ASTM E3116 Viscosidad
ASTM E3116 Viscosidad
ASTM E3116 Viscosidad
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E3116 − 18
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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E3116 − 18
4.5 A spindle is rotated in a Newtonian fluid at a known (or 7.1.3 A cylindrical rotational element, spindle, geometry, or
measured) speed. The viscosity drag experienced by the tool, composed of a material inert to the material being tested,
immersed spindle is measured (or known) as a torque. Viscos- to fix the specimen between the coupling shaft and a stationary
ity may then be determined from these properties (torque and position.
rotational speed) and the dimensions of the spindle by equa- 7.1.4 A sensor to measure the torque within 61 % of full
tions such as Eq 1 and Eq 2. scale developed by the specimen.
η5τ S ⁄ ω (1) 7.1.5 A temperature sensor to provide an indication of the
2 2 2 2
specimen temperature over the range of 19 to 26°C to within
S 5 ~r 2 r ! ⁄ ~4 π r r L! (2)
c s c s 60.1°C.
where: 7.1.6 A data collection device, to provide a means of
η = viscosity, Pa-s, acquiring, storing, and displaying measured or calculated
ω = rotational speed, r/min, signals, or both. The minimum output signals required are
τ = torque, N-m, torque, rotational speed, temperature, and time.
rc = radius of the cylindrically shaped container, m, 7.1.7 A stand, to support, level, lower, and raise the drive
rs = radius of the cylindrically shaped spindle, m, motor, shaft and rotational element.
L = length of the cylindrically shaped spindle, m, and 7.2 A specimen container, cylindrical or disk in shape, to
S = instrument or experimental calibration constant, m-3.
contain the test specimen during testing.
NOTE 2—1 Pa = 1 N/m ; 60 s = 1 min.
NOTE 4—The specific container may depend upon the rotational
5. Significance and Use element being used (see vendor’s recommendations). In the absence of
other information, a low form Griffin beaker of 600-mL capacity shall be
5.1 This test method may be used to validate the perfor- used.
mance of a specific rotational viscometer apparatus. 7.3 A temperature bath and controller to provide a con-
5.2 This test method may be used to validate the perfor- trolled isothermal temperature environment for the specimen
mance of a specific method based upon the measurement of within the range of 19 to 26°C constant to within 60.1°C.
viscosity using rotational viscometer apparatus. 7.4 Auxiliary instrumentation considered useful in conduct-
5.3 This test method may be used to determine the repeat- ing this test method includes:
ability of a specific apparatus, operator, or laboratory. 7.4.1 Data analysis capability to provide viscosity, stress or
other useful quantities derived from the measured signals.
5.4 This test method may be used for specification or 7.4.2 A level to indicate the vertical plumb of the drive
regulatory compliance purposes. motor, shaft and rotational element.
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E3116 − 18
operation’s manual for the correct amount of liquid for each element- 10.13 Determine the mean viscosity value for ηmax and its
container pair. standard deviation σmax.
NOTE 8—Pour the reference material slowly down the side of specimen
container taking care to prevent incorporation of air bubbles into the 10.14 Repeat steps 10.1 through 10.10 for (nmin = 3) the
material. minimum viscosity reference material recording ηminREF,
10.2 Place the container with its reference material in the ηmin1, ηmin2, ηmin3, ωmin1, ωmin2, ωmin3, Tmin1, Tmin2, and
temperature bath at 25 6 0.2°C and equilibrate for 30 minutes. Tmin3.
NOTE 9—Other temperatures may be used but shall be reported. 10.15 Calculate the mean viscosity value for ηmin and its
10.3 Vertically align and level the viscometer motor, shaft standard deviation σmin.
and rotational element on its supporting stand over the speci- 10.16 Using the values from 10.11, 10.13, and 10.15 and Eq
men container. 3, calculate the viscosity relative standard deviation for
10.4 Slowly lower the rotational element into the test RSDmin, RSDmed, and RSDmax.
specimen until the fluid reaches the appropriate level indicated 10.17 Using the values from 10.11, 10.13, 10.15, and 10.16
in the operation’s manual. and Eq 4, calculate the repeatability value r.
NOTE 10—The shaft may have a mark to indicate the appropriate fluid 10.18 Calculate the detectability limit (DL) using Eq 5.
level for the measurement.
NOTE 11—Ensure that no air bubbles are trapped under the rotational 10.19 Calculate the quantitation limit (QL) using Eq 6.
element. 10.20 Using the reference viscosity values (ηxREF) for the
10.5 Initiate the rotation of the rotational element at 0.5 minimum (min), medium (med) and maximum (max) viscosity
r/min for 30 min. reference material from steps 10.1, 10.12, and 10.14 as the
10.6 Increase (or decrease) the rotational speed to that independent (X) values and the three (or more) determined
required to produce a reading nearest the midpoint of the scale. mean viscosity values from steps 10.11, 10.13, and 10.15 as the
dependent (Y) values, determine by linear regression the slope
10.7 Stop the rotation of the element and wait for 1 min.
(m), and intercept (b) of a correlation best-fit line (see Practice
10.8 Restart the rotational at the same rotational speed (or E1970).
torque) and allow at least 5 revolutions of the element.
NOTE 13—The value of m will be close to unity. b has the units of
10.9 Measure and record the observed viscosity ηmed1 (or viscosity (nominally Pa-s).
torque τmed1), rotational speed ωmed1 and temperature Tmed1.
10.21 Determine the deviation values (δYmin, δYmed, and
NOTE 12—If the temperature is not 25.0 6 0.2°C, discard the δYmax) for each of the mean minimum, medium, and maximum
measurement, allow the test specimen to equilibrate for an additional 30 viscosity values using Eq 7 and the values of m and b from
min or until the desired temperature range and stability is observed, and
10.10 Repeat steps 10.7 through 10.9 two more times, 10.22 Determine which deviation value from step 10.21 has
measuring the indicated viscosity as ηmed2 and ηmed3 (or the largest absolute value and identify it as δYlargest.
torque τmed2 and τmed3), rotational speed ωmed2 and ωmed3, and 10.23 Determine linearity (L) using Eq 8.
temperature Tmed2 and Tmed3.
10.24 Determine the bias using Eq 9.
10.11 Using the three (nmed = 3) values for viscosity from
steps 10.9 and 10.10, calculate the mean value for ηmed and 11. Calculations
σmed (see Practice E1970).
11.1 Relative standard deviation (RSD) is given by Eq 3 (see
10.12 Repeat steps 10.1 through 10.11 for (nmax = 3) the Practice E1970):
maximum viscosity reference material recording ηmaxREF,
ηmax1, ηmax2, ηmax3, ωmax1, ωmax2, ωmax3, Tmax1, Tmax2, and RSD 5 σ 3 100 % ⁄ mean value (3)
Tmax3. 11.2 The repeatability (r) value is given by Eq 4:
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E3116 − 18
11.3 The detection limit (DL) is given by Eq 5: ηminREF = 200.0 mPa-s
DL 5 3.3 r η min ⁄ 100 % (5) ηmedREF = 500.0 mPa-s
ηmaxREF = 800.0 mPa-s
11.4 The quantitation limit (QL) is given by Eq 6: ηmin = 190.0 mPa-s
QL 5 10 r η min ⁄ 100 % (6) ηmed = 487.5 mPa-s
11.5 Correlation slope (m) and intercept (b) are obtained ηmax = 800.0 mPa-s
nmin = 3
from a display of the measured viscosity values from 10.10,
nmed = 3
10.12, and 10.14 on the Y-axis and reference viscosity values nmax = 3
from 10.11, 10.13, and 10.15 on the X-axis such as that shown σmin = 2.0 mPa-s
in Fig. 1. Using linear regression (see Practice E1970) deter- σmed = 5.0 mPa-s
mine the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the correlation line. σmax = 5.4 mPa-s
11.6 Deviation is given by Eq 7: 12.1.1 Relative Standard Deviation:
δY 5 η 2 m ηREF 2 b ? (7)
RSDmin = 2.0 mPa-s × 100 % / 190.0 mPa-s = 1.05 %
where: RSDmed = 5.0 mPa-s × 100 % / 487.5 mPa-s = 1.03 %
η = the experimentally determined mean viscosity value RSDmax = 5.4 mP-s × 100 % / 800.0 mPa-s = 0.68 %
(from steps 10.11, 10.13, and 10.15), and
ηREF = the corresponding known viscosity reference value. 12.1.2 Repeatability:
11.6.1 Select the largest δY value as δYlargest. r = {(3 – 1) × (1.05 %)2} + {(3 – 1) × (1.03 %)2} + {(3 – 1)
11.7 Percent linearity (L) is given by: × (0.68 %)2} / {(3 – 1) + (3 – 1) + (3 – 1)}]1/2
= [{(2 × 1.103 %2) + (2 × 1.061 %2) + (2 × 0.462 %2)} /
L 5 @ ~ 100 % 3 δY largest! ⁄ ~ m 3 η max REF 1 b ! # (8) {2 + 2 + 2}]1/2
11.8 Bias (Bias) is given by: = [{2.206 + 2.122 + 0.924} / 6]1/2 %
= [5.252 / 6]1/2 % = 0.87531/2 %
Bias 5 b (9)
= 0.94 %
12. Example Calculations
12.1 For the example calculations described below, the
following experimental values are used:
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E3116 − 18
12.1.3 Detection Limit: 12.1.8 Bias:
DL = 3.3 × 0.94 % × 190.0 mPa-s / 100 % Bias = –15.8 mPa-s
= 21 mPa-s
13. Report
12.1.4 Quantitation Limit:
13.1 A complete description of the apparatus including the
QL = 10 × 0.94 % × 190.0 mPa-s / 100 % manufacturer, model number, spindle type and configuration
= 21 mPa-s and container.
12.1.5 Correlation Slope and Intercept from Fig. 1: NOTE 14—The cylindrical spindle may be generically described using
the radius and length; the container by its inside diameter.
m = 1.0167 13.2 Some or all of the performance parameters described
b = –15.8 mPa-s by this test method useful for the application at hand including:
12.1.6 Deviations: 13.2.1 Viscosity range (ηminREF to ηmaxREF),
13.2.2 Temperature,
δYmin = |(190.9 mPa-s – 1.0167 × 200.0 mPa-s) – (–15.8 13.2.3 Viscosity repeatability (r), detection limit (DL), and
mPa-s)| quantitation limit (QL),
= |(190.9 – 203.3 + 15.8) mPa-s| 13.2.4 Viscosity linearity (L), and
= 3.4 mPa-s 13.2.5 Viscosity bias (Bias).
δYmed = 5.05 mPa-s
δYmax = 2.44 mPa-s 14. Precision and Bias
12.1.7 Linearity: 14.1 Precision and bias are determined by the procedures in
this standard. No separate precision and bias information is
L = [100 % × 5.05 mPa-s] / [(1.0167 × 800.0 mPa-s + (–15.8 required.
15. Keywords
= [505 %] / [813.4 – 15.8]
= 505 % / 797.6 15.1 detection limit; linearity; precision; quantitation limit;
= 0.63 % range; repeatability; rheology; rotational viscometry; valida-
tion; viscosity
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