Part 1
Grammar 13 You talk in the exam. It’s not
Choose the correct answers. a mustn’t b don’t have to
1 We sometimes tennis on c might not
Saturdays. 14 to help with the chores at
a are playing b are play c play home?
2 Jessica can’t come to the phone. a Must you b Have you
She her homework at the c Do you have
moment. 15 Tell her the truth. I’m sure she
a does b ’s doing c doing be angry.
3 I enjoy my bike to school. a won’t b not c mustn’t
a ride b riding c to ride 16 How long a laptop?
4 anything interesting last a have you b have you had
weekend? c are you having
a Did you do b Have you done 17 Our teacher gives us too
c Did you homework.
5 I outside the cinema when a much b many c lots
Dave phoned me. 18 What when you leave school?
a waited b was waiting Have you decided?
c did wait a are you doing b you will do
6 I can’t buy that DVD. It’s . c are you going to do
a too expensive 19 If you this medicine, you’ll feel
b expensive enough better.
c enough expensive a will take b take c would take
7 January is month in my 20 That’s the woman writes my
country. favourite blog.
a colder b coldest a who b which c where
c the coldest 21 What would you do if you a
8 My brother is taller me. million euros?
a that b of c than a would win b won
9 I like reading blogs, but I one. c were winning
a never wrote b never written 22 That’s the house Vincent Van
c ’ve never written Gogh was born.
10 Where your new jacket? It’s a where b who c which
really nice. 23 The meal was prepared a
a have you bought famous Italian chef.
b did you buy c are you buying a from b by c on
11 I don’t want to go for a walk. It 24 The first text message in
to rain! Finland in 1993.
a just started b just starting a was send b did sent
c ’s just started c was sent
12 They’ve been on holiday two 25 This bag of leather.
weeks. a makes b is making c is made
a for b since c in
Vocabulary 42 Liz thought the test was easy, so
26 It is difficult to paint the of a she was when she didn’t get
room. good marks.
a roof b ceiling c landing a nervous b relieved
27 Gavin parked his car on the . c disappointed
a patio b garage c drive 43 My cousin was a at the
28 Shane keeps his T-shirts in his London 2012 Olympic Games.
of drawers. a charity b banner c volunteer
a chest b box c table 44 Roy apologised arriving so
29 My parents were angry me late.
when I lost my phone. a in b for c of
a about b to c with 45 Please don’t worry me. I’ll be
30 I love Maggie’s photos. They’re fine.
always so . a about b for c from
a dull b blurred c dramatic 46 I enjoyed the film. I thought it was
31 My brother is very bad getting !
up in time for school. a brilliant b thrilled c furious
a at b for c with 47 ‘Was the baby bird very small?’
32 It was late when we to my ‘Yes, it was .’
grandmother’s house. a little b tiny c huge
a got b had c became 48 I can’t go to school today. I’ve got
33 I love those shoes, but I can’t a throat.
them. a rash b cold c sore
a afford b cost c save 49 your hairdryer in the socket
34 We found a twenty-pound in over there.
the street outside our house. a Attach b Plug c Push
a bit b note c paper 50 The TV remote is a very
35 I think the internet is the most useful invention.
important in the world. a switch b keyboard c control
a invent b inventor c invention
36 The newspaper are about the ___/50 marks
President’s visit to Brazil.
a flashes b headlines
c journalists
37 I don’t buy newspapers. I read
the news on a news .
a report b website c affair
38 Paul always drives at night.
a carefully b loud c sad
39 I spend a long time my bags
when I go on holiday.
a putting b packing
c staying
40 It was very late when they into
their hotel.
a booked b checked c arrived
41 Will you the table for dinner,
a lay b make c place
Part 2
___/20 marks