Bone Typing CBCT
Bone Typing CBCT
Bone Typing CBCT
Abstract: Assessing bone density in prospective dental implant sites is crucial both for choosing the
implant type and for planning a drilling procedure that will ensure the implant’s primary stability
and osseointegration. This study aimed to investigate possible differences between the bone densities
of various edentulous sites in the maxilla and mandible. The study was conducted on a group of
forty partly edentulous patients who underwent radiological examination by scanning the areas of
interest using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Hounsfield units (HU) were analyzed using
dedicated software. Higher HU were observed at the site of mandibular central incisors compared
Citation: Morar, L.; Băciut, , G.; Băciut, ,
to the site of maxillary central incisors. The HU values in the mandibular first molars region were
M.; Bran, S.; Colosi, H.; Manea, A.; higher than those of the maxillary first molars. Buccal vs. lingual or palatal cortical HU values did not
Almăs, an, O.; Dinu, C. Analysis of differ significantly. Within the limitations of this study, it can be stated that an objective assessment
CBCT Bone Density Using the of site-specific bone density before the installation of dental implants may provide valuable clinical
Hounsfield Scale. Prosthesis 2022, 4, information for the selection of implant size and the planning of a patient-specific drilling protocol.
prosthesis4030033 Keywords: bone density; Hounsfield unit; cone beam computed tomography; dental implant
Academic Editors: Andrea Scribante,
Simone Gallo and Maurizio
1. Introduction
Received: 28 June 2022
The clinical success of dental implants has been linked to both the quantity and the
Accepted: 1 August 2022
density of the surrounding bone [1].
Published: 3 August 2022
Computed tomography (CT) is an established method for obtaining bone images
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral before performing dental implant insertion surgery. CT scans provide an accurate three-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in dimensional assessment of anatomical structures as well as a direct measurement of bone
published maps and institutional affil- density, which is expressed in Hounsfield units (HU), a value that offers crucial information
about the bone [1].
Bone density evaluation using CT is based on two fundamental principles. First, the
radiological density of the tissue is measured by calculating the attenuation coefficient
of the x-ray beam. CT thereby generates a more detailed two-dimensional image of an
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
object based on its three-dimensional reality, which represents the second fundamental
This article is an open access article
principle [2].
distributed under the terms and To assess the radiological density using CT, measurements are expressed using the
conditions of the Creative Commons Hounsfield scale, which is a quantitative scale and provides an exact density value for
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// each tissue type. On the Hounsfield scale, the air has a value of −1000 (black on the grayscale), while bone presents values from +700, for spongy bone, to +3000, for dense
4.0/). bone (cochlea). This is an important aspect of imagistic examination for the purpose of
bone density assessment. Similarly, the difference between soft tissue values and the air is
large, thus allowing a clear analysis of maxillary sinuses and other anatomical structures [3].
Therefore, the Hounsfield scale represents the tissue’s relative density on a calibrated
grayscale, one based on values for air, water, and bone density. The results of a study by
Nackaerts indicated a strong linear relationship between the gray scales in CBCT and HU
in CT [4].
The primary stability of the dental implant is dictated by the bone quantity and
bone quality at the implant insertion site, as well as the surgical placement technique
and geometry of the implant [5]. The bone quality is determined by several factors that
contribute to bone resistance. However, as an objective and quantifiable measure of bone
quality analysis, most clinicians use bone density as expressed on the Hounsfield scale.
Poor primary stability and higher failure rates are more common among implants placed
in low-density bones [6]. Therefore, a good preoperative assessment of bone density can
guide the clinician’s decision regarding the implant type, the drilling procedure for the
implant cavity, and the surgical technique to be used [7].
When implants are surgically inserted, they rely on their macrostructure combined
with the surgical protocol to provide primary stability, which is the initial level of me-
chanical stability in the bone. As the bone heals, the process of osseointegration produces
secondary stability, which is responsible for the long-term success of the implant. During
the bone remodeling process after implant placement, primary stability decreases while
secondary stability increases from new bone formation [8].
The second factor is the implant’s thread design. Implants with very short threads,
and those with threads spaced closely together, tend to have poorer primary stability than
do implants with wider and more aggressive cutting threads. Consequently, in cases with
reduced bone density, primary implant stability can be improved by using implants with
more aggressive threads [9].
The drilling technique is another major aspect to be considered when a quickly es-
tablished primary stability of the implant is sought. Increased stability may be achieved
with various degrees of under-preparation of the osteotomy. In general, the combina-
tion of increased implant diameters with reductions in osteotomy dimensions results in
proportionally increased insertion torque levels during implant placement [10,11].
The osseo-densification drilling technique is based on the concept of a non-subtractive
multi-stepped drilling process using burs that allow bone preservation and autografting
compaction along the osteotomy wall [12]. The densifying bur presents a cutting chisel
and tapered shank, allowing it to progressively increase the diameter as it is moved deeper
into the osteotomy site, thereby controlling the expansion process. Also, drilling can be
operated in both counterclockwise and clockwise rotation directions at high drilling speeds.
The counterclockwise drilling direction is more efficient for the densification process and is
utilized in low-density bone, while the clockwise drilling direction is suitable for higher-
density bone [13].
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology has had a significant impact
on oral implantology and is currently the most used tool for assessing bone quantity and
quality during dental implant planning.
The accuracy of CBCT in determining bone density has been evaluated in multiple
studies [14–16]. In this context, Parsa et al. compared CBCT with both traditional and
microcomputed CT, and the results indicated a strong correlation between CT and CBCT,
thus confirming that these methods have similar accuracy for bone density assessment [17].
Artifacts caused by metallic implants degrade the image quality and decrease the diagnostic
value of the examination. In the reconstructed CBCT image, the presence of metallic
inserts causes severe metal artifacts that reduce the diagnostic performance; metal artifact
reduction can be accomplished using deep learning methods [18]. Peri-implant artifacts
were observed in all bone types when CBCT was used to assess the effect of exposure
parameters on metal artifacts of dental implants placed in various bone densities, therefore,
a smaller FOV can be used to reduce metal artifacts [19].
Prosthesis 2022, 4 416
Lekholm and Zarb suggested a bone classification system based on macrostructure, one
in which the morphology and distribution of the cortical and trabecular bone determined
the bone quality [20,21].
Bone mineral density quantified as CT values (HU) was originally categorized by
Misch into five ranges: D1 bone for a HU value greater than 1250, D2 bone for values
between 850 and 1250 HU next to the implant-bone interface, D3 bone for values from
350 to 850 Hu at the implant site, D4 bone from 150 to 350 HU at the site, and D5 bone
for less than 150 HU [22]. Based on Misch’s classification, Trisi and Rao proved that the
histomorphometry of the trabecular bone volume strongly correlates with bone resistance
measurements in D1 and D4 bones. However, there was a high degree of variation in terms
of the D2 and D3 bones [23].
Since preoperative bone density values guide the clinician in planning the intervention
and in choosing the right dental implants and surgical protocols, there is important clinical
value in the investigation of preoperative bone densities before dental placement.
A recent study regarding bone density assessment, in Hounsfield Units, of dental
implant sites with both CBCT and medical CT showed that bone density values were
generally higher for CBCT, even though the correlations between the CBCT and CT values
were high [1]. Using CBCT, it was determined that the anterior mandible had the highest
mean bone density, and that the posterior maxilla had the lowest mean bone density [24].
Another study, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, revealed that the maxillary anterior
and premolar regions had the lowest bone mineral density and the mandibular anterior
region had the highest [25].
Therefore, this study aimed to assess preoperative bone densities in the anterior and
posterior maxillary region, as well as in the anterior and posterior mandibular regions of
forty implant patients.
The study investigated the null hypothesis that bone density of the alveolar crest
of maxillary central incisors did not differ significantly from that of mandibular central
incisors. A similar null hypothesis has been formulated and tested concerning the bone
density of the alveolar crest of maxillary first molars compared to the alveolar crest of
mandibular first molars.
2. Results
Forty CBCT scans, belonging to forty partly edentulous patients (both female and
male patients, with ages ranging between 18 and 55 years), were analyzed. The number of
patients and corresponding edentulous areas are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Numbers of patients (n = 40) and percentages (%) in each of the groups according to age.
The HU values were assessed at the external buccal and palatal/lingual internal
cortical bone level and a depth of 2 mm from the alveolar crest, in the trabecular bone, for
each of the four locations. The mean HU value at the buccal and palatal/lingual cortical
bone was higher in the mandible central incisors compared to the maxillary central incisors
and at the mandible first molars compared to the maxillary first molars. At 2 mm from the
alveolar crest, the mean HU value was higher in mandibular central incisors compared
to maxillary central incisors, as well as in mandibular first molars compared to maxillary
first molars. The HU values of the buccal and palatal or lingual cortical bone and those
measured at 2 mm in the maxillary versus mandibular central incisors area, as well as
Prosthesis 2022, 4 417
in the maxillary versus mandibular first molar area, are shown in Table 2, composed of
240 measurements in total.
Table 2. HU values assessment in the trabecular bone at the external buccal and palatal/lingual
internal cortical bone level and at a depth of 2 mm from the alveolar crest, as well as the difference
between the maxillary central incisors and the first molars and the mandibular central incisors and
the first molars.
Bone Level Mean SD Median IQR Min. Max.
Mx.I Buccal cortical bone (n = 20) 987.40 322.19 1042 426 134 1389
Md.I Buccal cortical bone (n = 20) 1333.30 218.16 1317.5 401 1020 1719
Mx.I Palatal cortical bone (n = 20) 960.30 251.98 1002.5 230 241 1341
Md.I Lingual cortical bone (n = 20) 1276.90 254.80 1226 499 970 1792
Mx.I At 2 mm from the alveolar crest (n = 20) 627.80 239.18 712 335 55 998
Md.I At 2 mm from the alveolar crest (n = 20) 734.55 150.68 708.5 255 453 987
Mx.M Buccal cortical bone (n = 20) 991.70 185.78 999.5 202 537 1254
Md.M Buccal cortical bone (n = 20) 1265.70 187.06 1211.5 329 1008 1564
Mx.M Palatal cortical bone (n = 20) 953.95 211.44 969.5 397 637 1324
Md.M Lingual cortical bone (n = 20) 1068.85 191.09 1020.5 287 782 1551
Mx.M At 2 mm from the alveolar crest (n = 20) 557.45 275.61 563.5 421 31 1003
Md.M At 2 mm from the alveolar crest (n = 20) 561.15 309.87 567 599 92 1079
Legend: Mx.I—Maxillary central incisors; Mx.M—Maxillary first molars; Md.I—Mandibular central incisors;
Md.M—Mandibular first molars; SD—standard deviation; IQR—interquartile range; Min.—minimum; Max.—
maximum, n—number of cases.
Higher HU were observed at the sites of mandibular central incisors compared to the
Prosthesis 2022, 4, FOR PEER REVIEW of maxillary central incisors. The HU values in the mandibular first molars region were
higher than those of the maxillary first molars. The mandibular central incisors presented
the highest HU values among all analyzed areas and structures (Figure 1).
Figure 1.1. Box plot distribution
distribution ofof HU
HU (median,
(median, IQR,
IQR, maximum,
interest; (a)Buccal
bone;(b)(b) Lingual/Palatalcortical
Lingual/Palatal cortical bone;
bone; (c)(c)
AtAt 2 mm
2 mm from
from the the alveolar
alveolar crest
crest in the trabecular bone (for each area of interest a number of eighty measurements were in‐
cluded, corresponding to twenty cases in each of the following sites: maxillary central incisors, man‐
dibular central incisors, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars).
In both maxillary and mandibular alveolar crests, HU were slightly higher for inci‐
Prosthesis 2022, 4 418
in the trabecular bone (for each area of interest a number of eighty measurements were included,
corresponding to twenty cases in each of the following sites: maxillary central incisors, mandibular
central incisors, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars).
In both maxillary and mandibular alveolar crests, HU were slightly higher for incisors
compared to molars, but no significant differences could be proven, except for the lingual
cortical bone of mandibular central incisors vs. mandibular first molars (p = 0.013; Mann
Whitney test). Buccal vs. lingual or palatal cortical HU values did not differ significantly.
3. Discussion
The bone represents a very active tissue that is constantly changing. Bone density
differs depending on the jaw topographic area. The bone with the highest density is usually
found in the anterior mandible, while the least dense bone is located in the posterior
maxillary. Bone density is essential in choosing the type of implant, and it decreases with
age. Investigating the bone density of prospective dental implant sites is crucial both for
choosing the implant type and for choosing the drilling procedure best suited to ensure
implant stability and osseointegration [24].
The aim of this study was achieved by testing the hypotheses of there being no
significant differences between the bone densities in the alveolar crest areas of maxillary
and mandibular central incisors, as well as between those corresponding to maxillary and
mandibular first molars.
As discussed above, in a retrospective study of CT images, Krikos and Misch estab-
lished correlations between bone density categories and HU, with D1 having the highest
value, at >1250 HU, followed by D2, with values ranging from 850 to 1250 HU, and D3,
from 350 to 850 HU; D4 and D5 had the lowest bone density values, at 150 to 350 HU and
<150 HU, respectively. Additionally, it was observed that D1 bone was predominantly
present in the anterior mandible, followed by D2 and D3 bone quality in the anterior
maxillary and posterior mandible. D4 bone quality was primarily observed in the posterior
maxillary [26].
In the current study, bone density was significantly lower at the maxillary level
compared to the mandibular level. Moreover, it was observed that D2 bone was present
both in the maxillary and in the mandibular central incisors area as well as the mandibular
first molars area; contrastingly, in the alveolar crest of maxillary first molars, the D3 bone
was present. These results suggest that bone density should be assessed on a case-by-case
basis, for each patient, and for each anatomic position (Table 2). The mandibular crest of
central incisors presented the highest values of bone density among all analyzed structures.
For all analyzed areas, a tendency toward normal distributions of bone density has been
observed; however, some of those distributions exhibit moderate skewness and a few
outliers, as can be observed in Figure 2.
Sogo et al.’s study, which was conducted using a group of 30 patients, assessed
bone density in the posterior maxillary areas according to sex, and obtained bone density
values between 120 and 1500 HU. The results of the study showed that 495 HU (95% CI;
442–547 HU) represented the average bone density value, which was significantly higher
in males’ posterior maxillary areas as compared to those of females (p = 0.038) [27].
In the current study, the bone density values for the posterior maxillary areas ranged
between 31 and 1564 HU, and the average bone density values for all three structures of
interest were similar.
A variation in bone density values among different studies is noteworthy. This can
be explained by various factors, such as sample size, measuring technique, or inclusion
criteria. Furthermore, it has been suggested that females present lower bone density values
at certain ages, as compared to males [28].
molars area; contrastingly, in the alveolar crest of maxillary first molars, the D3 bone was
present. These results suggest that bone density should be assessed on a case‐by‐case ba‐
sis, for each patient, and for each anatomic position (Table 2). The mandibular crest of
central incisors presented the highest values of bone density among all analyzed struc‐
tures. For all analyzed areas, a tendency toward normal distributions of bone density has
Prosthesis 2022, 4 419
been observed; however, some of those distributions exhibit moderate skewness and a
few outliers, as can be observed in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. (a)
(a) Tracing
areas (square
(square yellow
yellow dots);
dots); (b)(b) Buccal/pala‐
tal, lingual cortical bone, and at 2 mm from the alveolar crest in the trabecular bone.
lingual cortical bone, and at 2 mm from the alveolar crest in the trabecular bone.
The al.’sstudy
study,bywhich Attiliwas conducted
et al., which wasusing a group
conducted of 30a patients,
using group of assessed bone
12 edentulous
density in
subjects (6 the posterior
males maxillaryseeking
and 6 females) areas according to sex, andprosthesis,
implant-supported obtained bone aimeddensity val‐
to assess
ues between 120 and 1500 HU. The results of the study showed
the bone density of the lingual cortical region of the mandible for the edentulous spaces that 495 HU (95% CI; 442–
547 HU) represented
corresponding the average
to the incisors, bone premolars,
canines, density value, and which
molars. was significantly
After obtaining higher
the bone in
males’ posterior maxillary areas as compared to those of females
density values for the above-mentioned areas, the authors applied the Mann-Whitney test (p = 0.038) [27].
In thethe
to analyze current,
They foundthe bone thatdensity
the bone values
densityfor the posterior
of the corticalmaxillary areas ranged
bone presented higher
values for31the
and 1564 HU,
incisors thanand for the
molars. bone density
Regarding thevalues for allbone,
trabecular three bone
values werealsosimilar.
higher for the incisor region than for the molar region. Additionally, a
A variation
correlation in bone
was found density
between thevalues among of
bone density different
the buccalstudies is noteworthy.
cortical This can
bone for all analyzed
be explained by various factors,
areas, both in male and female subjects [29]. such as sample size, measuring technique, or inclusion
criteria. Furthermore,
In the current study, it has been suggested
statistically thatdifferences
significant females present lower between
were found bone density val‐
the bone
ues at certain
density valuesages, as alveolar
of the compared to males
crest between[28].maxillary and mandibular central incisors
in both in palatal,
vivo study by Attili
lingual, and et al., which
buccal corticalwas boneconducted using
(p = 0.001); a groupno
however, of significant
12 edentu‐
lous subjects
differences (6 males
were foundand for 6thefemales)
area atseeking
a depthimplant‐supported
of 2 mm from the alveolar prosthesis,
crestaimed to as‐
(p = 0.029).
sess the bone the maxillary
density ofand themandibular
lingual corticalfirst molars,
region the results
of the showedfor
mandible statistically signif-
the edentulous
spaces differences
correspondingonly between those first
to the incisors, molars
canines, and theirand
premolars, buccal cortical
molars. bone
After (p = 0.001);
obtaining the
there were no significant differences with the palatal or lingual
bone density values for the above‐mentioned areas, the authors applied the Mann‐Whit‐ cortical bones, or with the
area at a to
ney test depth of 2 the
analyze mmdata.fromThey the alveolar
found thatcrestthebetween maxillary
bone density andcortical
of the mandibular
bone first
molars (Table 2).
sented higher values for the incisors than for the molars. Regarding the trabecular bone,
boneThe bonevalues
density density wereof the
higher for bonethefound
the current study
than for presented
the molar higher
region. Ad‐
values for the
ditionally, mandibularwas
a correlation incisors
found and molars,the
between as compared
bone density to the
of maxillary
the buccalbones. Regard-
cortical bone
ing theanalyzed
for all trabecular bone,both
areas, bone indensity
male and values
femalewere higher[29].
subjects for incisors, but not significantly
In the current study, statistically significant differences weretofound
(except for the palatal lingual cortical bone), compared molars.between the bone
These variations in bone density between different
density values of the alveolar crest between maxillary and mandibular regions could be central
due, onincisors
one hand, in
to the difference in functions fulfilled by the two jaws, and, on the other hand, to the
different muscle insertion sites, which differ from region to region.
For an implant therapy to be successful, the most important aspect is proper treatment
planning, which is made possible through dental imaging. It should be noted that to best
determine the steps to be followed in dental implant insertion, each patient’s particularities,
medical history, treatment regimen, and associated pathologies, such as osteoporosis
or former chemo/radiotherapy treatment, should be considered. Nonetheless, CT or
CBCT analysis of the bone tissue remains crucial in choosing the type of implant and
drilling procedure, both from the perspective of bone height and width, and that of bone
density assessment.
Prosthesis 2022, 4 420
The in vitro study by Sugiura et al. compared the primary stability of cylindrical
implants in different types of bone densities with that of tapered implants. The results
of that study indicated that the use of tapered implants was advantageous for improv-
ing the primary stability in patients with a low-density trabecular bone when the crestal
cortical bone was well-represented. Clinically, the effectiveness of tapered implants com-
pared to cylindrical implants can be observed when implants are inserted in the posterior
maxillary [30].
In the current study, the cortical bone presented higher bone density values than the
trabecular bone. This confirms that tapered implants may constitute a superior choice, as
they provide increased (higher) lateral compression and stiffness. This type of implant
allows for better primary stability and a higher success rate of implant integration [26].
The limitations of this study include its retrospective nature, its limited sample size,
and the heterogeneity of the included patients. Because of the limited amount of clinical
information that could be retrieved from medical records, only basic inclusion/exclusion
criteria could be applied to the records; hence the dataset under analysis included a
population of mostly heterogeneous patients.
Further studies regarding the choice of implant types according to the bone density
estimated by CBCT and the success rate of their integration could guide clinicians in
choosing optimal treatment solutions.
HU values were measured twice for each edentulous space on each image (the values
obtained were identical), and the resulting mean measurement was computed and recorded
in a database. The collected data were grouped by tooth position, as presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Structures and areas of interest: for each area, three measurements were performed at the
structures level.
Hemiarches 1 and 2 were grouped under the names of maxillary central incisors and
maxillary first molars for the anterior and posterior areas, respectively. Hemiarches 3 and
4 were also united under the names of mandibular central incisors and mandibular first
molars for the anterior and posterior areas, respectively.
Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 (Armonk, NY, USA).
Quantitative variables were described as mean, standard deviation (SD), median, interquar-
tile range (IQR), and minimum and maximum values. The normality of data distributions
was evaluated using Q-Q plots and the Shapiro-Wilk test. Relevant data representations
were performed and reported using box plots. The Mann-Whitney test for independent
samples was used to test the study hypotheses. The measurements were retrieved from
different patients; therefore, we performed unpaired statistical tests. The significance level
for the investigated hypotheses was set at α = 0.05.
5. Conclusions
Using dedicated software for bone density assessment of prospective dental implant
sites helps clinicians in choosing the best type of implant and an optimal drilling procedure.
The bone density distribution determined in this study concurred with bone density
characteristics found in the published literature. The highest bone density value was found
in the anterior mandibular area, followed by the anterior maxillary area. Conversely, the
lowest bone density values were found in the posterior mandible region, followed by the
posterior maxillary region.
The mandibular central incisor area exhibited higher bone density values compared
to the maxillary central incisor area in all the three analyzed structures. Likewise, the
mandibular first molar area displayed higher bone density compared to that of the maxillary
first molars.
An objective assessment and a site-specific examination of bone density before implant
placement may offer clinicians valuable information for the selection of implant size and
drilling protocol.
The small number of studies performed so far on this topic and the moderate sample
size included in the present study suggest the need for additional research on larger
patient samples.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.M., M.B. and C.D.; methodology, S.B., H.C., A.M. and
C.D.; software, H.C.; validation, L.M., G.B., M.B., S.B., H.C., A.M., O.A. and C.D.; formal analysis, G.B.
and M.B.; investigation, S.B., M.B. and H.C.; resources, L.M. and A.M.; data curation, S.B., O.A. and
C.D.; writing—original draft preparation, L.M., A.M., O.A. and S.B.; writing—review and editing,
L.M., A.M., O.A., H.C. and C.D.; visualization, L.M., G.B., M.B., S.B., H.C., A.M., O.A. and C.D.;
supervision, G.B. and M.B.; project administration, G.B. All authors contributed equally to this paper.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Prosthesis 2022, 4 422
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available from the corresponding
author upon reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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