IC 555 Timer Astable Monostable Bistable Multivibrator
IC 555 Timer Astable Monostable Bistable Multivibrator
IC 555 Timer Astable Monostable Bistable Multivibrator
The output remains in either High state or Low state for a time T1 and then
changes to the opposite state for a time T2. And the cycle repeats. The time
period of a complete square wave, T = T1 + T2.
The frequency of oscillation f = 1/ T
Duty cycle is the ratio of ON time (duration of HIGH state or pulse width) to
the total time period of a cycle. The duty cycle of an Astable multivibrator =
Initially, the voltage across the trigger and threshold input is below 1/3Vcc.
Hence, the output switches to the high state and remains the state until the
threshold input reaches 2/3Vcc. Gradually the capacitor C starts charging
towards the supply voltage Vcc through resistor RA and RB. When the voltage
across the capacitor charges to 2/3 Vcc, the output switches to the low state and
the capacitor starts to discharge through resistor RB. The output state remains in
the low state until the voltage across the capacitor discharges to 1/3Vcc. When
the voltage reaches to 1/3Vcc the capacitor stops discharging and again the
charging begins. The cycle repeats which generates a periodic square wave.
V(t) is the voltage value across the capacitor at a particular instant of time t.
V(t) = VFinal – (VFinal – VInitial) e -t/RC
During charging, the capacitor is charging towards the source voltage Vcc
which is the final voltage. And the initial voltage is 1/3Vcc which has across the
capacitor during the beginning of each cycle.
T2/RB * C = In (2)
f = 1.44/(RA + 2RB) * C
D = (RA+RB)/(RA+2RB)
% Duty cycle, D = (RA+RB)/(RA+2RB) * 100
During the LOW state of the output, the capacitor remains fully discharged and
the supply voltage drops across the resistance R1 through the discharge pin 7.
When an external negative pulse is applied to the Pin 2 trigger input, it switches
the output HIGH and the capacitor C1 starts charging towards the supply
voltage Vcc through resistance R1. Once the capacitor reaches the voltage
2/3Vcc the Output switches to a LOW or stable state and the capacitor
discharges instantly. The state remains till next pulse is applied.
555 Monostable multivibrator formula derivation
The time period of the quasi-stable state or ON time is the charging time
of the capacitor C from 0 to 2/3Vcc through resistance R1 by the source votlage
2Vcc/3 = Vcc (1- e -T/ (R1 * C))
2/3 = 1 – e -T/ (R1 * C))
1/3 = e -T/ (R1 * C))
Applying natural logarithm,
T = In (3) (R1 *C )
Equation for calculating ON time, T1 = 1.1 * R * C
Here the trigger and reset input is connected across the switch s1 and switch s2
respectively. One terminal of both switches are connected to the positive of the
supply through a resistor (around 10k) and the other terminal to ground.
When the switch S1 is pressed the trigger input is grounded (voltage at trigger
input gets below Vcc/3) and the Output switches to a HIGH state. And when S2
has pressed the IC resets which switches the output to LOW. It is represented in
the above timing diagram, how the output changes with the input during the
switch press of s1 & s2.