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From: Prof. M.S. Pal. H.O.D. P.G. Department of Commerce. Rajendra College (Autonomous), Bolangir.

I have the pleasure to certify that Sri Anup Kumar Satpathy has undertaken the projection of the project report of the Jyoti garments in partial fulfillment of bachelor of commerce examination, 2010. Under my supervision and guidance.

Prof. Madhu Sudan Pal

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I do hereby declare that this project report submitted by me to the P.G. Department of Commerce, Rajendra College (Auto), Balangir, for award of Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Degree 2010 is of my own. This project is original and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Date: Place: Rajendra College (Auto) Bolangir. Signature

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I must acknowledge my deep feeling of gratitude to my esteemed guide Prof. M.S. Pal, H.O.D., P.G. Department of Commerce for his encouraging suggestion and kind inspiration. He always extends a helpful hand to me in every step in this work, in spite of his extreme busy schedule.

I shall be failing in my duty if I dont convey my thankfulness with gratitude to Prof. R.S. Pandia , Prof. P.K. Raul , prof. S.c. Acharya for their kind effort in providing me valuable suggestion relevant to my project.

At last I would like to convey my heartily thank to all my friends for their kind support and co-operation extended to me during the course of investigation.


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The very foundation of an enterprise is the project. Hence the success and failure of an enterprise largely depend upon the project.The dictionary meaning of project is that is a scheme design or a proposal of something intended to be achieved.

Project is a detailed plan of operation or a course of action carried out specific objective with indefinite time. Project is defined as a whole complex activity involved in using resources to gain benefit.


A project report may be defined as written account of various activities to be undertaken by a firm and its technical a financial, commercial and social viability. According to all the contents of project report should be defined as a well evolved course of action devised to achieve specified objective within a specified period of time.


A project report is prepared for some requirement of some purpose. These purposes are:(1) An entrepreneur may like to compare the different investment proposal for those purpose he may prepare a project report. (2) An entrepreneur mostly selects a project he may like to have financial help from a financial institution.

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1. Title of the project report. 2. Name of the Institute / Department : Department of Commerce, Rajendra College (Auto.), Bolangir. 3. University 4. Name 5. Class 6. Examination Roll No. 7. College Roll No. 8. University Registration No. 9. Paper No. 10. Examination : : : : : : : : Hons (VII) 5th semester (U.G) commerce Examination, 2010. Sambalpur University. Anup Kumar Satpathy 3+ IIIrd Year Com. (hons). RC08SCOM014. 1933. : Jyoti Garments

1. External examiner.

2. Internal examiner.

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1. Introduction: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Project at a glance. Promoters and his background. Introduction.

2. Business plan: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Product use & Marketability. Plant location & Plant layout. Production process & Process of manufacturing. Raw materials & Consumables. Utilities & Services. Organization setup & Manpower requirements. Project cost & Means of finance. Financial analysis. Cost of production & Profitability.

2.10 Schedule of implementation. 2.11 Selling & Distribution arrangement. 2.12 Break Even Analysis.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of The Unit Name of The Project Type of Industries



JYOTI GARMENTS Readymade Garments Mfg. MICRO Proprietorship

Constitution of the Project Name of the Proprietor Office Address -

Mr. Anup kumar satpathy At. Tusura Po. Tusura Dist.- Bolangir. At. Industrial Estate,Bolangir Po. Bolangir Dist.- Bolangir. Rs. 49.20 lakhs. 300 Days

7. 8. 9.

Locating of the Unit Estimated Installed Capacity.

Estimated working Period -

10. Employment Potential


11. ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT A) Land ( IDCO Land-11,000 Sq.ft.) B) Building Own

Rs. 7.25 lakhs. Rs. 11.32 lakhs. Rs. 1.13 lakhs.

C) Plant & Fixed Equipments D) Electrification & installation E) Misc.Fixed Assets -

Rs. 0.75 lakhs. -Rs. 0.29 lakhs.

F) Preliminary & Pre-Operative Exp. G)W.C.for 1 cycle TOTAL :12. MEANS OF FINANCE -

Rs. 7.96 lakhs. Rs. 28.70lakhs.

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A) Term Loan Rs. 19.70 lakhs. Rs. Rs. 1.43 lakhs.

B) Promoters Contribution C) Working Capital Loan -

7.57 lakhs.

13. Time Schedule for Completion of Project. - 6 Months.

14. PROFITABILITY( 1st year ) A) ANNUAL SALE Rs. 34.44 lakhs. Rs. 20.42 lakhs.

B) Annual Cost Of Production C) Profit before tax 15. D.S.C.R. -

Rs. 10.06 lakhs. 2.34: 1 39.51 %

16. Break Even Point ( B.E.P.)( 1st year)17. Pay Back Period -

5 years ( Including M.Periods )

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The project will be implemented by Sri Anup Kumar Satpathy. The promoter of the project is forceful and knowledgeable young boy. The detail Bio-data of the promoter is enclosed below. Sri Anup Kumar Satpathy aged about 21 years is a student of +3 IIIrd Year com. Rajendra College (Autonomous) Bolangir. He has learned the trick of the tailoring from a very reputed tailoring shop of Bhopal. He has decided to open a readymade garments manufacturing unit of shirts and trousers. Under the name and style of Jyoti garments. For readymade garment manufacturing unit master plays very big role and since promoter himself is a master he can utilize his skill for this unit.

Introduction :-

Readymade Garments :The Readymade garments industry is increasing day by day due to changes of fashion in day to day life. The readymade garment industry in India owes its existence to the emergence of a highly profitable market for exports. Ready-made garments account for approximately 45% of India's total textile exports. They represent value added and less import sub sector. In the recent years, however, the domestic demand has also been growing rapidly.

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The changes in the life style since the onset of the liberalization era, and given the base of the industry for the overseas market, Indian garments industry have taken big strides. The entry of the Indian and global fashion designers has stimulated the market further. With the risingtailoring costs and relatively low prices of standardized products, the Indian consumer is increasingly taking to readymades. In the past, the readymades market was confined mainly to baby dresses and small manilashirts and dress shirts. Now it has extended to trousers, suits, and lady dresses and, of course, fashion garments for men and women. Readymades of specific brands have become not only a status symbol; these have brought a more contemporary style in offices as much as in social circles. Franchised boutiques have been established as tools for brand and image building.

The garments industry categorizes itself into many segments: formal Wear and casual wear; women's dresses, men's and kids wear; suits, trousers, jackets and blazers; shirts, sportswear, tee-shirts, denims, neckwear; undergarments (men's and women's), knitwear, saris. Denim is graded in clearly defined weight classes. Lightweight denim (cambray) is used in shirts and blouses. Heavy classical denim is used to make trousers, jackets or coats.

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The market segmentation by price differentials is notable: high-end for the affluent, medium priced for the core and high middle classes, lowend for the low and core middle class. Of the entire industry volume of about 5 million tonnes, polyester and polyester filament yarn account for about 1.7 million tonnes, and acrylic, nylon, and viscose taken together for 300,000 tonnes. The balance is represented by cotton textiles.

The Indian branded garment market, which is estimated at over Rs 185 billion, accounts for 25% of the Rs 745 billion readymades market. Following the entry of several new brands, the branded segment has grown at 25% annually. This represents a shift from unbranded to the branded segment. The market for mens innerwear is estimated to be worth Rs 25 billion, with branded market valued at Rs 7 billion.

The Lead Players & Alliances in this sector globally includes Maxwell Apparel Ind., Lovable, USA, Page Apparel Mfg., Jokey Intl., USA, etc. Some of the major leading brands include Arrow, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Louis Phillipe, Park Avenue, Zodiac, Lee, Excalibur, Flying Machine, Ruf n Tuf, Newport, Peter England, Louis Straus, Stencil, Wrangler, Rod Lever, etc.

The textile industry occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of the Indian manufacturing industry. It has witnessed several new directions

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in the era of liberalization. While textile exports are increasing and India has become the largest exporter in world trade in cotton yarn and is an important player of readymade garments, countrys international textile trade constitutes a mere 3% of the total world textile trade. Several mills have opted for modernizationand expansion and are going in for exportoriented units (EOUs) focused on production of cotton yarn. It has passed through cyclical oscillations and atpresent, it is witnessing a recovery after a downturn.

In the age of individualism, when personality and attitude of a person goes a long way in giving them enhancement in their prospective career, clothes play a very important part in creating right impression. Clothes now are not a mere necessity but a style statement of an individual. The first impression of a person through his outward appearance i.e. Clothes. And first impression goes a long way. Initially people are getting their clothes stitched through their tailor. This was very awkward since they had to buy piece of cloth, choose the right tailor, give proper measurements, and then wait for time period. But today man has no time, in this competitive world life has become very fast. Thus the age of readymade has arrived. The biggest boom is in the field of readymade clothing. There are so many advantage of ready to pick clothes, which are as follows: 1. There is no transitional period, thus a person can used their clothes instantly as and when required.

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2. Due to mass production, the cost factor of apparel has considerably reduced. 3. People have wide array to choose from. 4. There is no risk of your clothes being damaged by tailor. 5. Since production is done in mass scale, manufacture keep upgrading his design and pattern with regards to style, taste, trends and comforts of the consumers.

Product use & Marketability :A survey and analysis of company catalogues from 1890 to1929 provided evidence of the changing perception of the needs and priorities of shoppers. Retailers tried to mediate between the desires of mothers and the desires of children. While the clothing appealed to the boys who wanted to play in comfort, the advertisements told women that it was much less trouble and more economical to buy ready-made childrens clothing than to sew garments, such as rompers. Dr. McCutcheon explained that it was as a consequence of this that parents started having their children photographed in rompers instead of the more formal Little Lord Fauntleroy style attire. By the 1920s, catalogues advertised pants and shirts separately. In this way, families had more choices, and garments that had been sewn at home, such as shirts or simple trousers, were increasingly available ready-made. There will be flourishing and well grounded markets for the product differentiated by quality, value added and sophistication. This characteristic of the Indian economy will allow complementary existence for various diverse types of products. However, the limitations of the project have been the inadequacies in capital, technology and marketing.

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MARKET:The unit will produce the following: 1. Readymade shirts. 2. Readymade trousers. In a broader prospective market is divided in to three categories they are as follow: 1. High income group. 2. Middle income group. 3. Low income group. The market has a cater and to keep up with the demand of all the above mentions three- income group of consumers as there is no Readymade clothes manufacturing unit in Bolangir or other adjacent areas there is a dreadful needs for one. Keeping in view of above the unit will produce three qualities of shirts and trousers. They are as followed: 1. Costly range which will be 10% of units total production. 2. Medium range which will be 20% of units total production. 3. Economical range which will be 70% of units total production. Bolangir is an upcoming market in respect of readymade clothes. Since there is growth of Ordnance factory of Badmal, Powmex Industry of Turla, Paper Mill of Kesinga and Ponni Sugar Mill of Sagarpali. Where in all the three categories of societies are working. There are many well established Schools in Balangir and in other adjacent areas where school uniform are compulsory. The unit will also cater to the needs of school students.

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The wholesaler and retailer of readymade garments are getting their products from places outside the Balangir like Kolkata, Mumbai, Raipur, Delhi, Bangalore, etc. By this they have to incurred lot of incidental expenditures e.g. transportation, traveling cost and lodging & boarding charges. So once the unit will be ready the local shopkeeper will prefer to procure the readymade garments from this unit. Seeing all this favorable advantages over other units the unit has vast potential in the market.

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Plant location & Plant layout :PLANT LOCATION: Plant location means arrangement of best suitable place for the organization. The chief objective of an industrial firm is to maximize profit through minimization of the cost of production. This is possible when the firm is of the right size and is located at a place which provides economies of all sorts of production. In other words, optimum size has to be combined with optimum location if profit is to be maximized. It must be clearly understood at this stage that optimum location does not necessarily imply the most favorable location where labour costs are lowest, transportation costs are minimum, and the water is the best.

SELECTION OF SITE: From the point of view of an industrialist, the question of location refers to selection of an area in which the plant is to be located. The selection of location of exact site or piece of land is also important. Briefly speaking, the following are the chief considerations which should determine the selection of a site: The site is connected with road and rail. The available land is sufficient for the purpose of the unit. In addition to factory and office buildings. The site is located in good surroundings. The question of beauty should not be ignored. The facilities for transport, repairs and maintenance are also important. The site has the supply of adequate labour.

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Besides all these, extensive social and educational advantages for employees and executives are there. PLANT LAYOUT: Plant layout refers to the systematic arrangement of the physical facilities including production centre for the manufacture of a product. The concept of plant layout is not a static but a dynamic one. The changes in design, machines, methods of work and technology all demand for a new plant layout. Plant layout decision is very crucial not only for a new concern but even for an existing concern, because they constitute long time commitments. The efficiency of a manufacturing unit depends to a large extent upon the planning of the layout. An efficient plant layout ensures the economical production of goods because it minimizes production delays, reduces processing time, achieves economies in handling of materials, minimizes wastes and accidents, ensures the optimum utilization of space, provides better working conditions, eliminate unnecessary and facilitates movements, effective supervision and control. A layout of the plant is advantageous from the stand point of the workers, the cost of labour, and cost of manufacture, production planning and control and from the stand point of capital investment also. The layout of a plant depends upon a number of factors such as policies of management, the type of industry, the quantity of production, the type of the product, nature of plant location, the requirements of workers, and so on.

Production process
The diversity in production systems and demand structures will ensure long-term co-existence of many layers of demand for consumer products / technologies / processes. This project will provide assistance to the Indian economy when employment opportunities are drying up in other sectors.

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The Manufacturing process of readymade garments is very simple one. The main raw material of this unit is clothes & utilities (raw materials). Here clothes are first cut manually by the Master according to the size of the trousers & shirts. It is assumed that here the requirements of the clothes for one trouser is 1.20 C.M. and for one shirt is 2.20 C.M. It can vary according to the requirement. After the clothes are cut then it is stitched through interlocking machine and stitching machine. During the process some accessories are also requires i.e. for trousers chain, thread hook, buttons, bakram and aster cloth and For shirts bakram, buttons, thread and plastic bone for collar. After this, final product is ready in the form of shirt and trouser. There after it is pressed by iron and packed with the help of paper board, plastic clip, plastic butterfly, steel pin, polythene, paper box, and company label for sale.

Raw materials & Consumables

The requirements of raw materials for manufacturing per shirt and trouser are briefly follows: RAW MATERIALS FOR ONE SHIRT: 1. Cloth 2.20M (average) 2. Thread 1 Roll. 3. Bakram 10CM 4. Button 12 piece 5. Plastic bone (for collar) RAW MATERIALS FOR ONE TROUSER: 1. Cloth 1.20M (average)

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2. Thread 1 Roll. 3. Bakram 10CM 4. Button 4 piece 5. Aster cloth 50CM REQUIREMENTS OF CONSUMABLES: a) Power b) Lubricant c) Cotton d) Nut bolt e) Needle

Utilities & Services

Power is the only utility on which this project depends rather heavily.

The power supply for the unit is proposed to be received from Western Electricity Supply Corporation of Orissa (WESCO). The power will be received from the nearest substation at the main distribution board and then from there it will be distributed to various points. Accessories like cables, conduit pipes, earthing pit, plugs etc. would also be acquired. Apart from it, suitable arrangements for illuminating of work place would also be considered.


It includes facilities like office furniture, firefighting equipment, first aid box, etc.
SOURCES OF PLANT AND MACHINERIES: Sl. No. 1. 2. Name and address of supplier Global trade combine. Club Para, Bolangir. Man & Machines. Discount allowed 8% 8.5 % Delivery periods 4 Days 1 week

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3. 4. Bapuji Nagar, B.B.S.R. R & P Enterprises. Station road, Punjab. Chandan Agency. Manmohan street, Kolkata. 12 % 10 % 3 week 2 weeks

SOURCES OF RAW MATERIALS: Sl. No. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name and address of supplier Ganesh Stores. Patna chowk, Balangir. Prem Textile Mills. Nehru Palace, New Delhi. Anshuman & company. M.G. Road, Kolkata. Maa Durga Stores. Path Street, Mumbai. Ambi Hosiery, C.V. Raman Road, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu Discount allowed 5% 8% 6.5 % 7% 3% Delivery periods 1 week 3 week 3 week 3 week 1 Month

Organization setup & Manpower requirements

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Small Scale Industries in India creates the largest employment opportunities for the Indian population, next only to Agriculture. It has been estimated that 7,96,000/- rupees of investment in fixed assets in the small-scale Industries generates employment for eight persons. Small Scale Industries sectors will form the basis for the creation of employment / self-employment in the country, when employment opportunities are drying up in the organized private sector, public sector, local, state and central governments. Small Scale Industries The requirements of personnel has been worked out by taking into consideration the anticipated work load, degree of skill required and the productivity of the workers on similar jobs. The plant is proposed to be operated on one shift basis comprising of eight hours each on a 300 days working schedule in a year. Based upon the plant capacity and number of machines, the total requirement of personnel is estimated at 32 Nos. under various categories. Annual wage bill of the staff works out to Rs. 1,60,200.00.

Project cost & Means of finance

The project cost represents the total investment requirement for a full year of operations after commissioning the project. The estimates of total investments ought not to discourage the promoters of the project. The estimates of investment requirements should instill a sense of realism to an otherwise euphoric feeling among the promoters of new projects. In the estimation of the cost of the project the requirements and costs of various fixed assets such as land, building, plant and machinery, and other miscellaneous assets is considered. Besides these costs there are certain preliminary and pre-operative expenses which are incurred in procurement and installation of these assets. These are also a part of the project cost.

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Financial analysis
The total investment includes Block Capital and Working Capital. Block Capital includes cost of land and building (In the case of other Projects, the business premises are assumed as rented), Plant and Machinery, Furniture and Fixture, Electric Fixation and office Equipments. Working capital represents three months requirement of funds for meeting working capital expenses. Once a project is set up in order to run it working capital is required. Since banks provide only part of the requirements of working capital, margin money is required to successfully operate the plant. The working capital has been computed with the following consideration of inventory and receivable levels. 1. Raw Materials: One month requirement of raw materials has been considered for smooth running of the business. 2. Finished Goods: Normally large customers place orders over one year period. The off take is mostly on weekly basis. However, compositional requirement of customers vary. Depending on these the optimum inventory of finished goods for the unit is considered at 3 weeks volume of production for meeting customers requirement. 3. Receivables: 1 month receivable level is considered.

Schedule of implementation
The schedule of implementation of the project is the most likely time during which the project can be implemented. This takes into account the time require for various activities i.e. acquisition of land, detailed engineering of the

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unit, civil construction, procurement of equipment and machineries including utilities and services, erection of equipments, rest and trial runs etc. while estimating the time for the implementation of the project, the time required for all these activities has to be taken into consideration.

To effect the earlier implementation of the project, the following steps to be taken at an early date:1. An investment decision based on the report. 2. Application to the bank for the sanction of the loan. 3. Preparation of architectural and structural design. 4. Application to the W.E.S.C.O. for power connection. 5. Placement of order to plant and machinery supplier. The table below indicates the activities and their duration:Particulars Land Acquisition Civil Design Power Application Loan Application Equipment Ordering Civil Construction Delivery and erection of equipments Test and trial runs Commercial Production Month First Month First Month First Month First Month First Month First Month to Fourth Month Fourth and Fifth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month

Selling & Distribution arrangement

Selling is the converting of product into cash. It focuses on the needs of the seller. The selling and distribution arrangement of this unit is such that the product of the unit will be sold in the owners showroom and also sold through the retailers but not through other channels like the agents, the wholesaler etc. as through agents, wholesaler, etc. the profit of the product will be distributed

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among the channels as a results either the profit that the retailer willing to get will be less or the selling price of the product will be high.

Break-even Analysis
It means the point at which the line representing the revenue just meet the line representing the cost, indicating that output at which neither a profit nor a loss is incurred. In other words, it is the quantity of goods or services that must be sold at a chosen price so that the revenue therefore will exactly equal the total cost of producing these goods or services. B.E.P. need be arrived at for: venture. Planning production. Planning market strategy. Assessing feasibility of the project/industrial

The break point, being the point of no profit and no loss indicates how an appropriate technology is to be adopted to obtain the desired yield of the input resources to earn satisfaction of the entrepreneur, stakeholders and customers or consumers lying in the targeted goal. Thus, B.E.P. is a landmark, beyond which an enterprise shall have to stipulate its proposed capacity. The success of an enterprise within an expected term depends upon the rate of utilization of the proposed capacity in succeeding years of its commencement of commercial activities.

In terms of utilized capacity in the year of stabilization to assess the feasibility of the project report: BEP = [fixed cost/ (fixed cost +
profit x 100)] %

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In terms of quantity (nos./kgs./litres etc.)to plan production: BEP =

[fixed cost/ (price per unit variable cost per unit)] % or BEP = fixed cost/ contribution per unit.

Where, fixed cost is related to the production capacity as a whole but independent of scale of operation or volume of production.

In terms of sales proceeds (rupees value) to plan market strategy: BEP = [fixed cost/ (price per unit variable cost per
unit)] x price per unit.

Conclusion & Recommendation

This is a pre feasibility report for setting up a plant to manufacture shirts and trousers on single shift basis.

PRODUCTION PROCESS & EQUIPMENT: The production plant and equipment proposed have been selected for the envisaged production capacity and incorporate features that permit smooth operation of plant. After making a preliminary study of the sources of supply of such equipment, it has been identified that all the equipments will be available indigenously and no imports will be necessary.


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The process know-how and technology is available indigenously. No foreign collaboration for import of know-how is therefore necessary.

LOCATION: This project is proposed to be set up in the town of Bolangir. Factors considered for selecting this project for Bolangir town are: 1. Abundant Raw Materials 2. Good Market Potential 3. Easy availability of skilled and cheap manpower 4. Good infrastructure facilities

MANPOWER: The proposed plant will give employment to 32 persons, the category wise break-up of which is as follows:

Factory supervision. 27 Nos.

Administrative and Sales 5 Nos. The plant will operate on single shift basis on a 300 days working schedule in a year. The annual wage bill of labour and staff is estimated at Rs. 1,60,200.00

SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITS: The unit will provide direct employment to 32 persons.

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POLLUTION: Adequate provision of equipment is made for treatment of effluents. Though the plant would not generate any harmful effluents, the unit will have to apply for clearance to the Pollution Control Board.

PAYBACK PERIOD: The payback period is estimated at 5 years.

BREAK-EVEN POINT: The break-even efficiency of the plant is estimated at 39.51 %


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50 B.E.P 39.51% 40



10 Fixed Cost 0 10 20 30 40 50

Cost of the project

Means of finance Civil construction Miscellaneous fixed assets Salary and wages Insurance premium

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Repair and Maintenance Total Working Expenses Production chart Raw material requirement Sales Realisation Pre-operative Expense Estimation of working capital Require Depreciation Schedule Interest and Re-payment schedule Project profit & Loss account Debt service coverage Ratio Projected Balance sheet Projected cash flow statement Break Even analysis


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Permitted by: Prof. madhusudan Pal H.O.D. P.G, Deptt of commerce Rajendra college (Autonomous), Bolangir

Supervised By: Prof. M.S. Pal H.O.D of P.G ,Deptt of Commerce Rajendra College(Autonomous) Bolangir

presented By: Anup Kumar Satpathy +3 III rd year commerce Exam Roll No : RC08SCOM014 College Roll No: 1933 Univ.Regd.no: 17949/08

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