Audit and Assurance AP
Audit and Assurance AP
Audit and Assurance AP
Audit Planning
A. The auditor may believe that the policies and procedures are inappropriate for that
B. entity.
C. The board of directors may not be aware of management's attitude toward the
control environment.
D. Management may establish appropriate policies and procedures but not act on
E. The policies and procedures may be so weak that no reliance is contemplated by the
3. After the study and evaluation of a client's internal control policies and procedures has
been completed, an auditor might decide to
A. Increase the extent of substantive testing in areas where the internal control
policies and procedures are strong.
B. Reduce the extent of control testing in areas where the internal control policies and
procedures are strong.
C. Reduce the extent of both substantive and control testing in areas where the
internal control policies and procedures are strong.
D. Increase the extent of substantive testing in areas where the internal controls are
4. A conceptually logical approach to the auditor's evaluation of internal accounting control
consists of the following four steps:
I. Determine whether the necessary procedures are prescribed and are being followed
IV. Evaluate any weakness to determine its effect on the nature, timing, or extent of
auditing procedures to be applied and suggestions to be made to the client.
What should be the order in which these four steps are performed?
a. III, IV, I, II
b. III, I, II, IV
c. II, III, I, IV
d. II, I, III, IV
6. The auditor is studying internal control policies and procedures within the sales,
shipping, and billing subset of the revenue cycle. Which of the following conditions
suggests a need for additional testing of controls?
c. Internal control over billing and shipping is thought to be strong and the auditor
considers additional testing of selected controls will result in a major reduction in
substantive testing.
d. Internal control over the recording of sales is found to be weak and the sales are evenly
divided among a large number of customers.
7. A secondary objective of the auditor's study and evaluation of internal control is that the
study and evaluation provide
b. A basis for reducing the auditor's assessed level of control risk below the maximum level.
c. An assurance that the records and documents have been maintained in accordance with
existing company policies and procedures.
d. A basis for determination of the resultant extent of the tests to which auditing
procedures are to be restricted.
8. In studying the design and implementation of a client's internal controls, the auditor
needs to identify necessary control points. Controls existing at these points may be
classified as "accuracy" controls and "safeguard" controls. Which of the following controls
may be regarded as a safeguard control?
b. Sales prices are stored in computer memory and are automatically applied as stock
numbers are entered from customer orders.
c. Although the payroll is prepared manually, a second employee recalculates gross pay,
withholdings, and net pay.
d. Negotiable securities are kept in a locked vault and are accessible only by the treasurer
accompanied by one of her assistants.
9. The auditor's review of the client's internal control is documented in order to
a. Select and examine canceled checks and ascertain that the related receiving reports are
dated no earlier than the checks.
b. Select and examine canceled checks and ascertain that the related receiving reports are
dated no later than the checks.
c. Select and examine receiving reports and ascertain that the related canceled checks are
dated no earlier than the receiving reports.
d. Select and examine receiving reports and ascertain that the related canceled checks are
dated no later than the receiving reports.
11. When considering internal control, an auditor must be aware of the concept of
reasonable assurance which recognizes that
c. The cost of internal control should not exceed the benefits expected to be derived from
internal control.
a. Bank accounts have not been reconciled in the last nine months, including the last month
of the fiscal year.
b. The corporate controller, unknown to the board of directors, has submitted her
resignation effective two months from now.
c. Perpetual inventory records contain numerous errors and can no longer be relied upon
to reflect proper inventory levels.
d. Although documents are prenumbered, they are not safeguarded and are not being used
in numerical sequence.
a. Selection of accounts receivable for confirmation, based upon the internal auditor's
judgment as to how many accounts and which accounts will provide sufficient coverage.
14. An auditor uses the knowledge provided by the understanding of internal control and
the final assessed level of control risk primarily to determine the nature, timing, and extent
of the
15. Flowcharting as a means of internal control evaluation provides the following
advantage over the use of questionnaires and descriptive narratives:
a. Ease of preparation.
c. Simplicity.
16. Which of the following factors most likely affects the auditor's judgment about the
quantity, type, and content of working papers?
c. The timing of substantive tests completed prior to the balance sheet date.
d. The usefulness of the working papers as a reference source for the client.
17. If the independent auditors decide that the work performed by the internal auditor may
have a bearing on their own procedures, they should consider the internal auditor's
a. Provide a basis for reducing the assessed level of control risk below that which resulted
from the auditor's initial understanding of internal control.
b. Reduce the risk that errors or fraud which are not prevented or detected by internal
control are not detected by the independent audit.
c. Provide assurance that transactions are executed in accordance with management's
authorization and accessed to assets is limited by a segregation of functions.
20. The independent auditor should acquire an understanding of the internal audit function
as it relates to the independent auditor's study and evaluation of internal control because
a. The audit programs, working papers, and reports of internal auditors can often be used
as a substitute for the work of the independent auditor's staff.
b. The procedures performed by the internal audit staff may eliminate the independent
auditor's need for an extensive study and evaluation of internal control.
c. The work performed by internal auditors may be a factor in determining the nature,
timing, and extent of the independent auditor's procedures.
21. In the assessment of control risk, the auditor is basically concerned that the client's
internal control provides reasonable assurance that
22. Which of the following may be considered an appropriate means for further testing
controls over vendor payments?
c. Develop a set of hypothetical transactions designed to test existing controls over vendor
payments (e.g., introduce into the system, a voucher containing an invoice for raw
materials but lacking a purchase order and/or receiving report.)
23. Which of the following statements concerning the independent auditor's required
communication of material weaknesses in internal control is correct?
b. If the auditor does not become aware of any material weaknesses during the
examination, that fact must be communicated.
c. Weaknesses that had been reported in prior years' communications and have not been
corrected need not be repeated in the current year's communication.
24. Which of the following would be the best procedure to determine whether purchases
were properly authorized?
receiving reports.
25. After studying and evaluating a client's existing internal control, an auditor has
concluded that the policies and procedures are well designed and functioning as intended.
Under these circumstances, the auditor would most likely
a. Perform further control tests to the extent outlined in the audit program.
b. Determine the control policies and procedures that should prevent or detect errors and
c. Set detection risk at a higher level than would be set under conditions of weak internal
d. Set detection risk at a lower level than would be set under conditions of weak internal
26. An auditor is required to obtain a basic understanding of the client's internal control to
plan the audit. The auditor may then decide to perform tests of controls on all internal
control procedures
c. Considered to be weaknesses that might allow errors to enter the accounting system.
d. Considered to be strengths for which the auditor desires further reduction in the
assessed level of control risk.
27. The auditor's understanding of the client's internal control is documented in order to
28. To determine whether the client's system of internal control operated effectively to
minimize errors of failure to invoice a shipment, the auditor would select a sample of
transactions from the population represented by the
29. When evaluating a client's system of internal control to determine whether the
necessary procedures are prescribed and have been implemented satisfactorily, an auditor
30. Of the following internal control policies or procedures, which would most likely allow
for a reduction in the scope of the auditor's tests of depreciation expense?
a. Review and approval of the periodic equipment depreciation entry by a supervisor who
does not actively participate in its preparation.
b. Comparison of equipment account balances for the current year with the current-year
budget and prior-year actual balances.
c. Review of the miscellaneous income account for salvage credits and scrap sales of
partially depreciated equipment.
31. Tracing copies of sales invoices to shipping documents will provide evidence that all
c. Debits to the subsidiary accounts receivable ledger are for sales shipped.
33. An independent auditor has concluded that the client's records, procedures and
representations can be relied upon based on tests made during the year when internal
control was found to be effective. The auditor should test the records, procedures, and
representations again at year-end if
a. Inquiries and observations lead the auditor to believe that conditions have changed
b. Comparisons of year-end balances with like balances at prior dates revealed significant
c. Unusual transactions occurred subsequent to the completion of the interim audit work.
d. Client records are in a condition that facilitate effective and efficient testing.
34. An auditor is least likely to further test control procedures by examining documents
with respect to controls relating to
entries in the