Validation Master Plan. Example PDF
Validation Master Plan. Example PDF
Validation Master Plan. Example PDF
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Name Cargo Date Signature
Name Cargo Date Signature
Name Cargo Date Signature
Version Description of change Date
- Syrups
- Drops
- Suspensions
- Creams
- Ointments
It consists of :
General Management,
Plant Management .
Technical Management
Production Manager
Logistics Manager
Finance Manager
XXXXX LABORATORIES . convinced of the importance of compliance with the BPM. establishes
this master validation plan for LIQUID and SEMISOLID non-sterile dosage forms, which describes
the guidelines for the implementation and execution of this plan.
Senior Management will allocate financial and human resources for the development and
compliance with the Validation Plan for LIQUID AND SEMISOLID non-sterile dosage forms,
complying with national and international quality standards.
• Verify that the manufacturing process of non-sterile LIQUID AND SEMISOLID dosage forms
complies with the established parameters and is consistent and reproducible from batch to
• Ensure that the finished product meets critical quality attributes and critical process
Abbreviation Meaning
URS User Requirement
DQ Design Qualification
IQ Installation Qualification
OQ Operation Qualification
PQ Performance Rating
• Head of the Non-Sterile Liquids and Semi-Solids Production Area: Responsible for the
elaboration of production flows.
• Production Manager: In charge of Production Supervision.
• Maintenance Manager: in charge of preventive and/or corrective maintenance of
• Validation Manager : In charge of the qualification and calibration of instruments and
equipment as applicable.
• Quality Control Manager: Responsible for the development and validation of analytical
methodologies, sampling and approval of the results obtained.
• Technical Director: Responsible for approving process validation protocols and verifying
compliance with the PMV.
• Plant Manager : Approves and facilitates the procurement of the necessary resources to
implement the validation program.
XXXXXX Laboratories ' strategy to comply with the Validation Plan will begin with the :
At the same time, the analytical methodology and supplier qualification will be validated.
After the respective qualifications we will proceed to :
a) List the products that are produced in the Liquid and Semi-solid areas.
b) Review the formulas to group them according to their manufacturing process.
c) to validate the production and packaging processes.
d) Cleaning Validation
It is carried out with the purpose of verifying that the installations meet the design and user
requirements based on architectural specifications.
The MANUFACTURING AND PACKAGING area must comply with an ISO 8 (Class D) classification,
and the packing area with an ISO 9 classification.
It starts with :
1) Verification of the dimensions of the area,
2) Distribution of services and installation of equipment, according to the plans that have been
designed in Annex Nº 2.
3) Characteristics of floors, walls and ceilings:
4) Water and sewage services:
5) Doors and Windows:
6) Lighting:
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7) Air flow :
a) Design (DQ)
b) Installation,(IQ)
c) Operational (OQ)
d) Performance,(PQ)
a) Design (DQ)
Facility design is extremely important because it affects equipment location, capacity, personnel
and material flow. Considerations include:
Support systems that must operate at a certain level in order to maintain the required level of
product quality must be qualified. That will include HVAC or ambient air supply, water supply
system and steam.
The qualification of critical plant systems includes: design (DQ), installation (IQ), operational
(OQ), performance (PQ), monitoring and maintenance.
Finio mi
Filter 5 mi
The purified water treatment system is Reverse Osmosis which has the following characteristics:
The process begins with the collection of drinking water taken from the public network, this is
subjected to filtration through a multimedia equipment consisting of a quartz filter where coarse
particles are retained, then the water passes through the softener to remove calcium and
magnesium salts, then sodium bisulfite is added to the incoming water to remove the chlorine
present in the water, then the water is made to enter through a 1 um filter, then it is passed
through a UV lamp, the next step is to enter the Reverse Osmosis equipment, the output water
can again pass through a reverse osmosis equipment (reverse osmosis osmosis).The next step is to
enter the Reverse Osmosis equipment, the output water can again pass through a reverse osmosis
equipment (double pass osmosis) or pass through a mixed ion exchange resin in order to further
lower the conductivity, finally the water will pass through a filter of 0.45u obtaining purified
water grade 0.45u filter to obtain pharmaceutical grade purified water which will be stored in a
tank from which it will be fed to the different points of use forming a recirculation ring to
maintain the water quality conditions.
Installation Qualification -
Verify that the equipment has been installed according to specifications, key elements,
engineering design based on the installation drawings.
Operation Qualification -
• Evaluation of the correct operation of the equipment (reproducibility)
• Individual evaluation of the system (pumps, filters, etc...)
• The operation of the controls is verified.
• Verification of instruments in operation.
• Valve verification.
• Alarm verification.
• Verification of safety devices.
• Verification of the functionality of instruments and system components.
Performance appraisal
• Monitoring plan for operational parameters.
• Sampling plan (size, quantity and location of sampling)
• Analysis plan ( Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Tests )
System validation. Phase 1
• Duration from 2 to 4 weeks.
• Under chemical and microbiological tests according to a defined plan.
• Sample inlet daily to verify quality.
• Sample after each step in the purification process daily.
• Sample at each point of use and at other daily defined sampling points (pretreatment,
treatment, storage and distribution).
• Develop appropriate operating ranges.
• Develop and finalize operating, cleaning and maintenance procedures.
• Demonstrate production and delivery of water in the required quantity and quality.
• Verification of provisional action and alert levels.
• Develop and polish the failure procedure.
System validation. Phase 2
• Duration between 2 to 4 weeks.
• Involves monitoring of procedures after completion of phase 1.
• The sampling scheme is generally the same as Phase 1.
• Water can be used for manufacturing purposes during this stage.
• Consistency in the operation with the established ranges must be demonstrated.
• Demonstrate consistent production and delivery of water of required quality when the
system is operating according to procedures.
Installation Qualification -
It verifies what has been installed according to your specifications: PRE-FILTER BANK
• ASHRAE 30% Efficiency Dust Filters
• ASRHAE 85% Efficiency Dust Filters
• Terminal filter banks
• Air injection, return and recirculation fans
• Air ducts
• Heat coil
• Cooling coil
• Indicator instruments.
• Ensure that the duct joints are tightly sealed.
• It must be of a solid structure to maintain pressure.
• The returns must be located 30 cm above the floor.
Consisting of Pre-filters, Bag Filters and Terminal Filters.
• Each filter class has a different design and construction.
• Filters should be selected for their ability to retain particles of appropriate size.
2 The total flow will be the sum of the individual flows of the area.
Calculate the hourly renewals as follows:
Demonstrate that between two adjacent areas there is a difference in pressures that ensures
compliance with the established air flow direction to avoid cross contamination.
EQUIPMENT: Multimeter or Magnaghelic or differential pressure gauges.
METHOD :Record the comparison between the pressures of two adjacent environments using two
output channels of the equipment used.
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A 3500 0 3500 0
All equipment involved in any phase of manufacturing (from dispensing to packaging) must be
qualified. The qualification includes 5 phases; design, installation (IQ), operation (OQ),
performance (PQ) and maintenance/monitoring.
Design considerations focus on consistent and reliable performance. This includes:
• Filling current and future needs (capacity)
• Ease of maintenance, cleanliness and service available
• Materials of construction/contact are not additive or reactive to the product
• Presence of controllers for key attributes (sensors, switches, logic circuits, gauges,
• There must be clear and concise specifications, drawings and agreements with suppliers
and contractors.
Operational Qualification (OQ) requirements include demonstrating that the equipment and its
performance are consistent with the design criteria during operation. This is usually done during
the initial operation of the equipment, which can be dry (no product) and/or placebo operation
(inactive ingredients). This includes:
• A protocol and documented results
• Verify equipment parameters such as speed or RPM, cycle time, etc. and their variability.
• Challenging and verifying that all sensors, regulators, logic circuits, gauges, safety
mechanisms graphs and monitors are functioning properly and are calibrated.
• Verify equipment performance or product attributes such as weight, dimensions,
uniformity, mix and variability meet product specifications/process capability.
• Verify equipment and product attributes listed in OQ under normal or worst case
conditions (capacity, load, speed, pressure, etc.).
• Determine the operating ranges of the equipment parameters that control the product
The primary reason for the validation process is to identify critical process parameters, establish
an acceptable range for those parameters and provide a means of control for them.
Description of the process:
• Flowchart
• Determination of critical points
• Establishment of parameters for validation of critical points
• Acceptance criteria
Syrups with sugar.
Syrups with Lycasin
Syrups with Sorbitol
For these processes, they were grouped according to the vehicle used in the formulation,
knowing that their manufacturing process is similar.
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Sucrose + Sorbitol Suspensions
Sorbitol Suspensions
In the case of syrups, as 3 groups have been determined, it has been considered to evaluate one
product from each group, the products being :
a) Nnnn
b) Nnnnn
c) Nnnnn
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In the case of Suspensions, as 2 groups have been determined, it has been considered to evaluate
one product from each group, the products being :
a) Nnnn
b) Nnnnn
In the case of drops, as 5 groups have been determined, it has been considered to evaluate one
product from each group, the products being :
a) Nnnn
b) Nnnnn
c) Nnnnn
d) Nnnnn
e) Nnnnn
Before designing the validation procedure, a review of the critical steps in the non-sterile liquid
manufacturing process will be necessary.
In order to draft the process validation protocol, it is important to consider the following points:
> What are the critical phases (establish points for monitoring these phases).
> Equipment to be used in each phase (Meeting the qualification requirements).
> Possible problems (study them on the basis of the worst case scenario)
> Controls to be complied with (know the control status, control parameters, and margins
of error).
> Sampling plans (representative of the lot)
> Analysis plans (based on size, risks, etc.)
> Acceptance criteria
> Relevant process information
> Reference controls or specifications (given by official monographs)
> Summary and/or conclusion for validation
> Process validation covers initial process validation, subsequent validation of modified
processes and revalidation.
> Process validation will normally be performed during systematic production (concurrent
> The flow charts corresponding to the manufacturing processes of the non-sterile liquid
dosage forms are shown below.
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Syrup Coloring
Addition of Flavoring
________________ pH control
Clarifying Filtration
Quality Control Sample
Packing Carton
Quality control
1. Manufacturing Registration Review
2. Packaging Record Review - Packaging
3. Physical, Chemical and Microbiological
Analysis Protocol Revision
Product Release
In compliance with corporate policy, the cleaning process of all equipment involved in manufacturing
is validated. The cleaning validation study will be developed under the concept of "Product Matrix",
where those products considered as very critical, either because they are more difficult to clean, less
soluble and/or more toxic, will be selected.
The purpose of cleaning validation is to demonstrate and document that the cleaning procedure and
critical parameters of the cleaning process are capable of effectively and reproducibly reducing
residues of active products, excipients, cleaning agents and microorganisms to pre-established levels.
The computerized system is validated according to the appropriate level for its use and application.
This is important in production as well as in quality control. The purpose of the computerized
validation system is to ensure a degree of documented evidence and new confidential data (a rigorous
archive of pre-determined specifications).
Aspects to be validated include system specifications and functional specifications. Procedures for
monitoring, change control, data and program security, calibration and maintenance, personnel
training, and periodic re-evaluation should be described.
The main purpose of analytical validation is to ensure that the analytical procedure provides
reproducible and reliable results, which must be fit for purpose (attempted). Therefore, it is necessary
to properly define the conditions under which the procedure is to be used, with the purpose for which
it is intended.
These principles apply to all procedures described in a pharmacopoeia or not, when it is the case of
those that are of proprietary technique.
As far as the USP pharmacopoeias are concerned, the codified methods are valid and the only
requirement is compliance with the Adequacy Test, indicated in each monograph.
Relative retention time, asymmetry, theoretical plates and reproducibility are found; linearity is also
The validation of analytical theories will be carried out based on the validation protocol for analytical
According to the parameters established by WHO and pharmacopoeias: accuracy, precision,
reproducibility, robustness, linearity, range, selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification.
> Demonstrate from laboratory studies that the functional characteristics of a test make it
suitable for the intended analytical application.
> All equipment must be validated prior to validation of an analytical titration.
> The validation report of an analytical assessment should be submitted to the QA for evaluation
and approval.
The SUPPLIER QUALIFICATION regulates the qualification and evaluation of the performance of
suppliers of goods and services of XXXXXXXXXX laboratories.
For this purpose, the supplier's performance in the development of a specific contract will be
measured; this qualification will be assigned by the person responsible for contracting based on the
appropriate records and established criteria.
In the aforementioned qualification, suppliers are subjected to evaluation programs not only because
it is a regulatory requirement, but also and above all because of the reliability that this means and the
advantages in the acquisition of inputs, analysis flows and impact on processes that this
represents.This is why the generation of evaluation systems is taken into account, since depending on
the nature of the supplier, the level of demand depends on the nature of the supplier.
In addition to complying with the applicable legal provisions, drug manufacturers must issue the
corresponding certificate of analysis, signed by the health officer, to verify that the quality of the
drugs they manufacture complies with the specifications established in the current edition of the
official pharmacopoeias.In addition to the current edition of the official pharmacopoeias, the
pharmacopoeias of other countries whose analysis procedures are carried out according to the
specifications of specialized organizations or other internationally recognized scientific literature may
be used.
• They must comply with Good Manufacturing Practices.
• Document evidence of analyses, tests and evaluations performed for each batch at different
stages of the process.
• Labelthe containers of the product being marketed with the name and address of the
manufacturer, the lot number and the name of the product.
• In the case of an importer, the importer must demonstrate that the manufacturer it markets
complies with the sanitary provisions of the country of origin and demonstrate that it has the
manufacturer's original certificate of analysis.
• It must demonstrate that the manufacturer complies with Good Manufacturing Practices for the
input it markets.
• You must have the technical release documentation for each batch, for the products that you
• It shall have documented evidence of the studies it conducts in accordance with its own quality
control process.
• If requested by the buyer, he shall issue a true copy of the original certificates and, if
applicable, the certificate of analysis performed.
• You must keep the identification documentation of the operations you carry out.
Facilities, systems and equipment and processes including cleanliness should be evaluated periodically
to confirm that they remain valid. Likewise, in the event of any change, the revalidation will be
carried out.
When no significant changes have occurred with respect to the validated status, this need for
revalidation will be covered by a review that demonstrates that the facilities, systems, equipment and
processes comply with the mandatory requirements.
Risk analysis
Method to evaluate and classify the fundamental parameters of the functionality of a piece of
equipment or process.
Installation qualification
Documented verification that the premises, systems and equipment, as installed or modified, conform
to the approved design and manufacturer's recommendations.
Design qualification
Documented verification that the proposed design of the premises, systems and equipment is adequate
for the purpose for which they are intended.
Rating of results
Documented verification that the premises, systems and equipment, in the way they are connected
together, can deliver effective and reproducible results based on the approved processing method and
product specifications.
Operation qualification
Documented verification that the premises, systems and equipment, as installed or modified, perform
as expected under all anticipated operating circumstances.
Worst case
A condition or set of conditions covering the maximum and minimum processing limits, as well as the
circumstances within standard processing procedures, that pose the greatest potential for failure of
the product or process compared to ideal conditions. These conditions do not necessarily result in
product or process failure.
Change control
A formal system whereby qualified representatives from appropriate disciplines review proposed or
implemented changes that may influence the validated status of the premises, systems, equipment or
processes. Its objective is to determine the actions necessary to ensure and document that the system
is maintained in a validated state.
Repeat process validation to ensure that process or equipment changes introduced in accordance with
change control procedures do not adversely affect process characteristics or product quality.
Product simulation
Material whose physical and, where appropriate, chemical characteristics (p. e.g., viscosity, particle
size, pH, etc.) are very similar to those of the product to be validated. In many cases, these
characteristics are met by a placebo product batch.
Set of equipment with a common purpose.
Concurrent validation
Validation carried out during the systematic production of products intended for sale.
Validation of cleanliness
Cleaning validation is documented proof that an approved cleaning procedure will provide adequate
equipment for drug processing.
Process validation
Documented verification that the process, performed within established parameters, can provide
effective and reproducible results to produce a drug that meets its predetermined specifications and
quality attributes.
Prospective validation
Validation carried out prior to the systematic production of products intended for sale.
Retrospective validation
Validation of a process for a product that has already been commercialized, based on accumulated
manufacturing, testing and control batch data.