De La Salle University
De La Salle University
De La Salle University
Submitted by:
Has been examined and approved for presentation to the IAR defense panel.
Service Delivery Department. With the help of the action research methodologies, the team
was able to drill down the array of issues and identify the focal issue which is the lack of
employee job satisfaction. Professional services being the core of the business, resources are
the primary assets that drives the day to day operations and any negative movements
concerning these resources greatly impacts the organization. As the attrition rate increases
and with the objective of employee retention, the need for an answer becomes immediate.
Together with my collaborators, we have made use of the action research cycles to deeply
analyze the situation and come up with a concrete plan to address the issue. The
implementation was aided by the Performance Management Cycle from The Peak
Performance Center partnered with the change management model of Kurt Lewin to ensure
full effectiveness of the solution. Given the two failure attempts, the team was able to finally
succeed in the implementation of the foundational organizational needs keeping the newly
hired people in the company for almost two (2) years now. Moreover, the team was able to
identify that apart from the program having the foundational segment, there is also a need to
address a more pressing concern which deals with the formational needs of an employee.
Through the action research, the team was able to change the performance management cycle
to incorporate the self - actualization activities. Having both foundational and formational
segments ensured an end to end solution to the focal issue. With the program in place, the
employee is able to establish the core that drives him/her to work and achieve positive results.
Along with it, contribute in influencing others in doing the same practice, “Teach
List of Figures
List of Tables
First and foremost, I would like to give gratitude to almighty God, for all the
unknown works He continuously does so I may possibly be the best version of myself, -for
our loved ones, for our community, and ultimately, for His glory.
I would also like to thank my family and friends for the trust and support during the
You continue to inspire me to be the best version of myself. To my parents and siblings for
the unconditional love and understanding.You are the reason for me to strive harder. To my
hubby, your truly an inspiration. your love, understanding and patience made me strong in
my doubting moments. To Tito Gomer and Tita Jean for all your love, care and support.
I would also like to thank my collaborators, you’ve touched my life more than you
guys know, my colleagues for sharing me their experiences in every project that they have
handled. My immediate superior, Mr. Sherwin Torres for being understanding in times that I
need to adjust the time going to work because I need to finish my term paper. To our COO,
Mr. Dave De Leon, not only have you been a good mentor to me, but you have taught me
how to mentor other people. Thank you for being such a great role model.
Lastly, I would like to thank my mentor, Dr. Maria Paquita D. Bonnet of De La Salle
University RVR COB. Her inspiring and systematic method of encouraging knowledge and
and methodologies work in the corporate industry. She has always made herself approachable
Table of Contents
Abstract 1
List of Figures 2
List of Tables 3
Acknowledgements 4
Story of Action Research Cycle 1 57
Outcome 57
Story 58
Story of Action Research Cycle 2 63
Outcome 63
Story 64
References 82
Appendix 84
Action Research Cycle 1 85
Ladder of Inference 85
Second Person Inquiry - Resigned Employee 87
Second Person Inquiry - Existing Employee 88
Journal #1 89
Journal #2 89
Forms: 90
Action Research Cycle 2 93
Ladder of Inference 93
Journal #1 94
Forms 95
Activities - Feedback 99
Activities - 2 years ago reflection 100
Informed Consents 101
I. Purpose and Rationale
As the technology industry continuously evolves, the need for competitive resources
progresses. The success of any organization depends upon the commitment of its employees.
Attracting and retaining the right people in the right jobs, with the right skills and attitude is a
recipe for success in today's ever competitive environment. Organizations expect excellent
performances from its employees and employees expects something in return from the
recipe for the success of not only the organization but the employee as well. This is a tool to
establish the foundation of an employee in terms of goal setting, improvement and honing
management program will also build the level of confidence and will set the career path of
work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their
abilities” (Heathfield, 2018). This would cover the end to end employee journey in the
company starting from job inception until the time the employee leaves the company.
“Performance management defines your interaction with an employee at every step of the
way in between these major life cycle occurrences. Performance management makes every
imperative to establish a basis that would say how well an employee performs but more
importantly how well the employee is being molded not only to achieve targets but become
In an article by Lynda Gratton (2010), she tackled the importance of people in an
organization. The article entitled “The new agenda: putting people at the heart of corporate
organizations have people at the center-- their creativity and talent, their inspirations and
hopes, their dreams and excitement. The companies that flourish in this decade will do so
because they are able to provide meaning and purpose, a context and frame that encourages
Most importantly, this action research is guided by three statements from the RVR code of
human development and the common good and to create value that no single
2. I will manage with loyalty and care and will not advance my personal interests at the
behavior must set an example of integrity, eliciting trust and esteem from those I serve.
I will remain accountable to my peers and to society for my actions and for upholding
these standards.
exercise leading by example and influence the life of my co-workers and those people I
interact with. This now becomes not just an organizational development or change, but a
personal mission. Through this action research, I will be able to contribute to the success of
our organization, and most importantly the success of the people in my team. This paper will
not only be ONE journey but the journey of TEN which will cascade to be the journey of
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” - Lao Tzu
“Example makes a much GREATER impression on the MIND and HEART than words” -
Industry Background
Philippines. This growth can be attributed to more SMEs preferring cloud services at lower
cost alternatives to more expensive software licenses (, 2017). The IT-BPM
industry is driving the growth of the hardware, software, services and cloud opportunities as
more offices are opened. This has created the need for more mid-skilled jobs and high-skilled
services. The industry has a very positive outlook. According to Samson (2017), this industry
will continue to grow and IDC Philippines have predicted that by 2018, 25 percent of
percent of customer support interactions will be digitalized and occur in online communities.
Profile of the Organization
solutions, from managed data centers to telecommunications and cloud services across local
and regional enterprises. One of the company’s major offerings are Google and Salesforce
and , a cloud based email and collaboration product. To date, Company M has approximately
350++ customers comprising of small, medium and large scale enterprises in a wide variety
of e-category: capabilities, manufacturing, retail and food. It is the Philippines' first Cloud
Services Provider that operates its own state-of-the-art Data Center facilities and international
network infrastructure.
With over a decade of success in empowering business through our data center and
computing, data communications and Internet security, Company M has built lasting business
relationships with customers, enabling them to transform digitally, disrupt markets and
With customer satisfaction as the foundation of our organization, and our international
certifications for Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015) and Information Security
They are known in the business not only as a Telco provider but also as a service
provider of cloud applications and professional services. The specialization of the company
in terms of professional services stems in two major cloud applications, Google and
Salesforce. As a deployment arm of the two well known email platform and CRM tool
worldwide, the company’s resources has the technical capabilities to execute and end to end
solution from initiation, planning, design, development, deployment and adaption. Although
the company has a wide range of services to offer in terms of cloud applications, it takes its
pride in terms of deployment and innovation. The company is serious in providing the
solution that is fit for customer needs and ensures that it sees through even when the project
is already completed.
The life cycle of each service starts upon conceptualization, passing through a series
of studies conducted by our marketing group, it will be released to our sales department then
passed on to the Service Delivery Department once the account has been won. In the IT
consulting industry, aside from price, the skills of the consultants plays a big role in customer
decision making. The skills establish the credibility and creates a feeling of security as the
In doing the project, three (3) major aspects are being monitored, scope, timeline and
budget. The major control point to stabilize the three would be the project resources. During
the project kick off, the resource engaged in a particular project is being introduced from the
project manager, functional consultant, technical consultant and change manager. Each
resource has specific tasks where man hours are being tagged. The man hour is the basis for
timeline and budget while the capability of the consultant dictates the completion of the
scope. During the course of the project, the consultant reports to the project manager who is
responsible for monitoring the project deliverables and makes sure that each task is
completed based on the agreed timeline and scope. The change manager on the other hand
ensures readiness, communication and training for users. The project team works hand in
hand to secure project success and good customer feedback. Once a milestone has been
completed, the project manager then coordinates with Finance for the processing of billing,
The success of each project based on the organizational objective is good customer
feedback. Once the project is declared complete and has been signed off, a survey will be sent
to know what the customer has to say about the experience during deployment.
professional consulting and deployment services. The companies where the team had
deployed continuous to purchase project engagements with the group because of the
relationship that was established during the implementation phase. Having said that, it is a
proven fact that the heart of the business requires skilled people, those who possess the
qualities of a change agent and those who have the passion and the grit to make things
“ The real opportunity for success lies in the people not in the job” - Zig Ziglar
Organization Chart
If you look at the company profile of Company M, its leadership comprises of skilled
individuals who has extensive experience in the IT and Telecommunications. Our president,
provides us with the strategic leadership while our COO, ensures the efficiency of the
business. Our Director for Marketing, is leading the creative force of our organization, his
team works with our Head for Customer and Revenue Group, who is responsible for planning
and implementing sales strategies. I report to the Director for Delivery and Customer
experience through proper execution of solutions required by the customer. As the
deployment arm of cloud applications, the perception of the customer to the people is the
same as that of the company thus, ensuring a well-equipped, satisfied and happy workforce
will ensure success of services. The team currently comprises of ten (10) people, a mix of
My role in the organization is both challenging and fun at the same time. There is a
sense of achievement in every project that I finish. In monitoring the improvement of one
organization in terms of process and technology not to mention, the ability to help out people
through skills improvement, coach the team about deployment best practices and ensuring
that our people are equipped with the right skills, behaviour and mindset. It compensates
growth in both aspects of career and personal. It also contributes in boosting the value of
Array of Issues
The year I started working in Company M was the same year when the team is
struggling. The pioneer employees have decided to go and look for other opportunities, the
question about the direction of the company, where it wants to go, what can it offer to its
employees was left unanswered in the minds of those who left. Different people, same
question. The confusing part about it was, even if the company has its vision and mission,
clear objectives on where it is headed, people still ask the same questions over and over again
With this, I have initiated two (2) ways of gathering information from different
sources. The first tool was a survey. The questions in this survey was designed to get the
feedback of our unit heads and internal customers. These people are the ones we interact
with in fulfilling the organizational goals. Second is a planning session with the employees of
the Service Delivery Department team , the objective of this session is to get their point of
view on how we can improve the team. Based on the result of the survey and the planning
Attrition rate is high: The pioneer employees who were trained in Salesforce and Google
left the company. And since the business is centered on providing services, attrition became a
problem. The products that Company M can offer in relation to services became limited
because of the lack in capacity and capability of the resources. Several questions arise as the
● How are we going to get opportunities in the market and win deals if we do not
Low level employee motivation: Based on the conversation that I had with one of my
● Goes to the office late and would always want to leave early
No proper documentation on the team’s job level: The employees in our unit is not aware
of their job levels simply because there is no defined job levels. It was discussed that in order
to encourage accountability and coaching amongst team members, job levels should be
mandatory when preparing for a manpower request. Thus, most of the time, the applicant is
Lack of job satisfaction: Given that the employees of Service Delivery Department are
experiencing confusion in what they need to accomplish, has a low level of motivation and is
Lack of skills: The team needs to have their skills honed for the task that they are assigned
to. Most of the time there is a need to explain what the expectations are and how it is to be
Inability to demonstrate clarity: The consultant should be able to state clearly what the
deliverables are in a project, who will deliver, and when. The team is scattered and they have
no go to document to remind them of a RACI. If there is one, it is followed or the team is not
Lack of communication: The correct people are not informed about the project status,
pending items, and issues that have arisen. There should be an interaction /discussion of all
the details of the product/services internally. The AM's should be updated about what is
performance appraisal. KPIs are used as a basis to evaluate employee performance. The result
is also discussed with the concerned employee, but after all the discussions and once the
evaluation is submitted to HR, no follow ups are made and there are no concrete plans to
address the KPI where the employee is failing.As a result, the employee doesn’t give much
importance on where they are being measured, the aspects of evaluation and the
No career development plan: During the conversation that I had with one of my
subordinates, she was honest enough to share with me her thoughts about her confusion with
what she needs to achieve and improve. This is when I realized that there is indeed a need for
a career development plan. In the matter of discussion, several people in my team express the
same feeling. They are even asking themselves if this is really the career for them and if they
No career progression plan: I honestly didn’t expect that my collaborators would raise this
as a concern. From the company where I was before, promotion is automatic based on the
performance appraisal. The situation with Company M is different because the performance
appraisal is not the basis of promotion. There were two senior guys who were left in my team
after all the pioneer consultants left. They answered the survey that I sent and when we
discussed, both of them asked me one question, “ What do I need to do to get promoted.'' This
struck me because I thought I know what the answer is but apparently, the performance
appraisal is not really the document that would address their concerns.
Lack of appreciation in employee’s achievements: Employees are not recognized for their
achievements. As a result, employees, in this case people in our team doesn’t feel that they
are appreciated.
Focal Issue
I must admit that the process of identifying the focal issue is not easy. As the person
in-charge of ensuring that operations works well, employee satisfaction should be the top
most priority as the resources are our greatest asset. I started with questioning what
experience in my team do I need to change? What has been going on that puzzles me a lot?
And what are the issues or anomalies that I am experiencing that given the chance I wish to
address? I came up with the list but was not really satisfied and so I asked myself
● If they know their current job level?
to their work?
Having all of this in mind, I’ve realized that I cannot really decipher the main issue
alone. At this point, I have decided to seek the help of the management team in our division
and the team members of Service Delivery Department since they are directly involved. A
survey has been initially created for the management team to answer and share their thoughts
regarding the issues that we need to address while a planning session was conducted within
the Service Delivery Department team; after which, we have deliberated on all identified
The group have agreed during the deliberation that the four (4) identified points were
leaning towards ensuring employee performance. While the team reviewed the array of issues
we’ve identified using two (2) different tools, our group comprising of the management team
and the Service Delivery Department team members have then came with a conclusion that
we are having problems with
was evident from the response of the people interacting with and people within the team that
there is a lack of establishing a program that will store the standards of measuring not
only the deliverables but would also serve as a basis in providing support to improve
employee’s capacity to deliver and to continuously learn. There should also be a means
What may seem to be a very trivial issue has big impact to the day to day operations
because of its end to end effect in the entire process. There is a sense of urgency to act on
this issue not only to prevent attrition but to empower the people in the team. This is the start,
satisfaction and employee relations.The focal issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of
employee satisfaction. There is a need to ensure that the employees in the unit of Service
Delivery Department are empowered, well supported in terms of career and appreciated. Job
satisfaction is defined as “ the extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content &
satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction happens when an employee feels he or she is
having job stability, career growth and a comfortable work life balance. This implies that the
employee is having satisfaction at job as the work meets the expectations of the individual
(HR- MBA Skool." Accessed 25 May. 2019). Moreover, the article also suggested six (6) major
4. Job security
5. Challenges
6. Career growth
It was also highlighted that the employer would benefit a lot from employees who are
satisfied in the workplace. To quote “For an employer, job satisfaction for an employee is an
important aspect to get the best out of them. A satisfied employee always contributes more to
the company, helps control attrition & helps the company grow. Employers need to ensure a
good job description to attract employees and constantly give opportunities to individuals to
1. More efficiency of employees in the workplace if they are satisfied with their job.
These factors, although related to the psychology of the employee should be evaluated
and measured properly in order to achieve good results. Measuring employee performance is
complementary to achieving job satisfaction. This will send the signal to the employees that
the achievements they’re making will be known to the management and in return will be
rewarded while the portion that needs improvement will be dealt with proper guidance and
support (“HR- MBA Skool." Accessed 25 May 2019) . Villanova University released an article
emphasizing the importance of job satisfaction in the workplace. According to the study, if
this factor is achieved by the company there will be low turnover rates and high productivity
among employees this would then contribute to increased profits.Most importantly, there will
be Loyalty which is “when employees feel the company has their best interests at heart, they
often support its mission and work hard to help achieve its objectives. And, they may be more
likely to tell their friends, which helps spread goodwill.” (Villanova,Retrieved May 26, 2019). A
lot of companies were able to recover from setbacks because of their employees. As the civil
engineer of Shell Group of Companies, Mr. Cesar A Buenaventura shared in the book
Winning: Management Lessons outside the Classroom, making the employees proud of the
company is very important because “ The most unpredictable resource is not money and
materials, but manpower”. Mr. Buenaventura also shared that the company “ should share
with workers so they don’t feel exploited. You have to make them proud of the company .
You should not treat them as a commodity.” This is proven to be true as the article in
Entrepreneur India also made a release on the reason “why job satisfaction is an important
phenomenon in the vicious circle” The article placed its emphasis on the short term and long
treated with both short and long-term vision. In the short term, it is directly linked to attrition
positive light in their early days of being employed, else it would not take long for them to
look for a change. In the long term, it is more damaging when an employee is not satisfied
but continues to work with an organization due to other reasons. The employee starts to look
for reasons to dislike the company more. For example, if a bad appraisal is the core reason
behind her disappointment, the employee might then perceive that there is favoritism or that
the company does not treat her as a valuable asset. Such impressions corrode the value an
employee places on the company and this gets projected extrinsically, often among an
than internal ones, for fear of repercussions. And when an existing employee speaks ill of the
company, it reduces the prospects of the listener to join the company and the reputation of the
organization is impacted. Hence it is also important that HR identify such employees and
work towards alleviating their problems and converting negative impressions to positive
ones.” Bathena, Z. (2018, March 18). Now that the importance of employee job satisfaction is
established, what are the factors needed to achieve it? There are different pointers given in
achieving job satisfaction and employee engagement. There was a process discussed in the
article of The PRIDE System by chart your course. In the article, the list below should be
“No matter how much you love your job, love your employer, and love your life, sometimes
you just feel weary. In recent years, work has expanded as fewer employees work harder and
longer.Employer expectations have escalated as competition increased. The pace of change is
relentless and growing. You struggle to maintain a work-life balance while increasing your
job satisfaction and efficacy.”(Heathfield,2019) What is striking about the article is the
explanation regarding developing a supportive relationship with your boss. It was mentioned
that in order to achieve full satisfaction at work, one has to communicate, interact and get
feedback from your immediate superior in order to negotiate outcomes and deliverables.
(Heathfield,2019). Another striking tip in the article is to be a force of change. One of the
“Ask for expanded and enriched job responsibilities. Consider a transfer to expand your
reward and recognition, development of skills, evaluation of measures for job satisfaction
when put together requires managing of performance. When job satisfaction is being related
Mangalore, Karnataka India, it states that “ A highly satisfied employee need not necessarily
ideological underpinnings and a holistic context by strengthening the linkages among the key
2019). This study explains the factors that a performance management program addresses
and would unleash the full potential of an employee (Malliah, 2019). In the conceptual
framework shared in the study, “the most effective way to win the loyalty of employees is to
make them feel that their work or effort is important and being appreciated” (Malliah, 2019).
This should be balanced by a coaching attitude coming from the head of the unit. It was
determined that in order to achieve satisfaction rating from employees, positive motivation
should be established. When there is positive motivation, morale, commitment and emotional
identification with the organization will automatically follow. “ The employee so motivated
would surely contribute his/her best to serve the user”. Furthermore, the study
mentioned that the question of motivation, morale and commitment and its impact on
performance has been found to be greatly significant in service oriented businesses (Malliah,
2019). The same article suggested two variables as the development component of
performance management. First is the appropriate and timely performance feedback about
the potential of the employee’s for higher-level jobs, Second is the practicing job rotation
as a tool to develop employees potential in new areas. In the table presented below, in
order to achieve great output on the two above mentioned outcomes three (3) factors are
performance. This involves the key performance areas identified for each employee in
participation and organisational communication are the vehicles ensuring effective
three variables, namely, a sense of pride in the quality of work, mechanisms for
interacting with top management if need be, and discussing performance and
shows that majority of the respondents indicated that every employee in his/her
(0.834 loading). Some of the respondents also reported the presence of certain
mechanisms(e.g. open-door policy) for employees at all levels to meet their top
loading) helped them a lot. Therefore, organisation-employee rapport should be
It is clear and evident in the result of the study conducted by Mallaiah, T. for the Library
appraisal activity. Performance Management is a cycle and a process that involves planning,
monitoring and reviewing employee capability, behaviour and performance. The relevance of
completing the three (3) cycles in achieving job satisfaction comprises 75% of the overall
employee satisfaction relies on employee recognition. According to their source, office vibe,
82% of employees think it’s better to give someone praise than a gift. Genuine praise and
time and attention given by the manager to the work of an employee through recognition is
simply showing your employees that you notice and appreciate their hard work (TalentLyft,
Retrieved June 15, 2019). In addition, Calvin Mzwenhlanhla Mabaso and Bongani Innocent
Dlamini also released an article in Science Alert that tackles the impact of rewards to job
satisfaction through compensation and benefits. According to the study, high job satisfaction
will increase the productivity of an organization, in turn increasing the overall organizational
performance (Mabaso and Dlamini, 2017). If the organization would want to establish a name
in the industry, they must first work on building the loyalty of their employees. This can only
be done through a good compensation and benefits package. They’ve described compensation
Furthermore, they have discussed that rewarding employees have been linked to job
satisfaction although the manner of implementation varies from private to public enterprises.
In most companies, the major drive for the productivity of the employee is compensation. As
stated in the study, Compensation is a useful instrument in the hands of the management to
contribute to the organisational effectiveness and can impact positively on the behaviour and
employees to attain organisation objectives. (Adeoye and Fields, 2014) attested that
compensation is a major factor in attracting and retaining staff. To attract, retain and be
profitable, organisations need innovative reward systems that satisfy employees. (Nel, P.S.,
A. Werner, P. Poisat, T. Sono, A.J. Du Plessis and O. Nqalo, 2011). stated that unfavorable
working conditions and unattractive remuneration packages have in most industries led to
skills migration. Numerous researchers forecast that talent shortages are going to increase
well into the next decade, which will limit the ability of organisations to expand and will
jeopardize their chances of survival as global competition becomes more intense (SciAlert ,
2019). Given that there are several studies that shows rewards and recognition as one of the
factors that contributes to an increase in employee job satisfaction, completion of the entire
reviewing the achievements of the employee and reward those who exceeds expectations is
necessary not only for the company’s benefit but more importantly for the employees.
Conceptual Framework
The cycles covering this action research involved the use of The Peak Performance
Center’s model for performance management. Like Company M, The Peak Performance
assistance in solving performance problems and at the same time also help in realizing
performance related opportunities. The center comprises of three (3) different areas:
Their performance management service belongs to the business sector (The Peak
Performance Center,2019). The Performance Management Cycle involves four (4) stages:
The cycle may look very simple but each component comprises criticality in
employees their track against the organizational goals. Reviewing means assessing their
performance of each employee towards the goals that they’ve set and where they are in
reaching their own career goals. Lastly, Rewarding is the stage in charge of the recognition
and compensation of the outstanding employees. This cycle is very important to our unit in
terms of establishing resource related process, influencing career direction and encouraging
people to strive harder to reach their goal. The execution would be very tedious and
challenging but in the end would be very rewarding as the fruit of this effort would not only
benefit an individual, but the group of people initially within the unit, eventually in the
division until it affects the entire organization. Lastly, the completion of the cycle is only a
part of a bigger dream thus the attitude should be Think BIG, Act Small, Execute Fast.
Objective: The objective of this action research is to establish a program that would address
the lack of employee job satisfaction covering both foundational human resource needs and
formational individual needs of the employees in Service Delivery Department, to host the
standards to measure not only the deliverables of each employee in the unit but would also
aid in the improvement of employee’s capacity to deliver, explore, continuously learn and
grow . The objective will be achieved if all employees of the unit will see the value of
undergoing through and implementing the performance management program not only to the
Desired state: Looking through the list of issues and the process that we went through in
coming up with a problem statement strengthened the importance of achieving the above
mentioned objective. The desired state is when each employee in the unit knows the answer
That each employee understands what they are doing and why they are doing it. The
desired state is when the performance management program is put into place and by having it
influenced the employee’s career direction and encouraged people in the unit to strive harder
to reach their goal. The desired state is hearing from their own lips that they have motivation
and their job satisfaction level is high. When the issue is addressed, the company shall reap
its benefits. It can expect a high productivity level from the consultants therefore contributing
to increase in revenues. Apart from revenues, putting attention in this issue will bring the
company to the next level in terms of creating a “brand of its own” in terms of employee
Significance to personal or professional development:
manager but a good manager can come from anyone. This is what I prefer my
subordinates to learn from me and so they can also apply the same principle to other people.
This project is very close to my heart because its outcome will stay in the heart of the people
I work with, especially those who belong in Service Delivery Department. The result will be
of help in shaping their individuality in terms of the role they would like to portray in the
corporate industry and more importantly in their lives and within their families. On a personal
note, I would like to spread the value of an inclusive community, that is providing quality of
life where everyone feels safe, respected and actively engaged. Where people can just be
guided and be comfortable in sharing who they are. Where they know and feel and they
belong and is part of the family. If this will come to fruition, I won’t be able to describe how
objective for the cloud applications delivery team of Company M. My collaborators and I
used the techniques from the book “Doing Action Research in your Organization” by David
Coghlan and Teresa Brannick. We were deeply amazed when we got to view the initial
chapter of the book. The questions that deeply hit us were . “ Out of what experience in the
organization are you wishing to change something? What is or has been going on that puzzles
you, or what anomalies do you experience that you wish to address?” - Chapter 1:“Doing
Action Research in your Organization” by David Coghlan and Teresa Brannick. I t was
from these questions that we were able to realize and identify what the true issue is.
need to consider. The definition from Shani and Pasmore states four factors: Context, Quality
of Relationships, Quality of the action research process itself and Outcomes. (Coghlan &
Brannick, 2014).
According to Shani and Pasmore the action research should focus first on “research in
action, rather than research about action”. This means that the effort intended to be
process concerned with developing practical knowing in the pursuit of worthwhile human
we took note of the mode of research as discussed by Gibbons et al (1994) which they refer
as Mode 2. Mode 2 or “ the new production mode of knowledge” states that research is a
network activity and, therefore, needs to follow and move away from a model whereby it is
expert model ( Gustaven, 2003). It made us put value on what research is and therefore
changed our perception from a traditional paperwork to a network activity which means a
series of tasks contributing to an outcome. This is also strengthened by the statement of Mc
Lean pointing that action-oriented research, such as action research, has the potential to meet
the criteria of Mode 2 research. Furthermore, it was explained in Chapter 3 of (Coghlan &
between the researcher and the client, which aims both to solve a problem and generate a new
knowledge. In addition, Reason and Bradbury says that it is “a family of practices of living
of events and by going through the process, realizing new experiences, having new exposure
and therefore developing new ideas. The action research cycle as illustrated below comprises
of a pre-step and four basic steps which clearly defines the context of doing action research.
Before initiating the steps, the cycle requires the action researcher to first identify the
importance and impact of the project. It will then be followed by the involvement of the
stakeholders in constructing what the issues and identifying the focal issue. Planning the
action follows wherein resources are being assigned with tasks that needs to be completed on
a given schedule. The execution of the plan is to ensure fulfillment of the activities and
finally evaluation of the implementation wherein a collaborative input from the members of
(Coghlan & Brannick, Doing Action Research in your own organization, 2014)
The end result of the first cycle would be contributing to the start of the next cycle. In this
action research, the team and I did two (2) cycles of constructing, planning, taking action and
evaluating action.
For this action research project, there were a group of people with whom I
collaborated with and helped me in identifying and addressing the focal issue. The table
below lists the names of my collaborators, their position in the company and more
Maria Monica Borje Action Researcher / Head, ● Make day-to-day project decisions as
Service Delivery needed to execute project tasks
Department ● Provides overall project support and
works including leading and
facilitating meetings
● Has full accountability in
coordinating accomplishment of
team members’ tasks
● Cooperate and coordinate with key
people in the management team to
resolve end-to-end problems in the
implementation of this project.
● Provide as required information as
needed .
● Shared her insights on the aspects of
performance management systems.
● Shared information on how she feels
being part of the group and her
expectations as an employee.
Data Generation and Reflection Process Tools
incorporates three voices and audiences: First,Second and Third person ( Reason and Torbert,
voices and audiences in my action research will provide insights coming from different points
of view. These insights will contribute to how the action research will be planned, executed
and evaluated.
First Person
Is defined as a form of inquiry and practice that one does on one’s own and so
addresses the individual’s ability to foster an inquiring approach to their own life, to act out
of awareness and purposefully (Coghlan & Brannick,2014). This view will allow me as an
action researcher to look into the situation from my own perspective. How I would interpret
the different scenarios by asking the what, when, where and who based on my interpretation
and values along with empathy. Practicing the first person skill is for me, a way to build the
Action Research in Your Own Organization by Coghlan and Brannick, there involves a
structure of human knowing. Initially, a person attends to his/ her experiences, then process
that experience by gathering insights which enables a deeper understanding about the
situation. The manner of understanding will then allow a person to create meanings and
assumptions influenced by beliefs which will then result to taking action. In this action
research, the team has practiced using all three voices in the two (2) cycles putting emphasis
Figure 6. General Empirical Method
(Coghlan & Brannick, Doing Action Research in your own organization, 2014)
There are of course different ways to analyze our experiences, most of the time this is
done through recording or what we simply call as Journalling. This involves different levels
understanding, judgement and decision (Coghlan & Brannick,2014). Aside from doing the
journals, ORJI and The Ladder of Inference are the other tools that the action researcher can
use in doing First person inquiry. In this action research project in particular, I have used all
ORJI Framework
Another approach was introduced by Edgar Schein, he called this model O.R.J.I. I
have used this method in doing my first person inquiry as it summarizes my reflection on the
process that works back for action to judgement to reaction to observation (Coghlan &
action research, doing so in an objective manner will allow me to not only approach crucial
conversations in a more diplomatic way and come up with the best possible recommendation
but to also avoid misperception traps. In this action research, it is not only I who did the ORJI
but my colleagues as well. This practice help us unleashed the issues that we have within
ourselves. Some elicited emotional response but were able to immediately reflect and decide
that there should already be an intervention. Moreso, it was a challenging experience as there
is a need to identify and segregate the information in order to avoid falling into the 4 traps,
Aside from the ORJI, I also did a reflection using the ladder of inference to ensure that the
Figure 8. The Ladder of Inference
interpretation of the issues that I have experienced in dealing with the immediate resignations
when I came in, I was able to record the pertinent information as I complete the first two
levels of the ladder. The moment of evaluation based on self assessment is the fulfillment of
the third level. I can relate this process as the First Person Meta Learning. This process is
critical as I also need to make sure that all biases and emotional influences will be taken into
assumptions will follow. The transition in between is a bit trickier because it will not only
cover the meanings that I placed during my reflection but also the details and insights
gathered from the people who can and will contribute to the outcome of the effort, this is the
“The starting point for Second person practice is to examine your own dispositions.
trust, allow oneself to experience positive feelings towards the other, being strong enough in
oneself to allow freedom to the other, be able to enter the subjective world of the other and
see things as they see them, be free from external evaluation and allow the other person to be
From this point, there are instances when I might be encountering what they call “
crucial conversations” when this happens, I, as an action researcher would have to be able
to handle the situation as calm as possible by keeping my focus on the objective and the goal
that I am trying to achieve. I will keep in mind the four speech from Fisher and Torbert as a
tool in doing the second person inquiry. This method suggests framing, advocating,
illustrating and inquiring as a tool in helping the person you are talking to explore their level
of understanding in the purpose that you want to convey. In this action research, I had
engaged the team members of Service Delivery Department to a second person inquiry using
the left hand column. First, we have discussed all aspects from involvement to influencing
peers to reviewing past experiences. Through the planning session, we were able to identify
the issues that we need to discuss and what we need to do in order to address all array of
issues. It was during this session that we were able to identify the focal issue and conclude
that we need to establish a performance management program. It was not easy though as
there are indeed times when your perceptions are mismatched but dealing with crucial
conversations helped a lot in handling these situations. Further details about the
conversations I had with my co managers and colleagues are stated in the Stories and
Apart from doing the second person inquiry, prior to moving to the assumption level
of the ladder, it is important to validate the meaning and interpretations through the Third
Person inquiry. This may involve people not directly related to the action researcher but who
previously had an encounter with the same realization or situation. These people translate
their experiences into a source of information that will enable other people to validate their
interpretation of what they think the outcome should be. The resigned employees and HR has
been very supportive on this part. They have shared the reasons for their decision and what
the company might have provided to them. Having said that, books and articles related to
employee job satisfaction and performance management system. Other studies on employees
behaviour and the effects of job satisfaction to productivity and employee retention played a
During the course of this action research, we have incorporated Kurt Lewin’s Change
Management model as part of our framework. The model discusses three (3) steps of change
process. Unfreeze involves the process of preparing for the change. In our implementation,
the activities that we used for this phase involves creating the value of the change,
collaborator readiness, understanding change impacts. The next phase is when we implement
the Change. In this stage, we were able to encounter several setbacks like the resistance from
other units in giving feedback and the resistance coming directly from the collaborators. This
was properly handled through communication and involving the collaborators directly in the
process. When we have implemented the change, we have agreed that we will incorporate the
learnings and values in the culture of the team, at this point, we Refreeze the change in the
team. Although the team agreed that refreezing does not mean that what we have
implemented is permanent, we’ve discussed ways on how we can sustain the change. Lastly,
as part of the implementation, it was during the refreeze stage that the team celebrates its
Role Duality
During the course of the action research, it is important to be clear with the role that I
perspectives and dynamics between the participants and you as an action researcher will be
helpful. ( Coghlan & Brannick, 2014). The familiarity I had with my unit collaborators gave
me a leeway in understanding more about how they work and importantly their intentions. It
people are new and I barely know them at all. I’ve realized that this research is an opportunity
for me to get to know them personally and establish a relationship and at the same time take
their insights and incorporate is my action research paper. It was a vision of collaborative
environment where growth, development and engagement matters. The facilitation of
meetings and focus group discussions is more influenced by my role as a manager including
coordination with our human resource department, management team and the other units. My
role as a researcher comes to play during one on one sessions, deliberation and immersing in
the situation of my direct reports. While I had a challenging experience influencing our
human resource department that the performance management program does not focus solely
on performance appraisals, I had a good understanding with my superior that this program
will address relationship issues with the employee, increasing their morale and would
therefore increase their job satisfaction level. As tricky as the situation is, my role as a
manager involves ensuring the completion of all employee to organization related activities
while my role as a researcher comes in during the process of understanding the employees,
listening to their concerns and collaborating with them in monitoring behavioral tracks and
Politics: Organizational politics has been a tremendous challenge in doing the action
research. There are different perspectives given that our human resource department should
be our main collaborator but instead they just viewed this as another performance appraisal
method. It was fortunate though that my immediate superior supported this initiative saying
that people in SDCE especially in Service Delivery Department should be given the privilege
to engage themselves in a more developed culture. This support enabled other units to be
supportive as well thus transparency has become a practice during open forum discussion
Ethics: There are two segments when it comes to ethical considerations in doing this action
research. First is the ethical consideration on the organizational perspective. Second is the
ethical consideration on the employee side. Organizational wise, the execution of this action
research shall be in accordance with the policies of the company. This includes corporate
values which is explained to the employee upon hiring and the result of the employee’s
getting accurate result thus integrity and “malasakit” is very important. From the beginning of
the assessment all details are being explained already to the employees including the benefit
that performance management has to offer. There are no considerations given for non
The construction phase of our first action research cycle was straight forward. The
team had a planning session last September 2018 in Antipolo City to discuss the causes of
the focal issue. I initiated the session with an explanation about the purpose of the planning,
its objectives and benefits to the team. It started with a survey regarding recommendations on
how to improve our services and how we could support or help both individual goals and the
aim of the team. The discussion started by assessing the reason why the attrition rate in
Service Delivery Department is high. The team used Sakichi Toyoda’s 5 WHYs to dig deeper
Figure 10. Action Research Cycle 1- 5 WHYs
The team deliberated on the above mentioned causes and determined that the absence
of giving recognition and rewards, KPIs, setting employee direction and establishing the
importance of performance evaluation contributes to the root cause of attrition. With this, we
have come to conclude that the main issue that we need to address is the lack of employee
job satisfaction. We have conducted another activity using Kurt Lewin’s force field analysis
to assess the positive forces for the change and the challenges to our desired change . The
team was first asked how do they want to challenge the team members to improve or develop
qualities that will help them better manage their work and relationship with each other.
Together, we came up with the list which we have segregated to identify which are the
Figure 11. Action Research Cycle 1- Force Field Analysis
It was discussed that most of the identified restraining forces are the aspects contributing to
motivation which plays a big part in managing the work and relationships better. Motivation
was assigned a score of 10 and was discussed to be a determinant on the level of satisfaction
Planning Action
From the time that the focal issue has been identified by the team, and we have
discussed the plan on how we are going to establish the said program and the activities that
will go along with it. The team decided to divide the tasks and use a project management tool
Table 5. Intervention Activity Monitoring Sheet - Cycle 1
Taking Action
created from 2017. From there, we created a new set of goals, process flows, and
and was submitted to HR. The list below has been approved and is now considered to be the
1. Team Structure
2. Job Functions
3. Job Levels
4. Job Descriptions
5. Performance Appraisal
6. Skills Inventory
Given that there were some items that are not yet completed by this time, we went
back to the Performance Management framework that we have to check if the activities we
have accomplished satisfies the phases of the cycle. Upon discovering that we still need to
incorporate additional tasks to satisfy the requirements in the framework, the team needed to
revise the plan and incorporate the new set of activities. At this point in time, we have
encountered a lot of pressure as the end of the year is fast approaching. We need to have the
system implemented and ensure effectiveness so that on December 2018, people can already
reap the rewards for the second half of the year 2018. By the second week of December, the
team was able to finish the performance management program as outlined in the plan. It was
presented to the Director of the Division where it was approved and was then submitted to
HR. The list below outlines the Performance Management Program for Service Delivery
● Establish Service ● Map job level per rate ● Revisit KRA and ● Job alignment
Delivery card Performance ● Recognition for
Department goals ● Establish team Indicators (PI) Best Consultant of
● Conduct team performance measures ● Revisit employee the Year
strategic meetings and metrics development plan per ● High Five!
● Establish a team ● Create Key job function and job Company-wide
structure Performance Indicators level recognition (based
● Job scope and job (KPI) per job function on customer
levels and job level satisfaction rating)
● Merit increase
Given that the team were able to complete the activities matching the performance
management cycles as outlined above, it was easy for the management team to assess who
amongst the employees of Service Delivery Department will be given a reward and
recognition. Here are some of the achievements of the team for the year 2018:
During the Christmas party, people were given rewards, such as gift certificates. From
the 4 months that the team had for the year 2018, given that 83% of the total population of
Service Delivery Department resigned, we were still able to generate the revenue, exceeding
2017’s actual number. This is based on the performance measures that was set, monitored and
Evaluating Action
The team met again last January 2019 to discuss and review what transpired during
the last quarter of the year and the outcome of our project. We have agreed that the initial
comprises all documentations needed by an employee as profile in the organization. Also, the
output of measures are more inclined with the organizational targets which is increasing the
revenue from the previous year. We have also discussed that the content of the program that
was deployed also needs to be improved. In this regard, apart from the need to be more
performance indicators on the 2019 objectives and people being more encouraged to attend
trainings and get certifications, the members of the team raised questions related to their
goals and professional development. Also, the team shared that there should be a clear
communication on what the employee had accomplished in 2018 and what the employee
needs to improved 2019. In addition, the career development plan is something that should
also be put into place. These questions and feedbacks got the attention of the group and
which made everyone agreed that in order for us to be successful in the implementation of the
program, we should incorporate in the plan the activities that will ensure value to the
Action Research Cycle 2
A month after the implementation of the program, the team planned for the 2019
planning session. Like in the first implementation, we’ve asked for approval that we conduct
an out of office planning for this session so the team can focus on the points for discussion
and activities that needs immediate action. During this time the team realized that we need
to re-evaluate the content of each phase to avoid redundant efforts. We kicked off the session
with the cascade of the vision that was set for the year. We also did a brainstorming session
where the team conducted a review about the program that we have implemented the past
year. We’ve discovered during our sharing session that each member of the team did their
own reflection using the first person inquiry to assess the impact of the first implementation
to them. This became the basis of each member in sharing their thoughts as discussed by one
of our project managers, Claro Lagman when he highlighted the ease of sharing what he feels
and thinks during the meeting. Like what we did during the initial implementation, the team
discussed the issues and used Sakichi Toyoda’s 5 WHYs to discover the root cause of the
Figure 12. Action Research Cycle 2 - 5 WHYs
After doing the root cause analysis , we have used the force field analysis to
Like what we did in the first implementation, the team first consolidated what they
appreciated and what they think that needs to improve. The team grouped the list according to
segments with the rating based on the segments importance. By the end of the activity, we
were then able to identify the driving and restraining forces that affect our desired change in
the program which is to incorporate a solution that will address the lack of employee
formation activities.
Planning Action
Comparing the planning stage from the first implementation where most of the
collaborators are leads, this session already involves all members in the team. We have also
decided to get some feedback from the units we interact with. We’ve requested from Sales
and Solutions Consulting their inputs by answering our internal customer feedback survey. At
the same time, our division head took the time to join us in discussing the issue and the
During the discussion, we are already recording the activities we need to do in order
to address the issue. We have adopted the deployment plan format from our first
implementation to monitor the developments of this iteration. From the first draft that we’ve
created during the planning session, the team decided to incorporate changes and include in
each phase of the Performance Management cycle, the employee formational activities. This
will allow each team member in Service Delivery Department to monitor if their professional
Table 7. Intervention Activity Monitoring Sheet - Cycle 2
Taking Action
Since the focus of this cycle is more driven by the desire to incorporate employee
formational activities in the program, it was an easy move for the team and I to go ahead and
start with the second iteration of the Service Delivery Department performance management
management program like the inclusion of a career development plans, individual profiles
and training plans. We have also conducted a series of activities that will enable each member
● Review of achievements within 2 years’ time
The result of these activities will then be incorporated to the individual profiles of
each member of the team. That’s why we have included the completion the individual
Evaluation Action
Completing the plan for the second iteration was a celebration for us. More importantly,
the lessons that we have learned and the relationship the team have built made it a worthwhile
journey for us. The team met again after the completion of the individual assessment. During
this meeting, we have agreed that we still need to closely monitor the impact of the program to
the new individuals who will join the team. We have also observed that the other units are more
open in sharing their thoughts on the things that the team needs to improve further. Moreover,
the team observed that the entry level consultants still exhibits dissatisfaction as they still seem
to be confused about their role and the career that they want to pursue in the future.We have
agreed that these consultants needs proper guidance through continuous coaching and one on
one sessions.
Based on the two (2) cycles, action research cycles, we were able to establish the
performance management program that will address specific needs of an employee both
administratively and individually. During the course of the cycles, the team gained so much
experience applying different types of techniques in order to handle different kinds of situations.
We all internalized using the ORJI and Ladder of Inference, shared how we feel using the left
hand column, discover the root cause of the problem through the use of 5 WHYs, assessed the
factors that will affect our desired change through the force field analysis and lastly, realized the
phases of change through Kurt Lewin’s change model. It was a journey of discovery for the
team since we have started the program being just colleagues and ending it being a family.
The objective to address the lack of job satisfaction of employees was achieved as the
employees under Service Delivery Department did not resigned from the time they were
hired which was 2 years ago up to present. Those who remained from the last group of
resignees are still with the company. Moreover, some of those who resigned expressed their
intention of coming back because they have heard the news that Service Delivery Department
is now okay. We were able to implement the program addressing both organizational
employee requirements through the completion of human resource related forms and the
individual profile. Also, apart from using the program internally , we also intend to apply the
same program to our customers as part of the business transformation initiative. The
Performance Management program for employees reflected a result that would last a lifetime.
The documentations can change so as the policies but the practice would still remain in the
hearts and minds of those who were involved and affected by the results. The team has
planted in their day to day activities the SEED of what we have worked on for the past 6
months. Those who were present during the time of conceptualization were deeply
overwhelmed by the results not only with their colleagues but within themselves as well,
especially the application of the three (3) inquiries. Now, everybody experienced,
understood, judged and took action in creating a change. When you talk about performance,
Service Delivery Department would always be in the frontline knowing what to do, and
The first cycle aims to establish the employee foundation in terms of organizational
presence. At first glance, the team thought that the success of this implementation relies
solely in completing all human resources documentation that is related to the organizational
operations during planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating that it is all about
establishing the needs of the employee organizational wise. It was during the actual
implementation that we get to see the value of the program in an organizational perspective.
We have understood that the program is not as simple as building the performance metrics
but the process that the team needs to go through in order to have an end to end solution that
will address the needs of an employee from hiring until resigning. At the end of the
implementation, the team together with management realized that the program succeeded
because the aspects that management needs to look at and the documentations that needs to
be completed in deciding who will be rewarded have been presented very well. It was an easy
job giving rewards to the employee and in return, you can see in the faces of the employees
Looking back on how things happened so quickly, I may not be able to overcome all
the challenges if not because of this IAR journey. The practices and methodologies helped a
lot literally building my department from scratch. It started in a meeting last July 2017 with
the SDCE management team regarding Service Delivery Department. The agenda of the
meeting is to discuss the concern about the resignation of 83% of the consultants in Service
Delivery Department. These people are the senior consultants of the group composing of
and Project Managers. Issues like low motivation, lack of job descriptions and job levels and
lack of job satisfaction were raised during the meeting. Since most of the employees have
already resigned, we, in the management team have decided to act on the issues once we are
able to hire another group of consultants. It was August 2017 when a new set of consultants
joined the group. During this time, the team focused on how we can attend to the existing
projects left for the year. The team had a brainstorming meeting 2nd week of September 2017
to discuss first what we need to do in order to strategize our goals for the department. This is
more inclined towards standardization of processes and geared towards the fulfillment of HR
required documentations. November 2017 the team had decided to divide the tasks covering
the content for goals, job functions, job levelling, KPI and ways on how we can contribute to
generating the revenue We have also included the creation of service packages and the tools
that the team needs that will aid our operations. All of the activities that were mentioned are
part of the team’s initiative to prepare for the year 2018. It took us a span of eleven (11)
months, allotting one (1) to two (2) meetings a month to discuss and execute the activities for
standardization. The team then identified that we are struggling with standardization because
at first it was given that the problem that we are trying to resolve is the attrition rate, but
because of the discussions during meetings and techniques that we used such as the 5 WHYS
and the Force Field Analysis to analyze where the problem is coming from, the team was able
to point out that the important issue that we should be focusing on is employee satisfaction.
We have then made a revision on the activities that we plan to do and created a program that
is aligned with addressing the main issue. September 20, 2018, was when we had our first
recommendations on how to improve our services and how we could support or help both
individual professional goals and the aim of the team. The session included an activity that
will allow the team to get to know more about each other, focusing on the qualities that they
admire among team members and how do they want to challenge the team members to
improve or develop qualities that will help them better manage their work and relationship
with each other. It was a successful activity that contributed to both behavioural and
professional enhancement. We started appreciating first the strengths of each member of the
team. In the summary, we took note of the top answers from the team:
2. Willingness to help and be patient with one another as the team develops
3. Discipline in timeliness
We conducted an open forum to share how each of us felt throughout the activity. It
was observed that there was an improvement in openness as some members looked back into
past activities, discussed what went well and what we could have done to improve the
outcome. Some even shared about personal goals, while others shared similar experiences
and recommendations.We first chose a framework that would fit the solution to address the
focus area that we want to achieve. When we finally identified the components of the
performance management cycle, we began listing the foundational activities needed for each
phase. The first seven activities are all influenced by what HR would like our department to
submit like:
Document Description
Team Structure This document serves as the basis for filling in the open
positions in the team.
Job Roles document This indicates the high level description of each position in
the structure.
Job Description document Supporting document for the manpower requests. This
document contains the details of a specific position in the
Job Levels document This document contains the specific job levels in a given
Rate Card File This contains the rate card of each consultant per job level
KPI Template This contains the key performance indicators that will be
the basis of each employee performance.
We’ve made use of the Smartsheet, the same tool as what we are using in projects as
this effort will also be beneficial to the company.After identifying the activities of the
program, we have decided to divide each activity and assign it to each member of the
team.Last September 13, 2018, we have initiated the document for Service Delivery
Department’s functions management. This contains the position titles of each role in Service
Delivery Department including the qualifications. Also, we have started revising the Service
Delivery process flow. This process flow is important in the fulfillment of the roles and
responsibilities that the team had documented.The team was very excited to have gotten this
far. In October of 2018, from the seven (7) documentations that we have listed for submission
to HR, we have completed eight (8) activities that we have listed during planning:
1. Team Structure
2. Job Roles
3. Job Descriptions
4. Job Levels
6. KPI Template
7. Performance Appraisal
8. Set of Rewards
Given that there were some items that are not yet completed by this time, we went
back to the Performance Management cycle to ensure that we have covered everything based
on the framework. We have discovered at this point that we still need to add some activities
in the deployment plan to satisfy all phases of the performance management cycle. We need
to do this before we can actually communicate to the program with the management team, but
we are being pressed for time as the end of the year is approaching. We need to have the
system implemented and ensure effectiveness so that on December 2018, people can already
reap the rewards for the second half of the year 2018. We kept on going back to the
performance management cycle to ensure that all phases have been covered. After weeks of
meetings and focus group discussions, we were able to release the final outline of the
Based on what was implemented during this cycle, the team made a realization that it
is true that people get motivated when they get recognized for a job well done. The measures
that were put in place discussed one on one with the employee gets monitored and
communicated the results were actually something that the team felt an achievement for. It
was a feeling of satisfaction, not of oneself but of the team’s success. On the other hand, it is
not purely in a positive context, as there are challenges that we have identified and
experienced along the way. The team met again for a planning session to review our
experience in the first implementation. During the discussion, the team recognized the
contents of the first implementation to more likely focused on organization employee
foundation. It was raised that we should include a content that has a “personal touch” to the
employee’s career direction like, building a training plan and a career development plan.
From the perspective of the deployment, the team continuously seeks the answer to the
3. These questions sum up to one main question - how do we get to our final
desired state?
The team acknowledges the fact that the fulfillment of the remaining activities needed
management for the year. And so, the team took note of the improvements and scheduled the
The second cycle was more of a “personal touch” as it aims to establish employee
formation activities within the program focusing more on the employee’s career direction.
The outcome of this iteration may seem simple in terms of documentation but its impact is
overwhelming to the employee. Through the activities that the team conducted, each
employee in the team was able to recognize the achievements that they made over the past
year and what they would like to achieve in the current year. We were also able to check if
everyone in the team is aligned in terms of understanding their role and what is expected of
them in terms of performance. Lastly, it was during this cycle that we were able to finalize
the individual profiles. This document shall serve as the employee’s diary about their journey
in Company M. It contains their progress, the stages they went through, the challenges
they’ve encountered and how they were able to overcome their difficulty given a situation. In
addition, it contains all trainings that they’ve attended, its results and the certifications
they’ve finished. Their goals, hopes and career dreams are part of the profile as well. The
outcome of the second cycle can be described as building one’s individuality. It is focused
on creating an impact in the life of the employee rather than of the organization.
Coming out from a rewarding 2018, additional people started to join Service Delivery
Department which gave the team the chance to test out the program. We had a meeting to
kick off 2019 through a review of the initial implementation that we had. During this
meeting , there were three (3) major questions that caught the team’s attention.
1. Is there a way for us to know if we fit in the role that we are currently in?
2. Does our achievements in the previous year relates to where we want to go in terms of
3. What skills have we built during our stay with the company?
The team therefore determined that we need to put emphasis on the importance of
understanding the monitoring of each employee’s achievements and ensure its alignment with
their personal goals. In addition, each of the raised the challenge of doing this alone and so
we’ve decided to include this particular topic in our planning session. The agenda of our
planning session is outlined below allotting enough time to go through agenda number four
2. Cascade the vision set for SDCE and Service Delivery Department for 2019
4. Set individual and group action plans with timeline needed to achieve both
On the day of the planning session, the environment turned around as the session
served as an avenue for everybody to share how they felt about the first implementation and
what seems to be lacking. From the list of questions that we’ve gathered during the
pre-planning meeting, each employee shared their feelings through the use of the left hand
column. It was a simple discussion that turned emotional as each of them shared what they
were going through in detail just to put directions in their career. Most of them identified the
problem as confusion of career direction and they explicitly shared that they do not know
how to go about it. The team agreed to take the confusion in career direction as the problem
statement and have decided to decipher the said statement using Sakichi Toyoda’s 5 WHYs
supported by Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis, it became evident through the results that
we need to restructure the program to include a tool that would allow the employees to have a
view of their organizational achievements vs. their personal goal. This iteration is considered
by the team as a big leap from building organizational employee foundation to incorporating
The first Monday after our planning session, we have documented what transpired
during the event and people were excited to get involved in meetings and activities, and
hearing all their ideas and contributions. We have identified the need to include in the
1. Training Plan
3. Individual Profile
We have recognized that the first two (2) items are subject for management approval,
thus, we need to work on it first in order to have it approved by management. We have also
identified the need to simplify the contents of the performance management program from
In order to strengthen the team’s claim for development, we have released a survey at
the end of February 2019 to different participants from units with which our team interacts
with - Business Development, Sales, and Solutions Consulting. The responses to this survey
were discussed one-on-one with the selected participants. As a result, the team was able to
confirm that we lack certain skills that needs further improvement. With this, the team was
able to include in the plan, the feedback from other units. The team then created the
deployment plan using Smartsheet for proper monitoring of the project. At the end of the
planning phase for the second iteration, we were able to complete all identified subjects plus
the improvements that we need to look at moving forward. It was during this iteration that the
team were able to execute some of the activities like team building, socialization, recognition,
acknowledging of strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly we were able to get to
know more of our Division Head and communicate to him the things that we need moving
If during the first cycle, we were able to complete the documentation needed by the
employee as required by the human resource department, aligned with organizational targets,
the second cycle, is more focused on activities that will contribute to the employee’s growth
and development. Meaning, the outcome does not focus solely on revenue targets but of the
employee’s personal goal. During the implementation, the team relied on the questions
5. Given the skills that I have, where will it take me 5 years from now?
It was also in this stage that we’ve agreed that there is a need for us to change our
perspective of the program. From being a solution that will address the end to end employee
needs, that is from hiring until retiring or resigning to Foundational and Formational. We
have then restructured our deployment plan and grouped our initiatives based on the
deliverable based on the two (2) above mentioned categories. From this plan, we were able to
brainstorm on the details that we need to create the documents for each phase of the cycle.
1. Performance Appraisal
2. Individual Profile
This serves as the document where the employee can look back and
The team also conducted an activity to look back on how they’ve started and their
accomplishments during the time that they are Company M. After creating the documents and
completing the activities, The team filled up the two documentations to incorporate the
details of their performance on the current evaluation period. Then, we have conducted a
series of one on one session to discuss their accomplishments, needs improvement and the
remaining tasks that they need to complete by the end of the year.
After completing all documentations and one on one session, the team finalized the
Table 10. Final Outline of Service Delivery Department Performance Management
At this point, we have not yet achieved the revenue target assigned to us for the year
but the motivation of the people are very high. They always make sure to stay in the loop and
they keep themselves aligned with the current technology updates. Moreover, they are slowly
aligning their personal goals with their current professional standing. This keeps them on
track with what they would like to be in the future. Appreciation began to build up, the team
is picking up the pieces from where we left off and translating it into a learning pattern.
Importantly, their level of satisfaction improved from the time we started this project. While
we reflect on the journey that we had, we’ve come up to the final statement, the performance
management program indeed enhances employee relations, it makes employees engaged and
There is a sense of fulfillment looking back on the journey of this Action Research. It
was a secret that I am trying to unfold as an action researcher and when you’ve finally come
to a point of realizing that you’ve gotten to how you have envisioned it, it becomes a very
worthwhile moment. It was really a journey that is worth remembering. At first I thought that
this is just a simple business case wherein you need to establish that statement of the problem
and then provide theoretical solution then that’s it. It was never a personal thing for me until I
started participating and reflecting on it. It is true that you will never find out until you take
a single step. As I reflect on the events that I observed, experienced, valued, decided and took
action, I’d like to co-relate action research with the techniques and models that the team and
Doing action research requires a systematic way of inquiry, in all methods that were
used during the course of the action research, everything starts with observation, it starts with
knowing and acknowledging within you that something needs to change. I personally liked
the discussion of action research as practical knowing in the book of (Coghlan & Brannick,
Doing Action Research in your own organization, 2014). It was mentioned in this particular
article that “action research distinguishes four types of knowing, reflecting different ways in
which we deal with and act within the world” ( Heron, 1996; Reason and Torbert, 2001;
Presentational Knowing: An expression of experience through actions
propositional. “It brings all three forms to full fruition by doing appropriate things
Looking at the all forms of knowing, I could see this also symbolizes the three types
of inquiry. The first person being the experiential, second person being presentational and
third person being the propositional, all together it becomes the action research which is the
practical knowing. I have also come to learn that change management is the core of an action
research. As Kurt Lewin’s change model suggests, Unfreeze is preparing for the change, this
involves observation and data gathering about the needs of the change. It is making the
environment ready to adopt the change. Change is when you implement the actions towards
the desired change, This involves putting meaning and assumptions to the data that was
gathered, drawing conclusions, adopting beliefs about the situation and taking actions based
on those beliefs. This phase needs constant communication with the collaborators and
beneficiary of the change so they can take part and understand the value of the
implementation. Lastly, when everything is settled, it's time to celebrate and anchor the
the methodologies and practices by applying it to actual situations, related or not related to
understand, engage and empower not just myself but the people around me as well. With this
realization, I’ve come to deeply appreciate what this experience is teaching me, what this
experience is teaching the people around me. That apart from taking action and making a
difference in our organizational set up, this activity ensures the practice of ELGA. The
Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes that me as a student should acquire and apply in the
critical and creative manner. I continuously innovate, and constantly seeks for
making sure that it is clearly expressed and demonstrated. I give time to listen to the people I
solution to the issues and problems that goes along my way. I reflect on life and through
this reflection, I’ve learned to be empathic, and develop that self awareness in order to affect
people in a positive way. Lastly, I am a service oriented citizen. I act in order to create
In summary, my self reflection for this action learning is very simple, It was never
about me, it is about the people that relies on me. Life’s purpose is not on what you’ve
achieved in terms of material things, but how you’ve influenced and took part in the life
of another person which made a difference in his/her life that matters. The level of
fulfillment is on the depth of the mark that one has engraved in the hearts of many.
That is what this Action Research for. A fulfillment of a dream, not mine but of the
others. Looking back in the RVR code of ethics, this action research gave me the
opportunity to live by my purpose which is to lead people and manage resources to
promote human development and the common good and to create value that no single
the first cycle but was transformed and brought out a deeper meaning in the second cycle and
The focal issue out of many issues in the office is one very important aspect that most
people tend to take for granted. It is true that everyone is indispensable in terms of skills but
not in passion. The lack of job satisfaction I think is not really a group issue but a struggle of
every individual in the office. Now that there is already a program that would address this, it
would be easier for me to propose and advise other units to adopt the same practice as well.
One important thing to take note, during the process of implementation, I’ve discovered that
the impact of the absence of the solution to address the lack of job satisfaction can cause
operations growth and success. As Peter Drucker shared, “ Of all the decisions an executive
makes, none is as important as the decisions about people because they determine the
performance capacity of the organization”. I am proud to say that this action research made
an effect not only to me but to my colleagues as well. They became more engaged in
understanding and making the change happen. In fact, they will use the same practice in
dealing with our external customers through the business transformation program. Apart from
this, they now feel a sense of direction. They adopted the use of ORJI and the ladder of
inference to understand there observation, process and most importantly have the courage to
take action.
Familiarity of process is one important aspect but in this action research, I’ve come to
learn that if you need to bend a process in order to shed light and influence change then you
should do it. In the case of this Action Research, the absence of support coming from the
department who supposedly has the right understanding on the subject matter should not
hinder the implementation of the program. As my immediate superior said, once we are done
implementing the program and everybody sees the outcome, it would be a lot easier to
because of collaboration. The second person inquiry being the primary source, engaging
others during conceptualization, implementation and evaluation made a great impact in the
success of the program. If not with the support of my collaborators, this program would come
to fruition. It was through their intention to make a change not only in the organization but
within themselves that made this effort important. It is through collaboration that I’ve come
to realize that you cannot do this alone, and you do not need to do this alone. That I need to
work with people not only to succeed but to feel that sense of belongingness. It is not
important who gets the credit but the impact of the change, the impact of the initiative to
people. I’ve come across this quote that says ” If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to
go far, go Together”. One important learning I got while doing this action research, it is not
your own story that matters but your journey with others that makes things worthwhile.
This effort may be odd for some as it would require a change in the traditional way of
doing performance appraisals since this would cover an end to end scope. But the
assumptions of the people around should not affect the goal that I have set not only for
myself but for the people in my team. I am actually doubting myself if I could make this
work as it is really difficult to start building a program from scratch. There is also an
assumption that everything will be easy and that I can do it alone. I didn’t know that it would
be much easier if you collaborate with other units and much more easily when you extract
data from your direct reports as well. Also, I have formed an assumption in my mind which
resulted to my hesitation on the acceptance of the people around me regarding the change.
What if other people won’t appreciate this? and What if they do not find the value of
engaging themselves in the process?. I was honestly afraid of trying this effort once again
because of the experience that I had with attrition not to mention, the people that I am
working with are all new and we have not established that level of trust yet for them to share
what they think and feel both on a professional and personal domain, Moreso, collaborate in
Through this action research, I was able to realize that you will not know or learn
until you get yourself in the situation, until you take that leap of faith. I was able to
meaning and the assumptions that I make should be based on the derived meanings
incorporated by my beliefs given the values that I have as a person and towards the situation.
From there, I can already take action. In addition, I thought that my collaborators will
participate in the project because of the benefits that it will serve them. I did not realize until
we encountered a situation in one of our accounts that I saw them working on identifying the
root cause using the 5 WHYs. They also practice the first person, second person inquiry
during requirements gathering and in conversing with customers. More importantly, I was
able to challenge the perspectives of my collaborators that this program is more intended
towards organizational use, that they will not get a lesson or learning that they can use in their
This action research may seem very ordinary because of its presence in all
organizations. At the onset, it may seem that the coverage of the issue and action that was
tackled in this paper applies only to business organizations and individuals who are employed
in a company. On the contrary, I strongly believe that one’s satisfaction should be given
attention and importance regardless of the environment. That even those who work within
our household should be given that level of job satisfaction they need. This paper can be used
by people who care about other people. It does not have limits in terms of influence, position
or standing because the purpose of this action research is really to empower not only oneself
but the people around you. In one of the articles that I came across, It was highlighted that the
employer would be benefiting a lot from employees who are satisfied in the workplace. To
quote “For an employer, job satisfaction for an employee is an important aspect to get the
best out of them. A satisfied employee always contributes more to the company, helps
control attrition & helps the company grow. Employers need to ensure a good job
description to attract employees and constantly give opportunities to individuals to learn and
grow.” - (,2019)
1. More efficiency of employees in the workplace if they are satisfied with their job.
While this is proven to be true during the implementation of the first cycle, the second
cycle turned this paragraph in a much broader context, the results of the second cycle as I
would translate it using the above mentioned article , for a person who cares for the well-
being of another person, satisfaction is an important aspect that would bring out the best in
others. With satisfaction, the person can contribute to his/her environment, spreading the
culture of “malasakit”, development and growth. Its positive effects include, efficiency,
loyalty, commitment and happiness. Surely, this paper is something that an organization
would benefit from, especially those who are in the industry of providing services to increase
revenue and gain more profits. But I believe that its outcome goes beyond revenues, the
outcome can change the perception of the organization that a performance management
program only caters to the performance evaluation of the employee and not the totality of the
employee journey. This action research enables the formation of a person’s self-
actualization. This need is towards self- fulfillment, achieving one’s full potential. According
of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person. Once the growth needs have
been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest level called
self-actualization.” Given this statement, one must first reflect an extract the purpose or the
“desire to grow as a person”. In our case, individual activities using ORJI or the ladder of
inference helped each person in the team to extract their desires or personal goals from there,
each was able to come up with their individual profiles as an outcome of the second cycle.
This action research proves not just the feasibility of a performance management
program but the value of caring to change something out of the ordinary. This gives a lot of
impact in the lives of a more important audience, the people. As discussed in the previous
chapters of this paper, the performance management program aims to regain and instill high
job satisfaction level of an employee through establishing the foundational human resource
need of an employee in the organization. This was done using phases of the performance
management framework (Planning, Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluating). In our case, the
performance and development seems to be lacking. During the process, my collaborators and
I was able to touch the area beyond the professional environment which requires a certain
level of trust as it is more personal and towards the formation of an individual. From the four
phases of the performance management cycle that we have adopted, we’ve discovered that it
would be better if the formational activities are incorporated in each phase. Inserting this in
the cycle would bring more meaning to the outcome of the performance (organizational
related activities) because it directly affects the core, which is the reason why the employee is
working and the direction where the employee is heading to. From our implementation, we
creating a program that would allow your employees to achieve a satisfactory level of job
satisfaction. Always remember that satisfying the employee’s core will contribute to an
increase in productivity and perseverance develop and grow. Having this in mind, will
provide you a stress free environment and a very productive operations. Also, The
combination of using the performance management cycle and Kurt Lewin’s change model is
a good start. Merging the two enables a continuous cycle of improvement and learning which
To other MBA students, I encourage you to continuously process your ladder. While
doing my reflection, I've realized that in order for an action researcher to be effective in
climbing up, the initial step is to care first. Care about your environment and the people
around you. This way you create a purpose before your observation begins.
To those people who get to read this paper, you may have encountered the issues that
were raised through a colleague or a friend or probably, you are currently struggling with the
same issues personally, I suggest that you apply the same concepts, care to change
perspective, challenge the norm and most importantly stand by your values and principles.
Do not be afraid to fail, strive harder to climb up your ladder of inference, ask the people
around you and collaborate then continuously improve by unfreezing, change and freeze, go
through the cycle and during the process, get people involved. YOU CANNOT DO IT
ALONE because it is not always about you. In this action research, the value of thriving for
cognitive outputs became evident after the implementation but during the course of the
process, by being an action researcher you will realize that the foundation of making
As for me, I have learned that the application of the three (3) inquiries matters in our
day to day functions and is not just limited in doing action research. Part of the outcomes of
this action research was my own transformation, from being self centered to being
considerate. I’ve learned to listen and empathize with people. I’ve learned to be more
understanding and to recognize that in the process of changing comes transformation. This
action research made me realize that the meaning I put in the actions of other people and my
actions are influenced by my core values, and by doing this I intend to immediately give
judgment about the situation or to a person. This means that in order to be considerate with
your expressions, actions or situations, one must climb the ladder of inference step by step
and in the course of completing each step, the three (3) inquiries should always be practiced.
Lastly, this action research gave me the opportunity to empower other individuals, as
mentioned in the first part of this paper, it is a mission that I want to continue doing, to
empower others on the practices of action research so they can not only apply it in their work
and personal lives but to empower others as well. Moving forward, I will be applying the
same concepts as I am now being asked to contribute in the improvement of another team
IV. References
Coghlan, D., & Brannick, T. (2014). Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization
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Adeoye, A.O. and Z. Fields, 2014. Compensation management and employee job
satisfaction: A case of Nigeria. J. Soc. Sci., 41: 345-352.
Action Research Cycle 1
Ladder of Inference
I take ACTIONS based on my beliefs Although the group made the decision that
this is the focal issue that we would like to
address, I still raised my observations and
thoughts during the construction phase of the
first cycle.
I adopt BELIEFS about the person & the I believe that once the program is executed, it
situation will greatly reduce, if not, eliminate the
resignations from the group. I also believe
that this program will address the issues of
each member of the group regarding
motivation, direction and career progression.
I select DATA from what I observe I observed this based on the frequency of
resignations that I received indicating the
same set of reasons.
Observation: From the announcement made during the Townhall last year where I was
appointed as the Head of Service Delivery, people here in our Division seem to react
negatively. What could be new? This is the same observation I had during my first day of
work. I observed that even though they are reporting directly to me, they still choose to
talk to the head of the division whom I am reporting to. I feel their resistance in the change
and every time I talk to them, I would see negative reactions through their facial
expressions. I observed that this behaviour was the result of the changes made by the
company to the organizational structure.
Observation: There are a few people in my team who expressed their intentions of
resigning. Most, if not all of them, refuses to attend my proposed trainings. They said that
they do not want to engage in a bond contract with the company. I’ve observed that
people are coming in the office late, like the middle of the day already and stay until late at
night until 9pm not doing anything but play video games. I also noticed that the
resignations are coming in batches. Either in 2’s or 3’s. The group that I handle originally
consists of 25 members but would look like it will decline up to 50%.
Date: September 2017
Observation: From the feedback of the people who resigned from the group. I have
noticed that the common denomination is “ the direction of the company”
Resigned Employee: I feel that there is no direction anymore, we do not have projects
Monica: I would like to understand where your assumption is coming from? Where did you
get the idea that the company does not have a direction?
Resigned Employee: Well, wala kaming projects, ang gulo gulo . Yung bond sobrang tagal
parang ayaw na kaming maggrow sa ibang lugar. Di ko ala, may job description nga ako
pero di ko na alam ano role ko. Pinagawaan kami ng performance appraisal di ko naman
naiintindihan para saan di rin sinabi kung ano ilalagay ko doon. Parang wala na kong growth
Monica: What made you feel na wala na kayong growth dito sa company?
performance appraisal ko nga subjective pa yun kung ano sabihin na feedback ng project
Monica: Okay, what do you think would be the reason for you to stay?
Resigned Employee: Decided na ko mam eh, pero kung sasagutin ko yung tanong mo
gusto maibalik yung feeling na part ako ng grupo. Yung nangangarap kayo para sa grupo
kasi sabi sakin noon, we will invade yung global market, gusto ko yun kaya nagstick ako kasi
Monica: Okay, thank you for sharing with me your thoughts, and I hope for your success.
Monica: Hi! Thank you for taking the time to talk with me
Pete: No worries Monica. I feel that the need to do this anyway
Pete: Because people are leaving and I am worried kung saan tayo pupulutin. Yung mga
clients natin gusto yang mga taong yan. Iniisip ko pagumalis sila baka mawala rin ung mga
accounts satin.
Monica: I understand. Pete, I would like to know your thoughts, why are you still staying
with us?
Monica: Could you give me an idea what would make this company worth your time and
Pete: Kung maayos mo siya Monica. Nakailang taon na ko dito di man lang gumagalaw
sweldo ko . Di ko alam rin if I am doing the right thing. Sasabihin lang naman nila sayo yung
mga bagay na mali mo pero hindi ko narinig na I did a good job. The person you replaced
always decides on what needs to be done and I am not comfortable with it . Gusto ko rin
dumiskarte ng sa tingin kong tama, kasi that’s where I will learn. Tyaka, ano level ko ngaun
project manager? Ei ung na ung job description ko nung pumasok ako diko sure kung
naglevel up man lang ako eh. So kung un maayos mo, okay pa rin ako dito.
Monica: Okay Pete. Thanks for sharing. I’ll update you on the initiatives that will address
your concerns.
Journal #1
Journal #2
1. Job Levelling
2. Certification Calendar
3. Job Description
4. Performance Appraisal
Action Research Cycle 2
Ladder of Inference
I adopt BELIEFS about the person & the I believe that the performance management
situation program should not just be about the
employee benefitting to the company
scenario, but the company impacting the life
of the employee as well.
I add MEANINGS (cultural and personal) If we have added a stage in the performance
management program that will allow the
employees to track their own achievements,
then they will have a view on how their
current work contributes to reaching their
professional goals.
I select DATA from what I observe I observed this based on the questions that
they’ve shared with me during our one on one
I OBSERVE data and experiences I observed that the questions of the employees
in Service Delivery Department are more
inclined towards their professional
Observation: Everybody was happy because of the rewards that the team received last
year. I observed though through my one on one sessions that most people in the team are
still asking what improvement did they got from last year? And they are also thinking if the
role that they have currently is something that they would want to pursue in the future.
Journal #1
1. Individual Profile
2. Performance Appraisal
3. Activities - Reflection
4. Activities - Left Hand Column
5. Activities - Feedback
6. Activities - 2 years ago reflection
Informed Consents