Roadmap To DataScience and Machine Learning
Roadmap To DataScience and Machine Learning
Roadmap To DataScience and Machine Learning
Data Analysis 1. -To enhance your coding Res 1 Found in Project 1 week - 2
● Pandas and ability by leveraging 4 months
Numpy. Numpy and Pandas, the
most widely used python
libraries in data science.
Tableau software
PowerBI for Visualization -To gain a 360-degree Res Project 7 1 week - 4
overview of how to Res1 weeks
explore and use PowerBI
to build impactful
PowerBI software
Machine Learning 4 -To teach you how you Res 4 Project 12 2 weeks - 1
● Unsupervised_ can use Unsupervised month
Clustering. Learning approaches–
including randomized
optimization, clustering,
and feature selection and
transformation to find
structure in unlabeled
Section 2 is not so compulsory but will make you stand out from a regular Data scientist/Machine
learning Engineer. This is one of the things people whose Research papers you read at Top conferences
do beyond Section 1.
The resources below give even deeper insights into most of the Algorithms you’ve used in your Projects,
we highly recommend you follow through.