Low Broadband Antenna
Low Broadband Antenna
Low Broadband Antenna
Key Benefits
Electrical Specifications
Isolation > 30
806-960 MHz
Vertical -3 dB beamwidth 8°
Electrical downtilt 2°
IM, 3rd order, @2 x 43dBm (dBc) <-150 Typical Horizontal and Vertical 7488.02 Patterns
Mechanical Specifications
Connector Type 2 x 7/16 DIN female
Weight Brackets 19 kg
Shipping Weight 20 kg
Corporate Headquarters
Antennvägen 6 23 F Tai Yau Building
Powerwave Technologies, Inc. Tel: 714-466-1000
SE-187 80 Täby 181 Johnston Road
1801 East St. Andrew Place Fax: 714-466-5800
Sweden Wanchai, Hong Kong
Santa Ana, CA 92705 USA www.powerwave.com
Tel: +46 8 540 822 00 Tel: +852 2512 6123
Fax: +46 8 540 823 40 Fax: +852 2575 4860
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