remission induction of remission of ulcerative colitis. However, the ECCO/
in patients with active ulcerative colitis when compared to pla- ESPGHAN guidelines and current document are based on different
cebo (64). However, specific strain(s) were not identified. Only methodology.
2 pediatric RCTs were included. A 2009 trial by Miele et al (66)
randomized 29 children with newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis
to receive a mixture of 8 strains (n = 14) [4 strains of Lactoba-
cillus (L paracasei, L plantarum, L acidophilus, L delbrueckii • No recommendation can be made for or against the
subsp. bulgaricus), 3 strains of Bifidobacterium (B longum, B use of probiotics studied so far in the management
breve, and B infantis), and 1 strain of Streptococcus salivar- of children with ulcerative colitis due to insufficient
ius subsp. thermophilus. 900 billion viable lyophilized bacte- evidence.
ria; weight-based dose, range: 450–1800 billion bacteria/day]

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JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

Crohn Disease in the probiotic group compared with the placebo group (−130 ± 44
A 2020 Cochrane review concluded that evidence is vague minutes vs −85 ± 51 minutes, MD 45 minutes, 95% CI: −25 to −66).
with regard to the efficacy or safety of probiotics, when compared A 2021 RCT performed in China (96) in 192 full-term
with placebo, for induction of remission in patients with Crohn’s infants ≤7 weeks, breastfed, with colic according to the Rome III
disease (75). No new RCTs have since been published. There is no criteria found that compared with placebo, administration of B lac-
evidence to change earlier recommendations developed by ESP- tis BB-12 (1 × 109 CFU/day) for 3 weeks significantly increased the
GHAN (alone or in cooperation with ECCO). treatment success (defined as earlier; RR 2.8, 95% CI: 1.9–4.2).
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There was also a significant difference between the B lactis BB-12

and placebo groups in mean daily crying time at the end of inter-
No recommendation can be made for or against vention (60.8 ± 23.4 vs 95.8 ± 26.0, MD −35 minutes, 95% CI: −42
the use of probiotics studied so far in the treatment to −28).
of children with Crohn disease due to insufficient
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• HCPs may recommend B lactis BB-12 (108 CFU/day,
for 21–28 days) for the management of infant colic
in breastfed infants.
• Certainty of evidence: Moderate.
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders • Grade of recommendation: Weak.
(Disorders of Gut–Brain Interaction)
Infant Colic
For this document, 10 systematic reviews and/or meta-anal-
yses (76–85) focusing on infant colic were identified. For the list Other Strains
of probiotics (in alphabetical order) which were included in the Data on other probiotics, either positive or negative, are too
reviews, please see Table S2, Supplemental Digital Content, http:// limited to allow one to draw reliable conclusions (79,95,97,98).
Preventing Infant Colic
Treatment of Infant Colic A 2019 Cochrane review identified 6 RCTs (involving 1886
infants) which compared probiotics with placebo for preventing
L reuteri DSM 17938 infantile colic (78). The pooled results of 3 RCTs in which L rham-
L reuteri DSM 17938 is the most studied probiotic for nosus GG and 2 multi-strain products (one included 4 strains of
the management of infant colic (86–94). A 2018 individual par- Lactobacilli, 3 strains of Bifidobacteria & Str thermophilus DSM
ticipant data meta-analysis, which included data from 4 RCTs 24731; and another included L rhamnosus GG, L rhamnosus
involving 345 infants with colic, documented that in breastfed LC705, B breve Bb99, and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp.
infants, the administration of L reuteri DSM 17938 at a dose Shermanii) were assessed found a similar occurrence of new cases
1 × 108 CFU significantly increased the treatment success (defined of colic in the probiotics and placebo groups. The pooled results
as at least 50% reduction in crying time from baseline) at all time of 3 other RCTs found, in the probiotics group compared with
points (day 21 adjusted incidence ratio was 1.7, 95% CI: 1.4–2.2) the placebo group, reduced duration in crying time at study end
and reduced crying and/or fussing time all time points (day 21 (MD −32.6 min/day, 95% CI: −55.6 to −9.5). However, one of the
adjusted MD in change from baseline −25.4 minutes, 95% CI: included studies evaluated a prebiotic formula with added probiotic
−47.3 to −3.5). The role of L reuteri DSM 17938 in formula-fed strains, thus, this was a synbiotic intervention. At the strain level,
infants is less clear (76). Other meta-analyses have confirmed the effect was particularly evident for L reuteri DSM 17938 admin-
these findings (80,82). istered at a dose of 1 × 108 CFU to newborns each day for 90 days
(1 RCT, n = 589) (99). Other probiotics were also studied; however,
evidence is limited (100).
• HCPs may recommend L reuteri DSM 17938 (108
CFU/day for at least 21 days) for the management
of infant colic in breastfed infants. • No recommendation can be made for or against the
• Certainty of evidence: Moderate. use of any of the probiotics studied so far for pre-
• Grade of recommendation: Weak. venting infant colic due to insufficient evidence.
• No recommendation can be made for or against the
use of L reuteri DSM 17938 for the management of
infant colic in formula-fed infants due to insufficient
evidence. Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders
Until now, there have been no specific recommendations
from ESPGHAN or NASPGHAN on the use probiotics for the
management of FAPD. The AGA 2020 guidelines noted with
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 regard to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that there are many stud-
A 2020 RCT performed in Italy (95) in 80 breastfed infants ies; however, significant heterogeneity in study design, outcomes,
with excessive crying and fussing (possibly related to infant colic and probiotics used resulted in no recommendations for the use of
according to the Rome III Criteria) found that compared with pla- probiotics in symptomatic children and adults with IBS (except in
cebo, the administration of B lactis BB-12 (109 CFU/day, for 28 the context of a clinical trial) (14).
days) increased the treatment success rate, defined as a reduction in For this document, 3 recent systematic reviews and meta-
the daily crying time ≥50% (RR 2.46, 95% CI: 1.5–3.95). For cry- analyses (101–103) were identified. The reviews included studies
ing time, the mean change from baseline was significantly higher in children with disorders based on various criteria such as the

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Szajewska et al JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023

Rome II or Rome III criteria or the criteria were not mentioned,

hence, thereafter we use only the term FAPD. The following pro- HCPs may recommend L reuteri DSM 17938 (at a
biotics (in alphabetical order) were evaluated: Bacillus coagulans dose of 108 CFU to 2 × 108 CFU/day) for pain intensity
unique IS2 (104); B infantis M-63, B breve M-16V, and B longum reduction in children with FAPD.
BB536 (105); B lactis B94 (106); L reuteri (strain not specified) • Certainty of evidence: Moderate.
(107); L reuteri DSM 17938 (6 RCTs) (108–113); L rhamnosus • Grade of recommendation: Weak.
GG (5 RCTs) (114–118); Str thermophilus BT01, B breve BB02, B
HCPs may recommend L rhamnosus GG (at a dose of
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longum BL03, B infantis BI04, L acidophilus BA05, L plantarum

109 CFU to 3 × 109 CFU twice daily) for the reduction
BP06, L paracasei BP07, L delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus BD08
of pain frequency and intensity in children with IBS.
[the strain designation was only given in the review, but not in the
original paper (119)]. The only probiotics which were evaluated in • Certainty of evidence: Moderate.
more than 2 RCTs were L reuteri DSM 17938 (6 RCTs) and L • Grade of recommendation: Weak.
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rhamnosus GG (5 RCTs).
A 2018 systematic review concluded that there is insuffi-
cient evidence for the use of probiotics (as a group) in children
with FAPD (101). Only L rhamnosus GG (3 RCTs) reduced the Functional Constipation
frequency and intensity of abdominal pain in children with IBS. According to 2014 ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN recommenda-
Another review (120) also found that the use of L rhamnosus GG tions, probiotics should not be used in the treatment of functional
moderately increased treatment success in children with FAPD, par- constipation in children (123). For the current document, 3 system-
ticularly among children with IBS (3 RCTs, n = 167; RR 1.70, 95% atic reviews were analyzed (101,124,125). For the list of probiotics
CI: 1.27–2.27). The daily dose of L rhamnosus GG ranged from 109 which were included in the reviews, please see Table S2, Supple-
CFU twice daily to 3 × 109 CFU twice daily. In children with IBS, mental Digital Content, http://links.lww.com/MPG/C954.
a multicenter, crossover RCT using a mixture of 8 probiotic strains The most recent (2022) systematic review and meta-analysis
was found to be safe and more effective than placebo in ameliorat- (125), which evaluated 12 studies, including 965 children (126–137),
ing symptoms and improving quality of life; however, there was and 2 follow-up studies, including 166 children (138,139), investi-
discordance between the strains listed in the original paper and in gated the effect of (or the addition of) probiotics versus placebo or
the review (119). Evidence on L reuteri DSM 17938 (5 RCTs using laxative treatment. Studies were heterogeneous with respect to study
different methods of pain assessment) for treating FAPD is incon- design, diagnostic criteria for functional constipation, study popula-
sistent. Compared with placebo, L reuteri DSM 17938 improved tion, study intervention, duration of treatment and follow-up, and out-
abdominal pain in 3 RCTs (108,110,121), reduced functional dis- come measures. Additionally, an overall high risk of bias was found
ability but not abdominal pain in 1 RCT (112), and was no better across most studies. Therefore, the evidence found in this systematic
than placebo in 1 trial (109). Mixtures of B infantis, B breve, and B review should be interpreted with caution. The authors concluded that
longum (1 RCT) or B lactis (1 RCT) were not effective in children more well-designed high-quality RCTs concerning the use of pro-
with FAPD (105). biotics for management of children with functional constipation are
A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis on the role of needed before changes in current guidelines are indicated.
probiotics in the treatment of functional abdominal pain (FAP) in The only probiotics which were evaluated in at least 2 RCTs
children found no firm evidence on the efficacy of probiotics (103). were L casei rhamnosus Lcr35 (2 RCTs) (129,140) and L reuteri
Nine RCTs (total 702 children, 506 with functional abdominal DSM 17938 (5 RCTs) (127,130,132,133,137).
pain; 4–18 years) were identified. L reuteri DSM 17938 was admin-
istered in 6 RCTs (108–112,122) and L rhamnosus GG in 3 RCTs L casei rhamnosus Lcr35
(114–116). Compared with placebo, in children taking L reuteri Pooled results of 2 RCTs showed no significant difference
DSM 17938, there was significant reduction in pain intensity (6 between the L casei rhamnosus Lcr35 and placebo groups with respect
RCTs, n = 380, MD −1.24, 95% CI: −2.35 to −0.13) and an increase to treatment success (n = 121, RR 0.27, 95% CI: 0.52–1.06) or defeca-
in number of days without pain (2 RCTs, n = 101, MD 26.42 days, tion frequency per week (n = 108, SMD 0.24, 95% CI: −2.8 to 3.2).
95% CI: 22.67–30.17). For all other outcomes, there was no differ-
ence between the probiotic and placebo groups. L reuteri DSM 17938
Another 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis evalu- Two RCTs concluded that L reuteri DSM 17938 was not suc-
ated the efficacy of probiotic adjuvant therapy in childhood IBS cessful as an additional treatment on any reported outcomes (132,137).
(102). Nine RCTs were included, involving 651 participants The authors of one trial did not compare outcomes between treatment
(104–107,114,115,117–119). Of note, 3 of these RCTs included groups (L reuteri DSM 17938 and laxative therapy) (133).
mixed populations, namely subjects with IBS as well as subjects Defecation frequency was higher in the L reuteri DSM
with FAP (107,114,115). There was a wide diversity in the use of 17938 group than in the placebo in one trial (130) and similar to
the probiotic strains. L rhamnosus GG was investigated in 4 trials that in the control groups in the remaining studies (132,133,137).
(105,114,115,118), L reuteri in one (107) and Bacillus coagulans The findings of the systematic reviews support current ESP-
unique IS2 in one (104). A probiotic mixture was used in 2 tri- GHAN/NASPGHAN recommendations that probiotics should not
als (118,119). The review concluded that probiotics are effective at be used in the treatment of functional constipation in children (123).
treating abdominal pain caused by IBS in children. No significant
correlation between abdominal pain and probiotic dose was found.
However, the included studies were heterogeneous with regards to • HCPs may not recommend the use of probiotics
the probiotic and the placebo regimens, duration of the interven- evaluated so far as a single or adjuvant therapy for
tion, and the evaluation tool used. This heterogeneity makes it diffi- treatment of functional constipation in children due
cult to recommend a single probiotic strain, despite some evidence to the lack of efficacy.
to support its use. Many studies either did not report a sample size • Certainty of evidence: Moderate.
calculation or were underpowered. These limitations would neces- • Grade of recommendation: Weak.
sitate a cautious interpretation of the results.

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JPGN • Volume 76, Number 2, February 2023 Probiotics for the Management of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders

Celiac Disease Support and Disclosures

Recent literature suggests that the intestinal microbiota is Szajewska has received grants/research support from Arla,
altered in patients with celiac disease and may be involved in the BioGaia, Chr. Hansen, and Winclove and also has received pay-
pathogenesis as well as in the response to a gluten-free diet (141). ments/honorariums for lectures from Ausnutria, BioGaia, Biocodex,
Overall, there were no safety concerns in any of the RCTs investigat- Chr. Hansen, Danone, Nestle, and Nestle Nutrition Institute. Berni
ing the effects of probiotics on celiac disease. However, there was no Canani has received grants and/or served as a speaker for Ch.Hansen
evidence of an effect on clinical outcomes, except for 1 study dem- (research grant, speaker), Humana (research grant), iHealth (research
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onstrating that the administration of Bifidobacterium longum CECT grant), Kraft-Heinz (research grant, speaker), Mead Johnson Nutri-
7347 in children with newly diagnosed celiac disease may be associ- tion (research grant, speaker), Nestlè (research grant), Novalac
ated with better short-term height gain (142). One systematic review (research grant), Nutricia (research grant, speaker), and Sanofi
(143) included 7 studies coming from 6 RCTs (n = 279). Two of the (research grant, speaker). Domellöf has received grants/research sup-
studies included children. The 2 studies were the 2014 Olivares study port from Arla Food Ingredients, Baxter AB, and Prolacta Bioscience
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cited above (142) and another study that did not include a clinical and also received payments/honorariums for lectures from Baxter,
outcome, but rather showed a significant reduction in TNF-α blood Baxter Deutschland GmbH, Biostime Institute of Nutrition and Care,
levels with administration of B breve (144). While in adults there Bioquest Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chiesi Pharma AB, Mead Johnson, Med-
was evidence for improved gastrointestinal symptoms with probiotic scape Education, Nestec Ltd (Nestlé), and Nestlé Nutrition Institute.
treatment, such findings were not reported in children. Domellöf is also a stock shareholder in Nutrium AB. Guarino has
received grant/research support and honorariums for lectures from
Ipsen. Hojsak has received payments/honorariums for lectures from
• No recommendation can be made for or against the BioGaia, Nutricia, Biocodex, AbelaPharm, Nestle, Abbott, Sandoz,
use of probiotics in children with celiac disease due Oktal pharma, and Takeda. Indrio has served as a consultant and
to insufficient evidence. speaker for Biogaia Danone, and as a speaker for Biogaia, Danone,
Nestle Nutrition Institute, and Sando. Lo Vecchio has received grant
support from Merck Sharp & Dohme and has participated in the
Advisory Board of Pfizer. Mihatsch has served as member of the
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Scientific advisory board for human milk and breastfeeding research
SIBO is a heterogenous and poorly understood entity charac- award committee by Nutricia. Mihatsch also has received payments/
terized by non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdomi- honorariums for lectures from the following: Society for Neonatol-
nal distention and pain, diarrhea, flatulence, and vomiting, and ogy (GNPI), German Society for Ped Gastroenterology (GPGE),
sometimes by non-gastrointestinal symptoms, such as metabolic IPOKRATS, Austrian and German Societies of Pediatrics (DGKJ,
acidosis and neurological symptoms. These variable clinical fea- ÖGKJ), Nutrition Com. of DGKJ, Hospitals in Germany and Europe,
tures are related to the excessive growth of microorganisms within Nordic Neonatology Pound table, Poland Neonat. Soc. Mosca has
the small intestine, usually observed in children with altered gas- participated as an advisory board member, and/or consultant, and/
trointestinal motility and anatomy (short bowel syndrome or previ- or speaker for BioGaia, Nutricia, Biocodex, AdareBiome, Nestlé,
ous surgery), those receiving acid-suppressive therapies, or after a Havéa, PiLeJe, and Sodilac. Orel has participated as a clinical inves-
recent episode of intestinal infections (post-infectious diarrhea). In tigator, and/or advisory board member, and/or speaker for Abbott,
those patients, probiotics are sometimes used in clinical practice, BioGaia, Ewopharma, Kefo, Medis, Lek Sandoz, Inspharma, Merit,
however, no RCTs are currently available to support their prescrip- Medias International, and Atlantic Group. Salvatore has partici-
tion. Only 1 RCT (145) tested the efficacy of a probiotic mixture pated as a clinical investigator, and/or consultant, and/or speaker for
of L rhamnosus R0011 (1.9 × 109 CFU) and L acidophilus R0052 Danone-Mellin, DVA, Noos, and Nestlé Health Science. Shamir has
(0.1 × 109 CFU) in preventing SIBO in a small population of chil- participated as a clinical investigator, and/or advisory board member,
dren receiving proton pump inhibitors for 1 month. No difference and/or consultant, and/or speaker for Abbott, Else, Nestlé Nutrition
in the incidence of SIBO, diagnosed with positive breath tests, was Institute, Nestle Health Science, NGS, Nutricia, Soremartec, and
observed between children receiving probiotics (n = 36) and those Ukko. van den Akker has participated as an advisory board mem-
receiving placebo (n = 34) (33% vs 26.5%; P = 0.13). ber and/or speaker for Baxter, Nestlé Nutrition Institute, and Nutricia
Early Life Nutrition. Van Goudoever is the Founder and director of
the Dutch National Human Milk Bank, and has received grant sup-
port from Danone Research. Vandenplas has participated as a clinical
• No recommendation for or against the use of probi-
investigator, and/or advisory board member, and/or consultant, and/
otics in the treatment or prevention of SIBO due to
or speaker for Abbott Nutrition, Ausnutria, Biogaia, By Heart, CHR
insufficient evidence.
Hansen, Danone, ELSE Nutrition, Friesland Campina, Nestle Health
Science, Nestle Nutrition Institute, Nutricia, Mead Johnson Nutri-
tion, Pileje, United Pharmaceuticals (Novalac), Yakult, and Wyeth.
Pancreatitis Weizman has participated as a clinical investigator, and/or advisory
In adults, a multispecies probiotic preparation increased board member, and/or consultant, and/or speaker for BioGaia, Bio-
mortality from mesenteric ischemia in patients with severe acute Codex, Hipp, Mead Johnson, Nestle, Sensus, and Materna.
pancreatitis (146). No RCTs on the use of probiotics for pancreati-
tis in children were identified.
• As no RCT on the use of probiotics for pancreatitis 1. Szajewska H, Guarino A, Hojsak I, et al. Use of probiotics for the
in children was identified, no recommendation can management of acute gastroenteritis in children: an update. J Pediatr
Gastroenterol Nutr 2020;71:261–9.
be made for or against the use of probiotics for the 2. Szajewska H, Canani RB, Guarino A, et al. Probiotics for the prevention
management of pancreatitis. of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr 2016;62:495–506.

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