Club A/c's: Topic
Club A/c's: Topic
Club A/c's: Topic
Club a/c’s
2 Athlone
3 Bray
4 Clara
5 Dunshaughlin
6 Elphin
7 Ferbane
8 Galway
92 Graded Accounting Questions – Solutions
Notes to Accounts:
(1) Bar. Sales 115,780 2 900 1 430 5 115,310
Purs. 75,200 2 2,650 1 3,270 5 75,820
Trading 4,600 1 75,820 2 5,200 5 75,220 2 115,310 5 40,090
(2) Subs. 275,920 1 2,000 2 15,000 2 2,500 2 75,000 2 1,250 5 184,170
(3) life subs. 35,000 1 15,000 2 5,000 5 45,000
(4) Investment Interest 3,000 2 150 5 2,850
(5) loan Interest 38,780 2 35,000 5 3,780 2 1,080 5 2,700
(6) Depc. of Equip. 54,000 1 32,000 2 85,000 5 1,000
(7) Revaluation Reserve 350,000 1 25,500 5 375,500
Current Assets
Bar Stock 12,800
Interest on Investments/Bonds 875
due (€625 1 €250)
Bar Debtors 850
Current Liabilities
Bank Overdraft 3,600
Bar Creditors 3,900
Subscriptions Prepaid 880 (8,380) 6,145
Net Current Assets 593,945
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 1/1/2012 525,640
Excess of Income over Expenditure 16,505
Life Membership W 20,800
Levy Reserve Fund (13,000 1 18,000) 31,000
Notes to Accounts
(1) Bar Profit
Sales 109,000 1 850 2 700 5 109,150
Purs. 90,800 2 1,780 1 3,900 5 92,920
Trading 10,700 1 92,920 2 12,800 5 90,820 2 109,150 5 18,330
(2) Subs. 103,000 2 20,000 2 880 2 18,000 2 420 2 750 5 62,950
(3) life subs. 6,000 1 20,000 2 5,200 5 20,800
(4) loan interest 23,600 2 20,000 5 3,600 2 2,400 5 1,200
(5) 8% Investment income 960 1 250 2 960 5 250
(6) 5% Bonds 5% of 25,000 for 6 months 5 625
(7) Disposal 8,000 2 3,200 (2 years) 5 4,800 2 2,700 5 (2,100) loss
(8) Acc. Depreciation 13,600 2 3,200 1 12,000 5 22,400
(9) Machinery 34,000 1 34,000 2 8,000 5 60,000
(d) The Club intends to undertake Capital Expenditure of €80,000 in the year 2012.
Would you anticipate any difficulties in the funding of such a project?
Funding for a Capital Expenditure Programme can be sourced as follows:
Realisation/Sale of Investments: 37,000
Term Loan 43,000
Capital Required: 80,000
The Club should have no difficulty in obtaining the required funding for the following reasons:
1. Investment can be sold realising €37,000.
2. A Term Loan (€43,000), possibly over 3/5 years, should be easily obtained from any financial institution,
as Club is a profitable concern with excellent security in the form of its Land and Clubhouse.
3. Based on the financial results for the year 2012, the Club had a Profit/Excess of Income of €16,505.
When this is added to the Depreciation €18,800, a non-cash item, it would indicate a Cash Inflow
from Operating Activities in the region of €35,305. This shows that the Club, based on existing
performance, is even capable of repaying the Term Loan within 2 years.
96 Graded Accounting Questions – Solutions
Notes to Accounts:
Subs. 36,200 1 1,050 2 6,000 2 1,800 2 2,000 2 1,000 5 26,450
life Subs. 36,000 1 6,000 2 4,200 5 37,800
• Bar Sales 12,400 1 140 2 260 5 12,280*
• Bar Purchases 9,230 1 250 2 1,450 5 8,030*
Bar Trading *12,2802 (4,100 1 *8,030 2 2,800) 5 2,950
Investment income 1,700 2 420 5 1,280/8 3 100 Investment 100% 5 16,000
loan interest 1,200 2 400 this yr/800 due 1/1/
Equipment Depc. 15,000 1 8,000/10 5 2,300 p.a.
Revaluations Reserve 160,000 1 5,800 5 165,800
(d) Indicate the points you, as treasurer, would made to a proposal to reduce subscriptions
by 10%
• If subs. were reduced by 10% 2 loss of €2,645 income
• Surplus of €32,180 indicates club could afford reduction
• Investments €16,000 available to compensate
• Bank a/c €19,620 shows further available funds.
• Capital life subs. €37,800 available for current use.
98 Graded Accounting Questions – Solutions
Notes to Accounts
(1) Bar Profit
Sales 98,700 1 300 2 100 1 1,200 5 100,100
Purs. 64,700 1 6,100 2 7,700 5 63,100
Trading 29,000 1 63,100 2 22,000 5 70,100 2 100,100 5 30,000
(2) Subs. 49,200 2 8,000 2 200 2 1,000 5 40,000
(3) 7.5% Investment 1,750 2 250 5 1,500 5 7½%/100% 5 20,000
(4) Interest on loan 1,150 1 230 5 1,380
(5) Equipment 36,000 2 10,000 1 14,000 5 40,000
(6) Acc. Depc. on Equip. 20,000 1 3,800 2 5,000 5 18,800
(7) Catering 1,000 1 1,500 2 700 5 1,800 2 4,500 5 2,700
(8) Insurance 2,200 1 400 2 200 5 2,400
(9) Depc. Equip. 2,600 1 500 1 700 5 3,800
(10) Disposal 10,000 2 5,000 2 4,000 5 1,000 (loss)
(11) Light & heat 5,400 1 400 2 600 1 700 5 5,900
Topic 7 Club a/c’s 99
(d) What are the main differences between a levy and a subscription?
Levy 2 Non Regular income
2 Not part of ordinary activity
2 Appears in Balance sheet
2 Example of capital income
Subscription 2 Annual & Regular
2 Used for normal expenditure
2 Appears in Income & Expenditure
(e) Treasurer
• Looks after finances i.e. has control over receipts and payments
• Maintains proper records
• Prepares accounts
• Presents financial report to A.G.M.
Topic 7 Club a/c’s 101
Notes to Accounts:
(1) Bar Profit
Sales 127,500 1 1,540 2 1,250 5 127,790*
Purchases 71,200 1 8,800 2 5,550 5 74,450*
Bar Trading 11,700 1 74,450* 2 9,700 5 76,450 2127,790* 5 51,340
(2) Machinery 44,000 1 50,000 2 9,000 5 85,000
(3) life subs. 16,000 1 4,000 2 5,000 5 15,000
(4) loan interest 12 months 5 2,640 2 3,520 5 880
(5) Investment income 8% 1,200 2 620 1 1,020 5 1,600
(6) Subs. 124,400 2 1,200 2 640 2 4,000 2 15,000 2 300 5 103,260
(7) Investment Interest Due 375 1 1,020 5 1,395
(e) What is the difference between annual subscriptions and levy reserve fund?
Annual subcriptions collected yearly for Revenue purposes i.e. to pay expenses & run club for the year.
Levy Reserve fund is collected over a number of years for a one off capital project such as grounds development.
Topic 7 Club a/c’s 103
Notes to Accounts
(1) Bar
Sales 84,900 1 510 2 240 5 85,170
Purs. 42,100 1 4,900 1 5,280 5 41,720
Trading 6,700 1 41,720 1 12,500 2 5,300 5 55,620 2 85,170 5 29,550
(2) Subs. 39,440 2 500 2 600 2 7,000 2 340 5 31,000
(3) 7% 3 2 5 2,100 i.e. 1,050 Per annum 5 1,050
(4) 8% of 60,000 for ½ yr 5 2,400
(5) Sale of Equipment 1,100 2 1,000 5 100 profit
(6) Loan interest 14,000 2 12,000 5 2,000 i i.e. 500 this yr 5 500
(7) Equipment 18,600 2 2,600 1 4,000 5 20,000 @ 10% 5 2,000
(8) Levy fund 6,840 1 7,000 5 13,840
(9) life subs. 20,000 1 500 5 20,500
(10) Provision for Depc. 5,000 2 1,600 1 2,000 5 5,400
(d) The club intends to undertake capital expenditure of €60,000 in 2013. What advice
would you give for the handling of such a project?
Funds are available to finance this project through:
• Surplus of €67,110
• Bank deposit €15,000, Current €3,600
• Investments €15,000 & €60,000
• Loan repaid so club is ideal client for further borrowing
• Levy fund €13,840
• Bank deposit 1 investment 5 €90,000
No problem in Covering €60,000 Capital expenditure
Topic 7 Club a/c’s 105
8 Galway Solution
(a) Accumulated Fund on 1/1/2012
€ €
Assets Clubhouse 300,000
Stock 6,000
Equipment 20,000
Acc. Depc. (12,000)
Debtors 566
Subs. Due 750
Investment interest Due 400
Investment 24,000
Bank 2,000
Levy Due 450 342,166
Liabs. Life Subs. 35,000
Creditors 6,500
Levy Fund 40,000
Wages Due 3,500
Loan 30,000
Loan interest due W 2,400 (117,400)
Acc. Fund 224,766
Notes to Accounts
Investment: 1,600 2 400 5 1,200 5 5%/100% 5 Investment 5 24,000
Loan interest 3,600 5 2,400 for 12m Acc. Fund/1,200 6m 1/E. 5 1,200
Bar Sales 99,652 2 (Cost O/S 6,000 1 Purchases 73,390 2 c/s 5,600) 5 25,862
Disposal 9,600 2 5,760 5 3,840 2 4,700 5 860
Subs. 105,600 2 20,000 2 950 2 16,000 2 450 2 750 5 67,450
Life Subs. 35,000 1 20,000 2 5,500 5 49,500
Equipment 20,000 1 32,000 2 9,600 5 42,400 @ 20% 5 8,480
Acc. Depc. 12,000 2 5,760 1 8,480 5 14,720
(d) The club intends to undertake capital expenditure of €120,000 in 2012. What advice
would you give for the funding of such a project?
There would be no problem funding this project due to the following:
• Surplus of €69,414 more half of Expenditure planned
• Bank a/c €25,842 5 20% of payment
• Loan Repaid so new borrowing would not be a problem
• Sell investments €54,000 almost 50% of expenditure
• Use levy fund €56,000, even life subs. €49,500.