LE - Learning Guide
LE - Learning Guide
LE - Learning Guide
Unit Guide
Trimester 1 2023-2024
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Program Administrator Nguyen Truong An Address: 17 Pham Ngoc Thach Street, District
3, HCM City
Phone: 08 54465555 (Ex: 168)
Email: an.nguyen@isb.edu.vn
In this course, students explore the current landscape of entrepreneurship and practice a human-centered
approach to solving problems. To this end, students are encouraged to explore different theories and
perspectives on leadership as well as entrepreneurship and apply them to real-life business situations. In the
process, students gain valuable leadership skills, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, and learn how to
work with diverse teams to pursue their own entrepreneurial ventures or to become innovators within existing
Man101-Principles of Management
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ULO1 Apply innovation and leadership principles to develop a new venture or to drive innovation
within existing organizations
ULO2 Collaborate effectively in diverse teams in pursuit of common goals
ULO3 Reflect on the skills and qualities required to develop an entrepreneurial mindset
ULO5 Critically evaluate understandings of leadership based on experiential and theoretical learning
ULO6 Connect with real entrepreneurs and gain an understanding of the challenges and
opportunities of entrepreneurship
In line with its focus on assuring students’ skills in unit learning outcomes 1-6 above, this unit is also
responsible for introducing/developing/assuring the following program-level learning outcomes (PLOs):
PLO3 Teamwork
Convey ideas and information effectively to a range of audiences for a variety of purposes and
contribute in a positive and collaborative manner to achieving common goals.
PLO5 Ethics
Critically assess ethical issues in the emerging media and entrepreneurship landscape
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6.2. Attendance
It is strongly recommended that students attend all scheduled learning activities to support their learning.
Other cases equating to an absence:
– Arriving to class late by 15 minutes at the beginning,
– Arriving late by 5 minutes after the break
– Leaving prior to the scheduled end time without the permission of the lecturer
6.3. Online learning requirements
Unit materials will be made available on the unit’s E-Learning site. You are expected to consult E-learning
at least twice a week, as all unit announcements will be made via the platform. Teaching and learning
materials will be regularly updated and posted online by the teaching team.
6.4. Feedback on assessments
Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving
the learning outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work
such as an assessment task, a performance, or a product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external
assessor or a student peer, and may be given individually or to a group of students. At ISB, it is the
responsibility of all students to seek out and act on feedback that is provided as a resource for further
6.5. General submission requirements
– All assignments must be submitted by the specified due date and time. If there are extenuating or
unforeseen circumstances, students must follow the school’s policies and procedures accordingly.
– All students must complete assignments and strictly follow instructions on how to submit. The
students must keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.
– If a student submits a late assessment without receiving a formal approval for an extension of
time (on the basis of an agreement between the school and the instructor), that one will be
penalized by 10% per day for up to 10 days. In other words, marks equal to 10% of the
assignment’s weight will be deducted from the mark awarded.
6.6. Special Requirements
– Essential equipment: Not applicable
– Legislative pre-requisites: Not applicable
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Suggested Reading
Suggested Websites
• Entrepreneur.com
• Wired.com
• Inc.com
• Harvard Business Review – Entrepreneurship
• IDEO.com / IDEOu.com
• dSchool.stanford.edu
• Masters of Scale Podcast
• How I Built This Podcast (NPR)
TEDx Talks
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M A N 1 01 PR I N C I P L E S O F M A N A G E M E NT
Learning Lecturer in
Week Session Content Student works in detail
materials charge
- Introduction & course
-Welcome: Unit Overview overview
1 - Introduction to Read Chapter 1 - What Is Entrepreneurship Main lecturer
Entrepreneurship and Why Is It Important?
- Discuss: What makes an
Consultation for -Watch the TED entrepreneurial leader?
Entrepreneurial video: “The -Confirm the choice of the
2 Power of an entrepreneurial leader Project Mentor
Leadership Analysis and
Entrepreneurial - Confirm the final business
final project Mindset” plan’s scope
Opportunities & Read chapter 2 -Ways to identify
3 and 3 opportunities Main lecturer
Generating Ideas.
- Feasibility Analysis
-Feasibility Analysis.
-Developing an Effective - Developing an Effective
Business Model Business Model
Read chapter
3 4 - Industry and Competitor - Industry and Competitor Main lecturer
Analysis Analysis
- Unique Marketing Issues - Branding
Entrepreneurship Project
5 - Pre-seed stage Project Mentor
Writing a Business - Guidelines for Writing a
Plan Read chapter 6 Business Plan
4 6 Main lecturer
Assessing a New Venture’s Read chapter 8 - Introduction to Financial
Financial Strength and Management
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