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Constitutional Law 271 Test 2

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6 June 2022 / 6 Junie 2022
Lecturer I Dosent: Dr A Strohwald
Total Marks / Puntetotaal: 40
Time/ Tyd: 80 min!,Jtes + 5 minutes reading time / 80 minutes + 5
minute /eestyd

Instructions to students I lnstruksies aan studente

• Please answer all the questions in the answer book provided. / Beantwoord
asb a/le vrae in die antwoordboeke.
• Start your answ~r to every question on a new page. / Begin u antwoord vir
elke vraag op 'n nuwe bladsy.
• Number your answers correctly and fully, identical to the questions./ Nommer
die antwoorde korrek en volledig, presies soos die vrae.
• Write legibly. The lecturer can only award marks for what can be read./ Skryf
leesbaar. Die dosent kan net punte toeken vir wat gelees kan word.
• There is enough time to answer all the questions. Calculate your time as
follows: 5 marks in 10 minutes, 10 marks in 20 minutes, 15 marks in 30
minutes, etc. I Daar is voldoende tyd om al die vrae te beantwoord. Bereken
die tyd wat u aan e/ke vraag spandeer soos volg: 5 punte in 10 minute;' 10
punte in 20 minute; 15 punte in 30 minute, ens ...
• Refer in your answers to ~pplicable authority, including case law./ Verwys in
u antwoorde na toepaslike gesag, insluitende regspraak.

(Afrikaans follows below)

h the answer is false,
Please answer the following question~ as true or f~lse. W. ere . tivation is
please provide a motivation/reason. If no motivation Is ~r?v1ded, or I~th ~ mo th t the
incorrect, a student will receive O regardless of whether It Is correctly indicated a
answer is false. Each question counts two marks.

1.1 In Ex parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In re Certification of ~he

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC)·(F1rst
Certification Judgment), the Constitutional Court held that even though the socio-
economic rights included in the constitutional text are not universally accepted,
the inclusion of socio-economic rights in the Bill of Rights was permissible as the
Constitutional Principles permitted the inclusion of rights not universally accepted.

1.2 The Constitutional Court in New Nation Movement NPC v President of the
Republic of South Africa 2020 (6) SA 257 (CC), confirmed the constitutionality of
the Electoral Act (73 of 1998) and held that adult citizens may be elected to the
National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures only through their membership of
political parties.

1.3 The National Assembly can remove the President in terms of section 89 of the
Constitution, 1996, simply because they have lost the support of the majority of
the members in the National Assembly.

1.4 A section 76 Bill, which has been introduced in the National Assembly, can be
passed by the National Assembly regardless of the fact that the National Council
of Provinces is opposed to the bill and does not vote for its adoption.

1.5 In United Democratic Movement v Speaker of the National Assembly [2017] ZACC
21 (22 June 2017), the Court held that both the 1996 Constitution and the Rules
of the National Assembly require that a motion of no confidence in the President
must take place via secret ballot, but that the Speaker has the power to rule
otherwise by taking various factors into account.

,, 1.6 During the national ~lections, citizens outside the Republic of South Africa are
permitted to vote in the general elections.

[6 X 2 = 12]

"This is so, because our constitutional order hinges also on the rule of law. No decision
grounded in the Constitution or law may be disregarded without recourse to a court of
law. To do otherwise would "amount to a licence to self-help"'
- Economic Freedom Fighters v Speaker, National Assembly and Others
2016 (3) SA 580 (CC) [EFF 1] para 74

With this paragraph as a point of departure, write a short note on the rule of law
principle in South Africa's constitutional democracy. Your answer should refer to
appliGable constitutional provisions and case law and focus on how this principle has
been .used to define, limit, or regulate the exercise of public power. ';__ _


3.1 The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment recently tabled the
Climate Change Bill [89-2022] in the. National Assembly in accordance with
section 76 of the Constitution. The Minister believes that since this is a section 76
Bill that was introduced in the National Assembly, it would be sufficient if only the
National Assembly facilitate public involvement in the legislative process. In this
regard, the Minister is of the opinion that it would be prudent to invite the public to
participate by means of oral submissions only. With reference to applicable case
law, advise the Minister on the necessity to conduct public consultation in the
legislative process, the criteria that may be used to determine whether there was
compliance with Parliament's obligation to consult the public, and the effect that
non-compliance may have on the validity of the Act. .

3.2 Consider the possibility that there was facilitation of public participation and both
the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces has since then
passed the Bill. The Bill has according.ly been sent to the President for assent and
signature. The President however does not want to sign the Bill as he does not
approve of the Bill for political reasons. Advise the President on the options that
are available to the him in this instance and how should he and Parliament
proceed? Your answer should refer to relevant constitutional provisions and case


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