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A Waste Hero Story

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Lesson Prep & Curriculum Alignment

Prep time: 10 – 15 minutes

Students will review and refresh their knowledge of recycling and the negative effects on the environment without recycling
best practices. They will also be introduced to the concept of “waste leakage” as a result of not recycling and mismanagement
of recyclables.
They will work in small groups or individually to create a “Waste Hero” story with a message to inform, inspire, and encourage
others to take action against waste in our environment. Students will move through a series of exercises to help them think
through and develop the core message of their story to help inspire others to take action.

1 Display the lesson slides for the class and create a discussion about what they already know about recycling and
introduce the concept or waste leakage and ocean bound waste. Ask students the guiding questions in the
PowerPoint slide notes.

2 Print out the “YES/NO” handout, the “Storyboard“, and the “Story Planner” handout.
Gather all kinds of art supplies and poster boards (1 per group or per student)

Lesson Prep & Curriculum Alignment
Prep time: 10 – 15 minutes

Key Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Alignment:

• Science - Earth and Human Activity: Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or
other living things in the local environment. Things that people do can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that
reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things.
• English Language Arts and Literacy: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about topics and texts. Follow
agreed-upon rules for discussions. Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding
to texts.

SDG Alignment
Flexible and adaptive lesson
Lesson plans are designed to be flexible and responsive to the evolving needs of your
classroom. Lessons are editable and customizable to meet the different individual student
and classroom contexts. A PowerPoint version with teacher instructions and a printable
PDF lesson are available for download.
The Lesson
Lesson duration: 25 - 30 minutes

1 Introduce the lesson to your students by asking about their knowledge of what can and cannot be recycled. Display the
“YES/NO” slide or print the handout as a reference.
• Create an open discussion about the basics of recycling.
• Do you recycle?
• What can be recycled?
• What cannot be recycled?
• Ask for them to give a few examples of each.

2 Students will create a Waste Hero story to inspire and influence others to take action against waste in the environment. Students
will take notes of recycling best practices, waste statistics and facts to support the main message of their story. Use the story
design slides and the Story Planner and Storyboard handouts to help them create their story.

3 Print out the “Story Planner” and the “Storyboard” handouts for the students to fill out in class. Students will likely need 4 or
more storyboard handouts to create their story. They can work in a group or individually and you can also extend the lesson by
having them write out their story from their storyboard and share it with the class.

Prepare the PowerPoint presentation

When you are ready to present the lessons to your class click on Slide Show on the top menu bar then
select Presenter View. In Presenter view, you can see your notes as you present while the audience see only
your slides.

The notes appear in a pane on the right. The text should

wrap automatically, and a vertical scroll bar appears if
necessary. You can also change the size of the text in the
Notes pane by using the two buttons at the lower left
corner of the Notes pane.

Glass jar PET Plastic bottle Shoes Metal can Light bulb Juice box Dirty napkin

Plastic bag Toys

Pencil Banana peel
Cardboard box Garden hose


Always recycle: Never recycle:

Banana peel Dirty napkin Garden hose

Glass jar PET Plastic bottle

Light bulb Juice box Shoes

Cardboard box Metal can Toys Plastic bag Pencil

Create A “Waste Hero” Story
Create a story based on your Waste Hero and a “call to action” to inspire and inform others
to reduce waste in the environment and to save the world.

Your story should:

• Inform others about what can be recycled

in your area
• Inspire your audience to recycle more and
how to do it better
• Create a storyboard that can be made into
a written story or film
• Your main character should be your
“Waste Hero”

How do we prevent waste leakage into our environment?

Practice The 3 Steps to Recycling

1 Know what you can recycle 2 Empty, clean, and dry before 3 Put recyclables into the
putting in the bin. correct recycling bin.

What is your Waste Hero’s Message to Inform and Inspire?

Recycling Best
Practices & Tips Keep your
Separate recyclables dry –
combined materials less than a
teaspoon of liquid

If you can poke

If your recycling Never recycle
your finger
container smells, it anything smaller
through it,
is contaminated than an ID card
do not recycle it

Ocean Waste

How much ocean waste
is mistakenly eaten by
ocean animals?

Nearly half of the world's turtles have eaten plastic

Recycling Tips we can share to inspire others to recycle.

Find the #1PET on the bottom of plastic

Recycle items into the correct recycling bin
bottles and recycle it. PET plastic bottles are
where you see the recycling symbol.
fully recyclable.

Recycling Tips we can share to inspire others to recycle.

Do not put food in the recycling bin. Use less single use materials like plastic
Wet and dirty recycling items cannot be bags and plastic straws we only use one
collected. time.

More facts for inspiration

1 It takes nearly 450 years for a plastic bottle to decompose in a


2 It takes glass about 4,000 years to decompose in a landfill.

There is a huge “garbage island” floating in the ocean 2x the size

of the state of Texas.

Human generated waste has been found in the deepest part of

4 the ocean, and at the tallest mountain peak in the world.

5 PET Plastic is the most recycled plastic in the world.

What is your “Waste
Hero’s” message to

How to design your story

Setting: Introduce your setting with a Title: Give your story a title.
short paragraph • Make it short and catchy
• Where are your characters?
• What is the time? Characters: Write two sentences to
• What can they see introduce your character(s).
• e.g. Recycleman is from the planet Plasto 5
lightyears from earth. He can fly at the speed of
light and travels to earth to help children at
Dialogue: Write your character’s name schools learn about recycling plastic.

before they speak

• Indicate when your characters are Main message:
speaking with parenthesis. e.g. “We • Do not try to say too much at once.
• Choose one or two simple main messages
should recycle more” said Mark. to encourage people to recycle.
• Support your message with interesting
stats and facts from this lesson.

Map Out Your Ideas

Trashman sneaks into schools to tell students they do not Does Recycleman need a side kick?
need to recycle and to just throw all waste in the same trash

Twist in the story:

Possible titles:
Recycleman was captured and
• Recycleman and the Landfill Recycleman fights to keep the locked deep inside the stinky and
of Doom world recycling and to keep the toxic landfill by Trashman
• The Age of Waste environment healthy.
• Trashman Attacks

Recycleman faces many challenges such as people who

Recycleman must avoid his biggest
litter, their poor recycling knowledge, and Trashman who
enemy Trashman
wants all waste to go to his secret, scary landfill.

Make a List of the Key Events

1 It was a cold dark night on planet Plastico 4 Recycleman found a select group of student
when Recycleman got a call from earth. activists to set up more recycling around the
world’s schools.

2 Trashman has invaded local schools to tell 5 Recycleman fought Trashman at the secret,
kids not to recycle. scary landfill and was captured and buried
deep below the trash.

3 Recycleman had to fly to earth and wage a 6 The student activists found enough recycling
battle against Trashman. to build a giant shovel to uncover and save

Write Your Story To Persuade

A relatable story Use facts to support the message

Get your audience to understand the problems of not Using facts and figures is an effective way to validate your
recycling through your Waste Hero story. message. Some data points can really help illustrate the problem.

e.g., If Trashman wins the battle more waste will e.g., It takes a glass jar 4,000 years to decompose in a landfill.
harm our environments we live in.

Repeat your message Use some humor

Repeating your message throughout your story is an Grab the reader’s attention with humor which can make them
effective way to ensure your audience remembers. more open to your message.

e.g., Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Story Planner

Title of your story: Use this story planner to help create your story
Key characters
Who will read your story?
List your main character(s) below. Write a sentence to
describe your character(s).
Write one thing your audience needs to know about recycling to
help them recycle more and better.

Main message Describe the location of where your story takes place.
What is the overall message in your story to influence your
audience to recycle more?

Create A Storyboard

Draw a picture in each box of the events in your story. Write a description under each picture.

Example Storyboard


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