Lamco - New Instruction Manual (LA)
Lamco - New Instruction Manual (LA)
Lamco - New Instruction Manual (LA)
A) Lightning Arresters
1. General
4. Energizing/Charging
5. Maintenance.
B) Surge Monitor
1. General
C) Disconnector
1. General
2. Basis of operation
a) Lamco’s Gapless Metal Oxide Surge / Lightning Arrester are meant for protection of
high voltage equipment such as power or distribution transformers, circuit breakers ,
C.T / P.T’s etc., against over voltage of any kind.
b) These arresters are manufactured to meet National & International standards. These
arresters can be generally applied for outdoor installation up to an altitude of 1000
mtrs. Please contact our woks for arresters for altitude more than 1000 mtrs.
c) Each station class Surge / Lightning Arrester contains one or more units. These units
are modular in construction so that they can be assembled one on the other
depending on the overall rating. These individual units will have a separate name
plate indicating rating and other details, if the arrester contains more than one unit.
d) Master name plate is also supplied which indicates the number of units to be
assembled for a given rating of arrester Accordingly, it is advised to stack the arrester
units at site, in the appropriate order as indicated in the master name plate.
e) For Surge / Lightning Arresters of 96 KV and above a grading ring is also supplied to
ensure an equal distribution of voltage across the units. The location and assembling
details of the grading ring is shown in the approved drawings accompanying the
f) Line and ground terminal brackets are also supplied for connection to the high
voltage line and the ground through surge monitor respectively.
The Ammeter indicates the leakage current draining through the arrester under
continuous operating condition. The scale of the ammeter is marked separately to
indicate the healthiness of the Surge / Lightning Arrester by Green and Red Colour.
The first half of the scale which is of Green band indicates that the arrester is healthy
and if the Ammeter reading enters the red band of the scale, it indicates that the life
of the Surge / Lighting Arrester is depleting and needs to be replaced.
The counter is a 6 digit cyclometric counter, records the number of operations of the
Surge / Lightning Arrester while discharging of switching / Lightning Surge Impulses.
Therefore, it is advisable to maintain a record of the leakage current reading and the
surge counter reading of each arrester in the station on periodical basis for analyses.
i) Physical clearances between arrester and grounded objects and inter spacing of
Surge / Lightning Arresters from one another (Phase to Phase) are available in the
approved drawings. It is essential to maintain these distances strictly as per values in
the drawing.
j) While erecting it is suggested to keep the vent port face direction opposite to
transformers and other arresters / equipments so as to prevent damage to them in
the event of failure of arrester.
b) Removal of arrester from packing crate Units can be lifted from the crate using
the venting apertures in the end casting as hand holds or alternatively by
means of a hoist as shown below, dependent on the weight of the unit. After
lifting the arrester from the crate, it should be gently lowered on to a level
surface, taking care not to bump or jolt the unit. It may be necessary to let
the arrester roll over gently when making contact with the ground to avoid
resting on the diaphragm vent ports and allow the arrester to settle on the
flanges. The porcelain sheds should not be allowed to come into contact with
the ground. It may be necessary to place blocks under the flanges since the
porcelain diameter is often slightly larger than the flange.
c) If the weight of the arrester is less than 50kgs two persons can handle the arrester
by lifting uniformly from both sides or use crane to unload.
d) Surge Monitors are packed in individual carton boxes and again repacked in Master
e) Grading Rings are wrapped with stretch film / gunny cloth. Other accessories are
packed in wooden crates.
f) Don’t place the arresters on uneven surfaces, which may fall or may damage the
h) Each consignment contains the bill of materials sent along with the same. Therefore,
after receipt of consignment at site, check thoroughly for damages and quantities of
accessories received and intimate to our works. If the intimation is delayed more than
3 days of material received. we are not responsible of shortage or breakages.
j) Kindly ensure to protect porcelain petticoats and polymer sheds of arrester while
unloading or storing. Don’t use any anchors or hocks on the sheds for unloading. Use
only from the casting holes.
k) Store the hardware indoor and security identified locations only to avoid theft or
misplace. If the hardware misplaces erection of arrester is difficult. Kindly ensure the
quantity of hardware while unloading according to bill of material.
l) Don’t over load top of the rings to avoid bends, dents or damages.
m) Store galvanized hardwares like ground terminal brackets, line terminal brackets,
Surge monitor brackets, nuts and bolts, Clamps & Cables etc in non-moisture area for
better & secure life.
n) Pack the material properly after acknowledgment of material upto erecting time to
avoid damages.
a) Before installation ensures the earth resistance was below 2 Ohm. For best
performance of the lightning arrester for solidly earthed systems.
b) WARNING: Arresters applied at voltages higher than rating may cause damage
and/or injury. Check the arrester rating, marked clearly on the nameplate, to
assure correct application.
d) The mounting surface must be flat and level, so that the unit, when installed,
is standing true and vertical. Shim where necessary. If the unit is being
mounted to a rigid steel structure the same care should be exercised to ensure
that the points of contact with the mounting feet are level.
e) Failure to observe this simple precaution could result in stresses being set up
in the flange when bolted down, resulting in possible damage to the seals or
porcelain housing.
g) If insulators are not required, bolt the arrester or the bottom unit of a multi-
section arrester, directly to the mounting surface, ensuring correct location of
the diaphragm directional vent ports, and diaphragm deflector plate.
h) Vertical / Inverted installation. The shed profile of the surge arrester must
always point downwards to allow water to run off the arrester. If an arrester is
incorrectly mounted upside down, water can pool in the arrester sheds,
leading to a risk of flashover and subsequent short circuit.
i) For arresters comprising more than one unit section, check the level of the top
flange surface after the bottom unit has been finally bolted up, to ensure a flat
and level seating for the next unit.
j) Install the remaining units as indicated on the main nameplate of the arrester,
with the highest unit number at the top of the stack, ensuring all diaphragm
directional vent ports are in alignment and diaphragm deflector plates are in
k) All unit connecting bolts are provided SS/ MS HDG Bolts, Nuts and washers.
The unit sections should be raised gently without shocking or jarring the
assembly, and extra care should be taken when lowering on to the unit
already erected.
l) Do not allow the flange or flanges of one unit to clash with those of a unit
already erected.
Aluminium grading and corona rings are supplied, these are fitted to the
completed arrester stack by means of the bolts, which are fitted on the top of
line terminal bracket to avoid gaps.
o) Line connection: The arrester will normally be provided with either a centrally
mounted pad or cylindrical stem or a side of top unit flange. Kindly fix as per
the drawing.
p) Insulating Base (or) Base mounting insulators: Base insulators are used to
isolate the base end of the arrester from ground when it is desired to install an
instrument for measuring leakage current or recording discharges through the
arrester (SURGE MONITOR).
The insulators are not included as part of the standard arrester and are
provided only when ordered.
When supplied, the insulators are fitted between the mounting surface and the
bottom unit of the arrester and must be installed first and the arrester then
assembled on top.
NOTE: When insulators are installed and surge counters not immediately
fitted, the ground connection must be made to the ground terminal of the
arrester base flange in the same manner as for arrester assemblies without
r) Kindly ensure to connect Line terminal bracket on the top arrester unit and then the
connector, grading ring and corona ring to avoid gaps between arrester and the
t) As a pre commissioning test, conduct insulation resistance test with 5kV insulation
tester for above or equal 60kv and 2.5kv insulation tester below 60kv Arresters.
Ensure insulation resistance should be >1Giga ohm.
a) Please do not climb the Surge / Lightning Arrester Units for installation so as to
avoid falling of Arrester from the structure due to inclined bending forces acting on
the Surge / Lightning Arrester units as a result of the weight of person climbing to
avoid injury.
b) Avoid air gaps between any electricals joints.
a) Check the rigidity of the connection of the Line Conductor to the Surge / Lightning
Arrester. There should not be any loose connections.
b) Check the rigidity of the inter unit connection; there should not be any loose
c) Check the rigidity of the connections at Ground Terminal Bracket and Surge Monitor.
There should not be any loose connection.
d) After charging the Surge / Lightning Arrester, check whether the leakage current
measured in the Ammeter of the Surge Monitor is measured or not.
a) If the sub-station is located near sealine / chemical / carbon polluted areas –it is
suggested to clean the external housing periodically so as to prevent external
tracking of the Polymer body of the Surge / Lightning Arrester to prevent occurrence
of external flash over.
b) Values of leakage current and counter reading have to be logged on periodical basis
for analysis. Atleast one reading per day.
c) conduct insulation resistance test with 5kV insulation tester for above or equal 60kv
and 2.5kv insulation tester below 60kv Arresters. Ensure insulation resistance should
be >1Giga ohm on every maintenance shut down.
d) If the leakage current value exceeds and reads in to red band of the Surge Monitor
Milli Ammeter, it indicates that the Surge / Lightning Arrester is depleting suggesting
change of the Arrester.
• Surge monitor is a device which monitors the healthiness of lightning arrester which
has two functions:
Monitor leakage current of lightning arrester when it is in charged condition. This has a
scale of 0-10 mA { 0 to 6 mA = Green zone (Healthy condition) {6 to 10 mA= Red Zone
(deteriorating Condition).
This counts the number of impulses that has discharged through surge arrester while in
service. *This device does not protect the lightning arrester.
a) The discharge current passing through the arrester during impulse has no obstruction
what so ever has shown in circuit as there is no existence of another potential at the
bottom of arrester.
b) The counter and the ammeter which connected are connected in parallel to NLR block
does not obstruct the discharge current path.
The surge monitor should be connected with a provided cable/strip from the bottom
of the arrester above the insulating base(support insulator) to the HV terminal of the
surge monitor and earth through the LV terminal of the surge monitor as shown in
the following diagram.
a) Seal leak test: Surge monitors are dipped for 30 minutes under 1.5mtr water column.
b) Test on Milli Ammeter: The surge monitor is connected in series with the calibrated
testing kit and the know current is applied and the ammeter is calibrated (0-10mA/0-
c) Test on surge counter (Standard Impulse current): The surge monitor is connected in
series with the calibrated testing kit and 98 low surge current impulses of 100A and 2
impulses 10kA/20kA surge current in series with the arrester is passed. Hence all the
surge monitor counter reading will be Approx. 100.
Impulses should be given through 9/12/24volts battery and check for the functioning
of the ammeter that confirms the healthiness of the surge monitor.
1) Don’t open the arrester in site for condition monitoring or any repair works. It is
not suggested by LAMCO.
2) Don’t use any hucks on the polymer or porcelain sheds of arrester to move or
drag. It will damage the housing. Lamco is not responsible for that kind of
3) Erect unit by unit on to the structure.
4) Do not open the surge monitor under any circumstances as the bolts and nuts
of the cover are tightened with a known torque & to avoid leak.
5) Do not use 230 volts power supply for testing the surge monitor as the counter
has a 24volt coil hence it will get burnt up.
6) Do not use insulation tester for testing the surge monitor as the 24Volt DC
protection kit will get short circuited.
7) Precaution should be taken while installation to avoid any conductive path
coming in between the line and the earth terminals of the surge monitor.
1) General:
Note: The standard arrester disconnector is not an interrupting device. It may break
the fault current upon operation, but only under ideal conditions such as low fault
2) Basis of Operation:
Commonly used designs available today include a heating element, steady state
bypass element and a separation element. Electrically it is represented by below
Figure. During steady state operation the arrester leakage current is conducted
around the heating element and separation element. The separation element is
generally a small explosive device that is heat activated. During lightning surges, the
heat generated in the disconnector is not adequate to ignite the separation element.
The separation element is designed such that it only operates when fault current
flows through the device. Since the disconnector does not interrupt fault current, an
over-current device will be required to operate when an arrester is overloaded and
Due to the fact that arrester disconnectors contain an activation element that is
capable of exploding and separating the ground lead when exposed to the heat of
ground fault current, it is also capable of operating the same way put in a fire.
Therefore disposal should not include incineration.
b) Disconnectors is that the device is heat activated and should not be heated in an
oven above 150C because it could activate the device.
It is important to note that when the disconnector operates and does disconnect the
earth end of the arrester, the attached lead must have adequate length to allow it to
create a gap between the bottom of the arrester and the disconnected half of the
device. The flexibility of the lead also needs to be considered to insure that the device
can create the aforementioned gap.
Typically bus bar will cause a disconnecting problem, and ordinary flexible lead is
adequate. Solid or stranded conductors with diameters up to 1 cm are generally
easily disconnected from the arrester on typical devices. When arresters are mounted
on a cross arm in parallel to each other, it is important that the arrester in the middle
not have its earth lead bound in place by the two outside units. This can lead to a
sustained outage even though the disconnector did activate and attempt to isolate
the arrester.