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The Teaching Techniques and Strategies U

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International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education

Vol 8, Dec 2018 (48-56) ISSN 2232-1926 / eISSN 2600-870X

The Teaching Techniques and Strategies Use by the Dressmaking Teachers

Perceive by the Dressmaking Students
Mary Rose Dancel Castro, 2Precious D. Andres, 3Mark – Jhon R. Prestoza
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Senior High School Department
Tallungan, Teina Mercedes, Isabela, Philippines
maryrosedancelcastro@gmail.com1, preciousdandres@gmail.com2, markjhonprestoza@gmail.com3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37134/ajatel.vol8.5.2018
Received: 20 Jun 2018; Accepted: 11 Sept 2018; Published: 30 December 2018


The purpose of this research study was to determine the teaching techniques and strategies use by
the dressmaking teachers perceive by the dressmaking students of Reina Mercedes Vocational and
Industrial School. This research aims to answer the following: What are the teaching techniques
used by the dressmaking teachers? ; What are the strategies used by the dressmaking teachers? ;
What are the perception of the dressmaking students of these techniques and strategies of the
dressmaking students about effectiveness of selected teaching techniques and strategies of their
teachers? Three research questions guided the study. The descriptive quantitative research design
was adopted. The stratified random sampling techniques was used to select a sample of 90 students.
Research findings showed that the teaching techniques employed by the dressmaking teachers are
the following: The teacher sets due date to accomplish the projects/job, The teacher catchers the
student’s attention when they are noisy, The Teacher corrects students’ errors and supplies them
with the correct answers and The teacher uses concrete examples in delivering the lessons and the
teaching strategies used by the dressmaking teachers are the following: The teacher orients the
students in maintaining and troubleshooting a sewing machine, The teacher guides the students the
proper use of sewing tools and equipment, The teacher motivates the students by giving them credits
if they accomplish the task or activity before the deadline, The teacher demonstrates actual drafting,
cutting, lay outing demonstration before the students do their work and The teacher assist students
in doing their works and the techniques and strategies employed by the dressmaking teachers really
help the students in their study.

Keywords: Teaching techniques, strategies, dressmaking students, perceive, survey


Education is one of the primary needs of everyone. It is priceless and no one can buy or borrow either
because it is within you. But education is not just like a candy wrapper that you can pick anywhere.
You need to strive and face the challenges and hindrances that block on your way for you to achieve
the sweet success. Education has tremendous effects that can determine how successful a person’s life
will be and the job that he will obtain. It can decide what one will do for the rest of this life and it can
determine how one will live their life.
Researches, Philippines is one of the countries having the lowest performance in terms of
education. According to the study of Aivazidis C. Lazaridone M. and Hellden GF. (2006), some factors
that affect the quality of education are performance of parental guidance, financial problem and
There are other factors that can affect academic performance of students but teachers have a
big contribution to this. The way the teacher delivers his/her lessons is the class, how he/she motivate
his students, how he/she manage the class are just some factors that contributes in the performance of
the students.

International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Vol 8, Dec 2018 (48-56) ISSN 2232-1926 / eISSN 2600-870X

Every teacher has different techniques and strategies that they use to achieve their goals in
class. But they should consider the common interest and the learning capacity of the learners. They
should also have the principle of concern and respect for students and student learning. Appropriate
assessment and feedback is also part of strategies and techniques of a teacher. Good teachers foster
sense of students control over learning and interest in the subject. It has nothing to do with making
things hard nor putting pressure to students. It relies with benevolence and humility trying to help
students feel that a subject can be mastered; it encourages them to try things out for themselves and
succeed and something quickly. It is worth stressing that we know that student who experience teaching
of the kind that permits control for the learner not only learn better, but making sure that they enjoy
learning as well.


This study aims to assess the teaching techniques and strategies of the dressmaking teachers of Reina
Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School.
Specifically, the following questions will be answered:
1. What are the techniques use by the dressmaking teachers?
2. What are the strategies use by the dressmaking teachers?
3. What are the perception of the dressmaking students of these techniques and strategies about
the effectiveness of selected teaching techniques and strategies of their teachers?


It is great of importance that the researchers conduct this study to assess the teaching techniques and
strategies of the dressmaking teachers of Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School. Also, this
study may provide information about the different teaching skills and capacity of the dressmaking
teachers on their assessed performance. The result of the study is deemed helpful to the following:

The Administrator. The result of the study helped the school administrators to assess the strengths
and weaknesses of the educators and be able to make remedies on the site that need improvement.

Dressmaking Teachers. The findings of the study serve as a reference in the assessment of their
efficiency in teaching the subject as well as helping them improve their performance in teaching the
subject, and if necessary, redesign the teaching techniques and strategies that they use for them to meet
the satisfaction level of the students and parents.

Parents. This study informed them on the quality of the education that is being received by their
children as provided by the institution through the services rendered by the educators.

Dressmaking Students. This study serves as their way of assessing the effectiveness of the teaching
techniques and strategies applied by their teachers. It also serve as means of measuring their satisfaction
level with regards to the performance of the instructors.


This chapter discusses and presence the related literature and studies, both foreign and local, which
provide a comprehensive review, insights and directions in pursuing this study. Information is cited in
various sources and references including books, newspapers, magazines, journals and the internet.

The Teaching Techniques and Strategies Use by the Dressmaking
Teachers Perceive by the Dressmaking Students

Advantages of the Teaching Techniques and Strategies to the Students

Helping students understand better in the classroom is one of the primary concerns of every teacher.
Teachers need to motivate students how to learn. According to Schlecty (1994), students who
understand the lesson tend to be more engaged and show different characteristics such as attraction to
do work, persistence in the work despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in
accomplishing their work. In developing students’ understanding to learn important concepts, teacher
may use a variety of teaching strategies and would work best for his/her students.Wlodkowski and
Ginsberg (1995), research has shown that no teaching strategy will consistently engage all learners.
The key is helping students’ prior knowledge in understanding new concepts.
Brock (1976), Cashin (1979), and Lucas (1990), stated that it is necessary for teachers to work
from students’ strengths and interests by finding out why students are in your class and what are their
expectations. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration students’ needs and interests so as
focus instruction that is applicable to different groups of students with different levels.
On the other hand, Merrill (2007) determined the basic principles of an instructional process
depending on certain instructional design models, the most important feature of these principles is that
they are commonly found in all instructional models in general.
Ornstein and Lastey (2004), having effective teachers has an effect on the achievements of the
students. Having well-trained and effective teachers is a useful of schools to intensify learning for all
students. Properly trained teachers are skillful in using all possible teaching techniques and methods to
impart lessons to the students.
According to Boiser (2004), effective teaching is only possible if teachers will also consider
the understanding of the complexity of classroom teaching and learn to develop strategies that will
enable them to continually evaluate and improve the teaching-learning effectiveness. Strategies are
plans or ways to meet or address certain situations, from one’s knowing of his students, his job as a
teacher, and what teachers are supposed to develop in themselves to be of better service to the learners.
Stronge (2002) pointed out that teacher evaluation is, first, about documenting the quality of
teachers performance; then, its focus shifts to helping teachers improve their performance as well as
holding them accountable for their work. In recent years, the teacher has proven time and again to be
the most influential school-related force in student achievement.
Ormod (2008) stated that some students seem to learn better when information is presented
through words, whereas others seem to learn better when it is presented in the form of pictures.

Effective Teaching Techniques and Strategies to the Students

Akhtar (2007), studied that lecture method is the most effective teaching methods to increase
knowledge retention and induce a positive change in environmental attitudes.
However, Costa Van Rensburg and Rushtun (2007) found that the lecture style method was
discouraged in favour of a more interactive teaching style, and that participation increase the retention
of factual knowledge.
Witzel (2003) found out that students using the concrete and representational level achieved
significantly higher pretest scores that the students who used only abstract representation.
Study done by Aivazidis et. al. (2006) showed that a direct experienced of learning increase
knowledge and caused a change in learners’ attitudes towards the environment.
Hijazi and Naqui (2009), mentioned two types of factors that affect the students’ academic
performance. The internal and external factors. Research shows that students’ performance depends on
many factors such as learning facilities, gender and age differences.
According to the study conducted by Ning and Downing (2010) aspects like motivation and
study strategies in study behavior were also discovered to be of importance to the academic
Weng (2002) discovered that teaching research has found that teachers demonstrate patterns of
beliefs that guide their instructional choices.
A study conducted by Lord (2001) found that certain elements of learning were enhanced by
using cooperative learning, in that they showed an enhancement of thinking skills, reading and writing
skills and the learning environment.

International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Vol 8, Dec 2018 (48-56) ISSN 2232-1926 / eISSN 2600-870X

Hughes (2009) researched the relationship between teaching styles perceived by students and
teaching styles adopted by instructors. The result revealed that students felt they learned better when
instructors employed a teaching style that was more interactive.
Chen (2008) conducted that students performed better academically if they felt that their
teacher established rules to manage their learning but at the same time listened to students’ opinion
towards learning and gave them feedback.
A study conducted by Wang (2000) showed that skilled learners used more frequently to
facilitate their own learning.
Diehl and Reese (2010) revealed that students who were shown elaborated metaphors reflected
better performance in higher level thinking inferences.


This study utilized a Descriptive Quantitative survey design focused on the perceptions of the
dressmaking students about selected teaching techniques and strategies, and their effects employed by
the dressmaking teachers of Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School.
The respondents of this study were 90 dressmaking students from grade 10, 11, and 12. The
accuracy of the data was dependent on the responses through the distribution of questionnaires prepared
by the researchers as the assessment tool of the study.
A survey questionnaire consisting of three parts was developed by the researchers for the
purpose of this study. The content of the first part was the techniques use by the dressmaking teacher
second was the strategies employed by the dressmaking teachers, and the third part was the effects of
these techniques and strategies in the students.
This was used to determine the performance of the dressmaking teachers of Reina Mercedes
Vocational and Industrial School.

Options Quantitative Description Interval

1 Never 1.00 – 1.79
2 Seldom 1.80 – 2.59
3 Uncertain 2.60 – 3.39
4 Sometimes 3.40 – 4.19
5 Always 4.20 – 5.00

The Teaching Techniques and Strategies Use by the Dressmaking
Teachers Perceive by the Dressmaking Students


Table 1. Mean, Rank, Standard Deviation and Description of the Teaching Techniques as Perceived by the
Dressmaking Students.

Statement Mean S. D. Description

Teaching techniques
The teacher demonstrates the steps in drafting, lay outing and cutting. 4.444 0.9612 Always

The teacher sets due date to accomplish the project/job. 4.322 1.2616 Always
The teacher catches the student’s attention when they are noisy 4.25 1.114 Always

The teacher corrects students’ errors constructively and supplies them 4.079 1.1304 Sometimes
with th/e correct answers.
The teacher uses concrete examples in delivering the lessons. 3.922 1.114 Sometimes

The teacher asks evaluative questions during and after the discussion. 3.91 1.249 Sometimes

The teacher allows the students to use their mother tongue in sharing their 3.878 1.0687 Sometimes
ideas, thoughts and feeling towards the lesson.

The teacher writes the key terms on the board and gives emphasis on it. 3.82 1.903 Sometimes

The teacher provides outline advance organizer or visual guides. 3.787 1.1329 Sometimes

The teacher inserts jokes in explaining the topic. 3.607 1.0936

The teacher uses modulated and different rhythm of voices to motivate the 3.375 1.3245 Uncertain
The teacher incorporates story-telling in teaching the lessons. 3.184 1.3077 Uncertain

The teacher presents energizer/motivation before the classes start. 3.18 1.2019 Uncertain

The teacher uses power point presentation in teaching/delivering the 2.689 1.5335 Uncertain

The teacher plays video presentation/clips in presenting the lessons. 2.278 1.317 Seldom

The table presented above is the assessed work performance of the dressmaking teachers of Reina
Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School.
As seen in the table, the teaching techniques of the dressmaking teachers as perceived as
“always” are the following : The teacher demonstrates the steps in drafting, lay outing and cutting ,
The teacher sets due date to accomplish the project/job, and The teacher catches students’ attention.
While the teaching techniques perceived as “sometimes” are the following: The teacher
corrects students’ errors constructively and supplies them with the correct answers, The teacher uses
concrete examples in delivering the lessons, The teacher asks evaluative questions during and after the
discussion, The teacher allows the students to use their mother tongue in sharing their ideas, thoughts,
and feeling towards the lesson, The teacher writes key terms on the board and give emphasis on it, The
teacher provides outline advance organizer or visual guides, and The teacher inserts jokes in explaining
the topic.
As cited on the study of Omrod (2008), it reveals that students seem to learn better when the
teacher demonstrates first the activities before performing the said activity.

International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Vol 8, Dec 2018 (48-56) ISSN 2232-1926 / eISSN 2600-870X

Table 2. Mean, Rank, Standard Deviation and Description of the Teaching Strategies as Perceived by the
Dressmaking Students
Statement Mean S.D. Description
Teaching Strategies
The teacher orients the students in maintaining and troubleshooting a 4.567 0.8618 Always
sewing machine.
The teacher guides the students the proper use of sewing tools and 4.389 1.073 Always
The teacher motivates the students by giving them credits if they 4.333 1.0167 Always
accomplish the task or activity before the deadline.
The teacher demonstrates actual drafting, cutting, lay outing 4.315 1.1129 Always
demonstration before the students do their work.
The teacher assists students in doing their works. 3.78 1.1414 Sometimes
The teacher uses modules in disseminating the ideas or the lesson. 3.644 1.1149 Sometimes
The teacher uses diorama in teaching and presenting the lessons. 3.375 1.3245 Uncertain
The teachers uses semantic webbing in presenting, explaining, and 3.202 1.3539 Uncertain
elaborating the topic or the lesson.
The teacher uses word relay after the discussion. 3.156 1.2262 Uncertain
The teacher employs games in activities such as 4 pics 1 word, guess 3.149 1.3428 Uncertain
what, quiz bee, jigsaw puzzle etc.
The teacher employs moving test during quizzes, unit test and other 2.764 1.3982 Uncertain
The teacher asks the students to play/present a short skit in applying the 2.7 1.3694 Seldom
lessons they have learned.

The table presented above are the selected teaching strategies of the dressmaking teachers of Reina
Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School that are perceived by the dressmaking students. The teacher
orients the students in maintaining and troubleshooting sewing machine, The teacher guides the
students the proper use of sewing tools and equipment, The teacher motivates the students by giving
them credits if they accomplish the task or activity before the deadline, The teacher demonstrates actual
drafting, cutting, lay outing before the students do their work perceived as “Always”.
While the teaching strategies that perceived as “Sometimes” are the following: The teacher
assists the students in doing their works and The teacher uses modules in disseminating the ideas or the
The finding of the study corroborates the study of Navaro, Cruz, and Tovera (2012), it stated
that the first task of the teacher is motivating, orienting and guiding learning activities. Much of the
success or failure of instruction in the classroom depends on the amount of orientation and motivation
of the students to learn.

Table 3. Effectiveness of the Teaching Techniques and Strategies of the Dressmaking Teachers.

Statement Mean S.D. Description

Effects to the students
I know the proper use of sewing tools and equipment. 4.213 0.9591 Always
I am encouraged to improve my grades. 4.195 0.9981 Sometimes
I develop my sewing skills (drafting, lay outing, cutting, and etc. 4.047 1.0617 Sometimes
A sewing machine I learn how to maintain and troubleshoot. 4.03 0.8319 Sometimes
I gain self-confidence. 3.943 0.9632 Sometimes
I am more active in participating class or group discussion. 3.91 0.9 Sometimes
I am motivated in participating during discussion. 3.875 0.9567 Sometimes
I learn to maintain and troubleshoot sewing machine. 3.865 0.9908 Sometimes
I developed my social skills. 3.862 0.9785 Sometimes
I become more responsible. 3.843 0.9641 Sometimes
I participated in every discussion and recitation. 3.83 0.8998 Sometimes
I easily grasp the lessons being taught. 3.575 1.0744 Sometimes
I receive credits to my teacher if I finish my work before the deadline. 3.398 1.3437 Sometimes

The Teaching Techniques and Strategies Use by the Dressmaking
Teachers Perceive by the Dressmaking Students

The table above displays the perception of the respondents in terms of the effectiveness of the teaching
techniques and strategies employed by the dressmaking teachers. It can be deduced from the findings
that the dressmaking teachers are knowledgeable when it comes to teaching.
As can be glean in the table, the effects of the teaching techniques and strategies that were
perceived as “always” is I know the proper use of sewing tools and equipment.
While the effects of these teaching techniques and strategies as “sometimes” are: I am
encourage to improve my grades, I develop my sewing skills (drafting, lay outing, cutting and etc.), A
sewing machine I learn how to maintain and troubleshoot, I gain self-confidence, I am more active in
participating class or group discussion, I am motivated in participating during discussion, I learn to
maintain and troubleshoot sewing machine, I developed my social skills , I become more responsible,
I participated in every discussion and recitation, I receive credits to my teachers if I finish my work
before the deadline.


This study utilized a Descriptive - Quantitative survey design focused on the perceptions of the
dressmaking students about selected teaching techniques and strategies, and their effects employed by
the dressmaking teachers of Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School.
In gathering the data, the researchers used a self-made survey questionnaire as a research
instrument, based on the data presented and analyzed, the researchers came out with the following

1. The teaching techniques used by the dressmaking teachers are the following:
 The teacher demonstrates the steps in drafting, layouting and cutting.
 The teacher sets due date to accomplish the project/job.
 The teacher presents energizer/motivation before the classes starts.
 The teacher catches he students’ attention when they are noisy.
 The teacher corrects students’ error constructively and supplies them with the correct
 The teacher uses concrete examples in delivering the lessons.
 The teacher asks evaluative questions during and after the discussion.
 The teacher allows the students to use their mother tounge in sharing their ideas,
thoughts and feelings towards the lesson.
 The teacher provides outline advance organizer or visual guides.
 The teacher writes the key terms on the board and gives emphasis on it.
 The teacher inserts jokes in explaining the topic.
 The teacher uses modulated and different rhythm of voices to motivate the students.

2. The teaching strategies used by the dressmaking teachers are the following:
 The teacher guides the students the proper use of sewing tools and equipment.
 The teacher demonstrates actual drafting, lay outing and cutting before the students do
their work.
 The teacher orients the students in maintaining and troubleshooting a sewing machine.
 The teacher assists students in doing their works.
 The teacher uses modules in disseminating the ideas or the lesson.
 The teacher motivates the students by giving them credits if they accomplish the task
or activity before the deadline.
 The teacher uses semantic webbing in presenting, explaining and elaborating the topic
or the lesson.
 I participated in every discussion and recitation.

International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Vol 8, Dec 2018 (48-56) ISSN 2232-1926 / eISSN 2600-870X

3. Effects of the teaching techniques and strategies to the dressmaking students:

 I know the proper use of sewing tools and equipment.
 I am encouraged to improve my grades.
 I develop my sewing skills (drafting, lay outing, cutting, and etc.
 A sewing machine I learn how to maintain and troubleshoot.
 I gain self-confidence.
 I am more active in participating class or group discussion.
 I am motivated in participating during discussion.
 I learn to maintain and troubleshoot sewing machine.
 I developed my social skills.
 I become more responsible.
 I easily grasp the lessons being taught.
 I receive credits to my teacher if I finish my work before the deadline.


Based on the data presented, the researchers concluded that:

1. Most of the teaching techniques used by the dressmaking teachers are habitual or usual
2. Majority of the strategies employed by the dressmaking teachers are actual performance of the
3. It can be concluded that the dressmaking teachers employ teaching techniques and strategies
that really help the students in their study.


Based on the study conducted, the researchers recommend the following:

1. More activities should also given to the students in order to further enhance their knowledge
on the subject matter being tackled and also as a means of preparing them for the future
2. The dressmaking teachers should be more innovative in the use of different teaching techniques
and strategies in order to maintain the interest and attention of the students during class
3. The administration should also give the dressmaking teachers the opportunity to attend
different seminars to keep them updated if there are any revisions and also about the latest
information about the dressmaking subject.


A heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to the Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Faculty who served as an evaluator to this study, Mr. Rodelio L. Pinugu – School Principal IV,
Noralyn D. Nagum – Assistant School Principal II, Department of Education – Division of Isabela,
Mr. Ariel D. Dumlao for making this endeavour possible.


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