EMI Reduction Techniques From 100 KW Wireless
EMI Reduction Techniques From 100 KW Wireless
EMI Reduction Techniques From 100 KW Wireless
Wireless power transfer (WPT) for electric vehicles (EVs)
is a useful technology from the viewpoints of convenience
and safety, and it continues to be actively researched [1].
Transfer power above 100 kW is needed when a WPT system
is used for rapid charging of heavy-duty vehicles such as
electric buses. One example of a WPT system for heavy-duty Fig. 2 Opposite-phase transfer technique.
vehicles has been reported that targeted electric trains [2]. In
that study, the transfer power was on the order of 1 MW, but
the driving frequency of 20 kHz was lower than the 85-kHz
band of EVs. This 1-MW-class WPT system is not
compatible with WPT systems for EVs.
In the present study, a WPT system transmitting over 100
kW was constructed with the aim of reducing the radiated
magnetic field strength. This system simultaneously uses
two fundamental reduction techniques [3][4] and one
harmonic reduction technique [5]. The radiated magnetic
field strength of the WPT system using these techniques was
measured in a 10-m anechoic chamber. The measurement Fig. 3 Spread spectrum technique, cycle transition type.
Fig. 1 shows the setup of the bus charging station used in
results were compared with the requirements of the Radio
this study. Voltage in the 85-kHz band was generated through
Act of Japan [6]. The results showed that the proposed
a pulse-width modulation (PWM) converter, inverters, and
techniques are compatible and that they reduced the radiated
low-pass filters (LPFs) from a three-phase supply. The
magnetic field strength reduction to levels that comply with
maximum transmitted power is about 115 kW. The power
the Radio Act of Japan.
transmitter pad included a transmitter coil and resonant
capacitors installed in the ground. The receiver pad included
II. THE RADIATED MAGNETIC STRENGTH a receiver coil and resonant capacitors installed in the
REDUCTION AMOUNT AND TECHNIQUE underside of the bus. LPFs, full-bridge rectifiers, and batteries
were also installed in the bus. The batteries were charged at system demonstrated the compatibility of all three proposed
about 100 kW. countermeasure techniques. The radiated magnetic field
The limits of the radiated magnetic field strength from a strength of the proposed WPT system was below the limits
WPT system for EVs in Japan is set by the Radio Act of Japan. specified by the Radio Act of Japan.
The limit above 150 kHz is the same as that specified in
CISPR 11 Group 2 Class A (Ed. 6.0). The Radio Act of Japan
sets a maximum of 68.5 dBµA/m s at the 85 kHz operating
frequency band. Thus, the radiated magnetic field strength at
85 kHz needs to be reduced by about 22 dB for a WPT system
of 100-kW power to satisfy the limits of the radiated
disturbances. This study considered the electromagnetic
compatibility of three techniques, as described below.
A. Opposite-phase transfer
Fig. 2 shows an overview of the opposite-phase transfer
technique, in which two pairs of transmitter pads and receiver
pads are connected in parallel. The current waveforms are
controlled to have the opposite phase from each other as they Fig. 4 Experimental setup of the anechoic chamber.
supply power. Thus, the radiated magnetic field strength is
reduced at the observation point. The phase that minimizes the
radiated magnetic field strength is calculated during the
opposite-phase transfer [3]. The calculated phase enables a
reduction of at least 16 dB.
B. Spread spectrum
Fig. 3 shows an overview of the spread spectrum technique,
which has two types: cycle transition and random transition.
This study selected the cycle transition type because the
frequency band variance of the random transition type was
larger on average than that of the cycle transition type. The Fig. 5 Radiated magnetic strength.
center frequency was 84.6 kHz. This technique enables a
reduction of about 12 dB. IV. CONCLUSION
C. Low-pass filter In this paper, the WPT system constructed the radiated
The radiated magnetic field strength of the harmonic magnetic strength included two reduction techniques for the
frequency was reduced by LPFs. LPFs were constructed as T- fundamental frequency and a reduction technique for the
type circuits with LCL topology and were installed between harmonic frequency. The radiated magnetic strength of this
the inverters and transmitter pads in the transmitter and system was measured in a 10 m anechoic chamber.
between the receiver pads and rectifiers in the receiver. The This research is supported by the Ministry of Internal
design of the installed LPFs was the same as that in cite [5]. Affairs and Communications of Japan.