Six-Monthly Progress Report
Six-Monthly Progress Report
Six-Monthly Progress Report
PhD Programmes
September to February
Reporting Period: 2 0 2 3 --- Report No: 1 Submission Date: 3 0 / 0 8 / 2 0 2 3
✘ March to August
Name Adnan Mehmood Email
Scholarship Award Endowment Mega S&T Mega IT HEC 5000 Scheme Tuition Fee Waiver Other ✘ None
If OTHER, please mention
name of Scholarship: Date of Award of Scholarship: 0 0 / 0 0 / 2 0
name of the Scholarship:
Note: Please mention all the courses taken during PhD (Use extra sheet, if required)
Date of final course work result notification after the completion of 18 credit hours with CGPA ≥ 3.5: / / 2 0
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Six monthly Progress Report
PhD Programmes
Course work
Progress of Research
(During the Reporting Period)
(Student Comments) Qualifier Part A
(Use extra sheets if required)
Qualifier Part B
Research Task 1:
Lit. Review & Dev
of Th. Framework
Research Task 3:
Questionnaire Dev
+ Pilot Study
Thesis Defence
Are you satisfied with the level of ✘ Yes If No, please explain on a separate page or
support from your supervisor? No
send email to PGP Dte (
Student's Signature with date
Remarks By HoD /
Dean / Principal
Signature of HoD / Dean / Principal with Institutional Stamp and date _____________________________________________
1. For first report of newly admitted students: Students admitted in FALL Semester will select "September to February" and Students admitted in SPRING
Semester will select "March to August" period for their first report.
2. Deadline to receive the complete Six Monthly Report at PGP Dte, Main Office NUST through respective institute:
March 15 for preceding September to February period.
September 15 for preceding March to August period
3. Please note that the report will not be accepted without the signatures of the Student, respective Supervisor, and HoD/Dean/Principal. Signature of
the Student and the Supervisor are mandatory on both pages.
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