11 Types of Logo Explained
11 Types of Logo Explained
11 Types of Logo Explained
eshley jackson
7 months ago
Logos are the core identities of the businesses. People recognize a brand when they
see a logo and recall their experience with its products or services. That’s why
graphic designers take extra care to design a logo to create an impression and
convey a brand message. They particularly pay heed to the type of logo that can
best represent a brand’s personality and identity. This blog discusses all the main
types of logos and how to use them best.
Fortunately, small business owners can access a logo maker software that quickly
designs a professional logo based on the user’s input. With such a DIY tool, they
can create logos on their own without breaking their banks and in just a few clicks
of the mouse.
If you look at a wide variety of logos, you will notice that they are of different
types. Some of them are in letters, while others are incomplete words. Many of them
are merely symbols or pictures. Such variety is because each brand wishes to drive
people’s attention by looking different.
For small business owners mainly, picking the right type of logo is crucial to
getting a hold in their niche markets. They can impress their target customers if
the choice of a logo is perfect, and they can convey their brand values with a
suitable logo.
Not just small businesses but even global companies depend on their logos to stand
out. Let’s take the examples of Google and Apple logos. While the Google logo
spells out its full company name, the Apple logo does not tell it. Still, both of
them leave a lasting impression on their target audience. These are two different
types of logos.
If yours is a new business and needs to create a logo, then knowing about the
different types of logos is the first crucial step.
As the name suggests, these are the logos that consist of the brand’s name. Look at
HBO, CNN, IBM, NASA, and HP names. Do you find anything common? They stand for a
famous company’s name.
The names are in their initial forms rather than the long full forms. The companies
showed their name within two or three words instead of going for the whole.
And guess what? They all are the brands people hardly forget about! Each of these
brands has used its initials as a logo instead of going for a fancy image.
As they are easy to identify, it makes sense why they opted for monogram logos.
It’s also known as lettermark logos.
It’s a typography-based logo design that uses a few letters. This type of logo is
all about minimalism. Lettermark logos are perfect for streamlining any brand that
has a longer than usual name.
For example, it’s easier to remember HBO than its full name Home Box Office or NASA
at the place of National Aeronautics and Space. Isn’t it?
As the focus is shifted on the initials of the brands, make sure you choose the
right fonts. If needed, you can create custom typefaces such as logotypes. If
custom fonts are out of your reach, then use a logo maker to access hundreds of
fonts from its library.
Don’t worry if you are new in the market. You can add the full name of your
business right at the bottom of the logo for branding.
As logo types are easy to create, you can take the help of a logo maker. In case
you don’t want to spend a lot, it’s the best way to go.
Generate Logos
How To Use A Lettermark Logo?
Create Intricate Details – A monogram is known for its fine details, making it an
outstanding design. But the details should look good and not be imposed on the
Ensure Simplicity – While incorporating the details, do not make it a jungle, and
the simplicity of the design will still be the core feature. So, arrive at a design
that has simple details.
Give Your Company Name – Your monogram logo can have your full company name if
yours is a new business. Such a logo will promote your brand name on your business
card, website and other marketing materials.
Use A Custom Typeface – A custom typeface will help your logo design stand out from
your competitors’ logos. Or, you should pick the one readily available font that
best expresses your brand personality.
02. Logotypes Or Wordmarks
Many big brands have embraced the idea of logotypes, for example— Coca-Cola, Pepsi,
Google, FedEx, Disney, and more.
This type of logo works well when a brand has a unique, easy, and attractive name.
The name, when combined with memorable typography, creates a unique brand identity.
Since the spotlight will be on your name, you need to pick a typeface that captures
the essence of your brand. If your business is related to federal agencies, go with
a traditional font. However, if it’s in the fashion domain, go for stylish, high-
end fonts.
Choose The Right Typeface – Since wordmarks have letters as the main design
elements, their impact depends on the typeface you choose. So, keep your brand’s
message and personality in mind to select the best typeface. Select a typeface with
the right weight, case, and features.
Think Of Using A Character Feature – To break the monotony and stand out, create
one letter differently. For example, in the Casper logo, the letter C is slightly
curly at the top end.
Color Your Letters – As an option, you can think of designing your full company
name in color to give it a unique look. Cadbury logo in purple color is an ideal
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Of different types of logos, logo symbols are quite famous. It’s a graphic or icon-
based logo. When you think of such kinds of logos, some names that come to your
mind are Twitter, Apple, Target, and more. Each of these brands has a symbolic
logo, which is easily identifiable.
If you are looking for logo ideas that involve symbols, then visit an online logo
generator. Such software gives you hundreds of new ideas relevant to your business
and industry. Your new business can surely use some of those ideas by tweaking them
a bit to make them your own.
When you decide to go with a logo symbol, the most challenging part is to choose an
image. The mark that you pick for your business will go with its existence. But
before you pick one, consider its implications first.
Do you want to showcase a more profound meaning with it? Are you using a symbol to
evoke emotions? Think about the broader consequences of the logo symbol, and you
will find something worth matching with your business.
Choose The Right Symbol – Make sure that your choice of symbol is perfect to
represent your company’s business and industry. You can either pick a literal
symbol such as a bitten apple in the Apple logo. Or, it can be a subtle suggestion
like Twitter’s bird facing upward for home and freedom.
Have Your Name – If you must, then incorporate your company name underneath your
logo symbol to let viewers know who you are and what you do if you are a new
Opt For A Timeless Symbol – While it is true that your logo will evolve with time,
the symbol should be such that it remains the same forever. Avoid using a trendy
symbol that loses its value in a few years.
04. Abstract Logos
These types of logos have pictures, but they avoid literal representation. You can
use any abstract geometric form to symbolize your business. Some of the best
examples of these types of logo designs are Nike swoosh, Adidas flower, the divided
circle of Pepsi, and so forth.
Like every logo design, the abstract logo works well as it confines your business
into a single pictorial representation. Instead of being limited to a single mage,
abstract logos help you create a custom image to represent your business.
The best thing about these types of logos is that you can convey your brand’s
purpose symbolically. You don’t need to rely on the cultural proposition of an
With the help of color and other elements, you can give it a specific meaning that
revolves around your brand. Nike’s swoosh is just like that, which symbolizes
freedom and movement.
If you decide to create this type of logo, make sure you’ve solidified your brand
identity and know exactly what it is that you want to convey to your audience.
In addition, an abstract logo mark can be a good choice for global brands whose
names don’t work well across different languages.
A mascot works like an ambassador of your brand. Food brands, service companies,
and sports teams are great consumers of these logotypes. The purpose of such brand
marks is to familiarize the audience.
Some of the famous mascots of the brands are — KFC’s Colonel, Mr. Peanut of
Planter, and so forth. If you want to create a great atmosphere around your brand,
mascot logos are perfect to go with. Your audience would love to get involved with
your mascot if it’s engaging and created uniquely.
Use More Details – A noticeable aspect of mascot logos is that they have details to
depict a personality in mascot. So, make sure that the logo comprises all the
essential details.
Make It Scalable – Since the logo involves details, it must be scalable. This means
that when the mascot is reduced to small sizes on business cards etc tiny spaces,
the details must still be visible. Or, the mascot should not look disproportionate
when put on larger spaces like billboards.
06. Combination Marks
In the world of branding, you don’t need to stick to just a single type of logo.
You can create a logo by combining different types of logo ideas. Combine a symbol
with letter logos or wordmark to create something unique. You can include pictures
and text together to stand out from others.
Think about Burger King, Dove, Lacoste, Doritos, and MailChimp. These brands use
both the logotypes and symbols together. When you use an online logo maker, think
of combining different elements and see the result.
As your brand’s name will have an image, it makes a versatile pick for logo design.
It also allows people to link your name with your business name with the mascot or
symbol right away!
Also, it gives you the flexibility to depend only on the logo symbol and exclude
the name if necessary once you have enough exposure. As such logos generate a
distinct image; you won’t face problems with a trademark.
Think of a combination logo when using a logo creator tool. Such a tool lets you
experiment and customize your logo design in so many ways. You can drag and drop
symbols, images, texts, etc elements and see which combination best expresses your
brand personality.
Choose The Right Symbol – Combination logos have a symbol and a company name. So,
the choice of the symbol is crucial to building trust. Try to pick a symbol that
expresses your brand value and message.
The Size of Symbol and Text – Make sure that the symbol is not too big or small in
size. Centre the elements of your logo. Fortunately, a logo maker tool can
automatically align those elements. Also, the size of your text should be adequate.
Leave Adequate Space – Since combination logos have a symbol and a company name,
the space between the two must be just perfect, and it should not be too big a gap,
nor should it appear sticky.
07. Letterforms
These types of logos are the minimalistic versions of monogram logos. They are also
known as letter logos. To get into notice, these brand marks need to be bold as
well as beautiful. Since it’s challenging to think of just one letter as a
representative of your brand, hire a professional graphic designer to get things
The letter logos are scalable. You can use it anywhere from the Web to printed
materials, and they equally look great. A successfully made-out letter logo will
invoke your brand’s full name in people’s minds once they see it.
As the logo contains only one letter, its design becomes crucial. If it isn’t
unique or memorable, it’s of no use. You can use a dramatic background or give it a
funky typeface, exciting color, or any element that will make the letter pop and
resonate with your brand.
Some of the best examples of letterform logos are Yahoo, McDonald’s, WordPress, and
Make Sure The Design Is Memorable – Since letterforms have only one letter, their
effectiveness will solely depend on a memorable design. So, try to make it
outstanding by incorporating a funky font or a unique color scheme. You can
experiment with different backgrounds as well.
Use Legible Font– As the logo has just one letter, the font must be unique and
impressive. Most importantly, it should be legible from a distance, or it would be
a waste for the viewers.
08. Emblem Logos
These are the oldest types of logos. However, the demand for these logos hasn’t
gone down yet. The emblem logo includes a symbol or icon with seals, crests, and
badges. As far as organizations, schools, or government agencies, and the auto
industry are concerned, emblem logos are the first choice.
While some companies don’t mind reflecting their brand essence with traditional
design, others give the traditional emblem a modern look. Let’s take an example of
the iconic logo of Starbucks. It includes a mermaid emblem with its name written
along. The same goes for Harley Davidson’s famous crest logo.
As the design of such logotypes is intricate, they prove a little less versatile
than other types of logos discussed earlier. Their intricate nature won’t make them
easier to include in every aspect of branding. For printed materials like business
cards, an emblem logo may scale down, making it hard to read.
Slime logos are new-age brand marks. Unlike the ones mentioned earlier, these types
of logos have a cartoonish context, and it means that instead of having a standard
typeface or symbol, it has slime-inspired elements.
Take an example of Nickelodeon’s logo. Its color spreads on the design as slime
does, and it gives a distinctive brand identity to the company.
You can hire a freelance graphic designer to create a perfect slime logo that
matches your branding needs. Even, you can get fantastic slime logo ideas from the
Web before opting for one.
If your brand is into kids’ products or serves playful purposes, choosing a slime
logo is the best idea.
Choose A Cartoonish Figure – Since slime logos generally have kids as customers,
pick a cartoonish figure for the logo design. Make it unique in a slime design.
Use Slime-Inspired Elements – As these logos do not have standard typeface or
symbols, you should first find some inspirational elements that look unique.
10. Fonts Inside A Shape
These types of logos usually have a name depicted in various shapes like squares,
rectangles, and more. You can find many examples of logos comprising a name inside
a shape: Levi’s, Ford, Samsung, MasterCard, and more.
Pick The Shape Carefully – In this type of logo, the shape is the most important
element. For instance, the Samsung logo has an oval shape in the background that
highlights the company name.
Choose The Right Font – The text is equally important, so choose the right font
that suits your brand personality.
11. Dynamic Mark
The latest addition to this list of types of logos is the dynamic mark logo. A
dynamic logo is one that constantly changes its appearance through the overall look
remains the same. Most branding materials today use such logos to express the
movement, change, and dynamism of their businesses.
An iconic example of a dynamic mark is the City Of Melbourne logo. It’s in the M
shape but it changes its color and appears differently everywhere.
The Core Shape Must look Good – Since a dynamic logo changes rapidly in color,
fonts, styles, its core shape should be impressive. The core shape will remain the
same and so it should look good with the changing colours and other elements.
The Message Should Not Change – With every change in the appearance of a dynamic
logo, the message to the customers must be the same. So, create something that
changes in colors and shape but has the same message for the audience.
These are the main types of logos that we see frequently around our world. However,
we also come across many variations of these types. So, we can include some
variations of the major types of logos as well.
Take one of these main types of logos when planning to create your logo. Make sure
that you try most of them and then see which one suits your brand’s personality
Designhill, the leading creative marketplace, gives you two effective options when
it comes to creating a logo. You can use the Designhill Logo Maker tool that is
equipped with a vast library of colors, fonts, etc elements. You can choose a
template design and then drag and drop the elements to customize and create your
own logo.
Another option is to launch your logo design contest on this platform and get many
unique logo ideas in a few days. Many designers will try to win your contest by
creating outstanding logos as per your brief. So, you can get a visual identity of
your new business and that too at the right price.
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Bottom Line
When it comes to deciding a logo for your brand, imagination is the limit. One of
the best things you can do when picking a logo for your brand is to see different
types of logos at Designhill. The site has thousands of logos for various
industries. Find out logotypes that you liked the most the wordmarks, letterforms,
logotypes or slime. Make a note of each logotype you like. Consider the message you
want your logo to convey to your audience and then come to a final decision. Don’t
forget to ask experts in case you have any doubts.